Persona 4 - Chapter 81: The Complete Me

Chapter 80

CHAPTER 81: The Complete Me

[Living Room.]

> You have a book right now...

> Read World Class Bugs?

> You begin reading World Class Bugs...

> Some practical advice for learning the habits of bugs in order to catch them is outlined here...

> If you study these techniques, you may be able to catch even more bugs.

> You read your book as the rain spatters against the window...

> Your Diligence has greatly increased.

> Since you’ve finished Hyperspeed Reading, you were able to read more than normal.

> There’s still some pages of World Class Bugs left.

[After school.]

> Classes have ended for today.

> Nanako is in no condition to be visited. You must wait for her to recover.

[Tatsuhime Shrine.]

Bug-catching kid: My grandpa got me a new one! I know everything about bugs! But the next day, they forget! They’re pretty smart, but pretty stupid too!

> Because it’s in the shade, the air here is moist...

> Your timing with the net may have been off...

> Caught Daimyo Grasshopper!

> Caught Tatsuhime Ladybug!

> Caught Meiou Cricket!

[After you catch some bugs you decide to visit the fox.]

> This is the shrine’s main building. What will you do?

Accept the ema's request ✔
Check Social Link rank

> You made sure there was no one around and called for the fox...

> The fox brought you an ema with a wish written on it.

> It’s written with a calligraphy brush...

Ema: I want to see the Guardian of Shichiri Beach once more before I die.

> It seems the fox wants you to fulfill the wish written on the ema on its behalf.

> Could it be thinking that if wishes are fulfilled, then more money will be put into the offertory box?

> If you fulfill the wish on the ema, your relationship with the fox may grow stronger. ...Accept the request?

> Accepted Quest 15: "The Shichiri Beach Guardian”

Fox: *yip*

> The fox seems happy.

[Classroom Building, 1F]

Rise Kujikawa: Senpai... I want to see Nanako-chan... I want to see her face... ...Oh, I’m sorry. I know this must be more painful for you than me. Umm... Is there something I can do for you? Oh, I know! Let’s go out! How does that sound, huh?

> Rise is trying to help you feel better...

> Since you have Queen Mab, a Persona of the Lovers Arcana, you feel you could be closer...

> Will you spend the afternoon with Rise?

Spend time with Rise ✔
Check Social Link rank

Rise Kujikawa: Yeah! Where shall we go?

> Rise looks happy.

> The hill overlooking town...

> You came here at Rise’s solemn request...

Rise Kujikawa: Senpai... I thought about it. Why my mind just went blank when I heard about Kanami... I mean, I ran away from showbiz because I was tired of being an idol... So I shouldn’t have had any problems... And yet... I felt so angry about it... Why do you think that is...?

"You regret leaving."
"You're selfish."
"Risette' is Rise, too.” ✔

Rise Kujikawa: Yeah... You knew all along, huh...? Haha, but really... that’s how it was. Risette’s name in lights... Idolized by the masses... That was "me,” too... I didn’t want to lose that "me”...

> Rise is smiling sheepishly...

Rise Kujikawa: There’s no way to become someone else... I ran away from my plain, gloomy self... Then I ran away from my idol self... Right now I’m the homicide detective self, I guess? I would’ve run away from that as well, if I didn’t realize... I've been trying to become how I wanted to be. I pick a role... When I’m through with it, I continue chasing the "real me” by picking another role... ...When in fact those roles are all "me". I don’t want to run away anymore. I don’t want to search somewhere else for myself. I’m gonna hang in there... as the complete me.

> Rise spoke her mind, looking straight at you...

> You feel your relationship with Rise has grown deeper...

> The Rise Kujikawa Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Lovers Arcana has grown!

> Rise’s determination in battle has been enhanced even further...

> She can now protect the party at times!

Rise Kujikawa: I'm glad I came to this town. I'm glad to have met you, and the others too! *giggle* Let’s go home, Senpai!

> You walked Rise to her house and went home.


> You can work as a tutor today.

[Shopping District, South.]

