God of War Ragnarok - The Reckoning

THE PATH: The Reckoning

Kratos: If you are still bound, how will you travel?

Freya: I crafted a protection ward that'll keep me from being pulled out of the realm. It should hold until I find what I need.

Kratos: And what is that?

Freya: The source of the magic that binds me to Midgard. We're going to find it. Destroy it.

Kratos: I will help you... but it will not change what I have done.

Freya: I know. That's why I still might kill you when this is over.

[Kratos opens the gate between the worlds and then Brok walks up to it and brings a glowing stone to one of the circles carved on the door and the circle lights up, opening a passage to a new dimension.]

Brok: Ain't goin' nowhere without this. Shuh! Where would you muck-spouts even be without me?

[Kratos and the others enter the passage between worlds leading to Vanahelm.]

Mimir: And what is it you expect to need Kratos for, Highness? Clearly you've been quite capable of breaking Odin's curses on your own.

Freya: The other curses grew weak from Fimbulwinter, but I still needed help to break them. This one has held strong.

Brok: So all that tryin' to kill him, that's just your goddessy way of askin' for help?

Freya: I don't recall asking you to come along.

Brok: S'cause you didn't! I got an old drinking buddy I been meaning to look up once this joint were back on the map. Got a hunch lending you mokes a hand's gonna end me up where I'm goin'.

Freya: And what makes you think that?

Brok: Cuz last I heard tell, she was running with that beef-wit brother of yours.

Freya: Freyr… is not a part of this.

Brok: Well, my hunch says otherwise. Scrote, too.

[They come out the other side of the portal and find themselves In a world similar to a magical jungle.]

Freya: I can feel the pull of the binding curse… its source is further in. Follow me.

Brok: Muggier than a Muspelheim shit-pit out here.

Mimir: And nearly as fragrant! Suppose Fimbulwinter's to blame. But if it helps these two find peace—

Freya: This is a temporary alliance, Mimir. Anything beyond that would require trust.

Mimir: Oh please. You know damn well Kratos isn't the true cause of your suffering.

Freya: You're both as much a part of my "suffering" as anyone.

Brok: Hey, how's about a riddle to lighten the mood? What runs with no legs?

Mimir: Easy. A nose. You'll have to try harder than that, Brok.

Brok: Just you wait, smart guy.

Freya: Come on. Let's find a way forward.

Kratos: Through here.

Freya: Oh no. Something's wrong. My spell. I can feel it slipping.

Brok: Well, that's Fimbulwinter for ya!

Freya: You don't understand. I'll be torn from the realm.

Kratos: What can be done?

Freya: Something I was hoping to avoid. Seems I don't have much choice… Fálki! (Falcon!)

[She turns into a hawk and perches on a tree branch.]

Freya: (sigh) Come on then...

Mimir: You had a way around Odin's curse this whole time?

Freya: No. I discovered it once you unlocked Realm Travel. And it solves very little. This form is extremely limiting.

Brok: That's Fimbulwinter for—

Kratos: Do not.

[They enter an ancient dilapidated temple overgrown with various outlandish plants. One of them frightens Brok.]

Brok: Fuckle!

Freya: Watch where you're going! The plants are extra aggressive in this humidity. I recognize this market. Villages would meet and trade here. Why'd they never rebuild...?

Mimir: Brother—do you really think she'll let us off the hook if you help her?

Kratos: I do not know. I choose to help. After that... we will see.

Mimir: Aye...

Brok: A market, huh? Looks like they sure left behind a lot of goodies. Shame to let 'em collect dust.

Freya: That's one way of looking at it.

[They are being attacked by green zombies.]

Brok: Ol' Brok to the rescue! I'm right here, you bastards! Let's go already! Hoo! Well, don't that get the ol' juices flowin'. Forgot how much I liked scrappin' dirty. Boy, you don't miss a scrap o' loot, do ya?

Mimir: Where has everyone gone, I wonder...?

Freya: They must have withdrawn. Hidden themselves out in the wilds, and covered their tracks with magic. No way of knowing how many are left, or how to reach them.

Brok: Aesir ran cockshod all over this place, huh?

Freya: You can thank Mimir for that.

Mimir: War with the Vanir was NEVER my idea! MY idea was brokering the marriage to end it!

Freya: A great success that was! Obviously the peace was no less a disaster than the marriage… Did he invade again, as soon as I was exiled?

Brok: It's a shame. Bet this here woulda made for a prime shop location.

Freya: Dwarves in Vanaheim? That would be something to see.

[They are attacked by wild animals that look like lions.]

Brok: Show me what you got! Over here! Here—hold this! Being here again's bringing back memories of that weddin' of yours. Fancy folks and quality meats. Though I remember your brother stirrin' up an awful scene...

Freya: Why do you keep bringing him up? My brother is no concern of yours. Do you understand?

Brok: Oh, I understand plenty.

[After a while, they come across a flower that spits poisonous saliva.]

Brok: HEY!

Freya: The plant life grows more dangerous the further we go. Hope you're up for it, Dwarf.

Brok: Listen, I know how bad it can get with one's own kin. Sindri and I were on the outs so long it was like not havin' a brother at all. Now I take some of the fall for that on account of me walkin' out… But it never stopped me blamin' him most. Any of this sound familiar so far?

Freya: And what is your point?

Brok: My point is, that weren't the end-all o' things after all! Once we got our heads right, it was like no time had passed. He went straight back to being as big a pain in my ass as he ever was. That's family. You gotta keep 'em close, where they make you good 'n' crazy.

Freya: Why do you think I need to hear any of this right now? My focus is on regaining my freedom, and I have no intention of being distracted!

Brok: Look... all's I'm sayin' is, if you happen to find yourself talkin' to your brother, maybe the worst words said between ya don't have to be the last ones said.

Freya: Enough! When the day comes to face Freyr again, it will be when I am standing on my feet and free, do you understand me? It will not be while I'm stuck in this preposterous situation!

Brok: Got a case of pride, I get it… hope yours clears up quicker'n mine did.

Mimir: A touching story that was.

Brok: Bite me.

Mimir: You wish.

Freya: What did Odin do to drive everyone away? What weapons did he make the Dwarves build him? How much was just Mjölnir? Can one man do this much damage?

Kratos: Depends on the weapon. And the man.

Brok: What'd ya find? Sounds shiny.

Freya: This river... it used to be filled with boats of people visiting from different villages. I've never seen it so empty.

Kratos: What is this?

Mimir: Not now, brother! We've got company!

[They come across large ogre monsters. Kratos freezes one of them with his axe, runs up and beats it with his fists, then rips off its lower jaw.]

Brok: One of them hairy-ass bastards! Here it comes! Got another one joining the party! Look alive! You want some of this? Then come get a taste! You don't got what it takes! Welp! That'll haunt my dreams! Here comes the boom! Let's go!

[Heroes defeat monsters.]

Brok: Hold up, if’n ya wanna keep yer insides inside. HYAAAAAAAAAH!

[He throws a rock activating the trap.]

Brok: All yours, big guy. Yer people not receivin' visitors?

Freya: I wouldn't know. They're not my people anymore.

Brok: C'mon up! Bet you're glad ol' Brok's around to save your skin. Uh-oh. SHIIIIIIT!!

[He is dragged away by the rope of another trap and suspended from the ceiling.]

Mimir: We should probably go get him.

Freya: Keep your guard up…

Kratos: Quiet!

[Kratos looks around warily, holding his axe at the ready. A young man emerges from the darkness.]

Vanir Stranger: Now what do we have here? Ol' One-Eye send another god to do his dirty work? Thor too busy?

Kratos: We do not serve Odin.

Vanir Stranger: No? Picked a dangerous place for sightseeing, then. Am I right?

[Kratos is surrounded by other Vanir.]

Mimir: Now, now. No need for threats, brother.

Freyr: Oh, I know that voice… You know, I'd cut off your head… ...but it seems somebody beat me to it.

Mimir: Aye. Oh, quite observant, brother.

Freyr: No, you're no brother of mine. You sold my sister to that... prick!

Mimir: We brokered a peace!

Freyr: Oh! Did you now? Where is it? Hmm? And where is my sister? Some dungeon in Asgard? Is she even alive? ANSWER ME!

[He wants to get closer but Kratos stops him with his axe.]

Freyr: I guess we'll settle for blood.

[A hawk flies into the room.]

Freya: Stop!

Freyr: What is that? Why do you speak in her voice?

Freya: It's me, Yngvi. There's no time to explain. Just listen. These men are in my service. I'm here to reclaim what's been taken from me.

Freyr: It's too late. You can't undo what's been done.

Freya: I can. I will. Now let them pass.

Freyr: So… You serve my sister?

Kratos: Hrn.

Freyr: Well… ...don't we all. Cut him down.

[The female dwarf standing by the rope that holding Brok cuts it.]

Brok: (grunts) What's with leaving me like that, ya crusty hag?

Lúnda: Oh can it, Blábr! C'mere…

[They hug - apparently they're old friends.]

Brok: Well! Found who I was lookin' for. Think I'm gonna stay and catch up.

Lúnda: Oh, are you now?

Kratos: Do as you wish.

Mimir: Brother, if you wouldn't mind, I'd have a word with Lord Freyr.

Lúnda: Brok, what do ya think you're doin' just settin' up shop at my forge? Just cuz I hugged you don't mean I ain't still sore at you squabblin' sandpipers!

Brok: We's fixed it so's you can come and go 'tween the realms whenever you please, you're-very-welcome.

Lúnda: Go? This here's my family. Might not mean much to you, but it means plenty to me.

Brok: It does too mean something to me, otherwise I wouldn't have made up with my clunker-head brother.

Lúnda: Bathe me in moonbeams! I didn't realize the Huldra Brothers were back in business.

Brok: We're even cohabitatin' like a proper family, so don't tell me!

Lúnda: Okay, well then you can help me at the forge while you spill everything... Now Brok, ain't you gonna introduce me to this tall glass o' milk you got for a bodyguard?

Brok: Course I's gonna! That's Kratos—though you can call him whatever pops into your head. Kratos—Lúnda. We go back.

Lúnda: Well, I guess that's better'n nothing…

[Kratos is heavily upgrading his gear thanks to the materials he's found lately.]

Brok: Now don't go get yourself killed, hear me?

Kratos: Very well.

[He approaches a warrior with a large sword sitting by the fire.]

Birgir: We wish this camp kept secret. Understood?

Kratos: I will not compromise it.

Mimir: No, we wouldn't dare.

Birgir: Good.

[Afterwards he goes to talk to Freyr. Kratos places Mimir's head on the stone altar so that he can also participate in the conversation.]

Freyr: Sorry we got off on the wrong foot there, stranger. We're pretty used to only seeing Aesir in these parts. Don't typically get friendly faces. That. That is a friendly face, right?

Mimir: His name is Kratos, and no. The Aesir are in Vanaheim?

Freyr: Pfft. We've been occupied since... I've lost count.

Kratos: What is your plan?

Freyr: Still kinda working on it... mm-hmm.

Mimir: Brother, I think I could be of use here… ...if my counsel is welcome.

Freyr: I'll take what I can get.

Mimir: Your mission will go considerably smoother without me in the mix. Come back for me when you're done.

Freyr: Hey, Kratos—long as you're working for my sister, careful you don't screw up. She's not too big big on forgiveness.

Mimir: Bit late for that one, I'm afraid. All right, let's see what we've got here. Tell me about your army.

Freyr: You're looking at it.

Mimir: What you five? Against Odin's army?

Freyr: Well, six if you count the dog.

Mimir: Oh, fuck me.

Freyr: Yup!

Mimir: Do you know their numbers?

Freyr: Oh psh...numbers, movements, outposts… We have good intel, uh, just short on help.

Mimir: I see. Well, let's have a look at the map then...

[Kratos goes to look around and talk to Freya.]

Freya: Now that the distractions are out of the way…

Kratos: I have words if you would hear them.

Freya: Speak then.

Kratos: This anger you feel for your brother… I know it well.

Freya: You have a brother?

Kratos: His name was Deimos. When we were boys, he was taken by two gods obsessed with prophecy. The gods of my homeland seldom left survivors, so by the time I learned he had lived, it was too late for amends. His anger poisoned him against me. But I never stopped loving my brother.

Freya: You think my anger is irrational? You've known Freyr for mere moments, and already you're taking his side?

Kratos: I am not taking his—

Freya: No, you're just sharing your thoughts on a subject you know nothing about.

