Metro 2033 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Exhibition

[Artyom wakes up in his room. A young man with a mustache approaches him.]

Young Guy: Finally! Taking your time as usual, ah? All right, grab your gear, go to the platform; they’re waiting for us… I’ll meet you there. Hey, Artyom, don’t forget anything?

[He steps back and begins to sing a fervent untranslatable Russian song he apparently made up himself. Artyom begins to gather his stuff.]

[Note 1]
The task of defending our home station from the Dark Ones, enemies horrifying, mysterious and unbeatable, is becoming the sole focus of all of our efforts. We've all but forgotten our old enemies - the nosalises and the watchmen, and if not for Hunter these beasts would have been unleashed on our hospital. I cringe to think of the carnage that would ensue, should Hunter have arrived a mere hour too late…

[Artyom walks through the corridors of the station, looking around and observing the life of the other inhabitants. He comes out to the square, where a rostrum has been set up to broadcast the latest news and there is a small marketplace where weapons are sold. However, Artyom goes into a small store of his acquaintance.]

Weapon Dealer: Hello Artyom! You need some weapons? Okay, let’s take a look… Submachine gun, 5.45 caliber made in the Armory. It’s got poor accuracy and overheats like hell—that’s why they call it a "bastard gun”, hahah. Use short bursts, Artyom… Help yourself to some ammo, too… Here's a universal charger to keep the battery powered. And a gas mask. Put it on if you cross any radiation hot zones… or, God help you, go up to the surface. Army issue first aid kits, just in case. Okay, you’re supplied, my friend. Feel free to try out your weapon on my firing range. And you try not to stick out your head too much, OK?

[After checking his equipment, Artyom goes to Alexei's office.]

Alex: Come in, son! You’re ready to set off? Good. You’ve probably heard that our station is creating an alliance with Riga. We’re sending them a couple of railcars with humanitarian goods, some weapons, and some miscellaneous gear. That’s the cargo you’ll be looking after. It’s not a very long trip, and it should not be too hard. Artyom… one thing before you go. I can see that you look up to Hunter. But a Ranger’s life is… different than ours. They are reckless--even violent by nature. There’s nothing to be gained by playing the hero, so stay clear of trouble. See the caravan to its destination; and come home as soon as possible. Goodbye, my boy.

[Note 2]
But Hunter arrived at the Exhibition just on time. I like to think that was not just blind luck, that it was Fate at work. And that it was the same Fate that made Hunter choose me to travel to polis with his report on the Dark Ones. It seems that I've dreamt of visiting Polis, the great, legendary center of the Metro, the center of our civilization, my whole life. But a chance to actually make that dream come true just had come by now of all times, when my home station desperately heeds every fighter it can field. Do I have the right to abandon my adopted father, my friends in an hour of danger? Where is my place - next to them on the barricades or at the far stations where Hunter sends me? I don't know for sure, but I still set out on a journey. I'd like to believe that I am summoned by fate.

[Artyom leaves the office and walks to the railroad tracks. He walks up to a bearded man standing on a trolley loaded with boxes.]

Bearded Man: Artyom! Artyom here, here! Move it! Privet! So, are you ready to move out?

[Artyom nods affirmatively.]

Bearded Man: Are you ready? Let’s go then! You take that seat, Artyom, and you, Eugene, take this one!

Eugene: So, you got the gear? Let’s go then!

Man: Hey, guys, you going to Riga?

Bearded Man: Yeah, we are.

Man: Can I get a lift?

Bearded Man: Sure, but no free rides; you’ll have to pull the lever sometimes.

Man: Heh… I can do that.

Bearded Man: Let’s go then.

[Another passenger gets into the trolley.]

Bearded Man: All righty then! Good luck to everyone staying at home! And to us, too!

Eugene: Good luck to us!

Man: Let’s go!

[The new passenger begins to push the lever of the trolley and it comes into motion.]

Bearded Man: (to Artyom) So, are you ready to finally be somewhere else?

[The young guy with the moustache who came to wake him up turns to Artyom.]

Eugene: Woo-hoo, Artyom! Free at last… well, for as long as the ride takes, anyway. It should be fun… or dangerous, even better, right?

[They ride in silence for a while. The bearded man turns to the passenger pushing the lever.]

Bearded Man: So, where you from?

Man: Riga, I’m making the rounds, buying merchandise.

Eugene: Bet you’ve seen a few places, then.

Man: Yeah, the Market is right next to Riga, and that’s a Big Metro already. I used to make regular trips to Polis, but getting there now requires a lot of luck. That or being from Hanza.

Bearded Man: How come?

Man: Hanza connects to the whole metro, and has a lot of stations, but doesn’t welcome outsiders. And if it’s not Hanza, then you have to go through the Reds, Nazis or your regular bandits. And these guys are really going at it lately--if they’re not fighting everyone else, they’re warring with each other.

