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Thanks to Reddit user under the nickname LordEmmerich, I learned that at one time there was a full text leak in the Internet. Of course, that doesn't cancel our work, because the text in the file is written chaotically and it is incomplete, but I will still give you a link - ( Missions), ( Enemy & Other Soldiers).
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
[In the background of company logos, we hear the voice of a soldier on the radio.]
Captain: Mayday, mayday! Controls unresponsive. Tower, do you read?! Shit! Comms are down.
[A sound of a wreck is heard.]
Make no mistake; our native tongue is our true fatherland.
- Emil Cioran, Romanian Philosopher.
[We see a patient lying on a hospital bed. Nurses are fussing around him. After a while, one of the nurses hears that the patient is groaning. She gets frightened and runs to call the doctor.]
Doctor: Can you hear me? Are you having difficulty speaking? Can you move your head? Just nod if you can hear me.[Right stick: Move camera]
Doctor: Look up, please. Very good. How do you feel now? Can you speak? What is your name? When were you born? Can you recall?
[You can enter the name of your choice. Only alphabet characters and characters with certain diacritics can be used.]
Doctor: Good. Now then… Please try to relax. There is plenty of time. I need to tell you something. Please listen, and try not to panic. You've been in a coma for… quite some time. Yes, yes, I know. You'd like to know how long… I'm afraid it's been… nine years. Damn it! Nurse! Calm down! Calm down! Try not to panic! Try not to panic. Now then… You'll be alright. There now. Just rest.
Nurse: How do you feel?
Doctor: It's been one week since you came to. Now, let's try getting you out of that bed. Nurse. Don't worry. You've lost some strength, but we've been maintaining your muscle mass through messages, CPM therapy, and EMS. Now, I need to explain something to you, but you mustn't be alarmed. Nine years ago, you were injured - in an explosion. Upon examination, we discovered 100 and 8 foreign bodies embedded within you. In addition to shrapnel, we also found fragments of human bone, human teeth. Most of it was removed, but… Some of the fragments still remain… They are located near your heart, and in your skull. Look at this… The fragments are lodged deep within your cerebral cortex. We couldn't give you an MRI - the metal, you see. But even if we were to extracted it, you would most likely suffer a brain hemorrhage. Mental and physical impairment are… unavoidable, however, you current state is not life threatening. One more thing. This X-ray is your upper body. You'd better look now. Best to understand your situation sooner than later. I know it's difficult, but please look down. Best to see it with your own eyes. Be brave.
[The patient looks first at his healthy right hand, and then sees the stump of his left hand. He is shocked.]
Doctor: Try to calm down. Calm down. Please calm down. It's going to be ok. Better, yes, yes? Calm down. Yes. Better… Yes…
Doctor: It's true. There are those who wish you would have never woken up. You should be dead. But you're not. The wheels are in motion. You enemies are everywhere. We must alter your appearance immediately. Otherwise, I fear you won't leave this place alive. It's a wide open world out there, so there's something we need to take care of first. I'm going to change your appearance - we have no other choice. What you look like, however…
[We are invited to choose a new appearance for the patient. The doctor takes a mirror in his hands to show the initial and final result.]
Doctor: Very good. Now, let's remove these bandages. Your face has healed nicely. To tell you the truth, these bandages were more for your protection - to hide you from those who want you dead. As of today, you name is Ahab. Forget everything. Your name, your past.
[A nurse standing nearby is strangled by a woman in military uniform. The doctor, not paying attention to it, shows Ahab several photos, and then pulls out the mirror again.]
Doctor: This is you - as you've lived until this day. Tomorrow, it becomes your phantom.
[The mirror in the doctor's hands starts shaking and reflects the face of Ahab before the operation. In a moment, we see that the throat of the doctor has been tightened by slipknot. He pulls a gun out of his pocket, but it's too late. He slowly dies. A woman in military uniform walks away from a limpen body and speaks on the radio.]
Woman: Not yet. The patient in the next bed saw my face… Of course. Consider it done.
[The woman takes out the knife and goes towards Ahab, but when she sees the gun on the floor, she picks it up and takes aim. A second before the shot, another patient attacks her. They have a short fight, after which the patient starts throwing at her everything that comes to hand. One of these things is a bottle of alcohol. Tired of this pampering, the woman throws a knife into the patient, then chokes Ahab. The screen fades and in the background, we hear the sound of a lighter. When the image is restored, a woman in military uniform already embracing the flames. She desperately fights for her life, but another bottle of alcohol is thrown at her. Going crazy with pain, she throws herself out of the window. Ahab examines his new arm prosthesis. The patient offers him to run.]
Patient: Okay, Ahab, time to go.
Ahab: What happened to the woman?
Patient: The woman? I - we - gave her a light. She took the short way down.
Ahab: Who are you…?
Patient: Who am I? You are talking to yourself. Been watching over you for nine years, and call me Ishmael.
Ahab: What the hell is going on?!
Ishmael: Well, good news: You're in the land of the living. Bad news? Whole world wants you dead. On your feet, soldier - the whole place is coming down!
[Apparently Ahab can not get up.]
Ishmael: Need a little pick-me-up? Here…
[Ishmael injects something to Ahab.]
Ishmael: Nothing like a little digoxin to get you back in the game. C'mon.
[Left stick: Move]
March 11th, 1984 02:03
Ishmael: Follow me. Drug's not working? We're getting out of here. Move it! Let's take the stairs. This way.
[Ishmael brings Ahab out of the ward.]
Ishmael: This isn't going to work… We better use the elevator.
[The heroes go to the corridor on the right.]
Ishmael: What the hell is that? Something's coming!
[Next to the elevator, the heroes notice the strange looking boy with long sleeves. The boy starts to fly slowly. In the corridor in which the heroes stood, an explosion occurs and everything around absorbs by flame. The burning man is slowly stepping on the heroes. At the last moment, Ishmael succeeds in turning on the fire alarm and extinguishing the flame. The burning man disappears.]
Ishmael: Calm down, you can do this.
[Ahab somehow managed to get up.]
Ishmael: The drug's kicked in? Good, let's hurry.
[They approach the window behind which a helicopter flies by.]
Ishmael: Hold up. Let's fix this.
[He puts Ahab's broken arm back on.]
Ishmael: Next time do it yourself. It's always good to try and mend your injuries while hiding from the enemy. Over there!
[The helicopter hovers near the window and several soldiers get out of it. After a few moments, a smoke grenade rolls over to the heroes and they notice the glare of the under-barrel flashlights. It's time to leave.]
Ishmael: Let's go. This way, hurry! Keep low and quiet.
[They crawl through the wards. Next to them we see one of the surviving patients. He crawls towards the soldiers.]
Injured patient: Help me, please!
[The soldier strikes him with a knife. Ishmael swiftly drags Ahab out of sight. Sitting under the bed, they see how the wounded patient is being killed. A soldier who murdered a patient leaves.]
Ishmael: Let's move.
[Ishmael crawls away, and in the meantime, another patient grabs Ahab by the leg.]
Injured patient: Help me! I don't wanna die…!
[After a moment, the soldier returns and shoots him, then drags away by the foot and finishes off. Ahab crawls out into the corridor. There we see a nurse carrying a wounded soldier and happily greeting the helicopter hovering outside the window.]
Nurse: Oh, thank God! Here! Over here!
[Her and the soldier whom she carried was shot from the helicopter.]
Ishmael: Time to walk. Press the Stance Button to stand up.
[Cross button: Crouch]
Ishmael: Don't get caught in those searchlights.
[Tip: Approach an obstacle such as a wall head-on to hug the obstacle and conceal yourself. This is called being in cover. Like hiding in grass or in the shadows, being in cover makes it more difficult for the enemy to spot you. While in cover, you can use left stick to move along the obstacle, or press the left stick toward the edge of the obstacle to pick out from it and see what is ahead. You can also press right stick to zoom the camera in and mark enemies from behind cover.]
Ishmael: Here they come. Hurry!
[L3 button: Dash]
[Ahab sees the soldiers shoot the next patient and runs to the door opened by Ishmael. When he is inside, Ishmael locks the door and blocks it up with a closet. Almost immediately the soldiers begin to break it.]
Ishmael: Move! Go! This way. Come on. Shit! It's ugly down there. Turn back. This way!
[Ishmael leads Ahab to the corridor blocked by the patients and nurses. They go inside.]
Patient: What's going on?
Nurse: Everything will be alright.
[Ahab is pushed through the crowd. Suddenly the soldiers start shooting the crowd from both sides. Ishmael in a split second manages to drag Ahab to one of the nearby wards.]
Ishmael: Get down!
[The soldiers are leaving. Ishmael follows them and overhears their conversation.]
Soldier #1: Anything…?
Soldier #2: Negative.
Soldier #1: He came in here. Keep looking!
[Ishmael returns to Ahab.]
Ishmael: We're sitting ducks. Blend in with the bodies. Get down on your stomach and crawl.
[Cross button (hold): Prone]
Ishmael: If you move, we're done for. Play dead. Freeze!
[The soldiers begin to examine the bodies. Having reached Ahab, they understand that he is alive. Suddenly, a burning man appears and soldiers begin to shoot at him.]
Soldier: Grenade! Take this!
[Burning man absorbs any attacks and kills soldiers. Soon a helicopter arrives and opening a disorderly fire with a large caliber on a burning man, after which it prepares to fire rockets.]
Ishmael: Damn it! Incoming! Move!
[The attack does not deal a burning man any damage. He undermines the helicopter. Heroes are trying to escape. In despair, Ishmael fires at a burning man from a small-caliber pistol with a silencer. Noticing the fire crane on the ceiling, Ishmael shoots at it. Burning man is extinguished. Ahab sits down on the floor because of a strong pain in his leg.]
Ishmael: Hold on. We'd better stop and treat that injury.
[Tip: If you sustain a serious injury, you will be able to perform certain actions such as climbing over obstacles for getting on your horse. If you sustain a serious injury to your torso, you will not be able to recover fully without first aid. If you sustain serious injury to your arm, you will not be able to ready a weapon, and in the case of your leg, you will not be able to sprint. In these instances quickly get behind cover and press the Action Button (TRIANGLE) to perform first aid.]
Ishmael: We'll have to take the stairs down.
[The heroes descend the stairs and enter the side corridor where they kill a soldier and take his pistol. Ishmael gives this pistol to Ahab.]
Ishmael: Know how to shoot a gun? Hold down the Aim Button to aim, then press the Attack Button to fire. Destroy it.
[Ahab shoots at a fire extinguisher. When they go on and stumble upon soldiers.]
Ishmael: Hold on. I'll take the right. You take the left.
[Ahab kills the soldiers.]
Ishmael: You are pretty good. Calm down, you can do this. Hurry up and get the program. Nice work. Let's go.
