Yakuza 5 - Chapter 4: BEYOND THE DREAM

This transcript nearly killed me, as I've redone these miserable 50 pages several times due to various accidents of text loss. For me personally, this chapter feels not even like one, but like two games. Actually, in terms of text volume it is quite comparable to an average shooter.


[Akiyama talks to the detective in his unfinished office.]

Osaka Detective: I'm certain we'll find kan Ogita sooner than later. We've put out an emergency alert all over Osaka. That's as a material witness for the assault and attempted murder of Hiroshi Horie-san, however. I don't think we'll be able to bring him up on charges for the Mirei Park incident.

Akiyama: Why not? Look, it's like I said. There was trouble between Ogita and Park-san. Isn't that a critical fact in the investigation of her death?

Osaka Detective: Yes, well, the Park incident has already been declared a suicide. And with the police having made that conclusion… It'd be hard to reopen the investigation based on that piece of information alone.

Akiyama: Seriously...? But there was a yakuza with a gun there and everything! It wouldn't make any sense to nor suspect Ogita.

Osaka Detective: Well, we'll get to the bottom of all that once we catch him. Please leave the rest to the police. We can't have civilians getting involved… It's just too dangerous. Understand?

[The detective comes out of the office. Haruka, who enters with two yellow grocery bags, bows to him on her way out.]

Haruka: What did he say?

Akiyama: Apparently, they don't believe Ogita had anything to do with Park-san's death.

Haruka: I see…

Akiyama: Oh, thanks for going shopping for me. Without Hana-chan here, I don't have any decent food or drinks in the office. Am I allowed to ask a famous idol to do that kind of stuff for me?

Haruka: I'm not famous. I'm just an ordinary high school student. What are you going to do next?

Akiyama: Well, we can't just sit on our hands and hope the police find Ogita, right?

Haruka: Right.

Akiyama: But it wouldn't be very productive for us to try and do the same as the police, either. If only there was something else we could do...

Haruka: Akiyama-san, do you know of any forgers around here?

Akiyama: A forger, huh? What do you know about forgers?

Haruka: A long time ago, when I first met Uncle Kaz… I heard him talking about a man who did that kind of thing for a living. I've been thinking about Park-san's note… There must be a forger somewhere here in Sotenbori, too.

Akiyama: Hrm. You might be on to something. Anybody can fake someone's handwriting, but it'd take more than an amateur to fool police evaluation. A professional forger would definitely do the trick, though. Good thinking, Haruka-chan. If we find a forger here in Sotenbori, he might lead us to Ogita and that guy with the gun.

Haruka: Exactly.

Akiyama: Let me ask around and see what I can find out.

[Someone calls Haruka.]

Haruka: Hello? This is Haruka.

Yamaura: Haruka, ya got a second?

Haruka: Oh, Yamaura-san. How is Horie-san...?

Yamaura: He’ll be in the hospital for a good while, but he's gonna make it. Don't worry. He won't be able to manage you anymore, of course.

Haruka: Poor Horie-san...

Yamaura: I can always try and fill his shoes, if you want.

Haruka: What? You'd do that for me?

Yamaura: Hey. I want to see what happens to that dream of yours too, kiddo. Besides, when I think of Horie-kun and Park-san… I know that you makin' the debut they worked so hard for would mean the absolute world to them.

Haruka: Oh, thank you, Yamaura-san!

Yamaura: Also, this is kind of sudden, but I got a call sayin' they're doing round two of the finals.

Haruka: Really? But wouldn't it look bad if I went on?

Yamaura: Manda-san heard about Park-san, but he still wants you to go on, he said.

Haruka: He does? Okay.

Yamaura: Think ya can do it?

Haruka: Yes. Of course.

Yamaura: Good. Glad to hear it. Okay, then. I’ll be waiting for you at Dyna Chair. Come on over when you're ready.

Haruka: All right, I will. Thank you!

[She hangs up.]

Akiyama: Quite the busy little bee, aren't you, Haruka-chan?

Haruka: No I'm not...

[Someone calls Akiyama, too.]

Akiyama: Hello?

Hana: Chief, can you talk?

Akiyama: Oh, hi, Hana-chan. Yeah, sure.

Hana: What's the status on the Park-san situation?

Akiyama: Uh, let's maybe save that discussion for another time, shall we? Oh, yeah! Sorry to drop this on you out of the blue… But do you think you can track down a forger in Kamurocho for me?

Hana: A forger!? Chief, just what are you up to this time? And what in the world does it have to do with opening the new branch!?

Akiyama: Well, nothing really... but it is something I need taken care of.

Hana: Well, take care of it yourself! You can leave me out of it!

Akiyama: Aw, don't be like that. I'm begging you!

Hana: Forget it! I’ve got work up to my ears over here, with you being gone. Why does everything but actual work always come first with you!?

Akiyama: Please, Hana-chan? I’ll bring you back some steamed buns.

Hana: Steamed buns?

Akiyama: That's right. A hundred of them!

Hana: Fine. Just this one last time!

Akiyama: You're the best. Hana-chan! Now, about this Kamurocho forger... Think you can find him by tomorrow?

Hana: Did you forget who you're talking to? I have it done in an hour.

Akiyama: That's my Hana-chan! Could you have him call my cell? I want to talk to him.

Hana: Will do.

[He hangs up.]

Akiyama: That ought to move things along. The best way to find a forger is to ask another forger. I'll wait for Hana-chan to call back. You'd better get going on the Princess League thing. We can meet up at Dyna Chair later.

Haruka: All right. Sounds good.

Compete in The Princess League

Haruka: (I have to get ready for the Princess League. I should get back to Dyna Chair first.)

[You can change characters!]

Yamaura: There ya are, Haruka, Not much time until the Princess League. Whaddya wanna do? You wanna go now?

Haruka: I'm ready to go to the Princess League.

Yamaura: Great! You look ready! Okay, take a look at the schedule board, and check out the part that says “Princess League.” All set? Let's go!

[They go to Soten TV.]

Haruka: Yamaura-san? Are you all right?

Yamaura: Well, to tell you the truth. I haven't been in a TV station in a while.

Haruka: Really?

Yamaura: Yeah, I'm kinda nervous.

Haruka: It'll be all right, Yamaura-san.

Yamaura: Heh. Sorry. I should be the one saying that to you.

Haruka: That's okay. Shall we go? The dressing room is right up here,

Yamaura: Okay. I’ll go check it out for you first.

Nakai: Sawamura.

Haruka: Hmm?

Nakai: It's me. T-Set's manager.

Haruka: Nakai-san?

Nakai: So, your president just dies and here you are, huh? But I guess a tiny little agency like yours can't afford to show some respect, can it?

Haruka: If you'll excuse me.

Nakai: By the way, are you sure your president's death was really a suicide? Park-san had a lot of enemies, after all. There's quite a few in the industry that would've been glad to see her go. Are you sure somebody didn't kill her and make it look like suicide?

Haruka: ……

Nakai: I see we're aiming for the sympathy votes today. Say, what if the killer turns out to be somebody from Dyna Chair?

Haruka: Please, stop!

Nakai: Huh?

Haruka: Nakai-san, if I win against T-Set… Will you promise to leave us alone and never speak to us again?

Nakai: You're a funny girl, you know that?

Haruka: Do you promise?

Nakai: If you want me to promise, then you gotta put up somethin' on your end, too. I know! If you lose, you have to switch to our agency. Deal?

Haruka: What?

Nakai: You could be an opener for T-Set. Be great to have two nice big sisters to look after you, wouldn't you agree?

Haruka: …It’s a deal.

Nakai: You better hold up your end when you lose!

Haruka: (bows) Please excuse me.

[In the dressing room.]

Yamaura: Why did you make a promise like that? Didn't Horie-kun tell ya to stay away from 'em?

Haruka: I'm sorry. I just couldn't keep quiet any longer.

Yamaura: Yeah, I'll bet he was countin' on that. That's how he operates.

Haruka: ……

Yamaura: Well, that's okay. All you gotta do is trounce 'em and that'll be the end of it. I know you can do it. Take that T-Set down a peg, and you'll be the top idol in Osaka!

Haruka: Right!

Yamaura: Well, you'd better hurry up and get changed.

[Haruka changes to black and pink dress with open arms, legs and stomach.]

Yamaura: Well, would ya look at you! You look absolutely fantastic!

[Someone knocks the door.]

Yamaura: Come in!

Assistant Director: Excuse me, Sawamura-san. We're just about ready.

Haruka: All right. Thank you.

[The show is about to begin! There are a lot of people in the hall. They are having a lot of fun and shouting toward the stage.]

Dolce Kamiya: How's everybody doing out there? It's showtime! I'm your host, Dolce Kamiya! Your idols have been fighting with everything they've got, exciting the entire nation! The air is absolutely crackling with tension! For our lucky top idol, the Princess League will open doors. And now it's time for round two of our finals! The rules are the same as before. The fans here in our studio audience will decide which performance is better. And they'll move closer to that contestant's stage. Audience members, this is your chance to lend all your support to your favorite idol! Let me introduce the two teams who game such electrifying performances in round one! First up these contestants!

[T-Set enters the stage.]

Dolce Kamiya: Their personalities are unique, but they complement each other perfectly! They hold the hearts of the nation in their lovely hands! Their graceful dance moves… flaunt a noble elegance that is unmatched! Ready to soar into your heart, it's the impeccable duo… T-Set!

[Haruka enters the other stage.]

Dolce Kamiya: On the other stage, this diamond in the rough has allowed us to see her sparkle. She's new on the scene, glowing brighter than even her original fans could've imagined. She gets better every time she steps foot on stage… Haruka Sawamura! Which idol team will attract the most fans… With the most dazzling performance!? It's time to find out! Let's goooo!

[They perform a song named Loneliness Loop. Lyrics by Ryosuke Horii, music by ZENTA.]