Shiroku hostess: Ah, welcome. I turn my store into a nightclub once normal business hours are over. Have I met you before, during the day? Well, that doesn’t matter... This is a nocturnal oasis, where adults can escape their daily lives and gather in search of a moment of peace. And I am a butterfly of the night, adorned with gems, who flutters. down to bask in this oasis’ glow. Everything you see and hear here is only a dream. It's a no-no to drag what happens here into the light of day. Remember that. Now, I’m sure you understand that this is no place for a child like you. It's time for you to go home. Hm? Wait a second! What's that? You seem to have something quite impressive with you. What’s that? You seem to have something quite impressive with you. Those beautiful, shining stones, of course! Won't you trade them with me?

[You buy nothing from her store.]

Shiroku hostess: *sigh* Hey, won't you listen to my troubles? I have a little one, named Akihiko... But lately, it seems that no matter what food I offer him, he refuses to eat... Is it because I have a night job? Could it be that he’s realized that I’m not his real mother...? *sigh* I’m so worried lately that I can’t even sleep at night...

> ...!

> The fish in the tank suddenly begins to swim about in a lively manner...

Shiroku hostess: Ah...! Akihiko! What’s wrong? It seems he wants to eat that Tatsuhime Ladybug you have... Please! Won’t you let my little one eat that bug? He won't eat the Bread Crumbs I give him. At this rate, he'll... Please! My little one is the only emotional support I have! I’m begging you!

> Give her the Tatsuhime Ladybug?

Hand it over ✔

Shiroku hostess: Thank you. You're so kind... I wouldn’t mind if you attempted to flirt with me right now. Haha, that’s only a little joke. Don’t take everything so seriously. Now, here’s your dinner, Akihiko.

> The hostess puts the Tatsuhime Ladybug into the fish tank...

> Something came out of the fish’s mouth!

Shiroku hostess: My god, this is a fishhook! Akihiko, where did you eat something like this!? So my boy had a fishhook stuck in his throat... That’s why he seemed so down. Thank goodness. I’m sure he’ll get better now. Thank you so much.

> Obtained Fishhook!

Shiroku hostess: I'm glad you're all better now, Akihiko. Here, have some Bread Crumbs. Make sure to chew twenty times before swallowing!

> The fish in the tank completely ignores the Bread Crumbs...

Shiroku hostess: Sheesh... Now that he’s all better, he’s getting carried away and making extravagant demands... Haha... I knew a man like that, too... Do you want some Bread Crumbs? I'll give them to you if you want.

> Obtained Bread Crumbs!

Shiroku hostess: I'll give you more Bread Crumbs if you bring some Tatsuhime Ladybug for my little one.

[Shopping District, South.]

> Which part-time job will you go to?

Tutoring ✔
Don't go

> Since you have Taotie, a Persona of the Tower Arcana, you two might get along well...

> Tutor today?

> You decided to work as a tutor today.

> You helped Shu study.

> You thoroughly explained the materials...

> Your Expression has increased.

> You feel that your relationship is going to become closer soon...

> You earned 10000 yen from your tutoring job.

November 13, 2011. Sunday.

> You have the day off from school today.

> You’ve done everything you could do... All you can do for now is wait for Nanako’s recovery.

> What should you do today?

> You realize that you haven’t bought anything from the home shopping program this week. Maybe you should watch it...

> Go out until evening?

[Samesawa Flood Plain.]

Old man: Hrm, I’ve got a problem. I thought I might do some fishing, and I brought my rod, but there’s no hook... I feel bad asking, since I don’t know you, but can you spare me a fishhook if you happen to have one? I'd be grateful if you’d oblige me... My! You’re willing to give that to a total stranger like me...? I’m much obliged, I need to thank you somehow... I know, do you fish? Just let me get this hook you found on and... Here.

> Obtained River Rod.

Old man: Nah, there’s no need to be shy. It’s old and this was a good opportunity, so I give up. I was planning on buying a new rod anyway. This is to show my gratitude. Use it however you want.

> You arrived at Shichiri Beach... What will you do?

Fish ✔
Gaze out to sea
Return to Inaba

> You only have a fishing rod good for river fishing...

> Do you know anyone that might have a fishing rod for sea fishing?

[Samerawa Flood Plain.]

Old man: Oho, it’s you. How goes the fishing?