[Heroes go into the hall, packed with soldiers.]
Ishmael: I'll run interference.
[Ishmael throws a silencer and creates a distracting maneuver. Ahab makes his way through the soldiers and approaches the main entrance to the hospital. Ishmael is already on the street. Suddenly the Burning Man appears and soldiers switch to him. Ahab was going to get out of the hospital, but then the wall is ramming the armored vehicle, and from the formed passage there is a new group of soldiers. They meet a flying boy in a gas mask. He uses Telekinesis to chop the soldiers into bloody mess using the helicopter blades. After that, a soldier in tank shoots in the Burning Man, which again does not inflict any damage on him. Ahab tries to leave the hospital one more time, but he is thrown away by the exploding tank. After Ahab comes to his senses he sees the Burning Man walking towards him. He takes up the submachine guns and starts shooting at him, but after a few moments the Burning Man is hit by the ambulance, driven by Ishmael.]
Ishmael: Get in!
[Ahab gets into the car and fastens. The Burning Man follows them and become the Burning Rider. A helicopter appears and shoots the car. Ishmael is dying. Ahab takes control of the car, but it turns out bad and he falls into a ravine. When he comes to his senses, he discovers that Ishmael is not in the car.]
Outskirts of Xylotymbou
March 11th, 1984 03:07
[Ahab gets out of the car and runs away from the enemies. Soon he stumbles upon a man riding a horse. The horse stands on its hind legs.]
Horseman: Get on! I'm on your side! Hurry! Hurry! Hang on!
[They run away together from the Burning Rider.]
Horseman: Use this! Watch our backs! Shoot him! Don't let him attack! Fill that bastard full of lead! Careful - that gun's slow to reload! Persistent bastard. Wait a minute…! Fire! Did you get him? Back from the dead, huh? We shook him off… Fire just as he's about to attack! I see it! The harbor! We're almost there!
[Ahab fires back from the hand rifle. Once the heroes break away from the chase, the rock on which they stood, takes a strike of lightning and they fall down into the river. The heroes get out from the water. End of mission.]
Horseman: C'mon.
[Ahab gets on the horse of the Horseman. While they are galloping, the Horseman tells him about himself.]
Horseman: The name's Ocelot. Big Boss. You know who I am. A certain man gave me a job to do. Two, actually. The first was to get you out of that hospital. The second… was to rescue the man himself. You remember? Your partner, nine years ago. Kazuhira Miller. Nine years back, you private army came under attack by Cipher. You were considered dead. Up until today, that is. When Cipher found you. And it's not just them. The whole world wants you dead. You have to join up with Miller. Built that private Army of yours once more time. It's your only chance. First, we need to save Miller. He's in Afghanistan.
Ahab: Afghanistan?
Ocelot: What? Can't you keep up with world affairs in a coma? Four years ago the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. The Muslims are fighting back, with Western support. Miller was training Mujahideen rebels when he was captured by the Soviets. The Reds' 40th Army. Troop strength's somewhere around 100,000. The squad holding Miller set off near Pakistan yesterday. In three days they'll reach the Soviets garrison. She'll be interrogated for a few more days, then it's off to a lager… Or left to rot in the ditch of Afghan soil. I give him two weeks… The job didn't mean anything to Miller. He only took it on to keep you safe. Well. There's our ride, a whaling ship. A got a good deal on her after IWC started raising a stink. It's seven days to Port Qasim, another three overland. So we won't have much time once we're there. Don't take too long getting used to your new self. Hang on!
[Ocelot and Ahab sails to Pakistan. During the journey, Ahab is healed and learn using a new prosthetic hand. Then they arrive to the place, they change their transport to horses.]Episode 1: PHANTOM LIMBS
Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Ocelot: The area ahead is under total Soviet control. Miller's been captive for ten days. Not much time left. Storm's passing.
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Ocelot: Getting used to it? (about Ahab's new arm)
Ahab: …
Guest Starring
The "SKULLS" Parasite Unit
Ocelot: After nine years on ice… solo infiltration of the Soviet main ground forces… Should be the perfect warm-up.
[Ocelot gives Ahab his iDroid.]
Ocelot: Kazuhira Miller is being held in Da Ghwandai Khar, to the north. Check its location now - take out your iDroid. You see Ghwandai on the map? That's where they're keeping Miller. Only problem is, we don't know his exact location. Find him is your first priority. Go ahead and close the iDroid. The target is Kazuhira Miller, your old partner. He was captured by the Soviets, and is being held at Ghwandai. He's going to look a lot worse than that photo, but I'm sure you'll know him then you see him. See the village? Straight ahead? A little to the left… To the right… Alright, that's the village. If you see something through the Binoculars, and you need more information just give me a call. I'll tell you anything I can about it. That's Wialo Village - Da Wialo Kallai. The villages fled the war and evacuated a while back. Since then, it's become a base for the Soviets 40th Army. A few days ago, Miller was taken through there en route towards Da Ghwandai Khar. You may be able to pick up the trail there. It's worth a shot. Put a mark on it so you don't lose track of where it is. Good. Now you won't have to worry about getting lost along the way. He can't have much left on him. I'd gave him three days, tops. If we fail - and he dies - we lose our chance at revenge. But we need more intel. You just go charging into Da Ghwandai Khar, you'll be putting both your lives at risk. See what you can find out first. The Soviets have other outposts, not just the one you saw. Afghanistan is a big place. I expect you'll become quite familiar with those binoculars as you plan your next move. How and where you make it… Well that's up to you. From here on out, you're on your own. You're a legend in the eyes of those who lived on the battlefield. That's why you'll have to handle this mission yourself. Put those nine years behind you… and return as Big Boss. That's how "Kaz" would want it. I'll be sending additional intel by radio. Stay sharp. Not one of Miller's bodyguards survived. And they were good. All found on the scene were their corpses… And these. He'll be missing them. And you're his only hope of getting them back. Now go! Let the legend come back to life!
[Ahab uses binoculars to mark enemies.]
Ocelot: That's "marking". Focus on the threat, and it will be marked automatically. You can mark enemies and vehicles by zooming in with your binoculars or camera. Once they're marked, you'll also see their position on the map. It's up to you whether to slip by enemies or take them down. Just remember what any situation can change, fast. Familiarize yourself with your weapons and items while you can.
[Ahab approaches the checkpoint.]
Ocelot: Hold it there's a Soviet guard post. They are bound to be guards. Take a look with your binoculars. Put the enemy in the center of your field of view. Sight. Sound. Keep all your enemies' senses in mind. When you are near an enemy stay low and move slowly. Don't leave by this out in the open. Find some place to drop them out of sight.
[Ahab finds the materials.]
Ocelot: Those materials are already processed… They should come in handy sooner or later. Why not start gathering them?
[Ahab is getting closer to his first assignment.]
Ocelot: You're almost at the enemy outpost, Wialo Village. The village is crawling with enemy soldiers. Don't just go waltzing in. Start with some recon. Is there anywhere that overlooks the village?
[Ahab climbs on a high mountain from which he can see the village.]
Ocelot: How about it? Can you see the village from there? Use the binoculars to recon the place. Look at where the enemies are stationed. Look at their gear. Take it all in. There should be a command post somewhere. See any buildings with tighter security? If there are clues to Miller's whereabouts, I'll bet you can find them in there.
[The sun tends to sunset.]
Ocelot: Sun's down already. It goes without saying that darkness is good for infiltration. But your vision will be affected just the same. Keep your guard up, or who knows when you will bump into an enemy.
[Ahab sees some kind of transmitter with a large antenna.]
Ocelot: A parabolic antenna… There could be intel files of some kind in there.
[Ahab finds the command post and climbs into it. He scans documents with his iDroid.]
Ocelot: So you picked up an intel file? Now we know where Miller is. I'm marking it on your iDroid.
[Having got out of the village, he runs to his next goal.]
Ocelot: Planning to walk the whole wilderness on foot? Use your horse.
[Ahab approaches the place where Miller is held.]
Ocelot: You've reached Ghwandai. They've got Miller locked up in that town. Check your iDroid for his location. I hope to hell he's alright. He's not your average client.
[He enters a well-fortified village and in one of the houses he finds heavily wounded and handcuffed Miller.]
Ahab: Kaz?
Kazuhira Miller: No more use for me, huh?
Ahab: Kaz, it's me. I'm here to get you out.
Kazuhira Miller: Snake…
Ahab: They do something to your eyes?
Kazuhira Miller: No, it's… It's just bright, is all…
[Ahab removes handcuffs from Miller and puts his glasses on him.]
Kazuhira Miller: What took you so long?
Ahab: We'll talk, but not here.
[He puts Miller on his shoulders and leaves the village.]
Ocelot: You've secured the target. I'll send the chopper to get you out. Make your way to the RV. You can check the location on iDroid.
Kazuhira Miller: Age hasn't slowed me down one bit. Not so heavy anymore, right? The magic words, Boss. I've been waiting nine years for 'em. "Kept you waiting, huh?". C'mon. Say it for old times' sake.
Helicopter pilot: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ.
Kazuhira Miller: We lost it all that day… Everything… But you've gotta look ahead. There is something I wanna show you.
Helicopter pilot: Ahab, do you read me? This is Pequod. There's a gas covering the LZ. We can't land! Pulling back!
Kazuhira Miller: Gas…? It's them! Boss, watch out - it's the Skulls…! Don't let 'em find us!
Ocelot: Boss. Whatever that mist is, it's all around you. We can see through it. I'm changing the RV so it's outside the mist. Get over there. The chopper'll be waiting.
Ocelot: Run, Boss! You've got to lose them!
Helicopter pilot: This is Pequod. Have arrived at LZ. Will stand by.
[Ahab manages to break away from the chase.]
Ocelot: The mist has cleared… It looks like they're gone.
Kazuhira Miller: Those things… That's the unit that attacked us before. They came at us real fast, in this same kind of mist. Our men - survivors from nine years ago - were wiped out in minutes. I don't know what they want, but it's them. No mistake.
Ocelot: All right. Put Miller in!
[He put Miller in the helicopter, then sits there himself and they fly away. End of mission.]
[Ahab and Miller fly by helicopter.]
Kazuhira Miller: We're headed for the Seychelles. That's where our new home is, now. Hey. That was some operation we had, huh? Nine years ago…? Carving out our own world… Making your own future. And they took it away. I'm gonna rebuild it. Make your place, together, that we can call home. Yeah… We were dogs all right. Slinking around, out of Cipher's sight, digging up whatever kind of dirty money we could find. You name it, we did it. You see this? Diamond Dogs. Our new home. A phantom of our former selves. Triumph, death… We weren't allowed either. Yeah, I remember it all…
[The screen fades and we get into Miller's memories.]
Kazuhira Miller: They played us like a damn fiddle!
Chico: Help me, Snake.
