RE4 REMAKE: Separate Ways - Chapter 3


[Standing on the roof, Ada watches Leon leave the Mendez estate.]

Ada Wong: Keep them busy, Leon.

[Ada herself climbs into the manor through a window.]

Ada Wong: Hope there's a lead on Luis here.

[She walks toward the exit of the house.]

Ada Wong: I can't leave empty-handed.

[Afterward, she visits the restroom, which looks like a regular village restroom, only located inside the house instead of outside as usual.]

Ada Wong: This could use some cleaning.

[She explores the oven and finds a hen who has laid an egg. The frightened hen runs out of the oven.]

Ada Wong: Fly, my pretty.

[While exploring the house, she notices something behind a portrait and removing it reveals a key.]

Ada Wong: What have we here?

[She uses the key to open the dresser drawer where a note is kept.]

[Cell for Awaiting Judgment]
Brothers and sisters! Our Lord is displeased!
Do not recklessly slay outsiders at will. All people have a right to fair judgment. Henceforth, we shall deliver solemn justice without prejudice.
Take anyone you capture to the factory basement.

Do the same with traitors.I bet they took him here.

Ada Wong: I bet they took him here.

[As she leaves the room, she is suddenly grabbed by the throat by a tall bearded man. It is Mendes himself. He throws Ada to the floor and starts chasing her.]

Mendez: There is no escape.

[The house is filled with ganados. Ada deftly runs out of it. And using her hook gun, quickly creates a gap between her and Mendez. However, the old man proves to be quite agile and quick, and catches up with her.]

Mendez: Enough of this.

Ada Wong: Still after me, huh?

[Trying to get away from Mendez, Ada goes to an abandoned factory.]

Ada Wong: Looks like I gave them the slip.

Merchant: Got some wares perfect for a professional like yourself. Welcome! Came into some other bits and bobs too, mate. Well then. What can I do you for? Give that the care it deserves, mate. A deal well struck, heheh! All yours, stranger. Will that be all, then? Come back anytime.

[Using the computer in her eyes, Ada sees a huge footprint on the floor.]

Ada Wong: Must be the big guy's.

[She follows the trail, hoping to find Luis. Along the way, she comes across quite a few enemies, as well as bombs. She goes down to the basement.]

Ada Wong: Hope he's down here.

[Something happens to her head. A fog appears before her eyes and for a moment she sees a bright flash. But it soon passes.]

Ada Wong: Not good...

[She finds a gonado strangled with a chain.]

Ada Wong: Did Luis do this?

[She finds another footprint next to the corpse.]

Ada Wong: These belong to Luis.

[She finds a pack of his cigarettes pretty quickly, with numbers written on them.]

Ada Wong: Is this his frequency?

[She tries to call the frequency.]

Luis Serra: Ada? Haha, I knew you'd find me!

Ada Wong: That's my job. Are you about ready to hand over the Amber?

Luis Serra: There's a big house just outside the village past the windmill. You know it?

Ada Wong: Yeah, I know it.

Luis Serra: Then I'll meet you here. I'll be waiting!

[As soon as he disconnects, the room fills with a simply gigantic number of ganados, some of whom are armed. There's even a ganado with a chainsaw.]

Ada Wong: Sorry, Luis. I might be a while.

[She begins to fight her way to the exit.]

Ada Wong: You're a tough one. Sorry, not interested. Night night. Lights out.

[She manages to make it to the exit, but after she leaves the factory grounds, her head starts to hurt badly again and she falls to the ground and passes out. She is surrounded by several ganados, but is saved by a mysterious man. He brings her to some room and prepares to inject himself with some kind of drug.]

Albert Wesker: Having a bad day?

Ada Wong: Wesker. To what do I owe this pleasure?

Albert Wesker: Stop wasting my time, Ada. Find Luis. Fetch me the Amber.

Ada Wong: I should probably thank you for this room. Are you staying... to back me up?

Albert Wesker: I'm not here to babysit you. See that you remain an asset—and not a liability. I have absolutely no use for your incompetence.

Ada Wong: Easy with the threats, Wesker.

Albert Wesker: Just get it done. I'll be in touch.

[He leaves and Ada gets a call from Luis.]

Luis Serra: Ada. You're OK! I've been waiting and, uh, you're still coming, right?

Ada Wong: Yes, just had some business to attend to. I'm on my way now.

Luis Serra: Got it. See you soon. Ciao.

[She steps out of the safe room and immediately bumps into a mutated ganado.]

Ada Wong: Just my luck.

[Ada passes through a metal gate and enters the grounds of the estate. An inscription written in Spanish can be seen on the wall.]

Scrawled Orders

Merchant: I can feel it. You're the type that gets things done. Welcome! I still have some new items you might be interested in. Good luck to you, stranger. Well then, happy cooking! A deal well struck, heheh! Will that be all, then? Heheh, thank you! Do check out my wares again soon!

[Fighting her way through with a shotgun and sniper rifle, Ada notices in the distance, across a wooden bridge, a large gathering of ganados with torches.]

Ada Wong: My, you are a popular one, Luis.

[Using her hook gun, she gets close and flies onto the roof of the buildings. She soon realizes the reason why the ganados were so excited - along with them came a giant three meter tall mutant. Ada has to stop it from getting to Luis.]

Ada Wong: Sorry, big guy. Can't let you go that way.

[While on a rooftop, she shoots a huge mutant a few times and some nasty stuff comes out of its back.]

Ada Wong: What the hell is that?

[Trying to catch the nimble Ada, the mutant crashes the buildings one by one.]

Ada Wong: Only a matter of time before it wrecks the place.

[Using her hook gun, she flies up to the ugly thing on the mutant's back and slashes it with her knife.]

Ada Wong: That did the trick.

[After a long and fierce fight, the mutant finally falls to the ground. Ada walks over to the ugly thing on its back, which is twitching convulsively, and steps on it with her boot.]

Ada Wong: Now stay down.

[She fires the gun at it a few times. The thing stops twitching.]

Ada Wong: Sweet dreams.

[Afterward, she meets Luis.]

Luis Serra: Hey. Got a smoke?

Ada Wong: I do. The kind you like. Now where's the "Amber"?

[He tries to climb up to Ada standing on the high ground but the hill proves to be quite slippery.]

Luis Serra: Unfortunately, it's not on me at the moment. And you really should be telling me what a good job I did. Busted my ass and managed to hide it right before I got caught. Which is why I'm still alive!

Ada Wong: The deal was we get you out of here when you deliver the Amber. No Amber? No "protection," Luis.

Luis Serra: Such a stickler for details, huh Ada? OK, then. I'll go get it now. How about that?

[After a little thought, Ada helps him up the hill.]

Luis Serra: And I do have something else I need to get too.

[They walk toward a medieval castle in the distance.]