RE4 REMAKE: Separate Ways - Chapter 4

Chapter 3


[Luis is climbing a steep cliff without equipment, and Ada is just using her hook gun. They climb through a window into one of the castle's rooms.]

Luis Serra: Ada... You probably didn't plan on coming back here, eh? Well, plans do change, no? Are you angry? You're angry. There is this one thing... I must do before I can recover the Amber.

Ada Wong: Before?

[She pulls out a gun and points it at Luis.]

Ada Wong: This is not a negotiation, Luis. So choose your next words carefully.

Luis Serra: Oh, whoa... Listen, there's someone who needs my help. And you know me—always the good Samaritan!

Ada Wong: Let me guess. Leon?

Luis Serra: Yes! Exactly! Leon, and that young woman... they are boty infected. They need this medicine. It slows the infection. And I know it works... I used it...on myself. So I—

Ada Wong: And why does this matter to me?

Luis Serra: Because—you too are infected. It's what I researched for all these years, Ada. And I see the symptoms already showing in your eyes. You must already feel the effects, eh? The medicine will stop them for a time. Just trust me. You have a lot to gain...and nothing to lose!

Ada Wong: OK. But this is your last chance. We do this first and then the Amber.

[She holsters her gun.]

Luis Serra: I'll let Leon know. (to the radio) Hola. Luis here. You guys still around?

Leon S. Kennedy: Well, I wanted to go home, but Ashley just had to see this castle first.

Luis Serra: Perfect, because I have a present I want to give you. Medicine that will help to suppress the progress of your... problem.

Leon S. Kennedy: Where do we go?

Luis Serra: Let’s see... Come to the courtyard inside of the castle. We can meet up there. ¡Ciao! (to Ada) Sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we? Ladies first.

Ada Wong: How chivalrous.

[He opens the hatch and they go down.]

Luis Serra: There's a hidden laboratory downstairs. My stuff should be there.

Ada Wong: Along with the suppressant?

[Ada uses her hook gun to open the door closed on the other side.]

Luis Serra: What would I do without you, Ada?

Ada Wong: Be parasite food?

Luis Serra: Hm? Is something burning?

Ada Wong: Guess we'll find out.

Luis Serra: ¡Mierda! (Shit!) Ada, they're here!

Ada Wong: Of course they are. Stay alert! Here we go.

[A number of fanatics with large wooden shields fall in. Ada uses her sniper rifle to take their heads off with accurate shots.]

Luis Serra: Thanks.

[When they get down to the lab, it turns out that the fanatics have already set it on fire.]

Luis Serra: No, no, no! We cant let the medicine be destroyed!

Ada Wong: Luis! Let it go! Luis! Get back here!

[However, he still runs into the fire. Ada has no choice but to follow him. She pulls him out of the fire, almost burning herself.]

Ada Wong: If you're trying to kill yourself, can you do it after you've delivered the Amber?

Luis Serra: It's all gone... Burnt to nothing.

Ada Wong: Why is this so important to you?

Luis Serra: There are things I must set right. But that is impossible now. It's all over—and I can't help them anymore.

Ada Wong: Pull yourself together, Luis. Make more. You know how. Just do it.

Luis Serra: I guess it is possible. The ingredients are all here. In the castle. Yes, I need time... but I can still get, you your Amber.

Ada Wong: All right then. Let's go.

Luis Serra: We can go back up this way. Then figure out our next move. This way. Hey, who are you working for anyway?

Ada Wong: You're better off not knowing. Trust me.

Luis Serra: Well, you can work for the devil for all I care. As long as you get me out of here...

Luis Serra: Oye, I'll unlock the—Huh? Where's the key? Shit! I must have dropped it.

[Ada simply kicks the door open.]

Luis Serra: OK. Won't be my finest effort —but it might just work. Ada, find these ingredients... and just maybe, I can make a new batch of medicine. Time's not our friend. You go, find them, and I will go grab the Amber. Wish me luck!

[Suppressant Ingredients]
We need these:
1. Red ink - bindery
2. Gold bottle - treasure room
3. Blue butterfly - collection room
The minerals in the ink, the yeast in the bottle, the substance in the scales of the butterfly wings.
Each of these has the special properties we require to make the suppressant.
If I extract the ingredients and mix them with the chemicals I have on hand, that should do it!

Luis Serra: This is where we part. Good luck.

Ada Wong: Likewise.