Paz: Chico.
Skull Face: It all ends soon, exactly as I've planned.
Snake: No!
Skull Face: Give my regards to your Boss, then you get home.
[The memories end.]
Kazuhira Miller: Snake… Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg and my arm… even my fingers… The body I've lost… The comrades I've lost… won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still there. You feel it too, don't you? I'm the one who got caught up with Cipher. A group above nations… In the U.S. And I was the parasite below feeding of Zero's power. They came after you in Cyprus… Then Afghanistan… Cipher… just keep growing. Swallowing everything in its path… Getting bigger and bigger… Who knows how big now? Boss. I'm going to make 'em give back our past… Take back everything that we've lost. And I won't rest… until we do.
Helicopter pilot: Approaching Mother Base.
Kazuhira Miller: Our new Mother Base. I don't know how long it'll take, but I'll make bigger, better than before.
Ahab: Kaz… What should I do?
Kazuhira Miller: Boss…?
Ahab: Tell me… Tell me like you used to.
[Ahab and Miller arrive at the Mother Base. He helps Miller get out of the helicopter.]Kazuhira Miller: Things've changed, Boss. We pull in money, recruits, just to combat Cipher… Rubbing our noses in bloody battlefield dirt, all for revenge. The world calls for wetwork, and we answer. No greater good, no just cause.
Ahab: Kaz…
Kazuhira Miller: Cipher send us to hell… but we are going even deeper.
Ahab: I know. I am already a demon… Heaven's not my kind of place anyway.
Kazuhira Miller: Dogs of war for nine whole years… That ends today. Now you're not sleeping, and we're not junkyard hounds. We're Diamond Dogs.
[One of the base's employees tries to put Miller on a gurney, but Ocelot stops him.]
Ocelot: Let them talk.
Kazuhira Miller: We can crush Cipher, Boss. And you can build the army that can do it.
Ahab: Just one thing, Kaz… This isn't about the past. We're fighting for the future.
[Miller is taken away. Ocelot calling Ahab.]
Ocelot: Boss, there's something I want to talk about. It concerns the running of Mother Base. Come meet with me.
[Ahab approaches Ocelot.]
Ocelot: You came. This base belongs to you now. Make Diamond Dogs the force it deserves to be. Like any organization, we need good people, and we need to make good use of their talents. Miller asked me to lay that out for you. To start bringing people in, use this… It's a Fulton recovery device. When you're in the field, use it to extract any soldiers or prisoners you want back here. Then we'll see if we can't persuade them to join the ranks of Diamond Dogs. Go on, test it on the stuff here. Anyone you want. First, put him to sleep. You have a tranquilizer gun, don't you?
[Ahab shoots with a tranquilizer pistol at the base employee.]
Ocelot: Out like a light. Now approach him and extract him.
[Ahab uses Fulton and launches the base employee into the air.]
Ocelot: Good. Extraction complete. You can only Fulton recover someone if they're not resisting it. No dead bodies, either. They don't make great recruits. The stuff member you just extracted will be assigned to the team best suited to his abilities. See for yourself. Open your iDroid.
[Ahab obeys.]
Ocelot: Select STAFF MANAGEMENT from the MOTHER BASE menu. So that stuff member was placed on the R&D team. The R&D team is in charge of developing all kinds of weapons and items that'll support you on missions. Take a look at the development list. Select WEAPONS / ITEMS under the DEVELOPMENT headings. That's the R&D teams development list. See the item called "Cardboard box"? Doesn't seem much use to me, but Miller was adamant that you did want it to on the list. "The last word in infiltration technology…" Or so he said. In any case, we don't have the manpower to develop it just yet. We need more stuff on the team. Go extract a few more people. You can also Fulton extract individuals you've clocked out. Why don't you try knocking someone out with CQC next? Show 'em how it's done, Boss. Try throwing them. It's the best way to knock someone out instantly.
[Ahab makes a tactical throw of one of the base's employees and uses Fulton on him.]
Ocelot: One thing I should mention - a Fulton extraction not always be successful. If the person is injured, the shock of it could kill them. And if the weather's unfavorable, well… They could end up going missing. You can determine the chance of success by approaching the person you want to extract. If you want to be sure you can get them out, the best carry him to the chopper instead. Alright, extract the next staff member.
[Ahab repeats the procedure.]
Ocelot: Extract him. Any method you like. Start by knocking him out. Or you can put him to sleep.
[He again knocks out and uses Fulton on one of the base's employee.]
Ocelot: Boss, now that we have more people on the R&D team, its level has gone up. They should be able to develop the "Cardboard Box" now. Select WEAPONS / ITEMS under the DEVELOPMENT headings. Now select "Cardboard Box" and start development. Just be aware that development requires funds - GMP. Element requires GMP. Watch we don't end up in the red. Development has finished. You can have the Support Unit supply you with weapons and items you've developed. Think of it as you own personal delivery service. And there it is. Not sure what it's good for… but Miller said you'd know what to do. Try it out. One last thing - the staff members you extracted were all placed on the R&D team but that was Miller's decision. If you think they belong somewhere else, you're free to move them around. Well, that about does it. You won't make any GMP or find recruits hanging around here. Board chopper when you're ready for a mission. Open your iDroid and select a landing zone to tell it where to pick you up. Or if you still in the mood for knocking guys on the asses, you can stay around here a while and give the men some practice. Just come pay me a visit.
[Ahab gets into the helicopter and leaves the base. In the helicopter he has to choose his next goal.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss. I know you haven't been back long, but I have prepared a list of missions for you. Open your iDroid.
[He takes out his iDroid.]
Kazuhira Miller: I've taken the job offers Diamond Dogs has received and made the list of those I want you to consider. Which ones you accept is your call. The objectives of the missions I've added are prisoner rescue, facility sabotage, and high-value target elimination… Probably all a walk in the park for you, but they should help you get back on your feet. I put the mission details on a cassette tape. Refer to that if you decide to accept the mission. We'll receive GMP for completing missions, and extracting soldiers and prisoners will boost our ranks. Building up Mother Base is the first step to achieving our goal. If the mean in wetwork, so be it. We're gonna have to get our hands dirty. I hope you are rested up, because we are not stopping. Not until the pain is gone. The future of Diamond Dogs is in your hands. We're counting on you, Boss.
["A HERO'S WAY" mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: Farming villages in southern Wakhan has been subjected to a strategic bombing campaign the past several weeks. The damage is spreading. It's part of the Soviets' scorched earth operation aimed at wiping out the guerrillas. The target this time is the commander of a Spetsnaz detachment. He's been key to the operation's success. People say this guy's responsible for annihilating the Mujahideen at Da Smasei Laman - the Hamid fighters - overnight. He's a tough, experienced commander. Don't underestimate him. The order from our client in the West is to shoot on sight - they want him out of the picture for good. Sorry, Boss. This one's purely business. Wetwork - hit on the commanding officer of the Soviet military. Nothing personal. We're only doing this because it gets us one step closer to our goal.
Episode 3: A HERO'S WAY
Kazuhira Miller: You target is a Spetsnaz detachment commander. Your orders are to take him out. With skills like his, it'd be a shame to waste him. But I'll leave the method up to you, Boss. Make your way to Da Shago Kallai and eliminate the target.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment Spetsnaz
Guest Starring
The Spetsnaz Commander
[Ahab opens the map and points the cursor at the goal of his mission - the village of Da Shago Kallai.]
Kazuhira Miller: The target is camped out in that village dressed as an ordinary soldier.
[Ahab gets closer to the village.]
Kazuhira Miller: You've arrived at the objective. Your target should be somewhere in that outpost. And don't forget, he has a Spetsnaz recon detail with him. Keep your guard up.
[He explores the village through binoculars.]
Kazuhira Miller: Is that him? Take a good look at their faces so we can ID the targets.
[Ahab finds his target.]
Kazuhira Miller: There. That's the target. Boss. I gotta say, it'd be a waste to kill him. But putting him to sleep doesn't count as eliminating him. Neither does knocking him out.
[He decides to put him to sleep and send him to the Mother Base.]
Kazuhira Miller: Target secured. I'll tell the client we send the target to "a place outside of Heaven". Boss. Your objective's complete. Exfiltrate out of the hot zone, by chopper or on land. Don't hang around.
[Ahab gets to the evacuation point and goes to the base. In the copper.]
Ocelot: How you feeling, Boss? Getting used to being in the field again? Having choppers and a horse at your disposal is indispensable for operating in the wilds of Afghanistan. I've gone ahead and arranged for you to be able to develop and customize weaponry for support choppers. And you can also develop you equipment for D-Horse, if you like. Use your iDroid to start development as needed.
Ocelot: By connecting you iDroid to the on-board computer, you turn the chopper into you own Aerial Command Center or ACC. Some elements of staff assignment and R&D of weapons and items can only be performed from there. Take as long as you need to consider all your options.
[“C2W” mission briefing.]
Ocelot: Boss, information warfare is more than just intel gathering. Also means disrupting enemy communications. Your mission is to punch a hole in the comms network between the Soviet outposts. That'll out of their means to call in reinforcements. Technically, we were given this mission by a Western-backed Arab organization supporting the guerillas, but it'll also give us a leg up in the future. Take a look at that location of the eastern communications post on your iDroid. Head there, and destroy its comms equipment. He who controls information, controls operations. Just look at Cipher. Good luck, Boss.
Episode 4: C2W
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you need to disable the Soviets' reinforcements system by putting a hole in their base-to-base comms network. Head for the eastern communications post, and destroy its comms equipment. First use the binoculars to locate the communications equipment at the facility.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
[Going to the goal of the mission, Ahab stumbles upon a jolly puppy running out of the thickets.]
Kazuhira Miller: That's wild dog pup… He's a tough little guy. Boss, this is no time to be playing with animals. What are you gonna do, Boss?
[He uses Fulton and sends the puppy to the Mother Base and goes on.]
[Ahab finds and destroys the transmitter.]
Kazuhira Miller: Good work. You've completed your objective. Now get out of the hot zone.
Radio: CP, this is Zoya 7! Got damage to some equipment here. Has to be an enemy operative. Over!
CP: This is CP - understood! Move to investigate, ASAP! Out!
[Ahab escapes the dangerous zone and finds several wild animals.]
Kazuhira Miller: Say, Boss, you seen any animals in the field? Truth is, an environmental NGO has asked us to remove wild animals from combat zones. If you have the time, can you extract some back here? There's a reward in it for us.
[He Fulton them out.]
Kazuhira Miller: That's it - you've made it out of the hot zone. No sign of the enemy. Mission complete, Boss.
[Ahab goes in search of an interpreter from the Russian language, in order to be able to interrogate soldiers.]
Kazuhira Miller: We've found out there's an English-speaking soldier somewhere in the region. He's the language specialist. His role is to translate information related to the West into Russian. If we can get him to join us, we'll have the upper hand in information warfare.
