RE4 REMAKE: Separate Ways - Chapter 1


[The underground dungeon of a medieval castle. In a cell sits Luis, and in another cell is a fanatical monk and a chained man. Luis begins to dance to the sound of castanets in his head. The fanatic takes a machete and kills the man. After the corpse is thrown against the wall, the fanatic goes to Luis' dungeon. Luis turns to the corpse lying in his cell.]

Luis Serra: (In Spanish) Looks like the next dance is mine, brother.

[Several fanatics enter Luis' cell and Luis prepares to fight for his life. However, one of the fanatics suddenly starts fighting the others and does so quite skillfully.]

Woman: That's no way to finish a dance.

[This fanatic turns out to be Ada. Luis happily twirls in a dance with her. She puts a cigarette in his mouth.]

Ada Wong: Your favorite, I believe?

Luis Serra: Excellent timing, Ada. You know how I feel about being tied up. And yes. Many thanks. You see, those annoying monks took everything from me.

Ada Wong: Including the Amber?

Luis Serra: Ohoho, no. Cleverly hidden, just before they grabbed me.

Ada Wong: Well then, lead the way.

Luis Serra: My pleasure. And here we go. This way.

Ada Wong: Is it close?

Luis Serra: Not exactly. But it's safe.

Ada Wong: No Amber, no deal. You know the terms.

Luis Serra: We're good. We're good. What do you want with it anyway?

Ada Wong: I don't know... yet.

[They go up a few floors above. Ada notices the fanatics walking with torches and hides around the corner.]

Ada Wong: We've got company. They're looking for us. But we're taking the high road, got it?

Luis Serra: Understood.

[They come out of hiding and approach the rope. Eida ties the rope to Luis's belt.]

Ada Wong: Up you go, Luis.

Luis Serra: (In Spanish) Up and out!

[The doors on the far side of the room open and a Predator in a cloak emerges from there.]

Ada Wong: Fetch the Amber. We'll meet up later.

Luis Serra: No! Sorry, what kind of a man leaves a lady—Whoa!

[Ada hits the button and he flies off on the rope to the window.]

Luis Serra: Then we meet at the church! Let's not make it a funeral, eh?

[He leaves and Ada begins to fight the Predator and a few fanatics. She quickly kills the fanatics with her compact submachine gun. However, the Predator is not killed so easily. He resurrects and drops a pulsating flesh bomb that, when it explodes, scatters sharp needles, one of which digs into Ada's shoulder.]

Ada Wong: Not bad. But not nearly good enough.

[She starts fighting the Predator, who is called Black Robe in the game. After a while, he starts to multiply.]

Ada Wong: Found you. Is this all in my head?

[Ada continues to fight and after a while Black Robe dissolves into thin air.]

Ada Wong: And stay gone.

[Ada goes out into the yard and pulls out a walkie-talkie.]

Ada Wong: Control, come in. Luis hid the Amber, but I've sent him to retrieve it. Control, do you copy?

Albert Wesker: I'm listening. Go on.

Ada Wong: We ran into some unexpected trouble.

Albert Wesker: And? What will you do about it?

Ada Wong: Luis is already en route to the church. I'm tracking him every step of the way.

Albert Wesker: Very well. Then I suggest you hurry.

Ada Wong: Copy. Just need to confirm my route first. Heading out to get a visual of the area.

[We are shown Ada's face up close and realize that she has a computer built into her eyes. She climbs up the tower using her hook gun and surveys her surroundings through handheld binoculars.]

Ada Wong: That's where I need to go.

Albert Wesker: Stick to the high ground. You have the means.

[Ada notices a round fenced space on the tower and a fanatic guarding it.]

Ada Wong: I wonder what that is.

[She sees the catapult.]

Ada Wong: That looks dangerous. Better tread carefully.

Albert Wesker: And don't forget your mission: the Amber. Nothing else matters. Wrap this little tour up and bring it to me.

Ada Wong: Understood. (to herself) But maybe a little sightseeing first?

[She stealthily walks to a tower with an empty space in the center that seemed strange to her. And uses her knife to knock down a huge rock that serves as a counterweight. A platform with a giant cannon rises to the top.]

Ada Wong: This'll do nicely.

[What has happened is quickly noticed by the fanatics and they raise the alarm.]

Ada Wong: Things are heating up. I'll need to disable the catapults.

[She uses the huge cannons located in different parts of the castle to destroy the catapults. She is constantly attacked by fanatics with torches.]

Ada Wong: That did the trick. Nothing personal. Almost out of here.

[She uses her hook gun to gracefully leave the wicked place. As she leaves, the Black Robe emerges from the shadows, who turns out to be quite alive...]