[She uses her hook gun to fly over a collapsed part of the wall.]

Ada Wong: All right, first... the bindery.

[She goes inside the castle, lifts the cabinet blocking her way and finds a stuffed stuffed raccoon on a shelf.]

Ada Wong: Hm, a raccoon. Guess this is fate.

[Nearby, she finds the merchant's store.]

Merchant: I've got some new items in stock, heheh. Come, take a look! I'll buy almost anything. A deal well struck, heheh! Good as new. Where you gonna put this, your pocket!? All yours, stranger. Gun will look great with that attached.

[Ada finds some stone tablets and solves the riddle of the door.]

Ada Wong: How elaborate. The first ingredient should be in this room.

[After searching the room, she manages to find red ink in one of the drawers.]

Ada Wong: That must be the ink.

[She hears someone approaching the room and jumps on the dresser to escape through the window. However, she guesses who is coming, opens the window and hide. Leon enters the room. Ada goes behind his back and points her gun at him.]

Ada Wong: You can stop right there, Leon. Wouldn't make me use this, would you?

Leon S. Kennedy: Well after six years, that is one hell of a greeting... Ada.

Ada Wong: You don't seem surprised. Interesting...

[A short fight ensues between them, from which Leon emerges victorious. He holds a knife to her throat.]

Leon S. Kennedy: Try using knives next time. Better for close encounters.

Ada Wong: Not a bad move. Very smooth.

Leon S. Kennedy: So who are you working for this time?

Ada Wong: Oh, Leon. You know I don't work and tell. Leave the girl. She's lost no matter what. You walk away now... and who knows? Maybe you'll live to meet me again. And then I might get you that "greeting" you were looking for.

Leon S. Kennedy: You think I'm gonna give up that easy?

Ada Wong: Right. How about we continue this discussion another time?

[Leon bends down to pick up the gun, but Ada is already gone. She jumped out the window.]

Ada Wong: See you around, Leon.

[She continues to search for ingredients.]

Ada Wong: The gate and gong have the same symbol... Seems simple enough.

[She walks down a long corridor, opening a metal gate in front of her, solving few puzzles. At the end of the corridor, a crimson lamp awaits her, which is needed to open the door.]

Ada Wong: I've got a bad feeling about this.

[A column of knives appears from behind the lamp statue and Ada needs to leave the corridor quickly to avoid being chopped to pieces.]

Ada Wong: Who comes up with these things?

[Ada opens the door using the lamp she found.]

Ada Wong: OK, now for the second ingredient. Looks like something goes here.

[She picks up a silver bottle and the lights turn off and the knights with swords come to life.]

Ada Wong: A trap.

[Using the bottles she finds, she advances further by fighting mutated knights.]

Ada Wong: I think I know what's coming... Thought so. Lights out. All right, one ingredient left.

[She meets the merchant again. It's time to upgrade the gear!]

Merchant: Gun rhymes with fun for a reason, stranger! Welcome! Got a selection of good things on sale, stranger! What's that? How have we procured these curiosities? Heheheh, you don't wanna know, mate. Heheh, you can't go wrong with that. My back is killin' me. Years haven't been kind to us, I suppose. Don't get yourself killed now, haha. Rubies or rubbish, it makes no difference. The price, well, that's our choice to make. Heheheheh, thank you. Moldin’ a weapon to suit your specific needs, oho! It's a thing of beauty, innit? This kind of work is about finesse, stranger. Little bit goes a long way. You'll see... There you are, as you wished. Anything else I can ‘elp you with? Got a selection of good things on sale, stranger! Next time, then.

[After stocking up on ammo and upgrading her weapon, Ada calls Luis.]

Ada Wong: OK, Luis. That's two.

Luis Serra: The last one should be in a room accessible from the castle wall. You bring them all to the top of the wall... and I'll have your Amber. Oh, and here's some more info I've recovered about that old rock. Sending it now.

[The Amber: Research Report #1]
Our experiments are still ongoing, but I can already see that this test subject has great potential.
To summarize our findings so far:
1) Even in a state of suspended animation, it holds influence over other parasites.
2) It seems to possess the same organ as the dominant species and likely has the same level of control.
3) We still have no method to awaken it.
Furthermore, after a deadly accident, we have decided to take extra precautions and seal the Amber in a protective case.
That is also why I plan to move the Amber research lab to the new comms facility.
I guess this is where I say adios to Don Quixote.
(It was Luis who discovered these things, but Saddler does not trust him. I just hope he keeps his mouth shut.)
Anabel García Escudero, Head Researcher

[Ada goes to get the last ingredient. However, her path is blocked by a red-clad fanatic who steals the stone tablet that serves as the key to the door.]

