RE4 REMAKE: Separate Ways - Chapter 2


Ada Wong: (thinking) So, he wants me to retrieve the Amber. An object of ill omen. What terrible actions will be done in its name? And who will pay its dark cost? Because in this world, someone always pays. Best not to ask who or why. I understood that. Made my peace with it. Until that one night in Raccoon City ...changed everything.

[The logo appears.]


[Ada walks toward the mountainside, which is lined with wooden platforms. She contacts Wesker by radio.]

Ada Wong: I'm heading to meet Luis at the rendezvous point now.

Albert Wesker: I'm seeing increased movement from Los Iluminados. Don't get careless.

Ada Wong: Copy. Ada out.

[She walks along the wooden platforms killing the ganados roaming there and trying not to draw attention to herself.]

Ada Wong: Almost at the church.

[She soon finds herself ambushed - one of the walls breaks down and a whole mob of ganados with weapons in their hands start chasing her.]

Ada Wong: What a warm welcome!

[Not looking to engage in open combat, she kills several of them and escapes using her hook gun. She contacts Wesker again.]

Ada Wong: I'm seeing quite the crowd here. Hm, I wonder what has them so riled up?

Albert Wesker: (long exhale) The president's daughter... Undoubtedly.

Ada Wong: Couldn't have picked a worse time.

Albert Wesker: Consider the village infected. Complete local saturation.

Ada Wong: I've read the file. I'll see what I can do.

[She goes out into the village itself and starts fighting quite vigorously, using a sniper rifle and her incredible combat skills. Fighting a muscular ganado she uses a hook to quickly fly up and kicks him.]

Ada Wong: A clean strike.

[She finds a mill and uses her hook gun to climb to the top of it. She looks around with binoculars and sees Leon fighting a mob of ganados.]

Ada Wong: Leon. Why am I not surprised? So kind of you to keep our friends busy. Let's see if we can find another route to the church. This way looks promising.

[She again moves around the platforms located on the mountainside.]

Ada Wong: Here we are—the church.

[She opens the heavy iron gate and goes inside to the cemetery, but Luis is not there.]

Ada Wong: Where is he?

[She climbs higher to look around.]

Ada Wong: Stood up again.

[She sees that Leon is in trouble.]

Ada Wong: Sounds like he could use a little help.

[She pulls on the rope, causing the bell on the church to ring. When the ganados hear the bell ringing, they stop attacking and leave, dropping their weapons.]

Ada Wong: Don't worry, Leon. First time's free. Don't keep me waiting, Luis.

[She waits for Louis for a while and gets a call from Wesker.]

Albert Wesker: We just lost Luis's signal somewhere in the vicinity of the forest. Expect the worst.

Ada Wong: That's near Méndez, isn't it? He has a house there. Could be worth taking a look?

Albert Wesker: Do it. I'll see what I can find from my end.

[She goes into a small cabin on the church grounds and finds a picture of a bound Ashley.]

[Photo of Ashley]
Keep her locked in the church until the appointed time.

Ada Wong: (sighs) Should've known he'd be trouble.

[Soon she meets a famous nameless merchant.]

Merchant: Hey, stranger. So what're ya buyin'?

Ada Wong: You've picked quite the place to set up shop, “stranger.”

Merchant: Aye, and look what it brought me! Well now, let's make our first time doing business a memorable one. Welcome! A deal well struck, heheh! Give that the care it deserves, mate. Try that on for size. That cash in your pocket or your life? Easy choice, mate. I'll hand this over when you've got the space. You'll get some bang for your buck, I guarantee it. All yours, stranger. Stocking up while you can? Wise choice. Moldin' a weapon to suit your specific needs, oho! It's a thing of beauty, innit? We're starting to get an idea of your tastes, friend. Don't get yourself killed now, haha.

[She continues to explore the neighborhood and in one of the houses she finds several tables littered with books, among which is a note.]

[Clemente's Appeal]
If you pay it some thought, it is unusual that Isidro let me go.
Ever since that beast in the black robe struck me with something, I have been feeling strange. I have started seeing things, having visions. The sky itself looks like that of another world. And then, that thing comes. Only now there are many. Hundreds.
Master, I beg you! Please! Is there a way to escape this horror?

[There she also finds a large ceremonial portrait of a statuesque man in expensive hooded monkish attire.]

Ada Wong: Saddler... The leader of the cult.

[When she leaves the building, she finds herself in the square from which Leon has only recently left and in the center of which is a burned policeman. Suddenly, her eyes blur in front of her, the world becomes somehow purple, and her head starts to hurt. Black Robe appears from behind but Ada disperses him with a kick of her foot.]

Ada Wong: How...? Won't let me go so easily, huh?

[She begins to fight Black Robe, while quite in close quarters - she not only shoots him, but also deflects his clawed paw attacks with her knife.]

Ada Wong: The fog. It's getting thicker.

[Black Robe splits and attacks Ada, but she still manages to defeat him. The purple mist clears a bit. She pulls out her gun and wants to shoot Black Robe, but somehow misses. Her head starts to hurt again. Black Robe jumps on a house and walks away.]

Ada Wong: What is wrong with me? OK, now for the village chief's house. Should be just up ahead.

[She finds a massive iron gate, but those turn out to be locked, so she uses her hook gun. In this exact moment, village elder Méndez strangles Leon.]

Méndez: Your blood has accepted the Gift.

[Ada shoots out the window, which distracts the village elder. He leaves the house.]

Leon: Gift... in my blood?

[Ada stands on the roof of the elder's house and watches Leon.]