Persona 4 - Chapter 80: Girls

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CHAPTER 80: Girls

November 8, 2011. Tuesday

> You've done everything that could have possibly been done... All you can do is wait for Nanako's recovery now.

> You should hurry to school...

> Classes have ended for today.

> Nanako is in no condition to be visited. You must wait for her to recover.

[Yomenaido Bookstore]

Avid reader: You have the Fashionable Dishes that I asked for, don't you? Could I have them now?

Give them to him ✓
Another time

Avid reader: All right! I hope a book is enough compensation for your efforts.

> Received Picross Rules!

Avid reader: Hmm... It probably isn't. Tell you what, why don't you take this too?

> Received 10000 yen.

Avid reader: Thank you. This will make my sister happy.

> Completed Quest 40: "Acquire Some Fashionable Dishes"

[Shopping District, South]

Avid reader: You're starting to have the look of a real intellectual. That's great! Say, do you have a moment? There's something I'd like to talk to you about.

Listen ✓
"I'm busy!"

Avid reader: I've gone and bought myself a huge bookcase. Now I can treasure my books on display after I've read them. I'm going to stop giving you pieces from my collection... Sorry. ...Well... I'll give you one more! But this is the last time. Will you hear me out?

Listen ✓
"Oh, look at the time.”

Avid reader: You'll listen? Thank you! This isn't really a request. Think of it as a game. I want to see if you remember what my books have taught you. Okay, let's go! You'll have to answer four questions in a row, alright? Okay, let's go! You'll have to answer four questions in a row, alright?

> Accepted Quest 45: "A Test of Literary Memory"

Avid reader: Question #1: What fact ISN'T told in The Gentle Way?

Origins of the techniques
Judo trivia
Judo medalist names ✓

Avid reader: Correct! Question #2: What does the book The Punk's Way cover?

How one can become a punk
How one should live as a punk ✓
How one punk lived his life

Avid reader: Correct! Way to go! Question #3! In Guide to Pests, how many pages were used per pest?

1 page per pest ✓
2 pages per pest
3 pages per pest

Avid reader: Correct! Just a little longer. Question #4. In Picross Rules! what's the solution to the gold medal-winning puzzle?

Me ✓

Avid reader: Amazing! You got them all right! That really is surprising. To be honest, I didn't think you could get all of those. You really did read all the books I gave you. I'm so happy. It's fun to read a book, but I realized that it's fun to talk to someone about books, too. I learned this because of you, so thank you.

> Received Who Am I?

> Completed Quest 45: "A Test of Literary Memory"

[Classroom Building, 1F]

Naoto: ...Oh, Yu-san, I hope they allow Nanako-chan to have visitors soon… ...Of course, there's nothing we can do about that. Oh, if you don't mind, I'm free today...

> Naoto is trying to make you feel better...

> Since you have Fortuna, a Persona of the Fortune Arcana, you feel you could be closer…

> You feel your relationship with Naoto is going to become closer soon...

> Will you spend the afternoon with Naoto?

Spend time with Naoto ✓
Check Social Link rank

Naoto: Yes, please.

> Naoto looks happy.

> Samegawa flood plain…

> Naoto is thinking carefully as she stares at the two cards laid out in front of her...

Naoto: These cards came from Shiroku Store. When I talked with the owner, her description matched the one you gave. This "Phantom Thief" purchased these cards mere days before handing one to you… If that's the case, it's hard to imagine that any elaborate process was performed on the card. Although... I do detect the faint, lingering scent of citrus. A very weak cologne, perhaps… *sigh* What should I do...?

"Soak it."
"Burn it." ✓
"Eat it."

Naoto: Burn it... Reduce it to ashes? I don't suppose there's anything inside… ...Ah!

> Naoto has realized something.

Naoto: Impossible... but... could it be...? ...Your house is closer. Let's go test it out now!

> You headed to your house, practically dragged by Naoto...

> Your house...

> As you toast the card with the fire from the stove, burnt letters appear...

Naoto: It really was invisible ink… A grown man, employing such childish tricks!? And this sentence here...

> The card reads as follows...

Writing on the card: Eating letters with a red face.

Naoto: "Eating letters with a red face"...? This is...

"A riddle." ✓
"A mailbox."
"A goat."

Naoto: Ahh, indeed it is. You're good with riddles, I see.

> Naoto smiles. She seems to be having fun...

Naoto: A mailbox... There was one in the shopping district. Let's go!

> Central shopping district, at the mailbox next to Daidara...

> It seems there was something hidden behind the mailbox...

Naoto: This is… Grampa had this? Why did he keep it...?

"What was it?"
"Good, you got it back.”

Naoto: Huh...? Oh... Y-Yes...

> Naoto's face is red for some reason...

Naoto: I made this... when I was a child. It's a… A... detective badge… It has no real function, though… A petty challenge... And the prize was this stolen detective badge… ...I have an idea who the Phantom Thief might be, but none as to his motive… This is an important case to me. And yet... without you, I'd never have cracked it. …Rather, I wouldn't have bothered… ...Thank you, Yu-san.

> Naoto is showing her unconcealed smile, a rare occurrence...

> You feel your relationship with Naoto has grown deeper...

> The Naoto Shirogane Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

> Naoto's determination in battle has been enhanced...

> Naoto can now cure severe ailments during battle!

Naoto: Normally, I'd think this isn't the time to play along with such games, but… I, er... I think I'll let this play out... And, umm, if possible...

"I guess I'll help.”
"Let's do it.” ✓
"You're on your own.”

Naoto: Huh...? Oh, y-yes... Let's.

> Naoto is blushing.

> You walked Naoto to her house and went home.