A bird without wings, can no longer fly
That's what your twisted love has turned me into
I just can't escape
As hard as I try
Your smile it cuts me in two, in its sorrow
What can I do to change myself
So that you'll look at me, like you look at her?
What can I do to change the past
So that you'll embrace me
As tightly as you always used to?
Caught up in a loop of loneliness
Never gonna find my way out
I'm trying to catch you in the frame
But you keep slipping away
A bird without wings, can no longer fly
That's what your twisted love has turned me into
I just can't escape
As hard I as try
Your smile it cuts me in two, in its sorrow
Caught up in a loop, pain and regret
just won't let me find my way out
I can't catch myself within the frame
It's too painfully blurry
The day's gonna come, that these tears I shed
will make you look back at what we could have been
The day's gonna come, that you finally see
Just how many wounds that I bear
A bird without wings, can no longer fly
That's what your twisted love has turned me into
I just can't escape
As hard I as try
Your smile it cuts me in two, in its sorrow

Dolce Kamiya: Thank you to Haruka Sawamura and T-Set! Those were two stellar performances we won't forget! But this is no ordinary concert—iiiit's a concert battle! So it's time to see who got the most love from our live audience members! I've just been told the count is in! Which idol team will be crowned on the winner!? The winner of round two, with a final round bonus, is… Haruka Sawamura! This must be so exciting for you, going to the finals!

Haruka: Yes, I'm so thrilled!

Dolce Kamiya: Now how do you feel about that upcoming, climactic round? Tell us your thoughts!

Haruka: To be honest, I'm not that confident. But I have a strong desire to win more than anyone, I think! And so, in the final round… I’ll do my best to express my sincerest feelings to my fans!

Dolce Kamiya: Thank you, Haruka! I'm sure the crowd will love it! But will she win in the final round? Who knows? You won't want to miss it! Did everyone enjoy the show!? The crowd is cheering wildly! They can't get enough of you girls! But I'm afraid we've just about run out of time. It's been such fun for us all. Now… See you next stage!

[Haruka returns to the dressing room.]

Yamaura: You did it, Haruka! Now all that's left is the final round! T-Set'll be fighting for their lives out there. You'll have to give it everything you got, right to the very end!

Haruka: Right!

Yamaura: All right. Let's get back to Sotenbori. You're supposed to meet Akiyama-san, right?

Haruka: Yes.

Yamaura: Well, just don't go overboard. To be honest, I'd rather see ya spendin' your extra time on lessons and the like. Christina and I will be standin' by, so come see us anytime, ya hear?

Haruka: Yes. Thank you.

Yamaura: All right, let's go.

[They go into the city.]

Yamaura: All right, I'm goin’ back to the office. You must be tired. Why don’t you take a break? Maybe go home first, before comin’ back?

Haruka: All right. Thank you.

[Yamaura leaves and Haruka's phone start ringing.]

Haruka: Hello? This is Haruka.

Akiyama: Haruka-chan? This is Akiyama. Are you free right now?

Haruka: Oh, Akiyama-san. I just finished taping.

Akiyama: You did? You must be exhausted, then. Sorry, but I was hoping we could get together and talk. I'd like your voice coach to be there, too.

Haruka: Yamaura-san? She should be at Dyna Chair right now.

Akiyama: Okay, let's all meet there, then. I'll be waiting for you at the entrance.

Haruka: All right. Is this about the forger, by the way?

Akiyama: Sorry if I got your hopes up, but, no. This is something else. Anyway, see you soon.

Haruka: Okay. See you.

[She hangs up the phone and walks toward a building.]

Haruka: (That's where the magazine interview is.)

Haruka: (It’s almost time for the interview. Should I go in?)

Haruka: (I'll give some really fun answers in case any of the kids see it!)

Haruka: (bows) Hello. I'm Haruka Sawamura. It's very nice to meet you.

Interviewer: Welcome to Ryukyu Travel Publishing. I am Yara.

Haruka: Oh, are you from Okinawa?

Yara: Born and raised. Haha! You could tell from my name?

Haruka: Yes. Now I feel like I'm back home!

Yara: That's great. Heheh. It'll make for an excellent interview, don’t you think?

Haruka: (bows) It certainly will.

[They sit down next to the coffee table on chairs.]

Yara: We wanted to make this unique, so we asked Okinawan children to write to you letters for the magazine. The response was overwhelming! The greatest volume of mail we've ever received, in fact. You must be quite the celebrity there.

Haruka: Really? That's amazing!

Yara: Space for the article is limited, so we picked just three letters. I'll read them to you, and then you can comment. Sound good?

Haruka: Absolutely.

Yara: All right. The first letter is from a sixth grade boy named "Professor Cosmos.”

Haruka: That's a pen name, I assume.

Yara: Yes, all three letters are written under pen names, I guess “Professor Cosmos” is a big fan of outer space, huh? Anyway, here we go. “Dear Sawamura-san, I saw you dancing on TV. Wow! You're so cool!” “I'm not athletic like you. I can’t do even one pull-up, and the other kids make fun of me. What should I do? Heh, I had the same problem when I was a kid. So! Any advice for “Professor Cosmos"?

Prove them wrong ✔
Don't worry about it too much
Make fun of them right back

Haruka: I would tell him... that I'm so sorry the other kids tease him! But why not turn those hurt feelings into inspiration? He said he liked my dancing. Well, when I first started, I couldn't dance well at all. It took so much practice. My dance coach would probably say that I'm still not good enough, even now! But the important thing is to learn something new, and just feel good about that. So my advice is to keep trying!

Yara: Very wise. I think Professor Cosmos will be encouraged by that. Now, then. On to letter number two. This is from "I Heart Riona,” a middle school boy.

Haruka: What?

Yara: Haha! Yeah, that pen name caught me by surprise, too. What a romantic fellow.

Haruka: (An Okinawa boy with a crush on a girl named Riona? Could it be Mitsuo?) (And Professor Cosmos said he was in sixth grade. Could that... possibly be Shiro?)

Yara: Sawamura-san?

Haruka: Oh! Sorry! (Oops! I better focus!)

Yara: Here's what it says. “Dear Haruka, I've been watching you on TV and rooting for you! But I kind of get jealous of everyone else on TV... They're all so good-looking!” “There's a girl I like, but I don’t think she likes me. Do you think it's because I'm not very handsome?" He's rooting for you! Must be a big fan. Haha. He sounds like a passionate guy. As for his romantic dilemma...

Looks aren't the only thing ✔
Put some effort into your appearance
Forget about this girl

Haruka: Sure, looks are a big part of what first attracts us to a person. The entertainment industry certainly puts an emphasis on looks, that's for sure. But they aren't the only thing. When a person truly likes someone, it has much more to do with personality, I think. For example, how kind the person is, or how trustworthy. Character can play a bigger role than appearance. Even in the entertainment industry, it counts for something if you're attractive on the inside as well as the outside. What I'm trying to say is... if you really like this girl, show her the quality of your character, and see what happens, Good luck!

Yara: That's very nice. I'm sure your words will mean a lot to “I Heart Riona.” Now for the third and final letter. It's from "Dragon Mask Man,” a boy in his second year of middle school.

Haruka: *gasp*

Yara: Uh, is there something wrong?

Haruka: Oh. No, it's nothing. I misheard you. I'm sorry! ("Dragon Mask"? That has to be Taichi! All three of these letters are from Morning Glory, for sure!) (Now I see why Ayako told me to do a good job at this interview!)

Yara: Um, are you ready to continue?

Haruka: Oh! Yes, please. My apologies.

Yara: "How do you do, Sawamura-san? I always watch you when you're on TV. You're the main topic of conversation at our house!” “We used to have people who were like a mother and father to us, but they both left on long journeys." “Now I'm the oldest boy, so I've been trying to be responsible and dependable like they were, but it's not easy.” “What can I do to become more like them?"

Haruka: ......

Yara: Wow, He sounds like a very mature and thoughtful young man, wise beyond his years, Any advice for him, Sawamura-san?

Just keep doing what you've been doing ✔
Those two people will be back soon
Just try to hold on a little longer

Haruka: It sounds like you've been doing great. Just keep at it. I'm sure all the younger children look up to you... because you already have those virtues you admire in the two people who left. Besides, those two weren't perfect. They made all kinds of mistakes. So don't worry about what you can’t do now. You're already helping your family a lot.

Yara: Wow, Sawamura-san.

Haruka: Oh! I'm sorry! I...

Yara: No, please don't apologize, I think... I think "Dragon Mask Man" really needed to hear something like that, We'll print it exactly the way you said it—no edits.

Haruka: Oh! Wonderful!

Yara: Those were some fascinating answers. Thank you for coming.

Haruka: (bows) And thank you very much for having me!

Yara: You gave some fantastic answers. I'm sure the children who wrote the letters will be thrilled.

Haruka: Oh, I hope so! Um, would it be possible for me to read the rest of the letters that were sent in?

Yara: Oh, sure, I actually have them right here. Shall I have them sent to your agency?

Haruka: No, I'd like to take them with me now, if that's all right.

Yara: Are you sure? That's a lot of heavy paper to carry around!

Haruka: It's okay! I'm stronger than I look.

Yara: Hahaha! You got it, then. And here’s some compensation for your time.

You got 20,000 yen. {$136}

Haruka: Thank you!

Yara: We hope to have you back soon.

Haruka: (bows) I'd like that very much.

[She leaves the building with a briefcase.]

Haruka: (Wow, lots of letters in these bags. I'll be sure to read and answer every last one of them.) (Those pen names were so silly! Hehe!) (Did they really think I wouldn't figure out their true identities? Haha! They remind me of someone else I know!) (They couldn't talk to me directly, so they wrote letters, Hehe, they're so cute!)

You got 4,000 experience points.

[Haruka comes to meet Akiyama.]

Haruka: Akiyama-san. Sorry to keep you waiting.

Akiyama: Sorry about ail this, especially right after your Princess thing.

Haruka: It's all right. I'm fine.

Akiyama: Okay. Shall we head in?

Haruka: Yes.

Akiyama: All right, in we go.

[They enter the agency and approach Yamaura, who is standing by the printer.]

Haruka: Akiyama-san said he'd like to talk to us.