Ada Wong: Couldn't just let me through, could you. (her head hurts) That voice... ugh. What? Here we go. There you are. You can't be serious. What? Found you. Ah, ugh! My head... A clean strike. I'm empty. What? Get back here. Move!

[She kills the fanatic in red and his cronies using a sniper rifle in a maze-like garden.]

Ada Wong: Finally. Glad that's over. The last ingredient's not far now. That sound... That's right. I still have some unfinished business to take care of.

[She climbs up the wall using her hook gun and calls Wesker amidst the burning wreckage.]

Albert Wesker: So, what's become of the Amber?

Ada Wong: Sorry. Nothing yet. But my little helper is creating quite the commotion. Everything will work out just fine.

Albert Wesker: As long as you can keep your dog under control.

Ada Wong: He's a good boy. Predictable.

Albert Wesker: Fine. Keep your mutt. But don't come crying to me if you get bit.

[He ends the call. Ada notices Black Robe dragging unconscious Ashley. She decides to tell Leon about it.]

Ada Wong: Leon. Changed your mind yet?

Leon S. Kennedy: Ada?

Ada Wong: Assuming you haven't, I've got a tip for you. Seems like something big is about to go down in the throne room. Babysitting's tough, huh.

[Ada begins to climb the tower.]

Ada Wong: This must be the collection room.

[[Isidro's Note]
April, nine years since my awakening—
I have received a written petition from Méndez. He wants me to forgive the servant who foolishly ran away.
He does not understand.
It is not a matter of forgiveness or unforgiveness. Only my noble pursuit matters, for which countless sacrifices are required. An honor for all who dwell in the land of our master.] Besides, it would be impossible to remove it from his body now.
She implants her prey with a part of herself. manipulating their consciousness and trapping them in a waking nightmare. They are bent to her will, no matter how far they try to flee.
The only way to truly escape the torment is to kill her, so the entity within her prey dies too. It is, after all, made up of specialized cells which cannot survive on their own.
Yet none are strong enough to put my hound—my Pesanta—down.

Ada Wong: Good to know.

[She finds the ingredient, however it is locked in a display case with a code lock.]

Ada Wong: Blue butterfly.

[Preparator's Note]
The collection master is a tacky and lousy boss!
He leaves all the dissections for me to do! Even if he does bother to come here, all he does is gawp at his three favorite specimens in a particular order before leaving.
There's nothing special about them anyway! Why only look at those three specimens when we have that prized butterfly to admire?
A good researcher would know such things.

Ada Wong: Hmm. Interesting.

[She studies the footprints on the floor and the fingerprints, thanks to which he finds the code for the lock.]

Ada Wong: I got everything you need.

[After taking the giant butterfly, she goes to meet Luis. He arrives at the meeting with a huge suitcase in his hands.]

Luis Serra: Good, and I got exactly what you want.

[He pulls a small metal-rimmed test tube from his jeans pocket and hands it to Ada. However, when Ada touches the test tube, her head is sharply pierced by pain.]

Luis Serra: Oh, that's not good. The parasite's reacting to the Amber.

Ada Wong: So that's the Amber? That looks like something Wesker would want.

[Luis quickly steps aside and sets his suitcase on the bricks. He opens it and starts rummaging through it.]

Luis Serra: This will knock out the parasite... but only for a time. You ready? A tu salud. (To your health.)

[He injects the purple liquid into Ada, who is no longer resisting. By now the veins in her face have turned black.]

Luis Serra: Just remember, it’s not a cure. We still need to find a way to get that thing out of you.

[There's a terrible rumble.]

Ada Wong: It's coming...

[Black Robe emerges from the fire. Luis grabs Ada and they leave.]

Luis Serra: I don't understand! It should be working by now!

Ada Wong: Take the Amber and go! Once the patasite is sedated, you can give me back that damn stone.

Luis Serra: I can't leave you here! Not like this!

Ada Wong: Spare me. I'll be fine. You got another promise to keep.

Luis Serra: All right. But you come find me... soon as you're done here.

[Ada laughs. Luis runs away.]