[They explore the jungle in silence for a while.]

Freya: An Ancient...! Grab what it dropped and throw it!

[Kratos, enraged, simply beats the stone creature with his fists until it falls to pieces.]

Freya: You've fought them before, haven't you? Figures.

Freya: I know what you're doing. Trying to play on my sympathies in the hope I let you live.

Kratos: I am only trying to help. The mistakes of the past need not be repeated.

Freya: I don't need to hear about your mistakes. I've made enough of my own, thanks. Everyone is so eager to advise me. As if any of you know me or what I need. The biggest loss in my life is due to you—"saving" me when I specifically told you not to. Well, it was my family. My mess. I know Baldur wasn't perfect, but he was mine.

Kratos: I know.

Freya: You know? You think you can even begin to understand the pain of losing a child?

Kratos: Yes I do.

Freya: There was another. Before Atreus?

Kratos: Her name was Calliope.

Freya: Calliope… What happened?

Kratos: It was long ago...

Freya: Nevermind. I shouldn't have asked.

[They move on and encounter a group of aggressive enemies.]

Freya: Einherjar.

Einherjar: Ó gott, fleira dýr at drepa. (Oh good, more animals to kill.)

Freya: So they do occupy Vanaheim, as I feared… Remember—it won't do any good to attack while their shields are up.

[The last of the Einherjar is eaten by some bull that suddenly appears.]

Freya: Ha. Serves the Aesir right. These are formidable creatures. Very territorial, too. Good luck!

[Kratos defeats the bull Flame Graðungr after a fierce and hard fought battle.]

Freya: We need to get to that Watchtower… We'll have to go through the valley. This way.

Kratos: I know your son's story. You should know my daughter's. In the service of a cruel god, I was tricked into destroying a village—not knowing my own wife and child were there until their blood stained my hands. I swore revenge.

Freya: That's... I can't imagine.

Kratos: I paid back their blood a thousand times, and burned Olympus to the ground… ...yet the guilt remained. Perhaps you will kill me, Freya. But it will bring you no peace.

Freya: Perhaps it is not peace I seek. All those times I found you… why'd you refuse to fight me?

Kratos: Every outcome would mean defeat.

Freya: What does that mean?

Kratos: I have never wished you harm, Freya. You helped us. You saved Atreus when he was sick. I did not wish to live with killing you, any more than I wished to die.

Freya: I see… You hear that? Nokken! And so close to the village. Their song makes their allies invulnerable. They will not let you pass unless you destroy them all.

[After defeating the monsters, they emerge from the cave and find themselves in an ancient village now completely abandoned.]

Freya: My village… I hardly recognize it. I used to play hide and seek with Freyr in the crops. We'd spend afternoons stealing honey bread from the Grand Hall. At harvest time, we'd dance and feast until the sun rose… it was all so simple. Why did I have to come back here… be reminded of all this…

[Kratos explores an abandoned village collecting anything useful he can find and stumbles upon a group of dead people.]

Freya: A Draugr hole! You have to destroy it! That Draugr wasn't native to Vanaheim.

[Kratos has to face his old enemy The Hateful. He defeats him again without much difficulty.]

Kratos: I have fought that one before.

Freya: Really? How very strange…

[Kratos finds a way to get to the central building in the village located in the farthest part of the village.]

Freya: The Grand Hall… It's in ruin…

[Kratos reads the inscription made on the wall.]

Kratos: "May Freya never waver..."

Freya: The other half is missing. “May she protect us always.” An old adage, if you will. You can get through over here! I hear them inside. Get ready to clear them out.

[In the distance they hear several Einherjar.]

Einherjar: Ek em svo moðr af regni þessu! (I'm so sick of this rain!)

Einherjar: Mér líkar! Er eins ok örvar mjúkar. (I like! It makes arrows soft.)

Einherjar: Meira regn, segi ek! (More rain, I say!)

Einherjar: Byrgja munn, þit! (Shut your mouth, you!)

[Kratos mercilessly massacres his enemies with his axe - he freezes them and chops them into pieces.]

Freya: It wasn't enough what Odin did to me. He's desecrated every memory I have of home.

Kratos: Be glad you have a home to remember fondly. In Sparta, we were taken from our homes as children and raised in the Agoge. We marched or we drowned. Fought for scraps or starved. Our elders beat us 'til we could not stand. At night we made our way home, alone, or were food for wolves. That is how Spartans are made.

[They come across flowers that emit poisonous gas - the same flowers you could find in the middle of the first game.]

Freya: These plants behave similarly to the scorn poles we found in the Foothills of Midgard ages ago.

[After a bit of thinking about what Kratos has said, Freya decides to continue the conversation.]

Freya: Well, considering how Spartans are made, it's no wonder you turned out as you did. Your fate was sealed from the start.

Kratos: Fate can be overcome.

Freya: I used to think so. When the Norns told me of my son's fate, I thought I could change it. You know well how that worked out.

Kratos: The Norns... the Fates of these lands.

Freya: That's right. You defy prophecy at your own peril.

Kratos: Atreus would agree with you about prophecy. He rushes blindly to a fate the Giants foretold. Disappears for two days, trying to prove he is their Champion, fabled to fight at Ragnarök...

Freya: What? I know all the Ragnarök prophecies, there's no Champion of the Giants...

Kratos: It is one Gróa concealed. Because of this Champion, the realms are saved at Ragnarök. Only Asgard falls... and Odin with it.

Freya: So all this time, Odin's obsession with every detail of Ragnarök, he's been missing a crucial piece. Ha! Well done, Gróa...

Kratos: Atreus will not be a pawn of prophecy.

Freya: You still stand against fate? Even with victory foretold?

Kratos: I will not march my son to war. He is no Spartan. I would keep it that way.

Freya: You would speak to me of protecting your child? Is my tragedy not enough of a lesson? Fighting fate is a waste of the precious time we're given to spend with them. You never know when someone will come along and cut it short.

[They continue to explore their surroundings in silence.]

Freya: Hmm. You can probably use those islands to get a better angle on the torch, no? Use your blades to swing the torch to the other side. Let's cross the bridge now.

[Kratos jumps to the other side of the bridge.]

Freya: How can you, of anyone alive be squeamish about war? After all the gods you've killed....

Kratos: I have seen enough war to know the cost.

Freya: And I don't?! After the price I paid to end one? Look around you, Kratos. See what happens when you don't fight a true evil...

Freya: That's one of Odin's captains. Be ready.

Einherjar: Andskotar Ásgarðar! Vita ván dýrs dauða! (Damn Asgardians! Know the death of an animal!)

[Kratos confronts a large, armor-clad man with a scythe named Fiske. He decides to fight him in close combat, fending off his blows with his shield and delivering devastating attacks with his axe.]

What sort must a mortal be in life to be given such power and authority in Valhalla? To wield a scythe and defend territory with such vigor, I imagine this Fiske a farmer who took up arms against some threat, and proved adept at slaughter. And for his valor he is awarded an afterlife of more slaughter. I wonder whether he even has a choice…

Kratos: Ragnarök will not bring back what you have lost, any more than killing me.

Freya: I am reaching my limit for enlightened platitudes from you today. Can you please just shut up and kill things? Let's. Go.

Kratos: Do not tell me to kill again.

Freya: What?

Kratos: I kill to protect my son. To aid my friends. But I will be no one's monster. Never again.

Freya: You don't get to make that choice, not with the debt you owe me.

Kratos: I am not here for debts. I would always have helped you.

Freya: So much has been taken from me and I'm just supposed to let it all go?

Kratos: Freya—

Freya: Enough.

[Kratos finds a way to solve a tricky puzzle.]

Freya: Well, that did it. Let's go. It's just past those doors up ahead.

[They enter a house or rather an entire palace in the far side of the village hidden in the jungle.]

Freya: There. I feel the source of the magic keeping me in Midgard...

Kratos: What is this place?

Freya: My home. I was born here. Hold on. Something's not right. Opinbera (Unveil). World Tree roots bound in Odin's damn knots. That's how he did it.

[She tries to rip the knot out of the roots holding the door.]

Freya: Come... on..!

[Suddenly, the door rattles open and out pops a lizard-like huge beast with long teeth.]

Kratos: Freya!

Freya: Níðhögg?!?

Kratos: The creature—it belongs to Odin?

Freya: No! It protects Yggdrasil's roots—wherever they are. Bastard was counting on it! You have its attention now! Don't lose it! I need to get to those roots! Good! Keep at it! Drag it out! Don't let it hide in the realm tear!

[Kratos has to engage in a battle with the giant monster - far from the first in his life.]

Freya: That's it!

Kratos: I know!

[As he fights the lizard, he deals enough damage to the lizard that it gets tired of it and doesn't try to just eat him. She nails him to the wall with her massive muzzle. Kratos holds its upper jaw with his hands and its lower jaw with his foot.]

Kratos: I have it!

Freya: In that case...

Kratos: Hurry!

Freya: Finally!

[She takes the root and transforms back into a human, then jumps on Níðhögg from above piercing his head with her golden sword.]

Kratos: You are free.

[Under Freya's pressure, the lizard retreats and wraps itself around the tree, continuing to attack.]

Freya: In Vanaheim, yes. But there are more roots. She will guard them with her life. Behind you, incoming! My Sigils can amplify your attacks! Is your shield broken? Use your legs not your shield! It's weak. It won't last much longer. It's opening its stomach again! Get ready! I've shot a Sigil into its stomach. You know what to do! That did it!

[The lizard falls to the ground defeated, but when Kratos and Freya come up for a finishing blow it comes to its senses and counterattacks.]

Freya: It's going back in!

Kratos: We will not let it.

Freya: I have to break his hold on me! And you are in the way… Læsa rífa! (Rip the Lock!)

[She casts a spell that blows up the lizard's head, leaving only a charred neck. She casts a spell that blows up the lizard's head, leaving only a charred neck. Freya then walks over to the passage still tangled with roots and starts breaking them one by one with her bare hands.]

Freya: Uhh. Get out… Get out of me.

[Breaking out a tangle of roots she falls to her knees and begins to sob. Suddenly her hands begin to glow with a blue glow.]

Freya: I got it.

Kratos: Is it done?

Freya: It's over… It's... it's really over.

Kratos: And now that you have what you seek?

Freya: I suppose… ...this is the point… where I forgive you… ...or I kill you.

Kratos: Have you decided?

[He tosses his axe in his hand, trying to grip it more comfortably to split open Freya’s head if he needs to. Freya picks up her golden sword from the ground.]

Freya: To be honest… I don't think I can do either. There's still a part of me… That is so… Angry. And it'll always be… ...it'll always be angry. But, no.

[She tucks her sword into the scabbard on her back.]

Freya: You are not the one who needs to die. I do see that. Look. Everything that's happened between us...

Kratos: No need to explain. Not to me. Not for that.

[He kills the axe behind his back. They shake hands.]

Kratos: I do not regret saving your life… ...and never will. But the choice between life and death should have been yours to make. I should not have robbed you of that choice.

[Freya smiles weakly and walks away. Kratos sighs deeply and relieved.]

I do not know why a creature such as this would be so devoted to guarding the roots of a tree, but she gave her life in their defense. Odin exploited Níðhögg's purpose—protecting the roots of the World Tree—to guard the curse he placed upon Freya. To use an otherwise innocent being's nature to lead it to destruction is a vile practice. I do not regret slaying Níðhögg to gain Freya's freedom... but how many others are in the unwitting service of Odin? How many more will lie dead because of it?

Freya: Now that I am... myself again, suppose it's time to face my brother.

Kratos: And after that?

Freya: I don't know. It's been a long time since I've had a choice. Let me live with that for a moment.

Our journey in Vanaheim was successful in breaking Odin's curse on Freya... and in allowing us to forge a new alliance. With her anger now focused on Odin, perhaps we can free ourselves of his influence altogether. I am relieved to think of her of as a friend once more. I can imagine no more formidable ally.

Freya: We can take this way back to the camp. I can help with the vines… Now embed your blades into the glowing vines and light it.

Kratos: Your brother seemed… open… to your return.

Freya: Oh, I'm sure he'd love nothing more than for everything to go back to how it was. Leaving the responsibilities of leadership to me...

[Freya and Kratos continue their journey to the camp as friends. Freya helps him to fight the enemies with her magic.]

Freya: Behind you, watch out! From behind, incoming! Rót! (Pour!) Enemies to your left! Auka! (Increase!) Send Odin my regards.