Yamaura: Both of us?

Akiyama: That's right, It's about this agency. I wanted you to hear this, too, Yamaura-san.

Yamaura: All right.

[Yamaura and Haruka sit on the sofa, and Akiyama sits on the chair opposite them.]

Haruka: So, what did you want to tell us?

Akiyama: I found Park-san’s account book. We thought the money I loaned Park-san had disappeared from the safe, but it turns out that wasn’t the case. Looking through the account book, I found out the money had already been spent.

Haruka: What?

Akiyama: Park-san was sure Haruka-chan would win the Princess League. So sure, in fact, that she arranged Haruka-chan's big debut in advance.

Yamaura: Yes, I knew about that, Park-san had been talking about Haruka doing a concert in Tokyo for a long time.

Akiyama: Hang on, there's more. You haven't heard where she wanted to have it. I think, once you hear, you'll understand why it cost three hundred million.

Yamaura: What do you mean?

Akiyama: She reserved—get this—the Japan Dome.

Haruka: ...!

Yamaura: What!? The Japan Dome? For a new kid’s debut!? How on earth was she planning to fill that many seats!?

Akiyama: Knowing Park-san, she probably had an idea or two. But I guess now we'll never know.

Yamaura: No wonder Park-san wouldn't tell me the venue! The Japan Dome!? It’s absurd!

Haruka: But... I think it was important to Park-san that the concert be at the Japan Dome.

Akiyama: Why do you say that?

Haruka: Because she told me... Park-san almost got to perform at the Japan Dome back when she was an idol herself. I get the feeling all her hopes and dreams revolved around that place.

Akiyama: Haruka-chan, what about you? What do you want to do?

Haruka: If the Japan Dome is what Park-san wanted for my debut... Then, that's where I have to have it. As her last idol, I'm the only one who can carry on Mirei Park's dream.

Yamaura: Okay, but without Park-san or Horie-kun, what can we possibly do?

Akiyama: Dyna Chair still has you, Yamaura-san.

Yamaura: Me? I mean, sure, I can handle filling in as her manager, but that's about it. I could never put together a concert. I don't have that kind of expertise.

[Suddenly someone enters the office.]

Christina: You're forgetting about me.

Haruka: Christina-san!

Christina: I have quite a bit of experience running even bigger concerts overseas. I'll help you organize it. Besides, what kind of professional would I be if I didn’t see my job through to the end? And right now my job is seeing that Haruka becomes a top-ranked pop idol.

Yamaura: You really think we can pull it off? I mean, this is the Japan Dome we're talkin’ about.

Christina: If I know Park-san, she didn’t stop at simply reserving the venue. I'm sure she already hired a full event staff as well. In any case, it's certainly something you could look into. Once we have an answer, we can decide if it’s actually doable or not.

Haruka: Please, Yamaura-san.

Yamaura: All right, fine. Let me do some digging, then. I'll need a little time, of course. Akiyama-san, mind if I go over that account book? Getting a look at those expenditures will help me know where things are and who to call.

Christina: Park was wise to hire you, Yamaura.

Haruka: Thank you, Yamaura-san.

Akiyama: Starting today, you're the boss of this agency. Park-san would've liked that. I'm sure Horie-chan will be on board, too.

Yamaura: Heh, thank you.

Akiyama: Haruka-chan, why not leave the rest to Yamaura-san and Christina-san? You just get yourself ready. I'm sure Park-san would have wanted it that way, don’t you think?

Haruka: ...Thank you, Akiyama-san.

[Akiyama's phone starts ringing in his pocket.]

Akiyama: Whoops, there's the call. Haruka-chan, I bet this is our forger friend in Kamurocho.

Haruka: Right.

Akiyama: Hello?

Kamurocho Forger: Is this Akiyama of Sky Finance?

Akiyama: This is he.

Kamurocho Forger: I got a call from your secretary. She asked me to call you.

Akiyama: You're the forger? The one from Kamurocho?

Kamurocho Forger: You have to ask? Now, what's this about? You have a job for me?

Akiyama: Well, I don’t have a forging job for you, exactly, but I'll pay you nonetheless. I want you to hook me up with an Osaka forger—more specifically, one in the Sotenbori vicinity.

Kamurocho Forger: What would you want with him?

Akiyama: I need him to forge a suicide note, I have a sample of the handwriting.

Kamurocho Forger: In that case, I have somebody in mind.

Akiyama: So how can I get in touch?

Kamurocho Forger: Well, it's not like we're best buddies or anything. But there's a little place called Crest Bar in Hoganji Yokocho in Sotenbori. You might try asking the bartender.

Akiyama: Thank you. My secretary will forward you the payment.

[He hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket.]

Akiyama: Crest Bar in Hoganji Yokocho—not a place for you, Haruka-chan. And it's late, too. I'll be going this one alone, all right?

Haruka: Yes, I understand. I'll be waiting here. Just let me know if there’s anything I can do.

[Akiyama comes out of the building and at the exit, he is met by Yamaura, who went to smoke.]

Yamaura: Oh, hi, Akiyama-san. Ya got a minute? I was hopin’ to talk to you about Haruka.

Akiyama: To me? What about?

Yamaura: Don't tell Haruka, but I think she might have a stalker...

Akiyama: Something happen?

Yamaura: We were walkin’ back to her apartment late the other night, and I caught some weirdo was followin’ us. I don't think Haruka noticed, but after saying goodnight, I came back out, and that same guy was still there, watchin’ from a distance.

Akiyama: What happened then?

Yamaura: I was scared, but I went towards him to get a better look at his face, and he took off runnin’. I figured he must've been spyin’ on Haruka.

Akiyama: Interesting. Has anything like this ever happened before?

Yamaura: There's plenty of wacky people with all sorts of crazy ideas if Haruka’s fan letters are anything to go by. There’s no end to them. But this time, the stalker knows where Haruka lives. That's what worries me. Our agency has neither the staff nor the money to keep watch over Haruka 24/7. Still, it's not exactly something we can just ignore. So, I was hoping to ask a favor of you. Would you mind takin’ a look around Haruka’s apartment building every so often? Just when you have time. If you spot anyone sneakin’ around, I'd like you to give ‘em a stern talking-to.

Akiyama: Sure, but I think you might be a little too optimistic if you think that'll be enough to scare them off. But it’s worth a try. I might be just the man for the job.

Yamaura: I'm counting on you, Akiyama-san.

[Approaching Haruka's house, Akiyama notices a strange man who, looking around, is standing in front of road sign. He briefly tries to look into the alley where the entrance to Haruka's apartment is located.]

Akiyama: (Wow, seriously? Guy's none too secret about being a stalker, is he?) Excuse me, pal. Mind telling me what you're up to?

Businessman: Wha...? Who are you?

Akiyama: I'm with Dyna Chair. Ring a bell?

Businessman: You're from Haruka-chan’s agency!?

Akiyama: Yep. So, let me ask you again—what are you doing here?

Businessman: Uh, well, you see, I... Nothin’! Later!

[He runs away.]

Akiyama: Hey! Stop!

[He catches up with the runner and knocks him down.]

Akiyama: All right. I'll ask you nicely—quit skulking around Haruka-chan. Stalking is an actual crime. You know that, right?

Businessman: You got it all wrong! I'm no stalker! I was just tryin’ to keep Haruka-chan safe...

Akiyama: Sure, pal, that’s what they all say.

Businessman: I swear, I'm not lyin'! Haruka-chan really is bein’ stalked!

Akiyama: No admission of guilt nor any sign of remorse. Okay. You your chance. What do you say we call the police?

Businessman: I'm not lyin’, I'm tellin’ ya... Look! There he is!

Man in Sportswear: Hm?

Businessman: That's him! He’s the real stalker! I see him wanderin’ around Haruka-chan's apartment all the time!

Akiyama: ...You're serious?

[After assessing the situation, the man in the sportswear runs away.]

Businessman: See? There he goes! He's the stalker! Ya gotta believe me!

Akiyama: What? Damn it! Why do they always have to run!?

[He catches the man in the sportswear.]

Akiyama: Man, they've got me running all over town... So, pal, tell me—are you the real stalker?

Man in Sportswear: Stalker? Ya got it all wrong! I was hopin’ to protect Haruka-chan...

Akiyama: Oh, geez, not you, too. Fine, we'll let the police sort this out.

Man in Sportswear: Wait, wait, wait! I really ain't your stalker! Look over there! There he is!

Thug: Ah!

[The thug looks around sheepishly.]

Man in Sportswear: Don't try to pretend you're not, ya creep! I seen ya stakin’ out Haruka-chan’s apartment plenty of times!

Thug: You take that back! I ain't no stalker! I'll have you know I been keepin’ Haruka-chan safe!

Akiyama: Hey, mellow out. What's going on here?

Thug: Hell if I know! Where do you get off callin’ me a stalker!? I'm gonna keep Haruka-chan safe from the likes of you assholes! Say your prayers!

[He attacks Akiyama but quickly receives a kick in the ass and goes to rest on the asphalt.]

Yamaura: ...So what was this all about? Gentlemen, would you care to explain, please?

Businessman: I... I'm not a stalker. I admit I found Haruka-chan’s apartment, and I hung around hopin’ I could maybe see her. But then I noticed there was this shifty guy hangin’ around there, as well, so I told myself I had to protect her. It was some guy in a tracksuit.

Man in Sportswear: Wait! That's the same as me! I saw this brute sniffin’ around Haruka-chan's place! She needed protectin’ from him!

Thug: I saw that creep in the suit actin’ all kinds of suspicious. I was just tryna keep Haruka-chan safe!

Yamaura: All right, all right! I've heard enough!

Akiyama: Basically, all three of you are whistling the same tune—you all tried to keep Haruka-chan from a stalker, and you all got mistaken for one.

Yamaura: Pfft. What a mixed-up bunch of white knights, How silly can ya get!?

Akiyama: Well, it's a good thing it wasn't serious. These guys seem harmless enough—just some fans who took things a little too far.