> You ask about a rod that can be used for sea fishing.

Old man: My! A sea fishing rod, you say? I'm glad you asked... Who knew you'd show that much interest in fishing...? It was worth letting you have that rod, I'd say. It so happens I have a sea fishing rod right here, so what do you say we... We... Hmm, I was going to let you have this sea fishing rod, but there’s one condition. Sea fishing takes skill. So I want to make sure you're up to it. Try catching the Guardian of this river. I’m sure you can do it, I’ve got high hopes for you, boy.

[Shopping District, South.]

Marie: Oh... You’re here. Hey, I have somewhere I want to go today.

> It seems Marie wants to go somewhere...

> Since you have Ame-no-Uzume, a Persona of the Aeon Arcana, you two might get along well...

> Spend the day with Marie?

Yes ✔
Check Social Link rank

Marie: Yeah, let’s go!

> Marie looks happy...

Marie: Hurry, let’s go. Take me out.

> You decided to take Marie out...

> Junes Food Court...

> You decided to come here for a rest after helping Marie with her shopping...

Rise Kujikawa: Oh, I found you, Senpai! Oh, Marie-chan’s with you?

Teddie: Hmm? Sensei’s surrounded by babes! I gotta get me some of that action!

Yukiko Amagi: Oh, I knew it. Hello, Marie-chan. I was just saying to Chie that I bet everyone would be here.

> Everyone seems to have gathered around...

> You spend a fun time with everyone, including Marie...

> It has grown late, so you leave everyone and escort Marie back to the Velvet Room...


> You have a book right now...

> Read World Class Bugs?

> Some practical advice for learning the habits of bugs in order to catch them is outlined here...

> If you study these techniques, you may be able to catch even more bugs.

> Since you’ve finished Hyperspeed Reading, you were able to read more than normal.

> You have finished reading World Class Bugs!

> You feel as if you'll be able to catch even more bugs now...

November 14th, 2011. Monday.

> Classes have ended for today.

> Nanako is in no condition to be visited. You must wait for her to recover.

[Classroom Building, 1F]

Naoto Shirogane: ...Oh, Yu-san. I hope they allow Nanako-chan to have visitors soon...

> Naoto is trying to make you feel better...

> Since you have Fortuna, a Persona of the Fortune Arcana, you feel you could be closer...

> Will you spend the afternoon with Naoto?

Naoto Shirogane: Yes, please.

> Naoto looks happy.

> Inaba, Central shopping district...

> You spend time conversing with Naoto...

> You feel your relationship is going to become closer soon...


[You decide to go catch some bugs near the shrine in the quiet of the evening...]

> Your timing with the net may have been off...

> Maybe you still managed to catch some bugs...?

> Caught Daimyo Grasshopper!

> Caught Inaba Jewel Beetle!

> Caught Meiou Cricket!

[Shopping District, South]

Rise Kujikawa: Huh? Senpai? *giggle* Wow, pretty lucky I happened to run into you at this hour. I just finished helping out at the store.

> Rise seems bored... She might appreciate it if you talked with her.

> Since you have Queen Mab, a Persona of the Lovers Arcana, you feel you could be closer...

> Should you spend the evening with Rise?

Rise Kujikawa: Really? Yay, I get to spend time with you!

> Rise seems happy.

Rise Kujikawa: Did you know the show we played at Junes went viral on the Internet? People left comments like "What band is this?” and ”"When’s their next gig?” Haha, maybe it’s a shame we were only doing it for one day! Hey, Senpai. Why don’t we play a secret show next time?

"I've had my fill of concerts."
"I'm on vocals next time." ✔
"Sure, if I can stage dive again."

Rise Kujikawa: Ooh, so you think you can sing, huh? Then why don’t we do a duet? I can see the blog posts now: ”Who is this guy and how close is he to Risette!?”

> Rise is laughing teasingly.

Rise Kujikawa: Mmm, I think I’ll pass on doing any more concerts for a while. It’s not like I’m back into showbiz yet. Oh, but hmm. If I wear Teddie’s costume, maybe people won’t know it’s Risette.

> You enjoyed your idle chat with Rise...