Kratos: You use your anger effectively.

Freya: Well, you learn to use what you have. It's not as though I want to be though I want to be angry with Freyr. He's my brother. He was the most important person in the world to me, for half my life… These plants are the same as those we saw earlier. Frost should make quick work of their poison. Now the Sigil should hold the frost, even in the Axe's absence. Well done. Watch out. Those are wisps. Powerful manifestations of runic magic. They're impervious to physical attacks. My arrows can disrupt their protection spell. Could I ever think of this place as home again? After all that's happened? We don't have the equipment for this.

[As they climb the cliff they notice how night instantly changes to day.]

Freya: Wait, Sköll and Hati are in Vanaheim?

Kratos: We learned the Giants rescued them from Odin and brought them here.

Freya: And look. The sunlight wakes the sleeping roots… See how they stretch to welcome the sun. Beautiful, no? A far cry from the sheets of Midgard snow I've grown accustomed to… The Eastern migration. It's just as I remember it. At least the whole realm hasn't fallen to predators and occupiers. I guess there's still something to be fought for here. Something to defend, even after so much damage has been done. Maybe that goes for Freyr, too...

Kratos: Here…

[He reads the inscription on the stone tablet.]

In a realm of peace, there is only one crime: a disruption of that peace.
Look about you. The land and its people in harmony, in balance. As constant as the sun and moon.
Yet, balance is precarious. Balance is easily lost.
Cruelty. Vanity. Selfishness. These are the forces that would disrupt Vanaheim's harmony.
These are the forces of the Aesir.
We are a peaceful people.
But peace cannot endure without force to protect it.

[Kratos tries to cut a large root on a tree with his axe.]

Freya: You won't be able to damage it without destroying "the Mother." It's a large bulbous thing. You can't miss it.

[They find a large bowl on a stand with another smaller bowl inside.]

Kratos: What is this?

Freya: I don't know. But Giants definitely crafted it. There's two wolves represented here—perhaps a connection to our friends in the sky. A mystery for another time.

[They are being attacked again.]

Freya: My Sigils can break through their shields. They're defenseless now! Use a shield strike! Auka! (Increase!) Enemy behind you! It's down. Auka! (Increase!) This is the last! So much has happened since I last saw Freyr, I'm not even sure where to begin.

Freya: So much has happened since last saw Freyr, I'm not even sure where to begin.

Kratos: What do you want from him?

Freya: An apology would be a start. I want to forgive him. I'd like to think he's changed. He's all I have left now. Did you ever apologize to Deimos?

Kratos: It is difficult to seek forgiveness when you feel unworthy.

Freya: Now how to get across..? My Sigil Arrows should be able to carry the fire across the river to reach the bramble.

Kratos: Forgiveness can be powerful. Even for the unworthy. My wife Faye taught me that.

Freya: Hm. Well, be glad you have a spouse to remember fondly...

Einherjar: Líkar mér betri Ásgarðarsól. (I like Asgard sun better.)

Einherjar: Ríki þetta er ofheitt. (This sun is too hot.)

Freya: Auka! (Increase!) Enemies on the left! Use a shield strike! Auka! (Increase!) Good. That's the way. Auka! (Increase!) Rót! (Pour!)

[They defeat the group of Einherjar and start climbing the mountains.]

Freya: All my former spouse taught me was that there's no limit to the depths to which a soul can sink into darkness. Tricked me into marriage to spare my home, and took my home just the same. Scattered my people to the wind. Maybe it's time somebody drew the line. Maybe it's time someone makes Gróa's prophecy come true.

Kratos: I will not wish for war, Freya.

Freya: War is a terrible thing, Kratos But some things are even worse. You know if Atreus rushes to Ragnarök, you may not be able to stop him.

Kratos: I will.

Freya: And if you fail?

Kratos: I have prepared him to survive without me... if he must.

Freya: Watch for the plants. They like me, but strangers, not so much.

Kratos: I see that.

Freya: We don't have the equipment for this. So what's next for you? If not preparing for war?

Kratos: I do not know. But I will take no chances with Atreus.

Freya: Well, you may want to think fast unless you want someone to make that choice for you.

[They approach the camp.]

Kratos: Ready?

Freya: As I ever will be.

[Kratos and Freya enter the camp.]

Freyr: Náð… (Grace…) It really is you. You've returned to us at last.

Freya: Yes.

Freyr: Uhh... let's celebrate. You'll reclaim the throne. We'll rebuild! Me and you against the world, huh? Just like the old days.

Freya: I'm... not staying.

Freyr: I don't understand. You're here. Maybe together we can take back what's ours.

Freya: I only just got back what's mine. I still have work to do.

Freyr: You've seen what's left of the realm, right? Do we really mean that little to you?

Freya: You question my loyalty? Vanaheim turned its back on me.

Freyr: You still can't let go of that old fight?

Freya: Vanaheim turned its back on me.

Freyr: You still can't let go of that old fight?

Freya: It was my duty to save as many of our people as possible—My responsibility. One you didn't take seriously then, and from the looks of it, one you don't now.

Freyr: You think this is a game to me?

Freya: Yeah.

Freyr: We lost EVERYTHING to that maniac you called husband. The man's family set me on fire. How did you expect me to react?

Freya: Like my brother! Like the boy that used to have my back no matter what. And who I always supported no matter how selfish his choices. I expected you to come find me. That no matter how hurt or angry, you wouldn't abandon me when I needed you the most.

Freyr: Freya, please. I thought you were dead. I've had to live lifetimes with those last, awful words said to you. Any idea what that's like? Knowing that your own selfishness hurt the person that you cared about the most? Abandon you? Freya… I mourned you. I've missed you so much.

[They embrace in tears.]

Freya: And I, you, Yngvi. But I won't bind myself to another realm when I finally have my freedom. I'll send help though. And I will come back. I promise.

Freyr: This hasn't been your home for a long time, has it? Do what you gotta do.

[Brok disperses the gathered crowd eavesdropping on their conversation.]

Brok: Alright, alright, that's enough! Ain't y'all got nothin' better to do than gawkin' at family sortin' squabbles? C'mon, you two—Now you!

[He points to Freyr. Freya and Kratos follow Brok to the forge.]

Brok: Got a few things to square with y'all—first is you collectin' yer spare head. Second is that Sigil magic I smell on your bow. Reckon that's an idea I'll steal. How's about I set you up with some Sonic mojo, call it a trade?

Freya: Very well.

[She holds out her bow to him.]

Brok: Third of all, if'n y'ain't stayin' here, bears mentionin' that Sindri n'find ourselves runnin' a flophouse for unemployed Gods. If you're done freezin' your backside off in Midgard, maybe come back with beardo there, check up on your old pal Týr.

Freya: That's kind of you, Brok. I may do just that.

Brok: W’alright then, I'll meet y'all back at the house, less'n you want me to fix anything up first…

Mimir: Don't run off without me now, brother! I’ve done what I can here.

[Kratos takes Mimir's head.]

Mimir: Well, brother—care to meet our new allies, or shall we depart?

Brok: Whatcha just standin' around for? Creepy.

[Kratos notices that Lúnda clearly wants to talk to him.]

Kratos: What is it?

Lúnda: Yeah, I spent a lotta time tinkerin' up and down the river delta. Once Odin's army came to town, I lit outta there faster than d Tatzelwurm with its bottom ablaze. Was so frazzled I accidentally left behind a few irreplaceables.

Kratos: What... "irreplaceables?"

Lúnda: Well, just one really. An orb. I'd be mighty grateful if you would find it.

Kratos: What is it?

Lúnda: And if you comes across any of my old, beautifully rusted armor pieces, I'll use the scrap to whip up somethin' specially suited just for you.

Kratos: What is the orb?

Lúnda: Just bring it back here and you'll make me happy as a sunbeam.

[Favor: The Mysterious Orb started.]

Lúnda: Oh, and don't forget to keep an eye out for my old armor! I'll fix it up for ya, free of charge!

Kratos: Hrnn.

Mimir: What sort of "orb" do you imagine we're looking for, brother?

Kratos: I do not know.

[He approaches Freya talking to a warrior named Birgir.]

Freya: May I ask... how did a Traveler come to follow my brother?

Birgir: Lord Freyr found her half-dead in the jungle. She probably escaped the blóð hundr (blood hundred) breeding farm north of here. We all told him she was beyond saving, but… ...he never gave up. She healed, and hasn't left us since.

Freya: She's a sweet girl.

Birgir: She's pure of heart. Believes in your goodness even if you don't.

[Kratos is going to talk to Freyr.]

Freyr: Hey. I'm glad it worked, whatever you helped her do out there. I'm still not sure I totally get you or what your deal is, but… As long as you have her back, I'll have yours.

Byggvir: Should we ask him?

Beyla: Don't be rude.

Byggvir: What's rude about asking for help?

Beyla: Byggvir, my love, focus on your work. You need to weave those tighter.

Kratos: Your alliance is unusual.

Mimir: I think what Kratos is trying to say is: He's never seen a Light Elf and Dark Elf work together. It's a welcome sight.

Byggvir: Hopefully one day, a common one. Mimir tells me you're something of an adventurer. Should you ever find your way to the Forbidden Sands in Alfheim—

Beyla: Contested territory, past the Barrens.

Byggvir: —there are rumors of a sanctum... and artifacts our Elders don't want us to see. Anything that sheds light on our suppressed history would benefit all of Alfheim.

Mimir: Uncovering secret history? Sounds like my kind of adventure!

[Favor: The Elven Sanctum started.]

Byggvir: Knowledge of the Elves' common ancestry is what brought us together. Stories of Alfheim before the division of Light and Dark—it's very taboo.

Beyla: Didn't stop you from spreading word of it. Which is how you ended up in prison.

Byggvir: Where she and I met! As enemies, naturally, but escaped as friends. More than friends...

Beyla: You can stop talking.

Byggvir: Okay! Good luck out there!

Freya: If I may ask... do you miss Alfheim?

Byggvir: You mean do I miss the Light

Freya: Do you?

Byggvir: The truth? I still feel its pull. You want nothing else when you're near it. And away from it, you're only biding time until you can drink again from the Light. But then again… The Light does not make good food. It doesn't play music or tell jokes or open your eyes to new things. It makes you run in place. The more I am away from it, the more I see it for what it really is. And I don't need it anymore.

Freya: Hmm. I appreciate your candor.

Beyla: Is someone going to ask me if I miss the Light?

Freya: Of course, how rude of me.

Byggvir: In their defense, love, you are usually not the most... talkative.

Beyla: I will speak. From birth, we are taught the Light is everything. The Elders say it is why we fight. But all of that? It's SHIT. I am more than the hive. More than a soldier. Light Elves, Dark Elves… All Elves are the same! Stubborn. Brainless as moths. Blinded by their Light. I know better now. I looked into the shadows... and there I found my people. My home. There. That is all I have to say. You can go away.

Freya: Thank you for sharing?

Byggvir: I hope we have a chance to talk further, Mimir.

Kratos: We go.

Mimir: Pardon us. Places to be! Lúnda—would you happen to know how your Light and Dark Elf friends came to be... involved?

Lúnda: You mean Byggvir and Beyla? Well, they were both imprisoned by another. Maybe both? Escaped together, been on the run and absolutely all over each other ever since.

Mimir: A Dark and Light Elf, fleeing their people together... quite a risk.

Lúnda: Bein' in love's always a risk. That's what makes it fun.

Kratos: Mm.

Brok: You could say the same about hot cheese.

Mimir: Lunda, what do you know of Birgir, the Traveler?

Lúnda: Not much. He ain't the talkin' type, really! From what I can glean, he walked the Path of the Traveler for a time, then found out somethin' that made him step off it, HARD.

Mimir: Any idea what he saw?

Lúnda: I'm not sure, but I think he saw what was at the end of "the path." And uh, didn't care much for it.

Brok: Findin' out Odin was pulling their strings all along prolly put a colossal kink in his codpiece.

[Kratos upgrades his equipment and leaves the camp with Freya.]

Freya: I remember where to look for a gateway—follow me.

Mimir: Well, you two seem to be getting on since completing your mission. Dare hope this alliance has some staying power after all?

Freya: Kratos, you may not accept that Ragnarok is inevitable, but you’re smart enough to know Odin is a threat. Whatever comes next, our best chance of surviving it is to work together. Do you agree?

Kratos: I do.