Yamaura: Sure caused us enough worry, though. You stay away from Haruka’s place from now on. If I see ya again, I'm callin’ the cops!

Businessman: It won't happen again!

Man in Sportswear: Please forgive us!

Thug: Sorry for causin’ ya trouble!

Yamaura: Phew... Thanks for clearing this up, Akiyama-san. I suppose I should thank you, huh? How about this?

You got a Royal Joker Card.

You got 2,200 experience points.

[After saying goodbye to Yamaura, Akiyama goes to the bar.]

Akiyama: So this is the bar the Kamurocho forger told me about, is it?

Bartender: Welcome.

Akiyama: Hello.

Bartender: You're a stranger here, ain't ya? How'd you find this little hole in the wall?

Akiyama: Oh, I don’t know. It’s a nice little place. Good atmosphere.

Bartender: Hmph. So, what'll it be?

Akiyama: Well, let's see. How about... a forged suicide note?

Bartender: I'm afraid we only serve drinks here, pal. I think you've made a mistake.

Akiyama: A forger in Kamurocho sent me. Here's my card.

Bartender: Sorry. We're just about to close. Time to go.

Akiyama: Friendly one, aren't you...?

[He leaves the bar.]

Akiyama: (I get the feeling I'm on the right track. Just have to wait and see.) Hm?

Man with a Headache: Oh, I give up. There's no way I'm going to be able to try even half the places here. Plus, I'm stuffed and hung over... Oh, my aching head.

Akiyama: (Hey, isn't that guy on TV? What's he doing around here?)

[He approaches the guy.]

Man with a Headache: Ohhh... I need that turmeric drink.

Akiyama: Are you okay? You're hurting pretty bad by the looks of it.

Man with a Headache: I've been going to bars and izakaya, night after night. It’s part of my job, but I can't take it anymore.

Akiyama: Hey, aren't you that guy who's on TV all the time? You're a chef or something, right?

Man with a Headache: It's always nice when someone's heard of me. I'm Tatsuya, celebrity—Oooh...

Akiyama: Whoa, you sure you're all right? Try drinking some water or something.

Tatsuya: I think I'm okay now. Thanks.

Akiyama: I don't know what sort of work you're doing, but drinking like that is hard on the body.

Tatsuya: I know, but I want to help eateries across Japan by coming up with new twists on local cuisine. So, I've been going around trying places that might give me some good ideas. You know, places with good local fare that's great with drinks.

Akiyama: Right... You mean like pubs, taverns, and places like that? So that explains your current state. I guess it really is all part of the job, huh?

Tatsuya: I can't say no to a place that's supposed to be good. And I always finish what I order if it was recommended to me. As a chef myself, I feel that’s important.

Akiyama: You're even more serious about food than you are on TV. I thought it was all an act.

Tatsuya: Actually, the name recognition I get on TV helps draw more customers to my restaurant. Seeing me on TV might make people curious about me, but my greatest challenge is satisfying them when they come to eat my food.

Akiyama: So your show is all part of that? You really have your hands full.

Tatsuya: You can say that again. But hey, you could help me out by letting me know if you find a great place that serves local cuisine. I don't think I could survive an attempt to visit every last restaurant myself.

Akiyama: Well, it’s not like I'm an expert or anything, but I'll help where I can.

Tatsuya: Great, thanks! You're a real lifesaver! I've asked someone else about places that don't serve alcohol, so if you could focus on those that do, that would be great. Honestly, I don't think I can drink much more, so you'd be doing me a huge favor.

Akiyama: I see you're in a predicament. I'd be glad to help.

Tatsuya: If you introduce me to some good ones, I'll pay you back by teaching you my own special way to get the most out of your meals! And that’s something you don’t want to miss!

Akiyama: Top-secret techniques from a TV personality? Sounds interesting.

Tatsuya: Great, because I'm counting on you! You know where to find me!

[Some time after the meeting with the chef, Akiyama's phone starts ringing again. It's the bartender.]

Akiyama: Hello?

Crest Bartender: This Akiyama-san?

Akiyama: And who might this be?

Crest Bartender: You just talked to me at the bar.

Akiyama: Ah, you're that chummy bartender, right?

Crest Bartender: Right.

Akiyama: So you're the forger?

Crest Bartender: No, but there's somebody I'd like ya to meet. Come to the parking lot in Shofukucho. Now.

Akiyama: And if I'm busy?

Crest Bartender: Then, don't come.

[He hangs up.]

Akiyama: (The parking lot in Shofukucho, huh? Guess I don’t really have a choice.) (The parking lot in Shofukucho. This must be the place.)

[He is met in the parking lot by the bartender himself and a dozen tough guys.]

Akiyama: So it's a trap, is it?

Crest Bartender: Who are you?

Akiyama: I gave you my business card, didn't I? I run Sky Finance. I'm a moneylender. I'm just looking for a forger.

Crest Bartender: You said you wanted a suicide note forged. Who or what are you tryin’ to sniff out?

Akiyama: I'm afraid I don't know what you mean. Or are you telling me you got a similar request lately?

Crest Bartender: You know, I think we'd get a lot further if you'd quit bein’ a wiseass.

Akiyama: Huh. That's funny. I was just thinking the same thing about you.

Crest Bartender: Boys, I want you to make this guy bleed.

Akiyama: Look, pal, it’s been a long day, and I'm kind of worked up. So don't mind me if I let loose a little. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

[Akiyama takes care of the gang of girlscouts pretty quickly. The bartender himself takes a little longer to deal with, but soon he kisses the pavement.]

Akiyama: Now we can finally have a civilized discussion.

Crest Bartender: Son of a bitch!

Akiyama: I imagine you've heard of Mirei Park, of Dyna Chair?

[Crest Bartender: ......]

Akiyama: Nobody's coming to save you in a place like this. We've got plenty of time. If you don’t start talking, I'm not going to play nice anymore.

Crest Bartender: Fine.

Akiyama: You forged Park-san’s suicide note, didn't you?

Crest Bartender: All I did was introduce a forger to a guy who said he wanted a suicide note forged. I never met the guy in person. We only talked on the phone.

Akiyama: So who is this forger? Take me to him.

Crest Bartender: Fine. I'll show ya the way.

[Meanwhile Haruka comes to the office for a training session that is supposed to prepare her for the Princess League. She makes her way to the dance hall where Yamaura and Christina are waiting for her.]

Yamaura: Mornin', Haruka. Let's get right to it. We'll do a full rehearsal for the Princess League. Let's raise the difficulty level this time. If you can't handle this, there's no way you'll be able to beat T-Set.

Christina: It's time to grin and bear it, Haruka. Win this, and your talent will be recognized by everyone. But if you lose...

Yamaura: Then this agency's done for. And let's be honest, they'd never let you shine over at Osaka Talent.

Christina: That's the life of a star. One mistake, and it's all over. In a sense, you're lucky that you get to experience this kind of urgency before making your big debut.

Haruka: Yes.

Yamaura: Well, we can start anytime. You ready?

Haruka: I’m all set.

Yamaura: Okay, then! Here we go!

[Haruka undergoes a challenging and lengthy dance training with a simply amazing rating.]

Yamaura: Hey, lookin' pretty good out there.

[You got 4,000 experience points.]

Yamaura: I think you’re finally ready.

Christina: I agree. You've taken in everything we've taught you, Haruka. Park-san certainly knew what she was doing when she chose you.

Haruka: You really think so...? Thank you!

Yamaura: By the way, where's Akiyama-san today?

Christina: Ah, been on your mind, has he, Yamaura? He's handsome one, isn't he?

Yamaura: What!? It's nothin' like that.

Haruka: Akiyama-san's... at Osaka Talent.

Yamaura: What!? What's he doing there!?

Haruka: He wants to talk to their president.

Yamaura: ……

Christina: Well, never mind that right now, Yamaura. We have preparations to make, do we not?

Yamaura: Yeah, you're right. We'll be in the office, so come on down once ya get changed.

Haruka: Okay.

Haruka: (The results of the first two rounds will be added to today's final round score. I want the first two rounds so I'm going in with the advantage. I can't let it go to waste!)

[She goes down to the floor below where the main office is located to talk to Yamaura.]

Yamaura: Whaddya think, Haruka? Ready to head out to the Princess League taping? Just check out "Princess League" on the schedule board whenever you're ready.

Haruka: All right.

Yamaura: But listen to me, Haruka… If ya beat T-Set today, your face is gonna be known all over the country. There's no going back to a regular life after that. I want you to be prepared. So if there's anything ya wanna get outta the way first, now's the time to do it.

Haruka: Right, okay.

[Haruka is extremely unemotional about all the recent events that have happened. Even now, when her whole life is at stake, she doesn't show any emotion.]

Haruka: (I think I'll check out the job schedule. What should I check? I think I'll check out the job schedule.)

[She chooses the Princess League Finals.]

Yamaura: Well, this is it.

Christina: I'll stay here and keep an eye on the office. Haruka, I believe I told you on the day we first met… Dancing is about expressing your feelings. Letting others see what's in your heart. Go and enjoy your time onstage. That will bring you the results you're looking for.

Haruka: Right!

Yamaura: All right, let's go, kiddo.

Haruka: Okay.

[Haruka and Yamaura walk down the hallway to register as participants. Haruka is approached by the T-Set girls.]

Mai: Haruka We hear you cut a deal with Nakai-san. If you lose to us you'll come join Osaka Talent.

Azusa: Either way the chips fall, it looks like Dyna Chair's done for.

Yamaura: Don't ya girls have somewhere to be? We got better things to do than this.

Mai: I was wondering who the new face was! This your new manager? Oh yeah. I heard that loser you were with before ate it pretty hard. That's a real shame, Haruka-chan. Guess you're bad luck for everyone you run into.

Azusa: I know right? What a freak

Yamaura: Shut it, you two! Have a little decency will ya?

Mai: Ooh looks like we touched a nerve!

Azusa: Some people just can't take a joke. I mean dramatic much?

Haruka: Stop it.

Mai: Stop what?

Azusa: You saying we did something wrong?