[The specialist is found.]
Kazuhira Miller: That's the target.
[Ahab puts the interpreter to sleep and sends him to the Mother Base.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, that language specialist you extracted has been very cooperative. Says he's always dreamed of living a free life like folks in the West. What are the odds, huh? I've gone ahead and placed him in the Support Unit. His job is Russian interpretation. Now you'll know that Soviet soldiers are saying. You can even interrogate them. Should give you an edge in the mission.
[Mission complete. Against the backdrop of the statistics screen, Miller reports cheerful news.]
Kazuhira Miller: Our army is growing like crazy things to you, Boss. In fact, it's getting downright crowded around here! To bring a greater number of people on board, we'll need to expand our facilities. To that end, I've created a Base Development Unit. It has two roles: material refinement, and platform construction. I'll start with the material refinement part. The Base Development Unit procures material resources on a regular basis according to its level. The material are stored in containers and placed on the deck of Mother Base. Once they're finished being processed, they can finally be put to use. By using these materials to build new platforms, we'll be able to add a greater number of stuff to our ranks. We don't need any specific instructions from you to refine the materials, but I want YOU to be the one to decide how we construct platforms. Once we have sufficient GMP and the required material resources, you can issue construction orders from you iDroid.
[After that, he gives Ahab a little advice.]
Kazuhira Miller: Prolong time in the field is bad for the body and mind. I think it's time you took a break. Do it for me. Come back to Mother Base ASAP.
[Ahab returns to the Mother Base.]
Ocelot: DD, come back!
Ahab: This…
Ocelot: …Is the dog you brought back. Bit of a troublemaker. Not sure about the breed, though.
Ahab: He'll get bigger?
Ocelot: Uh-huh. Like this. You know, I can look after him. He's still a pup so he doesn't listen. But I have a feeling someday he'll be useful. I suspect you've discovered a real diamond in the rough. A little polish, and I'd say we got a true Diamond Dog on our hands.
Ahab: “DD”, right? Ocelot raising hounds… Fine.
Ocelot: Come on, DD!
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, we've received a back-channel request from Langley. We're to find a piece of new American military hardware that's gone missing in the mountains of Afghanistan. It's a difficult mission, but I'd say you're back in top form by now. Check your iDroid for the details.
[“OVER THE FENCE” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: If we're going to expand Mother Base, we need more manpower. Not just for combat roles, either - R&D, the Support Unit, Intel… Each demands different set of skills. If we want to achieve that we're set out to do, Diamond Dogs has got to get stronger. There's a Soviet engineer I want to have join us. He was the one who built your prosthesis. With him on our side, who knows what sort of enchantments he'll come up with for it. He tried to defect, but didn't make it, no she's being held prisoner at Wakh Sind Barracks. Find this engineer and get him out. Having him on our R&D team will go a long way to helping Diamond Dogs grow.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss. A Soviet engineer is being held prisoner at the Wakh Sind Barracks. You need to find him and get him out. He tried defect from the base camp up north, but it didn't work out. No they're holding him at Wakh Sind. He's offered his technical skills to us as long as we can guarantee his safety. You have to extract the target.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Guest Starring
The Bionics Engineer
Ocelot: Boss, your target just happens to be the man who developed your prosthetic hand. And he's the only one capable of maintaining it. If we bring him in, I'm sure he'll be able to modify it in all kinds of ways, as well.
[Ahab finds the right place.]
Kazuhira Miller: That's the Wakh Sind Barracks. The target is somewhere inside that outpost. The Soviets consider him a traitor now, so he'll be treated like any other prisoner.
[The hero makes his way through the military base. In the basement of one of the ruined houses he finds a prisoner.]
Kazuhira Miller: Great. If there's nothing on the way up ahead, you should be able to Fulton them in.
[He puts the prisoner on his shoulders and brings him out of the cellar. After that he sends him to the Mother Base.]
Kazuhira Miller: Target extraction confirmed. Your objective's complete. Exfiltrate out of the hot zone by chopper or on land.
[Ahab is evacuating by helicopter.]
Kazuhira Miller: Yes! Mission complete. Boss, that was exceptional. The engineer we rescued has been extremely competitive. The guys on the R&D team are glad to have him aboard. Thing is, he's specialty isn't mechanics, but something called "bionics" - engineering based on… biology. He's already submitted a proposal for modifying you prosthetic arm. If you’re interested, go ahead and give the development order.
[“WHERE DO THE BEES SLEEP?” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: Part of the Mujahideen's arsenal against the Soviets is secretly supplied by the CIA, but the war continues to drag on with neither side gaining the advantage. Now, though, the CIA have started supplying the guerillas with a new weapon. We don't know the details, but rumor has it that it could turn the tide of the war. The Soviets have heard about it, and it has them spooked. Now, "Hamid" Mujahedeen were issued this weapon, but then they were wipe out in no time. There's no trace of fighting at their fort, and all their supplies are just sitting there. Naturally that screams biochemical weapons, but the Soviets deny using anything that would violate the BWC. Whatever happened, the Soviets have invaded the area and are searching for this Western weapon tech. This is the CIA's worst nightmare. If that weapon falls into Soviet hands, it'll drastically rewrite the history that's being made here. But "the Company" can't be seen entering the area. That's where we come in. Boss, head to the fort of Da Smasei Laman, find the weapon before the Soviets, and bring it back to base - fast. The new weapon is codenamed "Honey Bee". To the U.S., it's a vital military secret.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, locate in bring back the US military's new weapon codenamed "Honey Bee". The CIA put it in the hands of the "Hamid" group of Mujahedeen. But the Hamid fighters were wiped out. But the Honey Bee must still be hidden at their base, the fort at Da Smasei Laman. Unfortunately, the Soviets are looking for the weapon as well. You have to get to it before they do and bring it back here. There's a photo of the target on your iDroid. One more thing - apparently one of the Hamid fighters survived. He's missing, but if you can find him, he might lead us to the target. Good luck, Boss.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Guest Starring
Skull Face
Tretij Rebenok
The “SKULLS” Parasite Unit
Hamid Mujahadeen Survivor
[Ahab goes to the starting point of his mission.]
Kazuhira Miller: You need to retrieve the new U.S. military weapon known as the Honey Bee. It should be hidden somewhere in Smasei Fort.
[Goes a little further, he finds some kind of sentinel structure with a bunch of militaries.]
Kazuhira Miller: A Soviet relay base. Think there's something in there that could lead us to the Honey Bee?
[Ahab sees that several militaries interrogate a prisoner.]
Kazuhira Miller: Is that prisoner the Hamid survivor? If he is, he has to know something about the Honey Bee. Well? You gonna help him? You could wait and see what the Soviets do with him…
[Ahab finds a prisoner in the catacombs of Da Smasei Laman.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, go ahead and Fulton extract that prisoner. We'll find out if he knows anything. Good news, Boss. Looks like that prisoner you extracted was the Hamid survivor. The guy's a mute, but he pointed out the whereabouts of the Honey Bee on a map. It's on your iDroid. Head on over there and retrieve it.
[He finds the Honey Bee.]
Ocelot: Who would've thought they'd hide it there…
Kazuhira Miller: You've secured the target. Now you just need to bring it back. Call the chopper from your iDroid. You are not to use the Honey Bee. The order was to recover it with its ammunition.
[Ahab comes out of the catacombs. A dense fog is coming up. A figure of a boy with long sleeves appears, flying past Ahab. After he’s grabbed by the hand of a huge robot. When he comes to his senses, he realizes that he is hanging upside down. A mysterious man wearing a hat and mask approaches him.]
Man with Hat: You look well-rested, Big Boss. My, my, how you've changed. You became a demon for such little weapons as that? Well, I'm sure you'll see the bigger picture eventually. If you if you get out of here alive.
[Many Skulls comes in. They rush around killing soldiers.]
Man with Hat: Rest in peace this time. I'll see you in Hell! "Boss"!
[The robot releases Ahab. He points his gun at a man in a hat, but he hides in a fog with his giant robot.]
Kazuhira Miller: What the hell was that thing?! It was huge…!
[Skull soldiers begin attacking. Ahab unwittingly enters the battle.]
Kazuhira Miller: It's the Mist unit… the Skulls! What's he doing to that soldier…? Damn it, they're everywhere…
Ocelot: Those Skulls are too fast. If you had a homing weapon… Boss, maybe it's time to see what the Honey Bee can do.
[Ahab starts using the Honey Bee against the Skulls.]
Kazuhira Miller: We can forget about that bonus now.
[Ahab leaves the battlefield.]
Ocelot: The Mist has cleared… It look like they're gone. Then bring the target back.
[He sits in the helicopter and flies away. In the helicopter…]
Kazuhira Miller: So, this unit in the mist… They speed, the way they jump… It's not human. Is those deformities…
Ahab: They attack the Soviets, too.
Kazuhira Miller: And that Grim Reaper lookalike in charge of them… That giant THING that carried him off… What the hell are they?
Ahab: Cipher.
Kazuhira Miller: Well, what do they want? What's their objective? Why Afghanistan? There's one more thing troubling me…
Ahab: What happened to the Hamid.
Kazuhira Miller: Exactly. Whole squad of hardened Mujahedeen killed without a fight, and no trace of BC weaponry. What does it all mean?
Ahab: That's what we're here to find out.
Kazuhira Miller: Yeah. Right. If we really need to know, the truth will reveal itself. Even if it's ugly… Boss, I'm creating a new Intel Team to support you in our areas of operation. Members of this team will head out into the field and conduct reconnaissance. Knowing the strength of an enemy force beforehand will help you carry out missions more smoothly. We may also learn something about the skull-faced man. So, Boss… That brings me to assigning stuff to the Intel Team. There might be guys already assigned to other teams who are more suitable to the Intel Team. Go ahead and reassign them as you see fit.
Ocelot: The dog you brought back. There'll come a day when he'll be able to join you on missions. But you know, he uh… he gets lonely easily. You should come visit him every once in a while. Get back to the Mother Base.
[Ahab returns to the Mother Base. He meets with joyful yapping DD.]
Ocelot: Halt!
[DD stands still.]
Ocelot: Hey. See that? Now that's discipline. Following orders like a real Diamond Dog. Soon he'll--
[DD starts to rumble around Ahab.]
Ocelot: No. Stay! Stay!
[Ocelot orders DD to climb into the helicopter.]
Ocelot: DD, go!
[DD desperately tries, but he does not get out. It seems that it was not very upsetting to him.]
Ocelot: Well, maybe not yet… But soon, soon.