Mimir: Then as to Brok's offer... you can imagine stayin' under the same roof as a couple former enemies? No further temptations towards terrible vengeance?

Freya: Not against you. Either of you. You have my word.

[Kratos finds a strange magical door with a round symbol in the center. This door is similar to the magic mirrors we saw in the first game.]

Freya: This lock is different from others you might know. You'll need an enchantment on your chisel to use it.

[Kratos pulls out his chisel and Freya casts a spell on it.]

Freya: Brýna… Go ahead. Carve the letter.

Kratos: Sýna?

Freya: It's an incantation. I'll speak it.

Freya: Sýna!

Mimir: Lovely! Working together is already opening doors for us…

Freya: Ugh. Is he always making puns like that?

[They walk through the doors and get to another part of the jungle where they find a boat, but the further passage is overgrown with bushes with pink flowers.]

Freya: We're blocked by more vines. Remember what to do?

[She casts a spell and Kratos breaks the seals leading to the bushes setting it on fire.]

Freya: There's a fallen log in the river. It has something on it I don't recognize. We're clear.

[They get in a boat and sail through a swampy area in the jungle.]

Freya: So it's true, Týr's really alive?

Mimir: Aye, not exactly ship-shape, he sleeps in a broom closet now, but he's adjusting…

Freya: How did you find him?

Mimir: Largely, that's down to Atreus having figured out how to access the prophecies Giants reserved for their own kind. We only learned of it ourselves after Thor and Odin came calling.

Freya: To your home? Is it still standing?

Mimir: Barely. But all the violence was seemingly just a distraction to let Odin have a private word with Atreus…

Freya: Odin was alone with your son? Did he tell you what they spoke of?

Kratos: Yes. He said that Odin invited him to Asgard. To help him find his answers.

Freya: The answers he's "rushing into fate" in search of. That's troubling. Well, if you're ready to talk to him, the Mystic Gateway is ahead. If not, I have some unfinished business. up this river I could use your help with.

Mimir: Or we can follow up on that Elven sanctum out in Alfheim's desert.

Kratos: Hmm. What is this?

Freya: The crest of Skírnir. Never quite as smart as he thought.

Though he comes from one of Vanaheim's oldest families, Skírnir never considered himself a Vanir. Never considered himself...well, much of anything, truth be told.
Skírnir was loyal to no one but Skírnir. He was that particularly infuriating brand of "intellectual" who forever seeks to place himself above others by refusing to ever be pinned down on any specific philosophy. If there were an issue with two sides, Skírnir would find a way to stand right in the middle and declare himself superior to all. If there were a fence separating two pastures, he'd find a way to balance directly on its edge.
When Odin visited his wrath upon Vanaheim, Skírnir learned the consequences of neutrality. Neither side could be sure of where his loyalties lie, and so neither side could trust him. For the Einherjar, that meant they'd chop his head off at the first available opportunity. Which, given that the Vanir refused to provide him with shelter, came considerably sooner than Skírnir expected.

Freya: Good—we can explore the river now. And hopefully right some old wrongs.

Kratos: What is your unfinished business?

Freya: I left something behind. Near the falls.

Mimir: Your wedding site? Now why'd you want be goin' back there?

Freya: To be free of the bonds of my marriage. And to Asgard.

Mimir: I think you severed that a long time ago…

Freya: Not completely. Not enough.

Kratos: Guide us.

Favor: Freya's Missing Peace

Freya: My people settled this river many ages ago. Thousands traveled it on pilgrimage to the Shrine of Worship. But then the Aesir came... this is all that's left.

Kratos: Freya. Something your brother said… The Aesir burned him?

Freya: Yes. We weren't yet at war, but relations with the Vanir and Aesir had been hostile for ages. Freyr got it into his head that he could improve relations by sharing our magic with them… Vanir techniques for bountiful harvests, enough to feed the whole population. Vanir techniques for bountiful harvests, enough to feed their whole population. Getting set one was the thanks he got.

Mimir: It's true. The Aesir were too undisciplined and impatient for the subtlet Vanir spellcraft. So when things went wrong, they blamed their teacher.

Kratos: So Freyr was a guest when Odin burned him?

Mimir: Not exactly… Odin didn't mind locking Freyr up—he saw the potential of the magic and wanted to know more than how to improve crop yields. It was a mob of lesser Aesir, bitter and shortsighted, who tied him up and lit him aflame, as punishment for the sabotage they imagined him guilty of. Obviously he survived. In fact he used the opportunity to escape. But such an affront made war inevitable.

Freya: Freyr certainly wasn't the same after that... at least for a while. His carefree ways were replaced with nightmares, paranda, and lashing out. It doesn't excuse what he said at my wedding, but... I do understand where his anger came from.

[They are attacked by several swamp draugr.]

Freya: Skjálfa!

Mimir: Behind you, incoming!

Freya: Got 'em. It's regaining strength! Auka! (Increase!)

Favor: Cure for the Dead

[After defeating the monsters, they meet a ghost. The ghost coughs as if she is in the final stages of some serious illness.]

Mari: Patience is piety…

Kratos: What is wrong?

Mari: Please—leave me to my prayers. I await Freya, the great healer…

Freya: I am here.

Mari: She will cure me. I have been a loyal follower-she would not abandon—

Freya: I AM Freya. What do you need?

Mari: Only she can cure my sickness with mangold, mire, and pome…

Freya: We must help her.

Kratos: She demands a cure. She is dead.

Freya: She is trapped here. Ignorant of her own death. If we bring her what she needs, she'll move on.

Kratos: You are certain?

[Kratos lowers the bridge by solving a little puzzle.]

Freya: Well done.

[Crossing to the other side, Kreatos finds berries that resemble huge red blueberries.]

Freya: What did you find?

Kratos: As you asked.

[He hears strange noises coming from nearby.]

Kratos: A Nokken's song. Stay alert.

Freya: Switching arrows!! It's unscable! Get back!

[Together they defeat several skittish opponents.]

Mimir: Did you recognize her? The sickly spirit?

Freya: No. There was a time I could recall the face of every one of my people, but… Sometimes I wonder if gods live too long.

Kratos: I once felt the same.

[He'll find another ingredient for the cure. Next to the ingredient is a massive stone inscribed with runes. Kratos reads it carefully.]

A warning to all who pass this spit of land:
The dead here do not die. Rain or shine, in the heat of the day and the chill of the night, they follow their master's will. Leave now, whether you value your life or peace in your death, you do not want the prison of this magic. Necromancy haunts the dirt beneath your feet.

Mimir: Learn anything?

[Kratos and Freya need to solve one more puzzle to proceed.]

Freya: Could be useful. Looks like that worked. Well, that did it.

[Finally they gather all the necessary ingredients.]

Freya: That's everything I need Let's return to the sick spirit

Kratos: You would cure the dead?

Freya: I promised I would take care of my people.

Kratos: You do not even remember her. Nor she you.

Freya: And?

Kratos: Let us return to the spirit…

[Along the way, they encounter a few more opponents.]

Freya: Rót! (Pour!) It's explosive! Be careful!

Mimir: Right side!

[Finally they return to the ghost who is dying to see them again.]

Mari: Have you finally come to heal me?

Kratos: We have collected the plants.

Mari: Could this be? I feel my vitality returning to me. I feel... Freya.

Freya: I am here.

Mari: I knew you would return... even as the doubters cursed your name...

Freya: Thank you. But it's time to rest. You have earned it.

Mari: Thank you, my queen… I am tired indeed...

[Cure for the Dead completed!]

Kratos: Shall we continue?

Freya: Yes.

[They get in the boat and sail on.]

Freya: Astrid's garden... the wilds reclaimed it. It was beautiful, once…

[When they come ashore they encounter a creature resembling a large deer. The creature attacks aggressively.]

Freya: Auka! (Increase!)

Mimir: Watch for the horns!

Freya: Left side! Auka! (Increase!) Got 'em.

Mimir: Ready that shield!

Freya: Auka! (Increase!)

Mimir: One left!

Freya: Auka! (Increase!)

Freya: The creatures weren't always this ravenous. The ecosystem... it's out of balance.

[Walking into the garden they hear the pitiful voice of a ghost.....]

Astrid: All is desolation. A fitting fate.

Freya: Astrid… no… Spirit...

[Kratos approaches the ghost hanging in the air.]

Kratos: Spirit…

Astrid: Freya... you return.

Freya: Astrid... what happened to you? To your garden?

Astrid: The Einherjar. My life's work, rotted. My monument to your glory, reduced to this. I am sorry, my queen.

Freya: You need never apologize to me, old friend.

Astrid: I swore to keep this garden in bloom until your return. To live forever amongst its putrescence—a just punishment.

Freya: I will return, Astrid Kratos... we purge this garden of poison.

Favor: Garden of the Dead

Kratos: Why?

Freya: The earth is a reflection of those who tend it. So long as the land is plagued, her soul will be as well.

Astrid: When my garden blooms, so will my soul.

Freya: We have to destroy the totems. They're poisoning Astrid's garden.

[Kratos begins to destroy the totems.]

Freya: Life returns to the garden. Good.

[Kratos finds a new stone tablet and studies it.]

Casualties Caused: Think of a large number, then double it
Method of Imprisonment: Nott's Slumber
Prison Location: Vanaheim
Date of Release: Nah. The trolls devoured too many Dwarves to count BEFORE I put them to sleep. I doubt they'd be in a better mood after getting slapped with a rousing relic. Imagine being stuck in the same position for any period of time... brrrr.
Imprisonment Overseen By: Alvíss
Stonefoot, Svartalfheim

Mimir: This mentions a spell. THEN that puts Trolls to sleep, and a magic relic that acts as a sort of counterspell.

Freya: See that explosive? Setting it off could help.

Mimir: Hm... maybe you can hit it from a different angle?

[Kratos picks up a round metalytic plaque from the ground.]

Freya: The family crest of Hœnir. Poor man…

The story of Hœnir is not a particularly happy one, I fear.
You see, when relations between the Aesir and the Vanir were in a relatively healthy place, a cultural exchange was suggested. The Vanir would send one of their own to Asgard, and the Aesir would do the same for Vanaheim.
The Vanir sent a kind, young bladesmith named Sturla to live in Asgard.
The Aesir sent Hœnir.
A kind lad; innocent and sweet. But dumb as a pile of stones, he was. After a few days-and the realization that Hœnir required constant care in order to prevent him accidentally hurting himself it became clear to the Vanir that Odin had only sent Hœnir over as a quick means of getting rid of him.
Still, the Vanir did not mind. The different families all came together to care for him—even going so far as to give craft him a family crest of his own.
But one day, one of the boy's caretakers accidentally mentioned Odin's clear disgust for the boy when they believed themselves out of earshot.
All this time, Hœnir had believed Odin would one day come back for him: that he was merely on a pleasant vacation with the Allfather's magical friends.
They found his body the next morning. Yet another victim of Odin's cruelty.

Freya: Can you see if there's a way inside while you're up there?

[Kratos finds yet another stone tablet that contains some notes about the garden probably written by Astrid…]

Gala Bushes: 4 planted, anticipating first berry harvest next winter.
Favor Petals (red): 6 planted, 1 currently wilting, may need to be moved for more sun exposure.
Favor Petals (blue): 6 planted, all blooming favorably.
Favor Petals (yellow): 6 planted, 3 seem to be struggling. Will apply extra fertilizer with egg shells and crushed drake bone and hope for improvement.
Fern pathway: Filling in nicely, new fronds may need a trim next moon cycle.
Topiary fencing: Still in search of new caretaker after previous one's sudden departure.

Mimir: What's it say, brother?

[Kratos destroys another totem.]

Freya: This garden still aches. There must be more poison somewhere.

[The final, third totem is destroyed.]

Freya: It's finished. Let's return to Astrid.

[They approach the ghost again.]

Kratos: Yes, your garden grows again.

Astrid: Freya! How did you...?!

Freya: It's okay, Astrid, It's time to move on.

Astrid: Thank you, Goddess, I do love you.

Freya: And I you.

[The ghost goes downstairs somewhere and disappears. The favor is done!]

Mimir: You've done a great kindness.

Kratos: A temporary one. The garden will die again.

Freya: All things do. That is no reason not to try.

Mimir: An armor piece bearing Lúnda's brand. Shame it's broken. Nice bit of work otherwise.

Kratos: Then why leave it?

Mimir: You suspicious of her, brother?

Kratos: If the "orb" she seeks is important, she would not have left it behind.

Mimir: Huh. Perhaps.