Haruka: Not yet. But if you keep talking like that, I'll make you eat those words.

Mai: What you really think you can win?

Yamaura: C'mon, Haruka. These brats ain't worth the effort.

Haruka: (to T-Set) I'll win. You'll see. Not just for myself but for Park-san, too.

Azusa: Yeah whatever. Once you join our agency, we promise we'll get along real well. We'll see who comes out on top in the end.

[Haruka and Yamaura go to the dressing room.]

Yamaura: Unbelievable! Those little brats are the top idols in Osaka!? I'm surprised their fans can't see right through 'em!

Haruka: …...

Yamaura: Haruka, don't you dare lose to those two! That's an order! Put those girls to shame!

Haruka: Shame? Well, I don't know about that… But don't worry. I'll win. I have to!

Yamaura: That's right. For both Park-san and Horie-kun's sakes. Okay, let's get to it. Time to change into your costume.

[Haruka puts on her awful costume for the performance.]

Yamaura: Oh, yeah. That's good. That's real good.

Haruka: Now I'm all embarrassed.

Yamaura: Don't worry 'bout that. All ya gotta think about now is your performance.

[Someone knocks at the door.]

Yamaura: Come in!

Assistant Director: Excuse me, Sawamura-san. We're just about ready.

Haruka: All right. Thank you. (bows)

Yamaura: Hey, Haruka.

Haruka: Yes?

Yamaura: Once you leave this room, there's no turnin' back.

Haruka: I know. It's my one and only chance.

Yamaura: That's not what I'm talkin' about. It's just... once you walk through that door, you'll never be a regular girl ever again.

Haruka: What?

Yamaura: Listen to me, Haruka. Whether ya win or lose today, your life as a normal high school girl is over. If ya win, you'll have your big debut. And that means no matter where ya go, you'll have people's eyes on you at all times.

Haruka: ……

Yamaura: And if ya lose, you'll have to live with that feelin' for the rest of your life. People might sympathize with you for a while, but they might start to feel contempt for ya, too. You're damned if you win, damned if you lose. And you only get to enjoy your victories for a little while. That's just how it goes in the entertainment industry. Knowing all that, are ya sure you still wanna pursue this dream of yours?

Haruka: ……

Yamaura: If your dream is really something else, now's your last chance to change your mind. What do you wanna do, Haruka? Are ya really ready to walk out onto that stage for the final round?

Yes ✔

Haruka: Yes. I've made up my mind. No matter how difficult things might get, I don't want to live with the regret of not ever trying. Park-san's dream is my dream now.

Yamaura: All right. In that case… Haruka, get out there and bring us back a win on that final round!

Haruka: I will!

[And the main event begins!]

Dolce Kamiya: How’re we doin’ everybody!? It’s showtime! I'm your host Dolce Kamiya! They made us laugh they made us cry… But there's one last round before we say goodbye! The curtain is about to go up on the third and final round of the Princess League! Surely we all know the rules by now! The contestant who corrals the biggest audience by the end of their performance wins round three! We've finally made it to the final round! I don't need to tell you how important the points earned tonight will be in determining our winner! When all is said and done, only one side will wear the Princess League crown! Who will it be!? Now then let's introduce our players! First up, our outstanding idol duo!

[T-Set enters the stage.]

Dolce Kamiya: Whether it's their flawless fashion, their incredible dancing… Or the stunning symmetry of their performance, it's impossible not to be awestruck by such talent! Might it be that these two were made for each other? Allow me to present the greatest idol duo of their generation… T-Set!

[Haruka enters the stage.]

Dolce Kamiya: She may be young and uncertain, but she's overcome each and every battle this season's had to offer. What do those youthful eyes, gleaming with determination see at the end of her journey? Her resolute singing voice weaves sweet promises of a bright future! Making all who hear her swell with hope, I give you the one and only wonder girl... Haruka Sawamura! Which of them will attract the most audience members with their dazzling performance!? Let the final round of the Princess League begin! Ready? Go!

Because I Have You
Lyrics by Ryosuke Horii
Music by Mitsuharu Fukuyama

Till the end, you'll be by my side
That's the promise that you made that day

I remember it so well

Me and you, staring at the sky
As solitary-cloud pass by

It reminded me of your that smile I won't forget

Someday soon maybe, I'll finally be used to being alone...

But until that day comes,
I’ll spend my time wishing you were here next to me

I'm gonna make it
Stronger than ever before you'll see

I don't care how long it'll take

I wanna show you
How much everything you did means to me

This dream'll come true
No matter how hard I have to try

I don't know where you are, but I know you can see

I’m not crying because
You're always here in my heart

After the long journey

My dream is finally almost in my reach

Just another few steps
And I'll be there showing you a brand new me

I'm gonna make it
Impossible as it might seem to be

I can finish what I have to do

Because I have you
In my heart supporting my every move

We're not together
I don't know how far away you are

But there's one thing that keeps me going inside

I'm not lonely because
You're always here in my heart

Dolce Kamiya: Haruka-chan! T-Set! Thank you very much! Those were two stellar performances we won't soon forget! I simply can't contain my excitement. Both sides gave us a truly flawless show. Wouldn't you agree ladies and gentlemen!? However! As you all know… The results are coming up, and at long last we'll finally crown our winner! I know you're all very excited! But before that… (listens in the mic in his ear) I see... Well folks. The results are in! Now, before we announce the final results, let's hear from our contestants! T-Set, how do you feel after delivering such an amazing performance in the finals?

Mai: We put every ounce of ourselves into this performance!

Azusa: We're looking forward to the results!

Dolce Kamiya: Haruka-chan what about you?

Haruka: I know we haven't heard the results yet, but this whole experience has been just wonderful!

Dolce Kamiya: Indeed! Thank you both very much! As much as we'd like to bask in this moment, we simply can't put it off any longer! Haruka-chan, T-Set, members of our lovely audience… Are you ready to hear the results? I’ll take that, as a yes! And now the results! Princess League 2012… After countless battles, the one who will rise up to claim the Princess League crown is… Haruka Sawamura!

[This is the first time Haruka is showing any emotion. She's stunned.]

Dolce Kamiya: Haruka-chan, you are the winner of this year's Princess League! Haruka-chan?

[Haruka almost losses her ability to speak.]

Haruka: I… I won?

[Apparently, the pressure is too much for her. She understands what this victory represents.]

Dolce Kamiya: That's right! You're this year's big winner!

[Haruka covers her mouth with her hands in horror.]

Dolce Kamiya: Now then Haruka-chan... It's time for your first task as the Princess League victor! How about a few words for both our audience here and those watching at home?

[But eventually Haruka accepts her new self and smiles.]

Haruka: Yes of course. An inexperienced girl like me winning the Princess League… It's all thanks to your support. Each and every one of you. Everyone here in the audience, the people rooting for me on TV. All of those who have encouraged me. It was you that kept me going. You taught me a very important lesson. No matter how near or far you are, your feelings can always reach those you love. (rises her eyes) I hope mine have reached you. All of you.

Dolce Kamiya: Well, folks, it looks like it's time for this year's Princess League to finally come to a close. The studio is still bursting with excitement, but I'm afraid we must hid you farewell. That said, be sure to join us next year for another exciting season of the Princess League! (in English) Goodbye! See you next time!

Yamaura: You did it, Haruka! You really did it! I just wish Park-san and Horie-kun were here to see it too. Park-san found a real star when she found you. I just know you can make the Japan Dome event a success. I believe you'll fulfill both your and Park-san's dreams. I really do.

Haruka: (bows) Thank you!

Yamaura: Oh, that's right. We left Christina back at the office, didn't we? We oughta head back and tell him the good news.

Haruka: Right.

Yamaura: Okay, let's get goin'.

[Haruka changes into her usual white hoodie and they walk towards the exit. Azusa and Mai catch up with them.]

Azusa: Hey wait up.

Mai: You're just gonna leave without caving goodbye?

Yamaura: What's this about? You two tryin' to start something again?

Azusa: We just watched a playback of your performance.

Mai: We couldn't just let you leave without telling you this first…

Yamaura: Just what are you up to?

Mai: Nothing. We just have something to say.

Azusa: As much as I hate to admit it, your performance really moved us. It was incredible.

Mai: It wasn't easy for us to come this far, either. So we understand. You must have practiced a lot to be able to perform like that. It takes guts, no doubt about it.

Yamaura: Girls...

Mai: That's all. See ya.

[They walk away and Haruka shouts to them.]

Haruka: Thank you both for saving that! I don't think I could have given it my all if I wasn't facing off against you two. So… so...

Mai: You really are clueless. Right Azusa?

Azusa: You'll never make it in this world if something like that makes you cry. But maybe that's part of your charm.

Mai: Still, we're confident we're gonna hit it big, just watch.

Haruka: I think so, too.

Azusa: Anyway we should get going.

Mai: See you around

Haruka: Yeah. See you!

[T-Set leaves.]

Yamaura: They're better kids than I thought they were. Gotta say they've really changed my opinion.

Haruka: Mine too.

Yamaura: Well let's move. We'll have a party when we get back to the office Sound good?

Haruka: Yes ma'am!

[And we return to Akiyama who stands on the street.]

Akiyama: (So, he wants to talk about Park-san's suicide, does he? I don't know who this guy is, but I guess he's waiting for me over at Sky Finance.)

[He walks to his office in Sotenbori and sees a strange man inside.]

Akiyama: And just who might you be?

[It’s detective Serizawa!]

Serizawa: We just talked on the phone. I've been waiting for you, Akiyama-san.

[They sit on the chairs to talk.]

Akiyama: You bust into my office and you won't even tell me your name? That's not very polite.

Serizawa: You don't think Mirei Park-san's death was a suicide, do you?

Akiyama: I'll ask again. Who are you?

Serizawa: Let's just say I'm with the police.

Akiyama: You sure don't look it. But whatever. What do the police want with me? And why all the secrecy?

Serizawa: Why don't you just hear me out first? The one who killed Park was a man named Ogita, a former dance instructor at Dyna Chair. With me so far?