[“RED BRASS” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: This contract comes from a rebel faction in Afghanistan. They've gotten wind of a rare meeting between three Soviet commanders running key units in the region. The location is Wialo village. This information comes from a mole planted within the Soviets' Arab support organization. The guerillas see this is a one-of-a-kind chance to weaken the Soviet forces in one stroke. But if they act themselves, it'll exposed the existence of their mole. That's why this job falls to us. The request is simple. "Eliminate the three pigs by any means." If these commanders are as good as they say, it'll be a shame to kill 'em… But I leave that decision up to you.
Episode 7: RED BRASS
Kazuhira Miller: The three Soviet commanders are meeting at Da Wialo Kallai. The mission is to eliminate all three. How you do it is up to you, Boss. Good luck.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Guest Starring
Wialo Company Commander
Shago Platoon Commander
Wakh Sind Platoon Commander
Kazuhira Miller: I've send the targets anticipated travel routes at the meeting location to your map. Take a look.
[Ahab infiltrates the meeting of the commanders, and Fulton extract them to the Mother Base. After that, he leaves the mission area by helicopter.]
Kazuhira Miller: Ocelot got the details to the meeting out of that commander. It seems you've been doing your job just a little too well, Boss. The Soviets have begun reinforcing the 40th Army's units in Afghanistan. Sending in more men, and new equipment… While things haven't exactly been easy for us up till now, they're about to get even tougher.
Kazuhira Miller: More stuff from each of the teams are active in the area of operations now. That means some will be wounded, get sick, or suffer PTSD. That's where the Medical Team comes in. I I've taken the liberty of commissioning the construction of a new Medical Platform. Having proper medical facilities for the men is a matter of life of death, so I've put up the resources this time around. You could check on the platform's progress by selecting the BASE FACILITIES under the iDroid MOTHER BASE menu.
[“OCCUPATION FORCES” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: Da Smasei Laman was full of Mujahideen - the Hamid fighters - then suddenly they disappeared overnight and the Soviets moved right in. I guess the old fort is still in good enough shape that the Soviets want to use it as is. This means that the dead Battalion Commander stationed in Sakhra Ee Village - a lieutenant colonel - is moving his operations room to the fort. Word is he’s an excellent leader. With him stationed at Smasei Fort, the Soviet forces in the area will operate all the better. And according to the client’s information, he’ll be bringing a tank unit to the for as well. We don't know the redeployment date or the route they'll take, But there must be some planning documentation where the colonel is. You have two objectives: “Eliminate” the colonel, and stop the tank deployment. Counting on you, Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: This mission has two objectives: "Eliminate" the colonel scheduled to take up a post at Smasei Fort, and stop the deployment of his tank unit. You first move should be to head to Sakhra Ee Village and search for the colonel and his deployment plans.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Guest Starring
Sakhra Ee Village Colonel
Featured Mecha
Battle Tank “TT77 Nosorog”
Ocelot: Boss, to take out in the combat vehicles, you'll want to use explosive weaponry. Missiles, grenades, placed explosives… If you haven't developed this yet, use iDroid to give the order. Choose your weapon according to the situation.
[Infiltrating the base Ahab finds a tank.]
Kazuhira Miller: The Soviet tank… If you could steal that, nothing could stop you… Make a wrong move and it'll chew you up.
[Getting into one of the houses, he scans the documents.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, that document you just got is the deployment plans for the Smasei Fort reinforcements. According to the plans, the colonel it's supposed to join up with the tank unit at Wakh Sind Barracks and then proceed to Smasei Fort. Those tanks being on the move doesn't make things easy. Hurry, Boss. I've sent the tank unit's route to your iDroid.
[The main character starts hunting for tanks, arranging ambushes for them. One of these tanks guarded the colonel.]
Kazuhira Miller: That's your target for elimination - the colonel. All reports say he's a formidable soldier. Be careful.
[Ahab “eliminates” the colonel and destroys the last tank.]
Kazuhira Miller: That's the way! Good, you've completed the objective. Now get outta there. Exfiltrate out of the hot zone, by chopper or on land.
Ocelot: Boss, we're finally ready to put together a Combat Unit. Staff assigned to the unit will be dispatched as mercenaries to conflict zones. That should guarantee us a stable source of income. "Merc Deployment" allows you to send Combat Unit staff on relatively easy missions suited to the unit's level. There's little risk, but the rewards are low, too. However, there are also contracts known as "Dispatch Missions" that offer a higher risk and reward. Give your orders to undertake these missions using your iDroid.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, good news from the Support Unit. They can now deliver support strikes to our areas of operation. Use your iDroid to designate a location for a strike. Just make sure you're not in the kill zone. I'd hate to tell the men in they blew up the Boss. After you've called in a strike, move away from the target location immediately. Also, like supply drops, strikes cost GMP. So watch you don't put us in the red. Remember what our real objective is.
["BACKUP, BACK DOWN" mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, the rebel guerrillas are launching an offensive against the Soviets. Our job is to eliminate as much as we can of the Soviet mechanized unit that will come in as reinforcements. The more vehicles you can take out, the higher our pay will be. But the mission's a failure if you can't manage to eliminate a single one. The race against the clock, with plenty of targets to choose from. Show 'em you best stuff, Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you objective is to eliminate as many combat vehicles as you can. For this mission, we're backup for the guerillas' offensive. That means our mission isn't over until theirs is. Keep an eye on the remaining time. Also bear in mind that you'll fail the mission if you don't take out a single vehicle. As for payment… the more vehicles, the biggest our paycheck. Give 'em a real fireworks show.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Featured Mecha
Battle Tank "TT77 Nosorog"
Multi-Rocket Launcher “Zhuk RS-Z8"
Attack Helicopter "HP-48 Krokodil"
Kazuhira Miller: Check the targets' locations on your map. Once you've spotted incoming reinforcements, they location will be added to your iDroid too.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, each vehicle is a piggy bank just waiting to be smashed. Get as many as you can. Boss, I have a report from the Intel Team. The targets are now on the move. I've send their predicted route to your iDroid. Check your map.
Ocelot: Boss, we've spotted a four-wheel drive transporting a prisoner. It's not part of the mission, but d'you think you can bust 'em loose? You have the time to spare.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you're doing great. Plenty of targets eliminated. Just the pace I'd expect. Boss, that's incredible! You are taking them out faster than they can come in. The guerillas' operation is going smoothly too. Keep it up!
Ocelot: Boss, need a little extra firepower? We've spotted a Soviet weapons transport truck. Apparently it's cargo is something pretty powerful. What do you think… should we make 'em share? Tread carefully, Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: The target has left the mission area. It's too late to eliminate that one. Just focus on taking out the remaining targets. The enemy reinforcements have stopped… No targets remaining. Boss, exfiltrate the hot zone.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss… If you've got time on your hands, come spend it back at the base. The men'll will miss you if you are gone too long.
[On the way to Mother Base.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, a certain scientist contacted us wanting to defect from the East. His name… is Emmerich. That's right. The men we knew as Huey. We suspect he was complicit in the attack on Mother Base nine years ago. He was working with Cipher… I've been waiting a long time for this. So I say, let's help each child defect. Once he's here, we can sit down and catch up on old times. Emmerich is currently at Serak Power Plant. This is our chance. Boss, head for the power plant.
Ocelot: DD, stay!
Ahab: DD?
Ocelot: Fully trained and ready for action. The rest is up to you. DD, go! He's going with you. Let me explain that D-Dog can do as your buddy. With that nose of his, he can sniff out and mark nearby enemies and prisoners. Should come in handy for infiltrating outpost. I trained him to detect mines and medical plans too. When he locates something, check your map.
["ANGEL WITH BROKEN WINGS" mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: The objective is to rescue and extract a Mujahid captured by the Soviets. He's been held in the ruins of Lamar Khaate Palace. As are lot of POWs. Civilians, guerillas, suspected guerillas… The Soviets have turned the place into their own black site. However we've only been asked to rescue one of the prisoners. He's known as Malak - “angel” - to his fellow Mujahideen. The client is no other than his father. Or rather, thus was his father's dying wish.
Kazuhira Miller: Your mission is to rescue a prisoner being held at Lamar Khaate Palace. He's known as Malak - “angel" - to his fellow Mujahideen. Start by checking the target's VI on your iDroid. The Soviets captured him and took him to the ruins of the palace. His family was subsequently killed in the airstrike of his village. The Soviet' scorched earth operation wipe it off the map. The client is no other than his father. Or rather, thus was his father's dying wish. If you can manage to rescue other prisoners, each one will add a bonus to our pay. When you see them, I'm sure your conscience will tell you what to do.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Guest Starring
Lamar Khaate Palace Prisoner Escort
Kazuhira Miller: The prisoner you extracted knew where the target is. I’m updating your map information. Take a look.
[Ahab finds his target - Malak. He’s barely alive after the numerous beatings and can not walk. Ahab takes him to the helicopter and they fly away together.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss. That target you extracted, Malak, is saying that he's never heard of our client. What's more, he says his village was destroyed long before he was ever taken prisoner. Apparently it fell victim to some sort of disease, then was completely burned to the ground. Malak was out a mission at the time, and that's the reason why he alone survived. But the question is, who hired us to find him? According to Malak, he saw strange soldiers snooping around the village when he got back. Turns out they were members of Cipher's strike force, XOF. My theory is they wanted to get their hands on Malak to question or silence him before the Soviets could get to him. Cipher was just using us to cover things up. All that crap about Malak's relative was a front to convince us to retrieve him. But an entire colony just wiped off the map… it sounds a lot like the Hamid during the Honey Bee incident. All I know, Boss, is there's no way in hell I'm handing Malak over to Cipher. I decided to bring him back to Mother Base instead. He's one of us now. We told the client, through a cut-out, that the target was killed. For some reason, though, they still paid us everything we were owed. Cipher's obviously up to something, and this is probably just another preemptive cleanup operation to them. But to Malak, he lost his village, his family… Everything. And he wants his revenge. In other words, he's one of us.
[“CLOAKED IN SILENCE” mission briefing. This briefing you can hear during a mission or just walking through Afghanistan.]
Ocelot: Boss, this is important. We've report of a crack sniper at large in the Afghan wilderness. The Soviets called this sniper Tixij - “Quiet”. There are never any sightings, and only corpses are left behind… The Soviets have already lost a number of officers. You'd uh… best watch your step…
[Riding through the ancient Afghan ruins, Ahab hears a shot from a sniper rifle. He jumps off and hides behind the collapsed column.]
Kazuhira Miller: Sniper?! Where?
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you OK?! Could it be that sniper, Quiet?!Ocelot: Quiet, our silent assassin… Where's the sniping point…?
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Guest Starring
Sniper “Quiet”
[Ahab starts a deadly duel with a trained army sniper, but he manages to win.]
Kazuhira Miller: Did you get her? With those “abilities” of hers… No doubt about it. She has to be one of the Skulls. Now move in and finish her, Boss. She's working for Cipher!