[Kratos and Freya return to the boat.]

Freya: You know I would have beaten you.

Kratos: What?

Freya: Earlier. If Atreus hadn't been there.

Kratos: Mm. Perhaps.

Freya: We could go again. Find out for certain.

Kratos: I would rather not.

Freya: I'll bet you wouldn't.

[They land on the shore where Kratos finds another round metal object.]

Freya: This crest belonged to Odin. A... peace offering from my people. And a waste of good work.

When Odin married the goddess Freya, the people of Vanaheim—some of the more optimistic ones, anyway—wished to welcome the Allfather into their culture. In a gesture of tragically misplaced hospitality, they carved the Allfather a family crest of his very own. A symbol of trust.
He thanked them for the gift, then tossed it away once he was out of view.
It would not be the last time he betrayed the Vanir's trust.

[Kratos and Freya encounter a rift and decide to close it. To do so, they must defeat several powerful enemies.]

Freya: Steady your guard! Auka! (Increase!)

Mimir: Impressive!

[Having defeated Kratos moves on and solves a small puzzle opening an additional passage.]

Freya: We've revealed the inside of that building. Can you see anything valuable in there? The gate's open—we can head back and get inside.

Freya: Auka! (Increase!)

Mimir: Right side!

Mimir: Freya, there's something I've always wanted to ask. What was it Hrimthur whispered to you?

Freya: Who?

Mimir: Hrimthur! The son of Thamur the Stonemason, who disguised himself and built Asgard's wall!

Freya: Oh, yes—One of the many occasions Odin saw fit to involve me in a wager without my consent. I wish I could say that was the worst of his husbandly habits...

Kratos: What wager?

Mimir: I've told this story, brother…

Kratos: ...and now she may tell her own.

Freya: There isn’t that much to tell. I knew nothing of it at first, surely because Odin didn't expect to lose the bet. A mysterious Mason had to build the entire wall in three turns of the season—

Mimir: Two! It was two.

Freya: ...and if he was late, he'd be owed nothing—but if he succeeded, he was promised an audience with the Queen. Or so I learned one day when Odin burst into our bedchambers, raging and half-drunk before noon telling me to get dressed and go see what the Mason wants. So off I went, not knowing what had truly been promised or expected, dagger stashed in my robe for emergency. And this Mason, this Giant in disguise—

Mimir: His name was Hrimthur!

Freya: ...he just smiled to see me, and as you said, he whispered in my ear. He said the Aesir had killed his father, and he needed to know that one day they'd burn for it. I pointed out I was Aesir now too, technically. He gave me a look, as if he somehow knew better, and continued. He said he'd built in a structural flaw behind the Asgard Realm Tower.

Mimir: I knew it! How do we make use of it?

Freya: We don't. He said Surtr would know what to do. And if Surtr's approaching Asgard's wall...

Kratos: ...then it is already Ragnarök.

Mimir: Aye... blast it. I hoped it might have given us another way… My lady, I was curious about some of the flora we've encountered on our travels.

Freya: And you will remain curious. It's not my job to teach you everything, Mimir.

Mimir: Look, I was just asking—

Kratos: And you have been told.

Mimir: You can say that again.

[They go ashore and find a dwarf store.]

Lúnda: Hey, you found some of my armor! I'll fix it up for ya real good. Would sure appreciate you findin' my orb, though. Since I am doin’ this for free and whatnot.

Freya: And how is it you two know each other?

Brok: Aw, I can't be divulgerin' Guild business. Ya gotta respect the secretude of it all.

Freya: I'm sorry?

Lúnda: Let's just say Brok and I have long enjoyed certain common interests.

Brok: That's right—like gettin' us into trouble...

Lúnda: And gettin' you back out of it again...

Brok: What? Phuh! That's only mostly true.

Lúnda: Okay, so does that answer your question?

Freya: Close enough, I suppose.

Mimir: So, Brok, if Lúnda can step between realms to travel about like you, I presume it must be the Guild you know each other from!

Brok: Maybe. Or maybe I just showed her a few tricks while we were tying one on.

Lúnda: Or maybe I showed him. You don't know us, clever-pants. Heya, Freya… Howyadoin'?

Freya: I'm fine.

Lúnda: On that, madam? We are agreed.

Freya: What? Oh! Oh. Uh, thank you?

Lúnda: Anytime!

Brok: Hah Lúnda, you ain't changed one damn bit...

[Kratos upgrades his armor and buys something for Freya. He then finds another stone tablet nearby and reads it using Mimir's eyes.]

Mimir: Anything interesting, brother?

There is truly no greater medium than a living, thriving tree.
Every branch a canvas. This mighty elder and I work in tandem, to achieve the impossible. My hand perhaps guides, my ties and forms persuade a pattern, but it is through this sacred giant's prosperity does my work take shape.
May my art always go over the heads of all those who would try to look upon it; it is not for you.

[Kratos and Freia get back into the boat and arrive on the opposite shore, where they encounter several enemies.]

Freya: Auka! (Increase!)

Mimir: Right side, brother!

Freya: Skjálfa!

Favor: Conscience For The Dead

[When the enemies are defeated, the spirit of the woman who died here appears.]

Gunhild: What utter foolishness… My soul cannot rest until they are at rest.

Freya: Gunhild...

Mimir: Now, how do we get up there, I wonder?

Freya: We can't. Not with those vines in the way.

[Kratos approaches the spirit to find out what is eating her.]

Kratos: What is wrong?

Gunhild: I died. And you will help me.

Freya: Of course, Gunhild... but to what end?

Gunhild: When the Einherjar came, we needed a way to fight back. I suggested... Seiðr magic.

Freya: I understand your desperation. But... that was foolish.

Gunhild: Clearly. I was lucky enough to be murdered before my mind could be corrupted, as theirs did. You must free them.

Freya: Of course.

[The spirit disappears and Kratos, along with Freya, sets out to find Gunhilda's dead friends.]

Freya: Seiðr magic corrupts so ruthlessly... those poor souls must be in agony.

Kratos: Then we shall give them death.

[Favor: Conscience For The Dead started.]

Gunhild: My friends' souls are still twisted, aren't they? Give them the freedom of death. Please... please end their suffering…

Favor: Freya’s Missing Peace (continue)

[Kratos opens another highly protected chest…]

Freya: Looks like that worked.

Mimir: Looks like more of Lúnda's old armor. Nearly have the complete set now.

[They continue the journey.]

Freya: Must be Seiðr this way. We'll need to find another way around.

Mimir: So what's it like? Being back.

Freya: Like I haven't come "back" at all.

Kratos: I know the feeling.

[He sees a massive stone pedestal with a circular design in the centre. He pulls a chisel from his pocket and carves a rune into the circle.]

Freya: The runic word appeared over there. See it?

[She makes a wave of her hands, reciting an incantation.]

Freya: Megin. (to the side?)

[Massive rocks that look like huge monster teeth sink beneath the ground, revealing a passageway in the distance.]

Freya: We should be able to reach the wedding site now.

[Kratos and Freya walk towards the boat.]

Gunhild: As long as they still haunt this realm, so will I.

[They get into the boat and swim to the passage that opens up.]

Freya: Agh. The closer we get, the more tightness grows in my chest.

Mimir: You're sure you want to continue?

Kratos: Confronting the past comes with a price.

Freya: It must be done. I've lived with this pain far too long. If you can believe it, we were happy once. Perhaps that was my mistake. All I wanted was to protect my family.

Kratos: There is no shame in that.

Freya: 1 failed all the same.

[They dock on the shores of Goddess Falls. On the shore, they are attacked by several tough monsters.]

Freya: Enemy behind you, Kratos!

Mimir: Behind you, look out!

Freyar Auka! (Increase!) Left side, Kratos! Incoming, left side! Auka! (Increase!)

[Kratos and Freya continue their journey, climbing up the sheer cliff face.]

Freya: Do you know why I left that night, Mimir?

Mimir: Only a hunch.

Freya: He showed me who he really was. Odin asked me to cast a protection spell on him. The one used on my son. But the way it drove our boy mad. I refused. He was furious, throwing every object he could find... destroyed the room. There was only coldness after that. I tried to make it work, but...

Mimir: No one could have lived like that, your majesty.

[At the top, Kratos finds another stone slab inscribed with runes, and reads it.]

Mimir: Good thing you learned the runes, brother.

No one said this journey would be easy, yet I do find myself questioning how far I thought I'd go to finish the pilgrimage.
On the way up my foot slipped causing me to stumble. My heart seized in my chest and I felt I may perhaps perish at the hand of this cliff face.
Thankfully I was able to catch myself, but I suffered a nasty scrape on my knee. I believe blisters may also form on my hands as a result of the rough rocks. My back seems to have also taken to complaining about the pack I have borne for the past few days. While I'm thinking about it, my head has also begun aching—
My point here, is that if I can make this journey, I believe anyone can as well.

[Along the way they find a stone passage in the rock, closed by an equally stone door.]

Freya: Allow me.

[She waves her hands.]

Freya: Fúna! (Fun!)

[The stone slabs swing apart, revealing a tall passage.]

Freya: I never thought I'd come back here…

[They enter the Vanir Shrine.]

Freya: Reavers. Of course. Watch out! It's a Soul Eater. It doesn't belong here. We must get rid of it.

Mimir: Another Reaver, to the left!

Freya: Auka! (Increase!) Protect yourself!

[Kratos activates his Spartan Fury and fists several weaker monsters before taking on a giant stone elemental. He throws his axe right into its mouth, knocks it to the ground, and starts punching it until it dies.]

Freya: This place... it used to be sacred. Now it sits abandoned. Vandalized. Hopefully, the objects I am looking for are still here.

[Kratos finds another stone tablet on the far side of the temple.]

Mimir: Anything illuminating?

The table is filled.
Delicacies of both Vanir and Aesir origin have been prepared to symbolize the union of peoples. Succulent fruits to whet the appetites, served alongside the salted, crisped skin of young hens. Gourds, roasted and then sauced in honey and breads baked in the lava pits of Eldgjá will be presented as the second course. An offering of Sæhrímnir has taken the center of the spread, although many Vanir will likely refuse to partake.
Nuggets of tender meat for the little ones have been piled high; they will not go hungry tonight. Last but certainly not least, casks of mead have been rolled out in great numbers to account for the thirst such festivities bring upon their guests. Tonight we dine as if Ragnarök will come for us in the morning.

[Kratos and Freya go further and find a round door with metal edging and runes.]

Freya: The door is shut. If memory serves... we'll need to light both of those torches to open it.

[Using his Chaos Blades, Kratos sets fire to the dry vegetation near the door.]

Freya: This is a mystic fire. Its flames are short-lived...

[They start working together. Freya uses her magic to slow down the burning and they open the door, which is pulled aside.]

Freya: That's it!

[Freya notices in the distance a small cup made of what appears to be silver. Two horse heads can be seen on the sides of the cup.]

Freya: There. I see the chalice… Look at this.

Kratos: From the ceremony?

Freya: A symbol of reconciliation. We drank from the Lover's Chalice until we could hardly stand. I confided in him that night. about wanting an apology from Freyr. (holding tears) Odin reassured me that he'd be the only family I'd need. And I believed him.

[Kratos finds several large glowing blue runes on the wall.]

Freya: It's a denouncement from my people, placed during my wedding.

Found outside a ruined temple in Vanaheim. Many of the realm's buildings came to ruin due to natural disaster, or the Einherjar. Freya's temple has fallen for different reasons. It appears that after she left Vanaheim, her own followers vandalized the very temple they once gifted her. Her people saw her marriage as a betrayal. A cowardly way to pass judgment on her actions.

[Kratos finds another stone monolith with a circular field where he can draw a rune. He draws the rune.]

Freya: I can't read that from here. Let's head back, and I can take a better look.

Mimir: Better now?

Freya: No. The pain only grows… Will I never be free of it? What more do I need to do?

Freya: The word isn't complete. It's missing a piece…

[They come to a raised bridge over a chasm.]

Freya: Kratos, I see something.

[Kratos lowers the bridge.]

Freya: So much about that day I wish I could change. If only I'd see the signs...

[Kratos finds another stone tablet inscribed with runes.]

Mimir: What's it say, brother?

Vanir tradition is bound in the plaits of our Freya's hair as final touches are made for the ceremony.
Blóðberg blooms to adorn her locks and Lupine oil to make them shine. Fronds bound around the circlet she wears breathe life into the metal. She is resplendent as the rains on a summer morn.