> You can work as a tutor today.

> You tutored Shu.

Shu: It comes after the word "have," SO I should be using the past participle... "done," right?

> You began to explain the sentence to him in an easily understood manner.

> Your Expression has increased.

Shu: ...Is English all about memorization, too? Math is just remembering the right formulas and applying them. Chemistry is just remembering chemical equations. The tests are just there to see if you can remember them, and to penalize you if you forget...

Shu: …Is there any bullying at your school?

"Yes, there is.”
"No, there isn't."
"Not that I know of..."

Shu: I guess I'd expect that from people in high school. You're more mature.

> Shu nods.

Shu: It's not like they're punching him or hiding things from him or anything... They're not stealing his money… It's just that he… He doesn't have a place there. Maybe that's not the same thing as bullying.

"Just ignore them.”
"Put some effort into it."
"Leave it to me." ✓

Shu: ...Sensei. Oh... Uh, thank you.

> Shu looks happier.

Shu: Oh, uh... It's not about me. It's about... the transfer student. The one I was talking about before. Not me. It seems that I've been talking to you about things that really aren't relevant to my studies...

"It's not like you.”
"I don't mind." ✓

> You told Shu that his talking about school didn't bother you.

> Your Understanding has increased.

Shu: ...Thank you.

> Shu seems somewhat happy.

Shu: Umm... You'll come again, won't you? Umm... You'll come again, won't you?

> It seems that Shu is starting to open up to you...

> You feel that your relationship with Shu has deepened.

> The Tutored Student Social Link has reached level 5!

> Your power to create Personas of the Tower Arcana has grown!

Shu: Then... take care.

> You finished your tutoring job and went home.

> You earned 10000 yen from your tutoring job.

> Classes have ended for today.

> Nanako is in no condition to be visited. You must wait for her to recover.

[Classroom Building, 1F]

Naoto: ...Oh, Yu-san. I hope they allow Nanako-chan to have visitors soon… ...Of course, there's nothing we can do about that. Oh, if you don't mind, I'm free today...

> Naoto is trying to make you feel better...

Naoto: Um... There's something I want you to see.

> Since you have Fortuna, a Persona of the Fortune Arcana, you feel you could be closer...

> Will you spend the afternoon with Naoto?

Spend time with Naoto ✓
Check Social Link rank

> Will you spend the afternoon with Naoto?

Naoto: Yes, please.

> Naoto looks happy.

> Samegawa flood plain…

> Naoto brought a new challenge from the Phantom Thief...

Naoto: This was in my mailbox this morning. The Phantom Thief knows where I live… ...Which means he had other reasons for having you deliver the first card. Why you, though...?

"Because I looked reliable.” ✓
"Because we looked close.”
"Because I looked useless.”

Naoto: If that's the case... this Phantom Thief isn't a very good judge of character.

> Naoto is laughing heartily.

Naoto: So then, what do you think of the contents of this card?

> The card reads as follows...

Writing on the card: When the banks close, the fruit tree grows. By the large seven at the third is the spot I chose.

Naoto: More cryptic this time. Well, I anticipated that. The first thing that comes to mind with "fruit tree" is the original card. But the second sentence… "By the seven," "at the third"... What do these numerical values mean...? "When the banks close, the fruit tree grows. By the large seven at the third is the spot I chose..." "7 and 3 o'clock, maybe...?"

"The phrasing is suspicious.”
”The numbers are important.” ✓

Naoto: "When the banks close, the fruit tree grows. By the large seven at the third is the spot I chose…” The numbers themselves...? ...The seven and the third...

> Naoto's eyes lit up.

Naoto: "When the banks close, the fruit tree grows..." Look at the third and seventh words… "Banks" and "tree." In other words, "by the large tree at the banks is the spot I chose!" A-Anyway, let's search for the biggest tree at this river's banks!

> You searched the riverbank with Naoto...

> There was something buried by the tree you found...

Naoto: I knew it… This watch brings back memories...

> Naoto holds a digital watch, slightly large for a child's wrist.

Naoto: This is pretty advanced, you know. It's one of the seven tools of the detective. It has an extremely strong backlight. You can use it to blind the enemy… ...I modified it when I was a child. I've always loved this sort of thing, ever since childhood. I preferred robots and cars to dolls and teddy bears… I liked high places, so I had a secret base in the trees… I enjoyed that… Why...? Why couldn't I have been born male...? It would have been much easier for me... I could have done what I wanted to with gusto… It's funny, isn't it...?

"I'm glad you're a girl.” ✓
"Your gender doesn't matter."
"Nothing you can do.”

Naoto: Huh...? Wh-What are you saying...? Hrmph… There's nothing good about it!

> Naoto is panicking fiercely...

Naoto: Really... It's quite difficult to keep my composure when you're around. I feel like I'm being lectured... Like I'm still a child…

> Naoto looks at her feet, embarrassed...

> You feel your relationship with Naoto has grown deeper...

> The Naoto Shirogane Social Link has reached level 6!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

> Naoto's growth of heart has affected her Persona as well...

Naoto: I-It seems I've been doing all the talking… Why don't you tell me about yourself? What were you like as a child...? ...I wish I could have seen it.

> You chatted idly with Naoto, then went home.

> You can work as a janitor at the hospital today.

> A sofa suitable for reading on.

> You have a book right now...

Read ✓
Don't read

> You have a book right now...

> Read Catching Bugs?

> You decide to continue reading Catching Bugs...

> Since you've finished Hyperspeed Reading, you were able to read more than normal.

November 9th, 2011. Wednesday.

> Classes have ended for today.

> Nanako is in no condition to be visited. You must wait for her to recover.

Chapter 81