Ocelot: Quiet is a valuable source of information, Boss. There is no need to kill her. Think carefully. This is your decision.
Kazuhira Miller: The female sniper… “Quiet”. Cipher's assassin… Finish her. She's one of the Skulls. Kill her!
[Ahab takes out a pistol from a holster and aims it at the sniper.]
Ocelot: No - killing her would be a waste. Bring her back here.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss… Boss!
[He lowers the pistol slowly. Then Quiet pulls out her gun and tries to shoot herself. Ahab quickly disarms her and puts handcuffs on her.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you're not thinking of bringing her back here, are you? She works for Cipher. We don't even know the extent of her abilities. She is not setting foot on this base.
Ocelot: Good work, Boss. Can't believe you took her down alive. Now bring her back here. Let's find out what she really is.
Kazuhira Miller: This is too dangerous. Kill her! Don't bring her to our home.
Ocelot: This is the Boss's decision. I'll send the extraction chopper.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you know I've always got your back. If you bring her here, I'll just have her killed.
[Ahab puts Quiet on his shoulder and carries her to the helicopter, after which they fly away. In the helicopter, he puts her on a bench and covers her with his jacket, but when he turns away for a second, she takes off her handcuffs and disappears.]
Ocelot: Slipped the line, huh? Shame… She's one of a kind.
Kazuhira Miller: Fine by me. We don't need her type. Boss, we need to talk. Get back to base. Everything else can wait.
Arabian Sea, 20th Parallel North
1,900 miles (3000 kilometers) from Mother Base
[The helicopter is flying over the sea. Suddenly, we hear an alarm. Ahab goes to the pilot to figure out what's going on.]
Helicopter pilot: Confirm, one bogey on our six, steady at point four miles. It's tailing us…
Kazuhira Miller: Don't lead it back to Mother Base.
Helicopter pilot: Roger. We'll shake it off.
[The helicopter begins to maneuver. The pursuing jet using the machine gun. Ahab approaches the hatch and sees a rocket flying to the helicopter.]
Helicopter pilot: Incoming!
[The helicopter pilot launches anti-missile rockets and manages to change the trajectory of the missile.]
Helicopter pilot: Another one! Shit! It's an LGM! Hold on!
[Ahab tries to take the machine gun but because of the shaking falls on the floor of the helicopter. Suddenly someone grabs at the hilt of the machine gun. This someone appears to be Quiet. She opens fire and destroys one of the jets after which she takes up the sniper rifle. Meanwhile, Ahab, realizing her plan, stands up for the machine gun and opens a distracting fire. Quiet takes aim and kills the pilot of the jet, then discharges his rifle, puts on handcuffs and sits down on the bench as if nothing happened. After a while, the helicopter flies to the base.]
Command Platform
[The helicopter with Ahab is surrounded by soldiers from the base. At the landing platform, he is waited by a whole armed platoon led by Miller and Ocelot.]
Kazuhira Miller: No way is she sitting foot on this base… Boss, she's with Cipher.
[Quiet looks at Ahab and jumps off the helicopter, becoming invisible in the air.]
Ocelot: Thermals!
[She plays with a platoon of the military but does not kill anyone.]
Kazuhira Miller: Fire!
Ocelot: Miller! She saved the Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: She was saving herself! Fire!
Ahab: Put her in the cell.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss?
Ahab: Keep an eye on her.
Ocelot: Right, take her away. What are you waiting for? Move!
[Ahab puts his hand on her shoulder. She obeys.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you are going to regret this. That woman…
Ahab: I know, she knows our location. Either way one of these days we're going to have to kill her. But now is not the time. When the time comes, I'll pull the trigger.
Ocelot: Boss, about the sniper you extracted - “Quiet”. We set up a cell for her on the Medical Platform. The Medical Team is looking into her… “abilities”. I'll let you know if they learn anything. And Boss… Leave Miller to me. If we manage to get some intel out of Quiet that should satisfy him.
[Ahab gets into the helicopter and flies away.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss. The scientist, Emmerich, wants us to find him so he can defect. He should be inside Serak Power Plant. Make contact with him.
SIDE OPS: Make Contact With Emmerich
Ocelot: I know you're an expert when it comes to solo infiltrations. But now you have buddies who will fight alongside you. Use your iDroid to deploy them whenever you like. The role of you buddies is to support you during missions, but there is more than one way for them to do that. To get the most out of a buddy's abilities, you need to give the right order for the situation.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Guest Starring
Dr. “Huey” Emmerich
Skull Face
Tretij Rebenok
Featured Mecha
Walker Gear
Attack Helicopter "HP-48 Krokodil"
[Ahab goes behind the gate of the power station and hides from the passing truck. The truck drives into a large military base, where we hear the voice of some guy.]
Guy: Just a minute! This isn't what we agreed on!
Skull Face: The changes have already been finalized.
Guy: It's not operational yet. The remote piloting and A.I. control haven't reached application stage.
Skull Face: Who said anything about an A.I.? That was Coldman's mistake ten years ago.
[We see that the guy with whom Skull Face speaks is a scientist and has serious problems with his legs - he walks using mechanical prostheses.]
Huey: Be that as it may, we'll need to modify postural control to accommodate a human pilot. I share your urgency. But… We need more time to finish it.
[A soldier comes to Skull Face and whispers to him.]
Soldier: We analyzed the transmission log - he's been in contact with Big Boss.
Skull Face: Right.
Skull Face: Planning on leaving us, Doctor, huh? I'm taking you "legs" back!
[Skull Face throws the scientist off the stairs. He falls down breaking his mechanical legs and pisses his pants.]
Guy: So you're just gonna… kill me?
Skull Face: Sahelanthropus is mine now.
[Skull Face approaches the scientist, step on his hand and grabs him by the shirt. Through the steps of the stairs, in the distance, we see something very reminiscent of Metal Gear from the first game.]
Skull Face: Listen! I may dwell in the dark, but I refuse to be judged by your standards, traitor.
[Skull Face throws the scientist to the ground.]
Skull Face: I hope your friends give you what's coming to you. (to soldier in mecha walker) Take him to the base!
Soldier: Yes, sir. Transporting Emmerich to the base camp and returning to base.
Loudspeaker: We're shutting down. All units, strike camp and clear out.
Skull Face: We still have use for him.
[Skull Face with the most soldiers leave the base. Metal Gear takes away somewhere deep into the base for the huge iron gates. Ahab gets out from his hiding spot and begins to explore.]
Episode 12: HELLBOUND
Kazuhira Miller: No doubt about it, Boss. That man is your extraction target, Emmerich. The weapon system that disappeared into that cave, and the man who was with it… Emmerich must know something about what's going on. He was transferred it to the Soviets' base camp. I marked it on the map. Make your way to that base camp.[On the way to the base Ocelot contacts our protagonist.]
Ocelot: Did you see that, Boss? The giant weapon system of that disappeared into the cave. I've… heard it was the Kremlin's biggest secret. But to think that doctor has been working on it… And the man with the skull for a face. It's been on my mind since you encounter the Skulls during the Honey Bee mission. It's really him. Boss. He's the commander of Cipher's strike force, XOF. And probably the mastermind of the attack nine years ago. But I thought he and Zero parted ways… I'll look into it. You just focus on the mission.
[Ahab finds the base.]
Kazuhira Miller: You're at the base camp. The target, Emmerich, should be somewhere there. Keep in mind, that's an enemy stronghold. Stay sharp.
[After passing through a well-guarded base, Ahab finds a small room, where, according to the reconnaissance, he must find Emmerich. After entering the room he hears a robotic voice.]
AI Pod: Who are you? Snake…? It's not you… Is it?
Emmerich: Hey! It's just a machine.
[Ahab comes to Emmerich.]
Emmerich: Are you?
Ahab: "Dr. Emmerich".
Emmerich: Snake?
[Ahab grabs Emmerich, puts a bag on his head and shuts off his mechanical legs.]
Emmerich: Hey! What gives? Let me go! No! Give me back my legs!
Kazuhira Miller: Right on schedule. Now bring him back to Mother Base. OK, I'm sending a chopper close by. Get to the LZ with Emmerich.
Emmerich: Hold on a second. Let's use the Walker Gear I developed to escape. There's a special one here at the lab. Only I can activate it. And I'll tell you how to operate it.
Kazuhira Miller: Ignore Emmerich. We don't need his wind-up toys.
Ocelot: It IS a long way there. Why don't you use that Walker Gear of his?
Kazuhira Miller: No way. We can't trust him.
[Ahab decides to let Emmerich activate his machine.]
Emmerich: I'll start it up. Get this of me.
[Ahab takes off bag from Emmerich's head. He breathes like he has asthma or something.]
Emmerich: Here we go. They're single-pilot machines. I'll…
[Ahab roughly pushes Emmerich out of the walker and sits into it himself. We are given the opportunity to drive this unusual vehicle. Ahab picks up Emmerich and they leave the laboratory.]
Emmerich: I was developing a bipedal weapon for the Soviet Union. It hasn't been deployed yet. I was doing mobility tasting here. Once the Walker Gear is finished they'll have a huge advantage in close combat. And the once they add my masterpiece into the equation… This war will be over. The Soviets will win.
Kazuhira Miller: He was developing bipedal weapons for the Soviets…? If that's the case… What's Cipher's interest in it?
Emmerich: Hello…?
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, think back. Nine years ago, we invited that nuclear inspection team to Mother Base. It was a ruse. They turned out to be Cipher's strike force! It was Emmerich who brought them there. He's been underground ever since. Working with Cipher.
Emmerich: I had no idea. I thought the inspection was real, I swear it. If anyone's to blame, its YOU, Snake. We should never have had that nuke. That's the reason Mother Base was destroyed! Cipher threatened to kill me, made me do research for them here. That's right, creating bipedal weapons. Nine long years… forced to do whatever they said… Take this bag off, will you? I can't breathe. You came to save me, right? I-I'm dying in this thing, Snake.
[They get to the entrance to the base where the helicopter is already waiting. Suddenly a flash appears in the sky and a huge mechanical monster falls to the ground. When the dust dissipates the characters notice that the monster are not alone - together with him arrived a boy with long sleeves. The boy soars up.]
Emmerich: Sahelanthropus? How?!
Ocelot: So that's the Metal Gear he built for the Soviets…
Emmerich: Impossible! It's can't be active!
[Suddenly a voice is heard as if it is coming from the metallic monster itself. Few moments later the heroes sees Skull Face on the hand of Sahelanthropus.]
Skull Face: Doctor, you're as useless as I thought. This is the real Sahelanthropus. And you and your friend will die here! Behold! Today is the day weapons learned to walk upright!
[A helicopter flies up to the Sahelanthropus and it puts the Skull Face in it. The helicopter flies away.]