[Kratos finds some kind of trinket in the grass.]

Freya: The crest of the Hylli family. One of the first families ripped apart by the war…

There's one big problem with living in a peaceful, advanced society that's sustained itself for centuries: when war eventually comes calling, there's a good chance you won't have any bloody idea what to do.
Some of the Vanir families wanted to fight back against Odin.
Others believed they could appeal to his better nature.
The Hylli family split down the middle. Half of them took up arms; half refused to spill blood on the virgin soil of Vanaheim.
A fissure formed between the pacifists and the militants. A fissure that might well have healed, given enough time.
But they never got the chance, unfortunately. The Aesir killed them all a few weeks into the war. Quickly. Indiscriminately. Whether they died with a quill or a sword in their hands, they all died just the same.

[Kratos lifts a massive metal door, opening the passage further. They enter a circular stone structure.]

Freya: My circlet's here.

[They are attacked again by several monsters.]

Freya: Rót! (Pour!) It's explosive! Be careful! It's on that pedestal by the balcony!

Kratos: We must remove these creatures first.

Freya Auka! (Increase!) Above you!

[After the fight.]

Mimir: Impressive!

[Kratos approaches Freya, who has found a clay bowl on a pedestal in the same secluded corner in which she found the previous item.]

Kratos: It belonged to you?

Freya: A symbol of commitment. After the ceremony, he had a new one made every week. Each more beautiful than the last. He stopped when I refused to teach him the old magic. You know, my people used to send me gifts too. So I wouldn't forget home.

[Kratos goes and draws the rune again.]

Freya: The word is complete, but I still can't read it from here. Let's head back down.

Freya: I thought I'd feel peace by breaking it... but I feel nothing.

Kratos: Perhaps what you seek cannot be found in a circlet.

Freya: You may be right.

[They approach the fire runes hanging in the air and Freya reads the spell.]

Freya: Fljúga (Fly)

[Thick tree roots begin to grow out of the edge of the cleft, forming a bridge for the heroes to cross to the other side.]

Freya: After all the battles I've fought, why does the other side of this door scare me most?

Kratos: The most difficult battles are fought within. But this battle, you will not fight alone. Are you ready?

Freya: Yes.

[Kratos opens the stone door with his mighty hands. They enter a small circular room densely overgrown with vegetation. At the far end of the room there is a stump with a sword stuck in it.]

Freya: There it is. My final tie to Asgard. We drove that sword into the pillar together… The sword was forged for the ceremony. A symbol… ...of our union. Molna (Crumble).

[Freya tries to pull the sword out of the stump, but she fails. She tries again.]

Freya: Molna! (Crumble!)

Kratos: The stone refuses to let go.


[However, she still fails to pull out the sword and falls to the grass.]

Freya: "The deepest wounds form the strongest bonds." Bastard said it as part of our vows. I hate it when he's right. Asgard holds a part of me I can't sever. My bond to my son. To the Valkyries. That damned realm isn't just Odin's. It belongs to me too…

[Accepting the truth, she draws the sword with ease.]

Freya: The pain he caused is his. I refuse to keep holding onto it. This sword… ...no longer holds our legacy. But it will serve as mine.

Mimir: A much more fitting use for it.

[Freya takes the sword Mardöll for herself. Just before the exit, Kratos finds another stone tablet and reads the runes inscribed on it.]

Mimir: Anything interesting brother?

The weather has favored us this day.
The sun shines, and its warm rays ripple through the leaves of the surrounding trees. Juniper leaves have been bound and burned; their scent hangs joyfully in the air. Guests take their seats, the tinkling of celebratory laughs fills the hall. Anticipation for the ceremony builds as the hour draws near.

Freya: I suppose it's on to the next battle now.

Kratos: Yes. You won an important one today.

Mimir: If I may?

Freya: Since when have you ever asked for permission?

Mimir: It's just... I owe you my life such—as it is. And caused you so much pain, put you in a terrible situation. For that, Freya, I am truly sorry.

Freya: I wanted to end that war, too.

Mimir: I know, but I swear to do better by you nonetheless. Anything you ask, consider it done. I'm forever in your debt.

Freya: I appreciate that. Even if you can't help being an obnoxious know-it-all.

Mimir: I'm afraid I'll never know how to stop doing that, your majesty.

[They go to the boat and as Kratos prepares to launch the boat, he is attacked by two crocodile-like creatures named Dreki.]

Freya: Kratos!

[One of them grabs him by the torso with its sharp teeth, but Kratos manages to unclench its jaws and throw the monster away. A fierce fight ensues.]

Freyat Auka! (Increase!) Fall back! Auka! (Increase!)

Mimir: What good's a shield if you're not gonna use it? So much for that boat.

[After defeating the two monsters, Kratos picks up the overturned boat and drags it to the water.]

Freya: You know, an arrogant man once told me you can't change the past. Only how it shapes you. I think he might be right. It's been a while since I've had a confidant. Would the god of few words lend me his ear now and again?

Kratos: As long as I am needed.

[Favor: Freya’s Missing Peace completed!]

Favor: Conscience of the Dead (continue)

[Kratos and Freya continue on the boat and Kratos swims into a narrow grotto called The Veiled Passage.]

Freya: Those scrawlings. Must be Seiðr nearby.

[Kratos moors the boat near a narrow strip of land and among the debris he finds a copper ball with various designs, covered with a small amount of patina.]

Mimir: Lúnda's orb.

Kratos: Be cautious. We know not what it does.

Mimir: You really think she'd send us to get the bloody thing if it was going to kill us? Let's just take it back to her.

[They return to the boat and swim onwards.]

Freya: More Seiðr markings. Gunhild's companions can't be that far ahead. Look what they've done to this place.

Mimir: That's all Lúnda's armor taken care of, as well as her odd little sphere. Should we return them to her?

Kratos: Despite his actions in Midgard, Atreus does still care for you.

Freya: I know. I raised a son too. It may be hard to believe, but he was quite similar to Atreus at this age. He adored his father, he never could seen to get his approval. He confided in me a lot. Sought the comfort his father withheld. I wonder if your son could benefit from that too?

Kratos: He has befriended the other Dwarf. The blue one's brother.

Freya: Oh. Well, if Sindri has that covered, I suppose there's no need for me in his life anymore, is there?

Kratos: That is not what I meant.

Freya: That was sarcasm.

[Kratos reads the runes on yet another stone tablet.]

Mimir: Anything interesting, brother?

I fear devotion is waning amongst the others. If we are to drive the Aesir from Vanaheim, there are things we must do without hesitation.
Sacrifices must be made, and if I am the only practitioner with enough courage to make them, then so be it.
In life do I scream.
In death do I sing.
In blood do I trust.
I am the vengeance of these lands.

Freya: Over there! Those are the lost Seiðr spirits—friends of Gunhild.

Mimir: They don't look very friendly anymore, do they?

Kratos: Let us put them to rest.

[Kratos and Freya begin to methodically kill all the rising dead in the cave.]

Freya: Auka! It's unstable! Get back!

Freya: Are we done? Protect yourself! Auka! Behind you! It's explosive! Be careful!

Mimir: I think that's the last of them.

Freya: Dammit... I knew these souls. I would have thought them smarter than to meddle with Seiðr magic.

Kratos: They were desperate.

Freya: And now they are dead. Good riddance.

Kratos: You blame yourself.

Freya: And?

Kratos: It will not lessen your pain.

Freya: Let's return to Gunhild. Unless you'd like to condescend more.

Kratos: I do not.

[He turns around to read a stone tablet.]

Mimir: Good thing you learned the runes, brother.

To the Vanir of Vanaheim:
My sister has abandoned us. Odin has turned our realm into a prison, and Freya has fled with the key.
There is only one path forward. And it will not be a pleasant one.
We will take up arms. We will show the Aesir whose realm this is.
We will go to war.

Freya: I wish things had gone differently. But these Seiðr are at rest now.

[They return to Freyr’s camp.]

Lúnda: Oooh, I know that face. You got somethin' for me, doncha?

Kratos: Lúnda.

Lúnda: Right—business time.

Kratos: Here.

Lúnda: Oh, well, thank you so much! Helka's been itchin' to get her ball back all dang winter. It's her favorite toy.

Kratos: What?

Lúnda: Now... if you can find the rest of my armor set I left out there, I'll repair it for you, free of charge, even. Oh! Uh actually, any Dwarf can. I just didn't think you'd get my orb for me if ya knew that. Sorry, y'all.

[Favor: The Mysterious Orb completed!]

Mimir: Good thing you were so cautious, brother—

Kratos: Quiet.

Freya: He's right, Mimir. Show respect. The squeaky toy could have been the death of us all.

Mimir: And it nearly was!

Kratos: Do not laugh.

Mimir: It's hard not to, brother!

Kratos: Try.

Mimir: Okay, okay...

[Kratos spends a decent amount of time upgrading his equipment and Freya's.]

Brok: Now don't go get yourself killed, hear me?

Kratos: Very well.

[Now it is time to go to Gunhild.]

Gunhild: Is it done?

Kratos: It is done.

Freya: Your friends are at peace.

Gunhild: Good.

Freya: And... I'm sorry. Had I been here, I would have prevented this.

Gunhild: Do you think us lost babes, incapable of making our own choices?

Freya: No, but—

Gunhild: We made a mistake. But it was ours to make not yours to prevent... even if you had been here.

Freya: I... Yes. You're right. Goodbye, Gunhild.

Gunhild: Goodbye, my goddess.

[Favor “Conscience if the Dead” completed!]

Freya: Kratos... thank you for taking the time to help my people.

Kratos: I helped no one. They were already dead.

Freya: Oh, but you did. You put their spirits at ease and that has eased my spirit as well. I feel lifted.

Kratos: Enjoy it. It will not last.

Freya: You're right. There are most certainly other corrupted sisters out in the realms.

Mimir: You always know how to end on a cheery note, brother.

[Nearby, Kratos finds a piece of metal lying on the ground.]

Freya: This crest… It's mine.

A crest depicting the family sigil of Freya and Freyr. Of Njörd and Skaði. A family that used to exemplify everything noble and wise about the Vanir, and Vanaheim itself.
Then Odin fucked it all up, didn't he?
Married Freya, then trapped her on Midgard.
Tricked those who loved her into believing she'd abandoned them. And then the bastard waged slow, brutal war on those same people he'd sworn to do right by.
Knowing that, it's perhaps unsurprising that this crest is defaced. When many of the Vanir think of Freya, they think only of pain.
One hopes we could change all that.

[Kratos enters the Door Between Worlds.]

Freya: Are we off to find that Elven sanctum then, or something else?

Mimir: We certainly can, though we do have something else that needs our attention. We found a Hafgufa out in the Barrens, my lady. In terrible pain. We freed it, but there's another interned somewhere beneath the Forbidden Sands.

Freya: A Hafgufa? I haven't seen one since I was a child.

Mimir: And what else? There's still that secret Elven library in Alfheim.

Freya: Lead the way.

[Coming out the other side, they meet Sindri and decide to upgrade their gear.]

Sindri: If Ragnarök IS coming, you're gonna need to stock up. Luckily, I'm offering new items!

[Kratos harnesses his sled and they set off through the sands.]

Mimir: Freya, I've always wondered... why was Freyr so revered here, so quickly upon his first arrival?

Freya: Well, to begin with, it wasn't his first arrival. Very few know this, but... Freyr was one of the earliest visitors to Alfheim, back in the dawn of realm travel.

Mimir: Oh? Bit before my time. Do tell...

Freya: We believed for a long time that all the Giants had died in the flood... until one of them appeared in Vanaheim. Her name was Gerò, and she came offering to teach us the secrets of travelling between realms using Bifröst light. Freyr became immediately infatuated with her. He always yearned to wander, and along came someone who could truly show him how. So wander they did, exploring the World Tree from root to branch. But one day, it came time for Gerð to wander away. Freyr was heartbroken, and resolved himself to perform some great feat to win her back. He set his aim on the grandest of gestures. He intended to be the first to find the elusive source of Bifröst light. And he succeeded, although quite by accident. Freyr believed he navigated best while fortified by a... ...potent blend of Vanir herbs. When he wandered, he wandered. And he managed to wander from the World Tree directly into the Lake of Souls, The Elves had never seen somebody come out of the Lake before, so it got some attention.

Mimir: Oh, that is bloody hilarious...