> You feel your relationship with Rise has grown stronger...

Rise Kujikawa: Oh... I should be getting back, Wouldn’t want my grandma to worry. Oh, yeah... Here, Senpai.

> You received Red Bean Cornet from Rise.

Rise Kujikawa: I’ve been into this lately. I have one for you too! Well, goodnight, Senpai.

> You parted with Rise and went home.

November 15th, 2011. Tuesday.

> Classes have ended for today.

> Nanako is in no condition to be visited. You must wait for her to recover.

[Classroom Building, 1F]

Naoto Shirogane: ...Oh, Yu-san. Oh, if you don’t mind, I’m free today... Um... There’s something I want you to see.

> Will you spend the afternoon with Naoto?

Naoto Shirogane: Yes, please.

> Naoto looks happy.

> Samegawa flood plain...

> Naoto seems to be thinking about something...

Naoto Shirogane: To tell you the truth, I haven’t been in contact with Grampa lately. I wanted to confirm the items I assume the Phantom Thief stole, but... Our secretary Yakushiji-san passed along a message, saying he went to visit an ailing friend in America. Since then, I haven’t been able to reach either Grampa or Yakushiji-san’s cell phone... Well, there’s no point in worrying about them now. I’m sure they're fine. On to business, I received a new challenge in the mail today.

> The card reads as follows...

Writing on the card: Jury to not rest, or rout for fable. Minus 40, Minus 4.

Naoto Shirogane: The sentence as written is gibberish... Is this part of the riddle...? And this... "Minus 40, Minus 4”... On its own, it means nothing. Perhaps the ”minus” part is important...

"Maybe it's a math problem."
"Check the other cards again?"
"Subtract '40' and '4'?" ✔

Naoto Shirogane: Subtract ”40"...? Aha! Subtract 40 from the sentence...

> Naoto’s eyes lit up.

Naoto Shirogane: ”Jury to not rest, or rout for fable.” From there you subtract 40 and 4... Notice the unnatural comma in the phrase... It corresponds to the two numbers. Subtract the letters in ”forty” from the first part, and the ones in ”four” from the second! What remains is: ”ju n es, t able”... Junes, table!! That’s it! Let’s go!

> Junes, Food court...

> There was something taped to the underside of the table...

Naoto Shirogane: I knew it was here...

> Naoto produces a large ballpoint pen.

Naoto Shirogane: This is another of the seven detective tools I made... You can use it as a normal pen, but it also has a penlight and a miniature telescope. I thought I had lost this. I didn’t think Grampa still had it... Hmhm, neither my grampa nor myself can stand to throw things away... When this pen was still mine... I was just a child, dreaming of becoming a detective. But being a man or a woman... I never thought about it. The lack of peers to compare myself to might have contributed to that. I had no friends... I was quite the outsider then, too. But... why is it that, compared to the time I spent utterly alone... I worry more now that I’m with you and the others? I feel that... I'm undergoing a change.

"You'll still be you."
"People change."
"Don't be afraid." ✔

Naoto Shirogane: ...I see, I’m afraid, you say... I see...

> Naoto is smiling weakly...

Naoto Shirogane: The need to change... And the desire to remain the same... They’re mixed together... ...And it scares me.

> Naoto looks smaller than ever before...

> That she would show you this side of her must be a sign that she has opened her heart to you...

> That she would show you this side of her must be a sign that she has opened her heart to you...

> The Naoto Shirogane Social Link has reached level 7!

> Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

> Naoto’s determination in battle has been enhanced...

> Naoto can now endure a mortal blow during battle!

Naoto Shirogane: Yu-san... Have you ever felt like that before? ...I want to hear about you.

> You chatted idly with Naoto, then went home.


> You can work as a tutor today.

[Shopping District, South]

Ai Ebihara: Oh, it’s you, Yu. What a coincidence running into you here. Today was a bad day at the stores. Sales have started already, and the shops are full of people. Fortunately, it’s not like there was anything I wanted, so I could just leave instead of suffering in the crowds. Since I have time, do you wanna chat for a bit?

> Since you have Sui-ki, a Persona of the Moon Arcana, you two might get along well...