Kazuhira Miller: Get outta there, Boss. Emmerich's extraction come first. Head for the LZ!
Ocelot: If you don't get away from that thing, it'll bring down the chopper. Give it the slip somehow. Stay behind covers as you move.
Pequod: This is Pequod. Have arrived at LZ. Will stand by.
Kazuhira Miller: It's no good, the chopper can get close. Boss, lose the enemy before you arrive at the LZ. Stay alert. You're not outta the woods yet. Find the place to hide. All right, the chopper's touching down. Don't waste any time getting on board. And don't forget Emmerich.
[Ahab puts Emmerich in the helicopter and seats there himself.]
Kazuhira Miller: Nice work. Keep it up.
[But Sahelanthropus has no intentions to lose them.]
Ocelot: Here it comes. Use the chopper's minigun! Shake 'em off! Shoot that thing!
[Ahab shoots and knocks down Sahelanthropus.]
Emmerich: An upright bipedal weapon. In terms of hominids… It's a Sahelanthropus. How did they complete it without me?
Kazuhira Miller: We'll hear the rest back at base.
[Emmerich smiles. Ahab looks at him disapprovingly and pulls a sack over his head again. The heroes return to the Mother Base.]
"Room 101", Level 1, Warehouse 01, Command Platform
[Ocelot pours Emmerich out of the bucket.]
Emmerich: …Why do you suspect me? What did I do? I'm on your side! (he looks at Miller) What about him? Miller was in contact with Cipher nine years ago. He was working working them! He's the traitor, Snake! …What's that? More truth serum?
Ocelot: No. Stronger truth serum.
Emmerich: … Please! Please keep me here. I need protection!
[Ocelot injects him in the neck.]
Emmerich: Why?!
Kazuhira Miller: You're the odd one out.
Emmerich: Why me?!
[Miller gets up from the table and approaches Emmerich.]
Kazuhira Miller: We all lost something…
Emmerich: What?
Kazuhira Miller: Except you.
[Miller pushes the switch, connected to Emmerich’s mechanics. One of his legs begins to bend in the opposite direction.]
Emmerich: Please… Don't.
[At the last minute, Miller releases the switch and leaves for the next room, in which Ahab observes what is happening.]
Kazuhira Miller: The truth serum isn't working. Either some procedure he had done busted his metabolic enzymes… or he's undergone special gene therapy.
Ahab: What's he saying?
Kazuhira Miller: Same as six hours ago. "I had no idea the nuclear inspection nine years ago was a ruse." "Cipher forced me to do their research after the attack."
Ahab: Do you think he had a hand in it?
Kazuhira Miller: I do. But there's no proof yet. Take a listen to this later.
[He gives Ahab a cassette with an interrogation record.]
Ahab: We need both before we can pass judgement. Keep an eye on him. And don't tell anyone he's here.
Kazuhira Miller: We'll have him continue his research in there. It's for his own good - the older guys will want his head. We can't guarantee his safety if we let him out.
[Ocelot enters the room.]
Ocelot: Boss! He mentioned something interesting. The reason why they pulled the plug on the operations in Afghanistan. He said the funding started going to central Africa instead. "Cipher is pursuing new research in Africa."
Ahab: Africa… What research?
[Miller stands his back to the heroes and overhears the conversation.]
Ocelot: Emmerich doesn't know the details, but one thing he said does makes sense. That Sahelanthropus alone isn't enough to cause an RMA. He claims that what they're doing in Africa is the missing piece - a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.
[Miller turns to face Ahab.]
Ahab: Meaning it's not just another nuke.
[The scene ends and the player again has the opportunity to control Ahab. Ocelot contacts with him over the radio.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, there's no doubt about it. Cipher working on something in Central Africa. There's evidence they've been in contact with private forces operating in the region. We follow that evidence, we should learn what Cipher is after. Diamond Dogs has gotten a lot bigger. Now's the time to take the offensive. Head back to the ACC for your next mission.
[Ahab returns to the helicopter.]
["PITCH DARK" mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, this contract comes out of Angola. That's right - Central Africa, where Emmerich claimed they were working on "a weapon to surpass Metal Gear." There's been a massive oil spill from Mfinda Oilfield. It's flowing into the river and contaminating the water supply. An Environmental NGO has asked us to stop the spill… by destroying the facility. Environmental activism isn't exactly our line of work, but it's not that simple either. The group operating the oil facility and causing the spill is the rebel group UNITA . And word has it that UNITA is getting supplied with U.S. military weapons. That sounds to me like Cipher's pulling their strings. Boss, it's time to give Cipher a little surprise.
Episode 13: PITCH DARK
[Ahab is flying by helicopter to Angola.]Kazuhira Miller: Came from Intel. The target is Angola’s Mfinda oilfield, upstream from the landing point. A spill has covered the whole area in crude. A pipeline that crosses the Munene River failed, now the shore's a mess. Not to mention the villages downstream have no drinking water.
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Guest Starring
Child Soldiers
Featured Mecha
Walker Gear
[Ahab opens the helicopter doors. The wind is starting to howl. There's a lot of greenery and sandy, clayey soil.]
Kazuhira Miller: The oil runs to the pipeline from that facility. Taking it out should end the leak. The client this time is an environmental NGO. Destroy the facility. Stop that leak. This may seem like straight-up philanthropy, but there's another reason we agreed to it. The Mfinda oilfield was outdated, abandoned. Then the rebel group UNITA moved in, taking it upon themselves to kickstart operations. UNITA's been rapidly modernizing its arsenal. Rumor has it someone's been selling them U.S. military hardware. Intel's analysis suggests the broker's a front company - Cipher's. Keeping tabs on UNITA could tell us who's pulling its strings.
[The helicopter descends and Ahab jumps on damp, viscous African soil. He shows himself to be a professional looking around and exploring his new environment.]
Kazuhira Miller: That's step one to tracking down Skull Face - and Cipher with him. Good luck, Boss. First make your way to the oil facility. It's to the north, past Bwala ya Masa. The village is currently occupied by UNITA. The war industry we started has taken a pretty crooked, course these past nine years. With no other options, soldiers have become dogs of war, sent to conflict zones as "private forces," or PFs. Guys we fought alongside are dying all around the globe for no reason - no banner. But it's how they survive. The demand for PFs here in Africa is especially high. Cold War standoffs, resource exploitation, tribal clashes… What's big business for developed countries. You've arrived at Masa village. It's been turned into a supply hub for UNITA. Meaning, it'll be stocked with weapons and resources. Should be a thing or two that'll come in handy. Don't be shy. They deserve to be in better hands.
[Ahab is taking one of his soldiers hostage.]
Ahab: Hands up! Talk.
[A soldier starts to say something quickly in his own language.]
Ocelot: The PF soldiers are speaking Afrikaans… an official language of the Republic of South Africa. Boss, were going to need someone with the Afrikaans Interpreter skill to understand what they're saying. We'll look into it here, but for now… you'll just have to make do without one.
[Ahab sees a young man with an assault rifle.]
Kazuhira Miller: Children…!? Child soldiers. Children there are abducted and trained to be soldiers. They're only taught to fight. Then one day they grow up, and teach the next generation the same way. With a gun in his hands, a kid is as dangerous as any adult. Only they don't know a thing about right and wrong. Boss, do not hurt any child soldiers. If you do, the mission is over.
[Ahab's putting the young man to sleep.]
Kazuhira Miller: You going to extract him? Fulton extraction puts a huge strain on the body - too much for a child. To extract kids, you'll have to carry them to the chopper.
[Having defused the outpost, Ahab rides a horse to his mission's goal.]
Kazuhira Miller: You've made it past the village. Continue heading for the oil facility. It's located upriver. Mfinda Oilfield is the property of SANR - South African Natural Resources. SANR drills oil wells wherever they can throughout that region. And when the oil dries up, they abandon the facility. Then it's only a matter of time before the ageing, equipment starts leaking crude. That means UNITA's takeover is the perfect cover for SANR. Now they can blame the spill on a bunch of "oil thieves." However you look at it, SANR's far from squeaky clean. There it is - the oil facility. To stop the leak, you need to shut down the oil transfer pump and destroy the oily water separator tank. The details are on your iDroid.
[Ahab infiltrates the factory and finds a huge red barrel.]
Ocelot: Destroy that separator tank. All right, you've planted the C-4. Don't set it off until you're at a safe distance. Good, you're away from the tank. Once it goes up, the enemy'll come running. Secure the area before you detonate the C-4.
[After planting the explosives, he goes to the administration building.]
Ocelot: There’s the transfer pump control room. The emergency stop button is probably inside it.
[Ahab turns off the pump. Swollen bodies of the dead begin to emerge from the oil.]
Kazuhira Miller: Oil transfer pump shutoff confirmed. Next, destroy the oily water separation tank. That’ll ensure they can never use the facility again.
[Ahab explodes the C-4. Reinforcement troops are starting to pull up to the factory.]
Ocelot: You destroyed the separator tank! Objectives complete. But the enemy has tightened security. Get out of there ASAP. Looks like the road's been sealed off. See any way around?
Kazuhira Miller: All right, you're out of the hot zone. No enemy forces in pursuit. Mission complete.
[Status screen shows up.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, we took another look into SANR, the owner of the oilfield. They were behind what happened. They hired the PF, not UNITA. They restarted the facility all the while pretending they were the victims. One other thing. SANRs Johannesburg "head office" is just a room in a multi-tenant building. Company's essentially nonexistent. Three years ago, that investment fund stepped in and started gutting it through a series of mergers and sell-offs. And, get this… the fund itself no longer exists, either. It's a shell corporation… Meaning someone is just using SANR's name from the shadows. But what about those strange corpses? Just what the hell were they doing over there?
Huey: Hey! Snake, I've customized a Walker Gear just for you. It features a silent running system - great for infiltration missions - and you can also summon it to your location. I've taken the liberty of calling it the D-Walker. It's armed with a suppressed tranquilizer gun. If you want to add other weaponry or upgrade the chassis, give the order from your iDroid.
Ocelot: Boss, I've updated the Mission List. We've received a new job offer. It doesn't seem connected to Cipher or Skull Face at all, but if it goes well we may get an Afrikaans interpreter. The details are on your iDroid.
[Ahab returns to the base and visits an old acquaintance lying in a separate hospital room.]
Paz Ortega Andrade: Oh, Snake. What is it, Snake?
[He shows her a picture.]
Paz Ortega Andrade: Remember Professor Gálvez on his instrument during Peace Day? "Wee-oooh, woooon…" Such a funny sound for a musical instrument. He said the Soviets invented it. Everyone sure seemed impressed. Music has no borders… The Professor taught me that. Where is Professor Gálvez, anyway? I'm sorry, Snake, my head hurts. Could you… let me rest…? The real me… I'm…
[Ahab is going to the helicopter, about to leave.]