Freya: I don't know whether he worked his charms at that point or they just assumed him to be a great deity. But of course he hadn't made this journey in search of responsibility, so he didn't stick around long. Still, the legend of his manifestation was passed along through the ages. It even endured after the great division, remembered by Light and Dark Elf alike. So when at last he returned, he was uniquely situated to gain the trust of both sides and help to create a truce. The problem was, both sides trusted only him, so the peace could only last as long as he stayed around to keep it.

Kratos: Let this wait. Stay alert.

[They stop at a massive elven round gate.]

Freya: Much of the sand has been cleared away. But another storm rages beyond that pass. Which must mean...

Mimir: Another Hafgufa!

Freya: Odd. It looks as though the Light Elves sealed off this section of the Barrens. Why?

Mimir: Luckily for us, a very considerate Goddess has enhanced our magic chisel and we can unseal it.

Freya: My; that is lucky.

[She reads the magic word and the gate opens.]

Kratos: The Forbidden Sands lay beyond.

Mimir: Contested territory, according to Beyla. And another storm to endure.

[They continue their ride.]

Freya: I remember when Freyr and I traveled to this realm as children. The desert was healthy and full of life back then. I can't help but fear that era has ended for good, and our efforts here are futile.

Mimir: It's a fair concern. Healing this land will take more than a pair of singing Hafgufa. But I have to believe in the long run, we're doing right by Alfheim.

[They pass through a vast passageway in the rock before entering an area where the sandstorm is still raging.]

Mimir: Well... best we start looking for a way underground!

Freya: Keep a lookout for a cave!

Favor: Song of the Sands

[They hear faint singing coming from somewhere far away.]

Freya: The other Hafgufa must be under there. I see an entrance.

[Kratos, along with the others, descends into the cave, climbing the wall.]

Freya: I hope Freyr will appreciate our work here in the desert. I wonder if he knows how poorly this realm has fared in his absence.

Mimir: Aye. Hearing the Song of the Sands again is a rare privilege, even if it's only a solo act.

Freya: Or a duet, once this Hafgufa is free.

[She breaks through the barrier with her magic and they enter the snug part of the cave.]

Freya: This architecture... it is not of the Dark Elves.

Mimir: An abandoned ancient settlement by the looks of it. Built long before the Light Well's creation.

Kratos: More hive matter as well.

Mimir: I'd say we're on the right track, then.

Freya: This kind of Hive material is sensitive to sound. How odd. When I last came here with you and Atreus, I assumed the absence of Alfheim's Light was an aberration. I didn't realize it was covered by hive matter.

Mimir: Aye, and as far as the Dark Elves are concerned, it's that Light column in the center of the temple that's the aberration. Just look at how old some of these surfaces are. Far older than the Light Well, or even our trapped Hafgufa for that matter.

Freya: That's quite the empathetic perspective, Mimir.

Mimir: Well, dangle from a burly god's backside for a few winters and you'll find yourself looking for all sorts of new perspectives.

[They descend lower and lower into the depths of the cave.]

Freya: More Hive. But denser.

[Kratos tries to overcome another obstacle impeding their progress.]

Freya: Maybe the Twilight Stone on the ground will help? Well, there you go.

[They are attacked by small crawling creatures.]

Freya: Enemies on the left! Skjálfa!

Mimir: Brother, the wee bastard's about to explode!

Freya: Skjálfa!

Mimir: Left side!

Freya: Skjálfa!

Mimir: Behind you, brother!

[In addition to the usual monsters, they are also attacked by elves.]

Freya: Light Elves?

Mimir: Big ball of light coming your way! Left side, incoming! Good show!

Freya: Skjálfa! Behind you, look out!

Mimir: One more to go!

[After the fight...]

Freya: Light Elves don't often travel underneath the Barrens, do they?

Kratos: Territory changes hands often in Alfheim. Or so it appears.

Mimir: Byggvir did mention that these ruins have historical significance for the Light Elves. I assume they're only here to keep intruders out.

Freya: Well... at least they tried.

[Kratos finds an inscription made on the wall. Beneath the inscription lies the corpse of an elf.]

Mimir: I suspect the corpse below would disagree.

"No sacrifice in vain"
A corpse lay below this one. I wonder if the poor soul wrote it before expiring, or if it was written by the fiend who caused said expiration.

Freya: I hope freeing these Hafgufas will allow them to breed again. It was a dazzling display, once... the skies of Alfheim filled with their song.

Mimir: I imagine it's the lack of fresh light that's caused this pair to grow abnormally large. No use in having babies if there's nothing for them to feed on.

Freya: Trying to protect their children from a harsh world. I can relate.

[As they descend deeper and deeper they eventually find a giant jellyfish-like creature bound by thick vines.]

Freya: I wonder if these two comprehend the choice they face once free.

Kratos: What choice do you speak of?

Freya: The life cycle of the Hafgufa. In order to breed, they must pass on their light to their children.

Kratos: And without light... they will die.

Freya: I suppose that's all any of us can hope for in the end. That our death has purpose. That we can live on through our children. Well, given another chance... I know what choice I would make.

[Throwing his flying axe, Kratos slices through the vines.]

Freya: Good. Almost there. Well done. Time to set it loose.

Mimir: Aye. Back to the surface, then.

[Returning, Kratos finds a smoking pipe lying on the ground.]

Kratos: A pipe.

Freya: Used in MANY of Freyr's blessings, I imagine.

A ceremonial pipe.
Given Freyr's temperament, one can imagine this saw a great deal of use. Not that I blame him—it's said that some of Alfheim's flora was particularly well-suited for recreation.
Just one more thing Fimbulwinter took from the realm, I suppose. A shame, too—I was rather interested to learn whether or not my current bodily situation would allow me to reap any hallucinogenic benefits from Alfheim's herbs.

Kratos: The fate of these creatures... It reminds me of a story.

Freya: Does it?

Kratos: There once was a blacksmith whose king commanded him to construct a box that could contain all the evils of the world. But no metal could hold such a power. So the blacksmith used the Flame of-

Freya: Kratos... Is this a story meant to ease my grief?

Kratos: Perhaps it is just a story... a way to pass the time.

Freya: I appreciate the sentiment. But... well, your stories...

Kratos: What about my stories?

Freya: I wouldn't exactly call them a comfort.

Kratos: Fair. Mimir is the better storyteller.

Mimir: Now, don't sell yourself short, brother. You've come a long way from the days of laconic fables.

Freya: It's okay. Finish your story, Kratos.

Kratos: The blacksmith's daughter was the key to unlocking the box. He died, trying to protect her from those who would open it.

Freya: Well... at least it's a relatable story.

[They are being attacked again.]

Mimir: It appears we've overstayed our welcome in Alfheim. Yet again! Behind you, watch out!

Freya: Auka!

[They rise to the surface and Kratos approaches the huge thick vine that holds the Hafgufas.]

Freya: Time to end this storm.

[Kratos slices the vines with a few powerful blows and the Hafgufas soar into the air.]

Kratos: If my stories are of no comfort, take solace in knowing you did what you thought was best for your son's safety. Even these creatures know: There is little choice for a parent. You are not alone.

Freya: I'm not, am I? And now, neither are they.

[For a few minutes they watch in silence as the huge glowing jellyfish dance joyously in the air.]

Freya: Incredible.

Mimir: The Song of the Sands. Well. Didn't know I could get misty. It's beautiful.

Freya: Thank you, Kratos. This land sings once more. We've done good here.

[Favor “Song of Sand” completed!]

Mimir: No rush to leave yet, is there? Who knows what kind of adventures await us in a freshly-lit Barrens?

[They continue their journey through the sands.]

Freya: A Light Elf statue in the desert? Odd.

Mimir: Aye. Fair bet this is the sanctum Byggvir spoke of in Vanaheim.

[With a throw of his axe, Kratos knocks down a raven flying by.]

Mimir: That's another raven sent to the tree of the dead. Perhaps we should check up on it, hm?

Favor: Freyr's Gift

[He breaks through the stone barrier on the rise and jumps above, where he is met by several opponents.]

Freya: Skjálfa!

Mimir: Watch your left!

Freya: Rót!

[After the victory, Kratos looks around a bit.]

Freya: Light Elf architecture. It's massive.

[Passing through a narrow passage, he discovers a piece of clay lying on the ground with an image painted on it.]

Kratos: A token.

Freya: A badge of honor. The Elves made a few of these. They'd hang them up outside their dwellings show their support for my brother.

A token depicting Freyr's likeness. Crafted by and for those elves who supported the young god and his attempts to find peace.
At the height of Freyr's popularity, these tokens adorned more Elvish homes than they did not.

They represented that one thing which is invaluable in small doses, outright deadly in large ones: hope.

[Kratos returns by the narrow passageway through which he came.]

Kratos: Locked. It requires two keys.

Freya: What are they keeping back there?

Mimir: That's the beauty of a locked door. It could be anything! Monsters, treasure... Knowing our luck, it'll be a bit o' both.

[They return to the sled and continue on their way.]

Freya: You know, Freyr loved to breed Gulon pups in Vanaheim. I wonder if these two are the descendants of the Gulon he brought here, long ago.

Mimir: That explains how they got to the desert. Another gift for the Dark Elves.

Kratos: What is that?

Freya: A Phantom! Rogue magic! Aim for the Runic core!

Mimir: Bloody hell, look at that thing!

Freya: It's vulnerable when it glows!

Mimir: Nicely done, keep on it!

Freya: Auka!

Mimir: Gave yourself an opening, don't waste it!

Freya: Now! Attack!

Mimir: Brother, the springs! Hurry!

Freya: That's it! Auka! Now! Attack!

Mimir: Gave yourself an opening, don't waste it!

Freya: It's stunned!

Mimir: Incoming, above you!

Freya: Now! Attack the rune!

Kratos: Close in! Attack!

Freya: Kratos, the springs! Bring them down!

Mimir: Knock them down, quickly! Well! Yet another "gift" of Fimbulwinter, I suppose.

Freya: The magic draining out of all of us has to end up somewhere...

While a single Runic Spring can leak enough magic to create Wisps, multiple Springs can summon something far deadlier. The chaotic power that these Springs draw from can manifest into a creature that is both awe-inspiring and terrifying. As long as those Runic Springs remain intact, a Phantom will continue to draw magic from them to fuel its continued existence.

[Kratos finds yet another book of Kvasir's poetry.]

Mimir: Ever written poetry of your own, brother?

Kratos: No.

Mimir: Well. Ask a stupid question.

A mind-expanding poetic experience constructed by who else but Kvasir...

Look around you, oh god
Turn your head
Guide your metal friend with care
Or else it be dead
Rescue its friends
Experience tension
Immerse yourself
In a new dimension

Freya: Mimir, I never asked how it felt to lose your head.

Mimir: What would you have me say? That it tickled?

Freya: Merely curious.

Mimir: If you wish to derive some satisfaction from my pain, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. Kratos swung swift and true, didn't you, brother? I felt nary a scratch...

Freya: Shame.

[Kratos finds a bronze bracelet covered in patina.]

Kratos: Jewelry.

Mimir: Oh? Put it on one of my horns. Let's see if I can pull it off.

Kratos: No.

A rather lovely piece of jewelry, crafted by one of Freyr's Light Elf supporters.
It seems to be a bracelet, hand-formed to fit Freyr's wrist. Which introduces the question:
Why was it discarded?
Was Freyr so inundated with gifts and jewelry that he simply couldn't find a place for it?
Or did he perhaps wear it for a time, only to cast it off—possibly in anger, or shame, or some combination of the two—once he sped back to Vanaheim to stop Freya's wedding?

[They enter a bulding in the sands.]

Freya: An Elven library?

Mimir: An archive of knowledge...

Freya: No sign of the Light Elves.

Kratos: For now.

Mimir: Maybe they've left for the day, and we can browse at our leisure.

[Kratos finds a scroll and puts it in his pocket.]

Mimir: So... these are Dvalin's schematics, eh?

Kratos: You know of him?

Mimir: Aye. One of the most gifted Dwarven smiths around. Until he developed a conscience, anyhow.

[Kratos walks over to a large stone tablet just inside the room and reads what is written on it.]

Kratos: Hm.

—All visitors must observe strict silence inside the library, even in the vestibule, passageway, grand hall, mezzanine, and upper circle.
—No books are to leave the premises for any reason, under penalty of death.
—Transcriptions of any material within the library are expressly forbidden.
—Damage to library materials due to carelessness (including creases, folds, annotations, and suchlike), even accidental, will not be tolerated.
—Comestibles, libations, and liquids of any kind are forbidden.
—Visitors must check in with the present librarian before leaving the library.
—Failure to adhere to the rules will result in immediate punishment, to be determined by the present librarian.