> Should you spend the evening with Ai?

Ai Ebihara: Mm, okay. I want to talk to you too.

> Ai seems happy.

Ai Ebihara: You looked really good dressed as a woman for the Culture Festival. I bet if you had better makeup on, you would have looked even cuter! If you went to Okina with me dressed up like that, we’d get hit on so much. So... How should I do your makeup?

"I want to look cute." ✔
"I want to look sexy."

Ai Ebihara: Hahaha, you’re really into this, huh? You want the cute look? It might work for you, but I have to warn you, you’ll never be cuter than me.

> Ai’s really enjoying herself...

Ai Ebihara: I have to say, your skin looks really good even up close. Don’t tell me you have your own beauty regimen! That doesn’t sound like you... So that must mean that your skin is just naturally this good... That’s so unfair!

> You and Ai got better acquainted over small talk...

> You feel your relationship with Ai has grown stronger...

Ai Ebihara: Wow, time sure passes quickly when I’m with you. This is a little something for you.

> You received Diet Food from Ai.

Ai Ebihara: I know it’s not much... but it’s the thought that counts, right? Well, let’s go.

> You saw Ai home and headed back to your own home...

November 16th, 2011. Wednesday.

> Classes have ended for today.

> Nanako is in no condition to be visited. You must wait for her to recover.

[Classroom Building, 1F]

Ai Ebihara: Oh, you... What do you want?

> Since you have Sui-ki, a Persona of the Moon Arcana, you two might get along well...

> You feel your relationship with Ai is going to become closer soon...

> Will you spend the afternoon with Ai?

Ai Ebihara: ...Okay.

> Ai looks almost happy...

> Yasogami High shoe lockers...

> You decided to go to Okina Station with Ai.

Smirking senior: Hey, Ai-chan. Haven’t heard from you in a while. What’s up with that?

Ai Ebihara: ......

Smirking seniour: What, you gonna play hard to get now? I see how it is! You think I didn’t hear about your new arm candy? That transfer student, Yu, right? Are you seriously dating that loser?

Ai Ebihara: ...We’re not dating. And don’t talk about him like--

Smirking senior: Coulda fooled me! Heh, not that I’m worried or anything... I mean, come on, me versus him? Not even a contest! I could show you stuff you’ve never even dreamed of, babe.

Ai Ebihara: Stop it. Geez... There’s nothing going on between you and me. Never has been.

Smirking senior: Hey, listen. I can only take so much of your mouth. Come on. Now.

Ai Ebihara: Forget it. I’m not going anywhere with you.

Twitching senior: Hey... Hey! What the hell!? You had me wrapped around your little finger and now you’re gonna act like this!? You want me to leave a mark on that precious face of yours? I'll call up some friends! It’Il be a party!

Ai Ebihara: I don’t care about your stupid threats. Why don’t you just do it already?

> Things don’t look good... You feel Ai is in danger.

Help her ✔
See what happens

> You decided to help her!

Twitching senior: What, are you trying to be her knight in shining armor? Don’t you know you're getting played, dumbass? I’m officially pissed off now, you little shit!

[The senior looks to hit you, but Ai runs up and gets a slap instead.]

> Ai was struck...

Twitching senior: Y-You got what you deserve, bitch!

[He runs away.]

Ai Ebihara: Ow... Uh... Sorry, was that unnecessary?

"Thank you."
"Are you all right?"
"That was reckless of you..." ✔

Ai Ebihara: I know, I’m sorry... Haha...

> Ai is laughing to hide her embarrassment...

Ai Ebihara: D-Don’t worry about it. I just thought... Maybe I could do something to help you, for once. Well, I guess I didn’t really think that far ahead, It was kinda like a reflex... I wonder if my face is gonna get all swollen... Oh well.

> Ai is laughing, despite her swollen cheek...

> You feel your relationship with Ai has gotten stronger...

> The Ai Ebihara Social Link has reached level 9!

> Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!

Ai Ebihara: Let’s go somewhere close by, I don’t want anyone to notice... Funny, even with a face like this, I still want to be with you...

> You talked with Ai at school, and parted ways after walking her home...


> You can work as a janitor at the hospital today.