Akiyama: Go on.

Serizawa: He's most likely the one who pushed Dyna Chair's Horie off the roof as well. But it's not just him. There's a certain organization wrapped up in all this, as well. They're the ones I'm after.

Akiyama: ……

Serizawa: The one pulling the strings on this thing is Ousaka Enterprises—an Omi Alliance front company, and a powerful one at that.

Akiyama: Ousaka Enterprises... Backed up by the Omi Alliance, you say?

Serizawa: This Ousaka Enterprises is a slippery fish. They don't let themselves get caught. Its executive director, a man named Kamon Kanai, has been running around doing their dirty work. That's about all the police have learned.

Akiyama: Kanai, huh?

Serizawa: Ogita was apparently working for this Kanai. Kanai is also the one who used a forger to fabricate Park's suicide note.

Akiyama: So he's our man, is he?

Serizawa: After the Park incident, we left those two at large. We've had them under surveillance ever since. The Omi Alliance is a ticking time bomb right now. They're all scrambling to get in line for the chairman's spot, so anything could happen. Not a good time to go sticking your nose into their business, if you ask me.

Akiyama: Really? It sounds a whole lot more like you're begging me to do the exact opposite.

Serizawa: ……

Akiyama: Just what are you after, anyway?

Serizawa: You've been warned, Akiyama-san.

[He leaves.]

Akiyama: Sheesh... I've got people crawling out of the woodwork everywhere I go. Ousaka Enterprises and the Omi Alliance… Park-san... Just what did you get yourself involved with?

[Some guys enters the office. A dozen to be exact.]

Hakamada: How's business, Sky Finance-han?

Akiyama: You boys again? I thought I told you I'm a very busy man… Wait a minute. Hakamada-san, was it? Didn't you say you were with the Omi Alliance?

Hakamada: That's right. And ya better learn to show some respect.

Akiyama: (in English) Good timing!

Hakamada: Huh?

Akiyama: There's this fellow, the executive director of Ousaka Enterprises, a front company of the Omi Alliance… He goes by the name of Kanai. Think you can take me to him?

Hakamada: Ousaka Enterprises!? Where'd ya hear that name?

Akiyama: Can you take me or not?

Hakamada: You just took this way beyond us gettin' revenge.

Akiyama: Ah, so you have heard of them.

Hakamada: Hey, I dunno what you're tryin' to dig up here, pal, but now that you said that name… I'd say you just dug your own grave! Time to die!

[Akiyama beats the shit put of Hakamada and his girlfriends.]

Akiyama: Now tell me where I can find this Kanai.

Hakamada: What do ya want with him?

Akiyama: That's none of your business. Just tell me where he is.

Hakamada: I heard the Ousaka Enterprises office is about an hour's drive from Sotenbori. Ya might try lookin' there.

Akiyama: An hour, huh? That's pretty out of the way.

Hakamada: Of course it's outta the way, ya can't have that kinda place on a downtown street corner.

Akiyama: …?

Hakamada: Anyway, he's a director, so I bet he leaves the heavy liftin' to his boys and just stays in the office doin' desk work or somethin'.

Akiyama: Desk work? Him? I'm havin' a hard time picturing that… In any case, it looks like I'll have to go pay him a visit. By the way, I'd rather not see you boys again.

Hakamada: ……

Akiyama: Got a problem with that?

Hakamada: Fine. I'm sick of seein' your face anyway.

Akiyama: We finally agree on something.

[Hakamada leaves with his girlfriends.]

Akiyama: (This Ousaka Enterprises is pretty far. I guess I'll take a cab. And if this Kanai guy is there, I'd better be prepared...)

Soten Taxi: The base fare is 640 yen. Where are you headed?

[Akiyama says that he needs to go to Ousaka Enterprises.]

Soten Taxi: Very well.

[Akiyama walks up to a dilapidated rusty gate leading to some sort of junkyard.]

Akiyama: Guess this is my spot. Well, well, So it’s one of these places.

[He is approached by two malevolent-looking men, one of whom is holding a small crowbar, which he plays with.]

Thug: Who're ya?

Tan Ousaka Enterprises Employee: Can't you read? The sign said, "Keep Out."

Akiyama: I'm looking for your executive director. His name is Kanai-san. I'd like to have a word with him, if that's all right?

Tan Ousaka Enterprises Employee: Kanai? Hm... I figured as much.

Akiyama: You what?

Tan Ousaka Enterprises Employee: Only two groups of people know Kanai is our executive director. One is Ousaka Enterprises employees, And the other is the prefectural police organized crime division.

Akiyama: (That sneaky detective... I bet he knew this would happen.) It doesn't look like I'm getting anywhere here. This calls for some gentle persuasion.

Tan Ousaka Enterprises Employee: Do ya know what this place is for?

Akiyama: Well, if I had to guess, I'd say it’s an industrial waste disposal facility, for the real nasty stuff that’s left untreated.

Tan Ousaka Enterprises Employee: Well, if ya know that much, then there’s only one thing left to do. We're gonna have to add you to the scrap heap!

[Akiyama has to fight with Ousaka's employees. They prove to be formidable opponents, but he manages to prevail. Akiyama picks up a crowbar and runs through the dump, beating up the workers.]

Worker: Hey! Where do ya think you're goin'!?

Akiyama: (There's a lot of them... Hm?)

Akiyama: (That heavy machinery could be useful.)

[He has to fight a dozen workers. They even try to run him over with an excavator, but they only crush their own.]

Akiyama: (I should probably deal with these guys first so I don't have to deal with them later.)

[He soon finds a man lying on the ground under a small wooden shed. Akiyama quickly recognizes him. The man is badly beaten and his face is covered in blood.]

Akiyama: It's you! Ogita!

Ogita: You're... that guy who jumped me at Dyna Chair. Why’re ya...?

Akiyama: You first. What happened to you?

Ogita: Kanai happened to me.

Akiyama: Kanai? I thought you two were buddy-buddy.

Ogita: Shit... I ain't ready to die. Not like this! Please. Ya gotta help me! I'll tell ya everything! I'll talk to the cops if I gotta! Just please. Get me outta here! I'm the one who killed Park. That bitch screwed me over on some work-related shit.

Akiyama: So it was about money?

Ogita: Nah, that ain't it. Dunno ‘bout you, but I couldn't stand her. Always demandin’ top-level work for shit pay. And she tricked me into signin’ a contract she could break without payin’ a penalty.

Akiyama: That's nothing new. In show business, results can't be defined by numbers. It's hard to clarify how well you did your job in your line of work.

Ogita: Hmph. The bitch said the same thing.

Akiyama: So that's why you killed her? For revenge? That's why you hurt Horie-chan?

Ogita: Nah. You got it all wrong, I was asked to do a certain job for someone.

Akiyama: A job?

Ogita: Ya see, I owe the loan sharks here at Ousaka Enterprises a big hunk of money. I didn’t have enough to pay ‘em back since Park broke my contract. So I asked ‘em to wait, but they gave me a job instead. Said if I got a certain somethin’ off of Park, they'd forgive my debt.

Akiyama: What did they want?

Ogita: Some letter she got from her ex-husband.

Akiyama: A letter? What would anybody want with that?

Ogita: They were tryin’ to track down this ex of hers, apparently. They thought the letter would help find him. So we broke into Dyna Chair to look for it. Me and Kanai, that big yakuza you were scrappin’ with.

Akiyama: Yeah.

Ogita: But we couldn't find it. So we decided to wait till Park came back to the agency.

Akiyama: ......

Ogita: When she showed up, I grabbed her and tried to get her to tell me where that letter was. But she kept quiet. She tried to make a run for it, but if she'd gotten away, it'd have been all over for me. So I chased her... Next thing I knew, I was smashin’ her head against the floor in the hallway. It was then she stopped movin’.

Akiyama: Bastard! What did you do!?

Ogita: Makin’ it look like a suicide, that was all Kanai. Seemed like that kind of thing was pretty old hat to him. If it looked like a murder, the police woulda confiscated everything. But a suicide would buy us time to keep lookin’ and figure out where her ex was.

Akiyama: So Kanai worked his magic. Why try to kill Horie-chan?

Ogita: That was Kanai. He tried to get the location of the letter out of Horie, but Horie kept sayin’ he didn't know. So, after a little tussle, Kanai threw him off the roof.

Akiyama: Who exactly is this ex-husband of Park's?

Ogita: Couldn't tell you... There. That's all I know... You gotta help me. I'm a victim here, too! I don't wanna die! I'll confess, I'll tell the police everything! Just, please, get me outta here... Please!

Akiyama: How can Park-san rest in peace with you claiming to be a victim, too?

Ogita: Please! Please help me! I don't wanna die!

Akiyama: I'm going to be making a lot of noise in the next few minutes. You'd better use it as your chance to run.

Ogita: What? What are ya gonna do?

Akiyama: I originally came here just to talk with Kanai, but after all you've told me, I'm gonna have to knock his teeth in.

Ogita: I dunno... You might think you're tough, but that Kanai’s a tank. You better get outta here while you still can!

Akiyama: Not before I've taken care of business.

[He emerges from under the shed, where he is already met by five workers.]

Akiyama: Is Kanai inside?

Ousaka Enterprises Employee: What's it to you?

Akiyama: I'm going in.

Ousaka Enterprises Employee: Heh. Listen to this, boys! Guess Tokyo's got some pretty funny comedians, too!

Akiyama: Look, I'm really not in the mood right now. If you're trying to pick a fight, you'd better make sure you mean it.

Ousaka Enterprises Employee: Hah! This guy's a real barrel of laughs!

[Akiyama has to fight his way to the boss of the organization, Kanai.]

Akiyama: (Doesn't look like Kanai’s here.)

Akiyama: (If I don’t take care of these guys now, it could bite me in the ass later.)

You got the first floor office key.

Akiyama: (Kanai might be behind that door in the back. I'll have to deal with these guys first.)

[Akiyama enters a vast warehouse where, in addition to the bags of cement on the shelves, there is a huge press with traces of blood on it.]