[The trolley continues its movement through the dark tunnel. A guard from the room on the right comes out to them.]

Guard: Slow down, guys!

Bearded Man: Peter, what’s up?

Peter: Military caravan got stuck near Alexeyevskaya. A tunnel collapse or other shit. You have to use the service tunnel bypassing Alexeyevskaya.

Bearded Man: Oh, fuck, I hate this tunnel… Alright, Peter. Open up the gate. No point being stuck here forever…

Eugene: Why, what’s wrong with that tunnel?

Bearded Man: Well… it’s an ordinary tunnel, not as well lit, maybe… I went through there last month, and… well, I just don’t like it, that’s all.

[The guard moves the switch of the railroad tracks and opens the gate.]

Guard: Have a safe trip.

Bearded Man: We’re riding a handcar and we’re armed, so I think we’ll make it there okay.

[The trolley pulls into a dark old tunnel that looks pretty creepy. Artyom turns on his flashlight and keeps his weapon at the ready.]

Bearded Man: Damn, does my head hurt.

Man: If you help push the lever, we’ll get there sooner.

Bearded Man: Ok, Eugene, you go help the man - we should move faster here. You watch the back, Artyom.

Eugene: Sure, I’ll help. That way we’ll get to Riga in no time, right?

Man: Now, we should get out of here sooner, it’s scary when they’re around… And I pity them.

Eugene: "Them"? Who "Them"?

Man: Can you hear them weep?

Eugene: Whom do you mean "them"? What are you talking about? What the hell is he going on about, Boris. Boris? Boris!?!

[The bearded man, whose name, as it turns out, is Boris, begins to feel some discomfort. The rest of us feel bad, too.]

Boris: Hey… what… what’s happening to me…?

[The man who drove the trolley faints.]

Eugene: Oooh… my head… Artyom… What is it?

[Artem also loses consciousness. Before his eyes appears in white light a military man who shoots the Dark One.]

Boris: Artyom!! Over here!

[Hunter's words spoken before he left ring in Artem's head.]

Hunter: If we are to survive, this threat must be eliminated. No matter the cost - eliminated!

[The Dark One approaches a military man and attacks him. The military man falls to the ground. The Dark One approaches Artyom and does something to him, then turns around and walks away. A few bullets hit him and the Dark One dies. Artyom wakes up sitting in the trolley. He shakes Eugene and he too wakes up. Boris and the man remain unconscious.]

Eugene: What the hell is going on?… Shit! Wake up people, people, wake up for Christ’s sake! Boris. Boris! Wake up, Boris!!!… shit-it’s no good!

[He grabs the lever and quickly pulls it to make the trolley move. The roots hanging from the ceiling get thicker and thicker.]

Eugene: A-a-a! Oh, God! A-aaa! Shoot them! You shoot, I’ll take the levers, come on!

[A mutant jumps from somewhere above.]

Eugene: Wake up or we’re all dead!!!

[The mutant grabs the man who drove the trolley and takes him with him. He manages to wake up and only shrieks briefly. With a few shots Artyom drives the mutant away from Boris and then the mutant attacks Artyom himself. Artyom pulls out a revolver and shoots the mutant right in the head.]

Eugene: Artyom, it’s gonna get me!! Artyom!!

[Another mutant jumps onto the trolley and knocks Eugene to the ground. After that it attacks Artyom ready to chew his neck. Artyom takes out a knife and starts hitting the mutant's head with its handle, then stabs him in the head. Eugene finishes off the mutants with a shotgun blast.]

Eugene: Artyom, take my shotgun, here!

[He hands Artyom his double-barreled shotgun. The trolley continues to be attacked by mutants. Artyom fires a double shot, turning the mutants' heads into a bloody mess.]

Eugene: Conserve the ammo, Artyom, conserve the ammo. Help!! We’re almost at the roadblock!!! Just a little bit left, come on!

[Boris comes to his senses and starts firing his machine gun.]

Boris: What in hell just happened here?

Eugene: Save me!!!….a-aaaaaa!

[One of the mutants knocks Artyom off the trolley and he falls onto the railroad tracks. Artyom quickly hides and notices several more mutants running after the trolley and then runs after it himself. He makes it to the checkpoint with a flamethrower on it. Boris talks to the guard.]

Boris: He’s alive, come here, quick! Don’t use the flamethrower. Please!!! Give him a chance!

[Boris helps Artyom climb the post. Once Artyom is safe, the guard begins to burn the mutants.]

Boris: Burn!!!

Eugene: Let’s kick some snout butts.

[Mutants burn rather quickly in bright flames.]

Boris: That was hot! I need a drink!