Kratos: These texts alone are not enough to end the Elven war. But restricting their access only serves those who wish to prolong it.

Freya: Taking a page out of Odin's book.

Mimir: Aye. Quite the advantage for the Light Elves.

[Kratos finds a book with a beautiful red stone in the center, lying on an elegant stone pedestal.]

Kratos: This book is sealed. But there is an inscription... "The Consul."

Mimir: Byggvir spoke of an exile of the same name. Odds are, he'd like a gander at that particular text.

[They walk on and Krators tries to swing open another door, but something prevents him from doing so, he hears magic words.]

The Maven: Stǫðva.

Mimir: Ah, it appears the Librarian would like a word.

The Maven: Lata fram bók.

Mimir: Sounds like she wants that journal back.

Kratos: No.

[He exposes the Blades of Chaos and steps into the battle.]

Freya: Auka!

Mimir: Shield strike!

Freya: They're healing!

[Kratos defeats The Maven but does not kill her.]

The Maven: Ljósálfar... þat eigi vita... Hauga-brot innan.

Mimir: She thinks she's protecting them by hiding all this knowledge away.

Kratos: Our ally wishes to read this journal. We are taking the book.

[They leave the Elven library.]

Freya: I'm impressed. Thought you were going to end her.

Kratos: When last we traveled here, after Faye passed... I killed an Elf of great importance. The ramifications were dire for his people. I do not wish to make the same mistake twice.

[Favor: The Elven Sanctum completed! The gand returns to the sled.]

Freya: Do you regret it, Mimir?

Mimir: Most likely. Er, what are we talking about in particular?

Freya: Giving up your body.

Mimir: Do I regret exchanging my life for my freedom? That's a question I ask myself every day, my lady.

Freya: What about today?

Mimir: Today? Glad to be out in the world. How else could I spend such quality time with you?

Freya: Okay, okay...

[Kratos finds a key in the desert.]

Mimir: For the massive door we found earlier?

Kratos: That door required two keys.

Mimir: Aye, so it did... Let's keep looking then.

[They continue their ride.]

Mimir: Brother. In my travels, I heard of a great battle in your homeland. At a place called the "Gates of Fire."

Kratos: "The Hot Gates."

Mimir: You were there?

Kratos: No. I did regret not dying there. For many years. But no longer. The second key.

Mimir: Sure enough. It's been a bit since we've unlocked a mysterious door... Excited, Brother?

Kratos: Mhm.

Mimir: Classic.

[Kratos finds a stone tablet in the desert.]

Mimir: Another sleeping Troll, courtesy of the Dwarves.

Casualties Caused: 43 Dwarven, 22 other
Method of Imprisonment: Nótt's Slumber
Prison Location: Alfheim
Date of Release: Not applicable. It's a troll. Rehabilitation isn't possible. Feel free to use a rousing relic if you're desperate to get your skull caved in.
Imprisonment Overseen By: Alvíss Stonefoot, Svartalfheim, otherwise known as He-Who-Is-Running-Out-Of-Patience-For- Writing-These-Reports

Mimir: (yawn)

Kratos: Why do you yawn?

Mimir: Force of habit, I suppose, since I don't sleep anymore. Although... ...it's far more confounding that I'M the tired one. I've seen you stay awake for days at a time without so much as a drooping eyelid. Not even a nap!

Kratos: Gods do not nap.

Mimir: Oh, tell that to Thor. I wonder... how'd these two pups end up yoked to the sled?

Freya: Ever try flying in a sandstorm? I imagine Freyr showed the Dark Elves that Gulon I could be trained to pull a plow. They must have found new uses for them once the sandstorm arrived. I imagine they're now bred to aid in traveling the surface.

Mimir: Freya, you once revived a Giant's corpse to uh... stop a certain fight we won't talk about. Could you call on that power again?

Freya: Maybe. Do you have a massive Giant's corpse for me to revive?

Mimir: Er... no.

Freya: Well, there you go.

[Kratos travels around for a while collecting items, after which he uses the door between worlds and returns to Sindri's store.]

Sindri: You collected Kvasir's stories?! Give them here! HUGE fan.

[Kratos upgrades his and Freya's gear, and hands over the book for Sindri to give to the married couple.]

Sindri: 'Til we meet again!

[They back through the portal to the sled and continue.]

Freya: Kratos, tell me of an adversary from your homeland. It will serve us well if I understand more of your battle tactics.

Kratos: Hm. There was Medusa, Queen of the Gorgons. Her gaze turned men to stone. A mirror would turn her own powers against her. Or... you may remove her head. But that is the hard way.

Freya: Which did you choose?

Kratos: The hard way.

Freya: Forget I asked.

[Kratos open the door that was locked with two keys.]

Freya: Something is coming. And it's not happy. A drake! Auka!

Mimir: Oof, I felt that one, brother!

Freya: Get back! Auka! Here it comes! Fall back! Auka!

[Kratos and Freya defeat the drake.]

Freya: What on earth was a drake doing back there?

Mimir: Your guess is as good as mine. Imprisoning a drake... can't decide whether to be impressed or horrified.

Kratos: Either way, it is over now.

We found this drake in the deserts of Alfheim behind... a door. I had been expecting treasure, or a new area of the desert to explore, but was instead met with a beast. The blue markings on its head were like nothing I had seen before. They could be considered beautiful were the creature not trying to dig its tusks into my flesh.

Mimir: I must say, I think we make a good team. With my brains, Kratos' brawn, and my lady's... er...

Freya: Wisdom. Magic. Ability to tolerate you for long periods of time.

Mimir: I was going to say "brutality."

Freya: That works.

[They travel to the Tree of Ravens.]

Freya: What... IS this?

Mimir: Ravens... the ones we've been destroying Odin's little spies.

Voice Of The Ravens: New father / New mother/ new fate / to suffer

Voice Of The Ravens: We told what we saw / Empowered his lies / Good little ravens / good little spies.

THE PATH: The Reckoning (continue)

[And finally we return to the main storyline.]

Mimir: Well, brother. Before you see the lad again, might we discuss an approach?

Kratos: He will tell me where he has been. That is my approach.

Mimir: Ah, classic Spartan diplomacy.

Freya: Wait... did you say Odin invited him to Asgard, and then he disappeared for two days?

Mimir: Aye... but surely the lad's got more sense than to--

Freya: Don't underestimate Odin's powers of persuasion. He filled my son's head with lies- why wouldn't he do the same with yours?

Kratos: Hmm...

[They return to Sindri's House.]

Brok: ...and you tell that one-eyed nut-sucker he owes me one!

Bitter Squirrel: Bite me now and eternally!

Brok: Well, looky there! Glad you could make the trip, your goddessness. I put your Sigil magic on the young turd's bow, but then he and Sindri got into it over somethin'... I don't rightly know who's yellin' at who in there, but figure they both got it comin'.

Ratatoskr: Helloooo! Good to see the chime's working as intended!

Mimir: So who else are we likely to encounter amongst your detachable emotional apparitions?

Ratatoskr: Well, there's certainly no avoiding Anxiety.

Anxious Squirrel: Oh, no! Why are you talking about me? What did I do?

Bitter Squirrel: Oh, you should have heard the shit they were talking. Savage!

Anxious Squirrel: What? Oh, dear, oh, dear...

Ratatoskr: There was no such talk. Shame on you, Bitter.

Anxious Squirrel: Are you sure?

Ratatoskr: Yes, Anxious, no opprobrium to be found in this discourse. I was merely making your acquaintance with our adventuring friends here.

Anxious Squirrel: AAH! People!

Ratatoskr: Well. There it is. I think that's the long and short of it. Safe travels.

[Kratos walks into the house.]

Brok: Talks to squirrels now, huh? Well, c'mon then. HEY, TYR! Wake up, y'got company! Now why don't you just make yourself at home in Sindri's so-called study, over yonder.

Freya: You're sure he won't mind?

Brok: Mind? He'll be thrilled. Joint's getting classier by the day.

[Týr walks out of his room, ducking to avoid hitting the small doorway with his head. He sees Freyja for the first time in many hundreds of years.]

Týr: Can it be? I never thought I'd have the pleasure of seeing you again, Frigg.

Freya: Don't call me that. I haven't been that person in a long time. But I'm happy to see you, too. I'd feared the worst for so long. What you must have been through...

Týr: Nothing so bad as what you've suffered. Freya... I am so, so sorry to hear what happened to Baldur. He was only a boy when I saw him last, but I know he meant more to you than anything.

Freya: Yes....

Týr: And to forbear your vengeance in this way... it's truly an inspiration for those of us who believe in peace.

Freya: The only peace these realms will ever know is once Odin is gone. Believe in that.

Týr: So you're not here to prevent Ragnarök. You're here to bring it about.

Freya: I'm here to make sure Odin doesn't hurt anyone the way he hurt us.

Týr: I can see I've upset you. Forgive me. I am far removed from my days of diplomacy.

Freya: (exhale)

[They diverge to different sides of the house.]

Týr: She's no less majestic than the last day I saw her. What a thing I must be to look at...

[Kratos, however, is more interested in his own son. He approaches the door to the room behind which Sindri and Atreus are arguing.]

Sindri: But you were gone for two days! With nobody to watch your back! I'm your partner. We're not supposed to keep secrets.

Atreus: You sound just like Father. Whose side are you on?

Sindri: Whose side? I don't know. What does it even mean to be on your side right now? How do I know you won't be running off to Asgard next...

Atreus: If I did, at least I'd be somewhere I could make a difference...

Sindri: Now that is crazy talk. That is the craziest of all possible talks.

Atreus: Why? Odin had the chance to kill me, but he didn't—he offered to teach me. Maybe if I had more answers, I could prevent—

Sindri: Prevent WHAT? What is this about?

Atreus: It doesn't matter. Just let it go, okay?

[Kratos enters the room.]

Sindri: You better screw his head back on. And I mean tightly.

Atreus: So you're back.

Kratos: Are you ready to answer me?

Atreus: About what?

Kratos: Where did you go? Who did you see? Was it Odin?

Atreus: What? Is that what you think?

Kratos: Do you deny it? Answer me! Did you go to Asgard?

Atreus: NO! Of course not! But so what if I did? It's MY future. It's MY life.

Kratos: You are my son.

Atreus: Then why don't you trust me? Then why don't you trust me?

Kratos: If you want me to trust you, then tell me the truth.

Atreus: The truth is you're being a complete asshole!

Mimir: Laddie! You know that's no way to change a man's mind....

Atreus: He doesn't have any faith in me! It's fine if he keeps secrets, it's fine if Mom did—

Kratos: It is NOT "fine". Her secrets haunt every step of this path.

Atreus: Oh, okay... So you don't believe in her anymore either?

Kratos: This is not about your mother! What you have done is lie.

Atreus: Wonder where I learned that?

[Mimir gets angry for the first time!]

Mimir: That's quite enough!

Atreus: Since when do you always take his side?

Mimir: Since he became the one making sense.

Atreus: Look—I was only thinking about going to Odin. But I swear it's for a good reason...

Freya: There is no good reason to go to Odin.

Týr: He'll only cloud your mind.

Atreus: But I'd be going for us. I gotta stop something bad from happening.

Mimir: Something bad did happen! LOOK AT ME! At Freya, at Týr! Odin did this to us!

Brok: What's got everyone caterwaulin' all-a sudden?

Sindri: Atreus wants to go to Asgard.

Brok: Asgard? He get kicked in the head or something?

Atreus: Great. I guess everybody's against me now.

Kratos: You must choose who you are going to be. Are you going to continue to lie and keep things from me? Or are you my son?

Atreus: Choose? I never get to choose. Just leave me alone.

Kratos: Listen!

Atreus: I said LET GO!

[He hits Kratos and turns to Bjorn.]

Brok: What the FUCK?

Sindri: Atreus! It's Sindri. J-just try to keep control—

[However, Atreus, in the guise of a bear, simply shoves him aside and breaks through the door to escape.]

Kratos: BOY!

[He transforms back into a boy right in front of the door between worlds and tries to open it.]

Atreus: Come on!

[Kratos is standing on the porch of the house. Seeing his father, Atreus simply breaks through the door and enters the snowy forest.]