Akiyama: So this is what he used on Ogita, huh?

Kanai: I didn’t think you'd try to come find me.

[He stands on the second floor of the warehouse, towering over Akiyama.]

Akiyama: About time you showed yourself, Kanai.

Kanai: I had you checked out, you know, A Kamurocho moneylender? What the hell do you want with me?

Akiyama: I want to kick your ass. Think of it as a special greeting from Park-san.

Kanai: What's this now? Oh, that's right. There was somethin’ I wanted to ask ya. Do you know where the letter from Park's ex is?

Akiyama: Nope. And even if I did, I certainly wouldn't tell you.

Kanai: I see. Then I don't need you anymore.

Akiyama: What!?

[There are some sounds coming from outside.]

Akiyama: Ogita!

Kanai: Akiyama-han, if you ain't gonna tell me where the letter is, then I'll just hafta ask the girl.

Akiyama: What?

Kanai: Haruka Sawamura. Park sure thought a lot of that kid, didn't she?

Akiyama: What...!?

Kanai: Heheh. My boys oughta be pickin’ her up right now. I plan on havin’ a nice, long chat with her.

Akiyama: Kanai, stop! Leave her out of this! Dammit! Out of my way!

[Kanai leaves and a few workers enter the warehouse. Akiyami has to fight his way out again. He must deal with Kanai immediately! When all the workers are defeated he, panting, calls Haruka.]

Akiyama: Hello? Haruka-chan!? It's Akiyama!

Yamaura: This is Yamaura.

Akiyama: Yamaura-san? Where's Haruka-chan!?

Yamaura: Some guys... They looked like yakuza... They took her!

Akiyama: Shit!

Yamaura: They forced their way into the office and grabbed her.

Akiyama: Are you and Christina all right?

Yamaura: Yes, we're fine. What do we do!?

Akiyama: Did you call the police?

Yamaura: They said they'd kill her if we reported it. I don't know what to do...

Akiyama: Haruka-chan...

[The scene changes and we see Haruka tied up. Her mouth is taped shut. Two yakuza are standing next to her. Kanai enters.]

Kanai: Boys. So? Ya find that letter or not?

Yakuza: Well you see, this little brat won't fess up, so...

[Kanai immediately, powerfully punches him in the face.]

Kanai: Then make her, shithead!

[He squats down next to Haruka.]

Kanai: I'm through wastin’ time with ya. (grabs her chin) Spit it out, girl. I know ya got it. Or do ya wanna take the same leap your president did?

[Someone touches Kanai's shoulder and he turns around, responding in a rude manner.]

Kanai: Don't interrupt me!

[...And immediately gets punched in the face. Suddenly it turns out he's been hit by... Naoki Katsuya!?]

Katsuya: Sorry, but it needs to be done. You've tested my patience long enough.

Kanai: Chairman!?

[Haruka sees Katsuya and passes out. The scene changes to Akiyama again. He's in the city.]

Akiyama: (Haruka-chan... Damn it! Where could she be!?)

Akiyama: (Okay, first stop, Dyna Chair!)

[He runs to the agency's office, located, incidentally, nearby.]

Yamaura: Akiyama-san...

Akiyama: Any word?

Yamaura: No, nothing. The police haven't contacted us yet, either.

Akiyama: I see... Damn it!

Yamaura: Akiyama-san, what's going on? Who were those guys?

Akiyama: They were from a crime family called Ousaka Enterprises. Said they're after a letter Park-san received from her ex-husband. They think Haruka-chan has it.

Yamaura: All that for a letter? Wait. Is Ousaka Enterprises responsible for Park-san and Horie-kun, too?

Akiyama: That's right.

Christina: Unbelievable.

Yamaura: Isn't there anything we can do? I can't stand this.

Akiyama: We don’t have a single clue as to where she is... There's not much we can do.

[Suddenly someone enters the office... It's Katsuya! And he's holding Haruka!]

Katsuya: Excuse me.

Akiyama: It's you... Katsuya!

[Katsuya places Haruka, who is unconscious, on the couch. Yamaura and Christina immediately run up to her.]

Yamaura: Haruka? Haruka!

Katsuya: She's merely fainted. I assure you she isn't hurt.

Akiyama: What's the meaning of this?

Katsuya: My sincerest apologies. Someone so precious to this agency should never have been put in harm's way.

[He bows.]

Katsuya: I have a confession to make, Akiyama-san. I am the president of Osaka Talent, yes. But there's another title I prefer to keep hidden. I serve as the Omi Alliance Chief of HQ, and chairman of Ousaka Enterprises. Kanai, the man who assaulted both Park-san and Horie-san, is a part of my organization. Words cannot express my apologies.

Akiyama: Cut the act, man!

Katsuya: You likely won't believe it, but I only learned of Kanai’s horrific actions myself a short time ago. Please know that obtaining that letter was our singular objective in all this. It's the only way for us to track down Park-san's former husband, you see.

Akiyama: And this ex? Just who is he?

Katsuya: Well you see, the truth is... He's a top Tojo officer. Goro Majima.

Akiyama: You're full of it.

Katsuya: Majima reportedly passed away in Sapporo just the other day. But I'm sure he’s very much still alive. My entire organization is attempting locate him as we speak. You see, Majima sent Park a letter requesting a meeting. And we'd like to see it for ourselves.

Akiyama: Don't know a thing about it.

Katsuya: No, but I believe she does.

Akiyama: What gives you that idea?

Katsuya: She has something. A fountain pen. It was one of Park-san’s most prized possessions. Haruka having it now must mean Park-san trusted her with everything. At least, that's my theory.

Akiyama: What's your deal?

Katsuya: Park-san and I, we're cut from the same cloth. We've been industry friends for decades. Or, should I say, comrades in arms. Whatever you choose to call us, her death has been a point of great pain for me. When Haruka-san comes to, please ask her to give me the letter. It's for the best. For all parties.

Akiyama: Sounds almost like a demand to me.

Katsuya: I'm aware. But I wouldn't be much of a yakuza if it didn't. So. I hope you make the right choice.

[He leaves the office.]

Yamaura: What's your next move gonna be, Akiyama-san?

Akiyama: For now, all I can do is sit tight ‘til Haruka-chan wakes up. But whether or not she has the letter, we're skipping town. It’s not safe here.

Yamaura: You're leavin’ Osaka?

Akiyama: At the crack of dawn tomorrow, I'm taking Haruka-chan up to Kamurocho. The whole city’s Tojo Clan turf. The Omi'll have no choice but to tread carefully. And besides, Haruka’s got a gig she can't miss.

Yamaura: You mean her concert at the Japan Dome?

Akiyama: Yup. She's worked too hard for it to come to nothing. And one way or another, we've gotta make Park-san’s dream come true.

Yamaura: Guess we were plannin’ to go to Tokyo. Didn't think this is how it'd happen, though.

Akiyama: Regardless. Let's just let Haruka-chan sleep for now.

Yamaura: Right.

[Meanwhile, Haruka, who is on the couch in the study comes to her senses. She feels the vibration of her phone. Someone has sent her a text.]

Sender: Unknown. Call the following number when you get this message.

[The message startles her more than a little, but she slowly dials the specified number anyway and brings the phone to her ear.]

Haruka: Hello?

Katsuya: This is Haruka Sawamura-san, isn't it?

Haruka: Yes, I saw your message. Who are you?

Katsuya: It is Katsuya, president of Osaka Talent.

Haruka: What do you want with me!?

Katsuya: I want you to give me the letter Park-san received from her ex-husband.

Haruka: Why would I ever give it to you!? I won't do it!

Katsuya: You seem to think we were the ones who killed Park-san. I don't suppose anything I say will change your mind. And in that case, as much as I hate to do it, I'll have to resort to threats.

Haruka: Threats!?

Katsuya: I looked into your background. I was interested to see where Park-san found such an exeptional talent.

Haruka: ......

Katsuya: You came from Okinawa, isn't that right? And you were raised in a facility called Morning Glory Orphanage.

Haruka: Yes, that's right. So what?

Katsuya: Imagine my surprise when I learned the name of its previous manager. Kazuma Kiryu. I couldn't believe you had ties with the legendary Dragon of Dojima.

Haruka: ......

Katsuya: It's been a few years since the war with the Tojo Clan. But there are still many in the Omi Alliance who bear a grudge against him. If his whereabouts were made known, some might try to get their revenge. They might even try to use the Morning Glory Orphanage to try and draw him out.

Haruka: No! Morning Glory doesn’t have anything to do with this!

Katsuya: Ah, but that's the nature of threats, isn't it? What do you say? Are you willing to trade that letter for Kiryu-san and the Morning Glory Orphanage?

Haruka: But...

Katsuya: I can appreciate your talent as a pop idol. Under different circumstances, I'd be rooting for your career. But I can't afford to care about that right now.

Haruka: ......

Katsuya: The choice is yours.

Haruka: I'll do it. But if I give you the letter... You have to promise to leave us alone forever.

Katsuya: Hmm. I can't promise we'll never run into each other again. The entertainment industry is a small world, after all. But if you can't put on a smile when we cross paths, you'll never make it in this business.

Haruka: ......

Katsuya: That's the nature of the industry. Surely you knew that.

Haruka: ...!

Katsuya: Come to platform 23 of Shin-Osaka Station... You can give me the letter there.

Haruka: Shin-Osaka Station?

Katsuya: Yes, my schedule has me quite tied up at the moment. I apologize, but I'm afraid I need you to come to me. Oh, and one more thing. Come alone. I will do the same, of course.

Haruka: Will you really?

Katsuya: You have my word. All right, I'll be waiting.

[He hangs up. Cristina and the others enter.]

Christina: Haruka! You're awake!

Akiyama: You feeling better, Haruka-chan?

Haruka: I'm okay now, yeah.

Akiyama: Must've been terrifying... And I let it happen. I'm so sorry.

Haruka: No, it's not your fault.

Akiyama: Hey, Haruka-chan. This letter from Park-san’s ex-husband... Do you have it?

Haruka: Yes. It's in the safe in her office. The one we found the account book in. This pen is the key.

Yamaura: Wait here. I'll go get it.

Akiyama: Damn... It's been under our noses this whole time? I should've known. Haruka-chan. Have you read it?

Haruka: No, not yet.

Akiyama: Well all right then. Guess I should tell you. You know the guy who sent it. It was Goro Majima. The Tojo Clan officer. Turns out our wild little friend... is Park-san’s ex-husband.

Haruka: I had no idea.

Akiyama: Katsuya's after what's in that letter. Majima’s gone off the grid, and that thing might just tell us where. Naturally, Katsuya wants us to hand it over.

Yamaura: Found it! Is this the one?

Letter: "to Mirei Park"

Haruka: If you don't mind, I'd like to hold on to it myself.

Akiyama: Wait, but... they'll just gunning for you if you do.

Haruka: Don't worry. I have a plan. Please, let me handle it.

Akiyama: Fair enough. It's all yours.

Haruka: Well, I should be getting home. I'm feeling kinda tired.

Yamaura: Hey, why don't I give ya a lift?

Haruka: I appreciate that, but I'll be fine on my own.

Yamaura: Ya sure? Don't forget, we're here to help if ya need it.

Haruka: I know. Thank you. Well, I'll be going now.

[She leaves the office.]

Yamaura: What's the matter, Akiyama-san? You look worried.

Akiyama: Haruka-chan’s hiding something.

Yamaura: What? What do you mean?

Akiyama: She's been acting funny ever since she woke up. Maybe Katsuya already made a move.

Christina: Wait. Perhaps...

Akiyama: What is it?

Christina: Before I went into the room to check on Haruka, I believe I heard her say something about “Shin-Osaka Station."

Akiyama: Shin-Osaka Station? Was she talking on the phone, maybe?

Christina: I'm not even sure if that’s what she really said.

Akiyama: But we don't have any other leads, so here's hoping. I'm going after her!

Hurry to Shin-Osaka Station

Akiyama: (Shin-Osaka Station, huh? She probably took a taxi. I'll take one, too.)

[He finds a taxi waiting nearby.]

Akiyama: (I only have what Christina said to go on. I guess I'll head to Shin-Osaka Station.)

Akiyama: Hi. Hi, Can you get me to Shin-Osaka Station?

Soten Taxi: Of course! Lots of people headed that way, huh?

Akiyama: Is that so?

Soten Taxi: Yeah, heh. I probably shouldn't be blabbing about this, but just between you and me, I gave a ride to a big pop idol a few minutes ago. Do you know Haruka Sawamura? She's been on TV a lot lately, maybe you've seen her there. Anyway, she was sitting right there not fifteen minutes ago! Boy, I knew she was cute from seeing her on TV, but I didn’t realize she was that cute in person, too!

Akiyama: So she went to Shin-Osaka Station, too?

Soten Taxi: That's right. She was in a big rush. Work, I guess. Dangit, I should've gotten her autograph!

Akiyama: (Lucky he’s the talkative type.) So if I hurry, I might catch her at the station? Step on it!

Soten Taxi: You got it! How can I let another Haruka fan down?

[Meanwhile, Haruka arrives at the station, carrying a beautiful pink purse. She looks around cheerfully and smiles, as if she's not going to meet the criminals, but to go out with her friends. Out of a stopped train car comes... Kanai and a couple of his buddies.]

Kanai: So... We meet again. This train here's chartered by Ousaka Enterprises. How ‘bout a ride?

Haruka: Where's Katsuya-san?

Kanai: Ain't comin’. Now. I'll be takin’ that letter.

Haruka: No! I had an agreement with Katsuya-san! But if he broke his promise to come alone... I'm not handing it over!

[Keep in mind that she is currently surrounded on all sides by yakuza.]

Kanai: Ooh, we got a brave one here. The chairman's gone this time. I been chasin’ that letter around long enough. You ain't wastin’ any more of my time, and I sure as shit ain't leavin' here with a fake.

[He holds out his hand, but Haruka steps back, refusing to give up the letter.]

Kanai: Fine, then. If you ain't givin’ it up, I'll just have to take you with me. In ya go.

Haruka: No!

Kanai: What's the big deal? Ain't like that debut of yours is happenin’ either way. Why not give us a little tour o' Tokyo? After ya give us the letter, that is. Why the long face? Don't tell me you ain't given up on that concert yet. Greedy little brat, ain't ya?

[He laughs, and Haruka clutches her pink purse tighter.]

Kanai: So the letter’s there, eh?

[Kanai abruptly snatches the purse out of Haruka's hands.]

Haruka: No! Give it back!

[He pulls a letter out of her purse, however it does not look like anything we have seen before.]

Kanai: This's what we're after. Gotta be.

Haruka: Please!

Kanai: C'mon, boys. Let's move.

[He leaves, and Akiyama runs into the station, panting his lungs out.]

Akiyama: Just a sec there! Hot damn... That's way too many stairs! I've really gotta stop smoking. Kanai: You again? Why do ya keep showin’ up? Just mind your own goddamn business.

Akiyama: This is my business. You see, Park-san's dream is in my hands.

Kanai: The hell do ya mean?

Akiyama: Haruka's concert at the Japan Dome. That's what Park-san was striving for. And now, it's what I'm after, too. And the girl you've got there? I'm doing this for her as well.

Kanai: Sounds like a crock o’ shit.

Akiyama: No different from how the yakuza do it. The boss's dream trickles down to his men. Seriously, don't they teach you guys anything nowadays?

Kanai: Smug bastard.

Akiyama: You see dreams get passed from person to person. So I sorry, but there's not a chance in hell I'm letting you get in Haruka-chan's way.

Kanai: What a sack o’ crap. Dream all ya want, but none o' that means dick when you're facin' real strength. Let's go, boys! It's time we show this asshole what's what!

[It's time to meet Kanai and his girlfriends face to face. Akiyama first wipes the floor with his backup dancers, and then smashes Kanai's face in.]

Haruka: Akiyama-san...

Akiyama: Haruka-chan... You're getting a big, long lecture from me later for going off and trying to settle things on your own.

Haruka: ......

Akiyama: Besides, I was going to take you to Tokyo with me anyway.

Haruka: What!? But why?

Akiyama: What'd I tell you? You have to go to Tokyo and make that concert a success. That's Park-san’s dream, my dream... and yours.

Haruka: ......

Akiyama: What good are dreams if you can't make them come true, right?

Haruka: Right.

Akiyama: Plus, if you stay in Osaka, I get the feeling the Omi Alliance won't be letting up any time soon. I think you're safer in Kamurocho, where the Tojo Clan can keep them in check.

Haruka: All right. I'll go.

Akiyama: Phew. Good girl.

Haruka: I made a promise to Park-san, after all. I said I'd go in her place to meet her ex-husband the day before the concert. It won't be easy, of course... I'll have to tell him that she’s passed away.

Akiyama: Yeah... Okay. What do you say we get going? If we take the Shinkansen to Tokyo, those Omi guys might be waiting for us when we arrive. I say we take a taxi.

Haruka: Okay!

[Meanwhile, Katsuya himself had been watching from afar the entire time. Now he knows that Majima will probably be at the concert!]

Katsuya: ......

[In the next scene, we are taken to his office in Omi HQ. Kanai sits there, apologizing sullenly for failing again.]

Kanai: Chairman. Please forgive me.

Katsuya: Why did you act on your own? Haruka had already agreed to give me the letter, provided I met her alone. You knew that as well as I.

Kanai: Well yeah, but I was worried that Akiyama guy would come crashin’ the party again.

Katsuya: You think I can’t handle him?

Kanai: That ain't it. I just... figured it'd be safer if we went instead.

Katsuya: Yet here we are. Akiyama beat every last one of you, and we still don’t have the letter. You had our best interests in mind, though, so I'm not going to scold you. This is my fault, I've been so busy with other work, I've let my yakuza duties fall to the wayside.

Kanai: Not at all, sir.

[Katsuya rises from his chair and slowly walks over to Kanai.]

Katsuya: We still have a chance. Everything will be fine as long as we don't let it slip away.

[He takes a cigarette out of his pocket, puts it in Kanai's mouth, then takes out a lighter and lights the cigarette. Then he starts choking him.]

Katsuya: Working in the entertainment business... Your face is your biggest asset. Idols are nothing more than illusions, you see. Fans don't care what's on the inside. All they want is a pretty face. So you see, when I'm screening potential idols... I always look for that something special. A unique charm to pull people in. Faces are important for yakuza, too. No matter how big a game you try to talk, if your face can't back it up... Nobody will even begin to fear you. Especially not Haruka Sawamura. The adopted daughter of Kazuma Kiryu himself. The girl's seen enough yakuza to last a lifetime.

[He takes the cigarette out of Kanai's mouth, allowing him to breathe more freely, but doesn't release it into his neck, continuing to choke him.]

Katsuya: Tell me, what happened when you threatened her? Did she cower in fear and hand over the letter? She didn't, did she? Quite the opposite. She dug in her heels harder than ever. Simply put, you're not scary enough. Haruka Sawamura thinks you're a joke. What good is a yakuza who can't even intimidate a little girl? If you're gonna threaten someone, make sure you do it right!

[He puts out his cigarette on Kanai's forehead and lets him go.]

Katsuya: We have to get our hands on that letter no matter the cost. So we'll follow them to Tokyo.

Kanai: Yes, sir.

Katsuya: Funny, I didn’t expect I'd care so much about this. Yakuza business has never quite interested me before. Yet with Omi chairmanship dangling in front of my face, I can't help but bite.

Kanai: Chairman...

Katsuya: I'll deal with Majima. That's a promise.

[Meanwhile, Haruka and Akiyama take a taxi to Tokyo. Akiyama takes a moment to sleep, while Haruka reads the letter.]

Majima: "I look forward to seeing you after the concert at the Japan Dome." "Don't worry, I'll be coming alone. That's a promise." "Goro Majima."

Haruka: Park-san...