Ocelot: Our weather surveillance indicates turbulence out there. Try not to get knocked out of the sky.
Ahab: Got it.
[Miller notices something wrong and knocks his crutch on a helicopter. Quiet comes out of invisibility.]
Ahab: Quiet?
Kazuhira Miller: Where does she think she's going?
Ocelot: You want to head out with Boss?
Kazuhira Miller: That'll be the day.
Ocelot: I don't see a problem with it, so long as she's with you. She's a crack shot - a damn fine scout. Well suited for a clandestine op. She’s more than you can say for the others.
Kazuhira Miller: There's nothing 'damn fine' about this… thing!
[Ocelot takes out his revolver and passes it on to the mute sniper.]
Ocelot: Here.
Kazuhira Miller: Hey!
Ocelot: Blades.
Kazuhira Miller: Wait a minute! That thing cost a lot of money!
[Ocelot nods and allows Quiet to shoot. She fires six times on the blades of the helicopter.]
Ocelot: She can see each individual blade. And her depth perception…
Ahab: You want in?
Kazuhira Miller: This is ridiculous! She doesn't talk! How could you possibly stay in communication?
Ahab: Right. I like working solo, anyway.
[The sniper's leaving. Ahab gets in the helicopter and flies away. “LINGUA FRANCA” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: There's a violent power struggle going on within the contract forces of Africa - the PF that ran security for the Mfinda Oilfield. Most of their key people are Afrikaners, but naturally for a South African organization, some of its founders are British. Details are sketchy, but apparently the Afrikaners are holding the British personnel for interrogation near Kiziba Camp. We've been asked to rescue one of them, a man known as the "viscount." We don't know the viscount's exact location, but he doesn't speak the Afrikaner's language, Afrikaans. They'll need an interpreter who speaks English in order to interrogate him. Meaning if we tail the interpreter, he'll lead us straight to the target. By the way, the contract specifies that it's alright to ignore the other British prisoners… But the final decision is yours, Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: Several high-level British CFA officials are being held by their Afrikaner colleagues. One of these prisoners is the rescue target, a guy known as the "viscount." The target's location is unknown, but they're bound to have an interpreter present when they interrogate him. We've used info from the Intel Unit to predict the interpreter's location. It's on your iDroid. Follow the interpreter and extract the target when you find him.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Guest Starring
“The Viscount”
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
[Ahab is going to a military camp.]
Ocelot: If you're going to use a weapon, be careful not to draw the enemies' attention. The CFA are all business. Hard to believe they're interrogating their own. Situation must be worse than we thought. Make a wrong move, and they could kill the target without warning.
Kazuhira Miller: You found the interpreter? Now follow him to the target.
Ocelot: Afrikaans is the lingua franca for mercs in that area. If you're going to get any information from interrogations, you'll need an interpreter. But don't extract the interpreter just yet. If he doesn't turn up, they won't be able to do the interrogation. If they then decide the target's no longer any use to them, they won't hesitate to kill him.
[Ahab sees several soldiers torture a prisoner.]
Ocelot: That's not the target. Orders are only the viscount gets rescued. Can't understand why he'd receive special treatment… But I don't imagine it'd be a problem to save the other prisoners too.
Interpreter: This is your last chance. The MPLA's oilfield rights - where did you get this information?
Prisoner: I told you, I only know it was an anonymous source…
Interpreter: You're not fooling anybody.
Prisoner: Ask any of the others. Nobody knows anything,
Interpreter: You made up a story with the others. You British are all liars. You know how much the Afrikaners suffered because of you in the Boer War?
Prisoner: That wasn't me.
Interpreter: But it was you that betrayed us.
Prisoner: It wasn't me, it was the viscount…!
Ocelot: So, our rescue target was behind some kind of plot.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, I did some digging, and it seems the target himself gave us this mission through a representative. Obviously he couldn't contact us directly due to his predicament, but still, something about this "viscount" doesn't add up…
[Ahab frees the prisoner.]
Prisoner: Thank you. I'll never forget this.
Kazuhira Miller: That prisoner you extracted wasn't the target, but we did get some information. Seems the prisoners aren't held together, and the cells and interrogation rooms are separate places.
[He saves another prisoner.]
That prisoner wasn't the target either. We got some more information, though - they're going to interrogate the target at night…
[Ahab finds some intel.]
Kazuhira Miller: This is… a list of prisoner detainment locations…
Ocelot: If you run into trouble, give us a call. We may be able to offer some advice. Don't forget to check indoors. There may be clues regarding the target's whereabouts. The sound of rainfall should help to mask your footsteps.
Kazuhira Miller: That looks like the target. Target extraction confirmed. Get yourself out of the hot zone. By chopper or by land, it's your choice.
Ocelot: We could sure use that interpreter too… Think you can extract him? All right, that's the interpreter extracted. That's it - you've made it out of the hot zone. No sign of the enemy. Mission complete, Boss. All right, mission complete, Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, one of the other British prisoners filled us in about the viscount. It turns out he's a real two-faced son of a bitch. He was planning to secure the MPLA's oilfield rights for himself in exchange for swapping the CFA's alliance from the anti-government UNITA rebels to the state-backed MPLA. He hid this from the Afrikaners, but once he thought the jig was up, he tried to pin it on the other British personnel and take off. The Afrikaners captured him, and that was when he asked us to rescue him and only him. I'll throw him in the Brig for now, but… we may have to be extra “persuasive” with this one. By the way, Boss, we got some interesting news out of our friend the "viscount." He mentioned that more than a few PFs in the region have purchased Walker Gears. The CFA's the same. That's Soviet Army technology… and it's still a prototype. Only Cipher could be leaking it to the PFs. But the question is… why? Boss, one of the latest missions to come in is connected to the Walker Gears. This could be our chance to close in on Cipher. Take a look at your mission list.
Ocelot: Boss, I need to talk to you about this “Quiet.” Can you meet me at her cell here on the base? Whenever's fine. Thanks.
[Ahab returns to Mother Base and goes to the Medical Platform, where, behind bars, Quet is being held. He approaches Ocelot.]
Ocelot: She uh… refuses to wear clothes. The last staff member who tried to dress her's, breathing through tubes. Other than that, she's completely cooperative. She understands English, but she never speaks, sweats, or breathes.
Ahab: What?
Ocelot: Well, not with lungs at least - she breathes through her skin. Clothing would suffocate her. Showers are okay, but she can't be submerged.
Ahab: What's wrong with her?
Ocelot: She's drinking. Through her skin.
Ahab: She's okay?
Ocelot: She's okay. She just can't move when she's taking in water. Look. See that? She hasn't eaten a thing since she got here.
Ahab: She doesn't eat either?
Ocelot: Never. It's photosynthesis.
Ahab: Photosynthesis? That's the verdict from the Medical staff?
Ocelot: No, the jury's still out. But it's the only explanation for what we've seen. The GRU had a man with that ability in its Cobra Unit. We don't think she's contagious, but some of the staff… can't stomach her. It's starting to affect morale.
Ahab: Can't you send her on a mission?
Ocelot: By herself? No. But as you know, she does have skill… Why not take her out on one of your missions? She seems so like you. Of course, only if you think she'll be useful. Next time you go out, you keep her in mind.
[He visits Paz as well.]
Paz Ortega Andrade: Whah-! Snake?
[Ahab give her a book.]
Paz Ortega Andrade: Th-thank you… You were always so kind to me, Snake… Come back again, OK, Snake?
[He’s boarding his helicopter.]
Ocelot: Looks like you've gotten used to working with Quiet. I don't see a problem with giving her some new weapons. I've already talked it over with the R&D Team. Being a scout sniper, there are two tasks you can give Quiet. The first, is to infiltrate an outpost ahead of you and scout out the enemy's positions. The second, is to send her to a sniping position and have her cover your infiltration. The kind of sniper support she'll provide will depend on the weapon you give her. Of course, this is all assuming she's willing to follow orders.
[“FOOTPRINTS OF PHANTOMS” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, this contract comes from the MPLA - the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola. Apparently, "new, Western bipedal weapons" have been deployed to Ditadi Abandoned Village and are a threat to their troops. Our job is to eliminate them. The "bipedal weapons" they're talking about are of course Walker Gears. As I've previously reported, they're already in active service with PFs in Africa. But don't you find it strange? A PF employed by the West obtains a prototype developed by the Soviets… Yet the Russia-backed MPLA don't know the details. Eastern weapons technology developed in Afghanistan is being supplied to the West in Africa. Only Cipher would be capable of making something like that happen. So Boss, eliminate the Walker Gears at Ditadi Abandoned Village just like the MPLA have asked. Once you do, the PF will need to contact its supplier. Giving us a chance to close in on that supplier - Cipher.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, this contract comes from the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, also known as the MPLA. The PF at Ditadi Abandoned Village has been supplied with Walker Gears. Your job is to eliminate them all. Destroy them, extract them - whatever you see fit. This just might get us closer to the Walker Gears' supplier - Cipher. Good luck, Boss.Kazuhira Miller: Boss, this contract comes from the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, also known as the MPLA. The PF at Ditadi Abandoned Village has been supplied with Walker Gears. Your job is to eliminate them all. Destroy them, extract them - whatever you see fit. This just might get us closer to the Walker Gears' supplier - Cipher. Good luck, Boss.
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Rogue Cayote
Featured Mecha
Walker Gear
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Ocelot: The targets have been deployed to that outpost. Find and eliminate all of them.
[Ahab destroys all Walker Gear in the area.]
Kazuhira Miller: Good work. No targets remaining. Your objective's complete. Exfiltrate out of the hot zone, by chopper or on land. That's it - you've made it out of the hot zone. No sign of the enemy. Mission complete, Boss.
[Status screen appears.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, we were right. Once you'd eliminated those Walker Gears, a resupply call was made from Ditadi to CFA headquarters. The CFA then contacted none other than SANR… that's right, the shell company that "owned" Mfinda Oilfield. So SANR was just a front for Cipher… The resupply won’t be happening just yet, but we did learnthat the Walker Gears are transported out of Nova Braga Airport. Apparently there's a distribution network on the savanna, that links all the PF outposts. I'll have the Intel Team investigate this network. If Cipher is supplying PFs with Walker Gears, the PFs have to be offering them something in return. We follow the money trail, and we might just find ourselves on Cipher's doorstep.
Ocelot: So you finally found that legend of a gunsmith. The guys on the R&D Team are dumbfounded. They say he's every bit as good as the stories. With him working for us, you'll be able to customize your weapons. Try it out in the ACC.
Ocelot: Boss… If you've got time on your hands, come spend it back at the base. The men'll miss you if you're gone too long.
[Ahab return to Mother Base. He sees that soldiers have a fight.]
DD Soldier 1: Son of a…
DD Soldier 2: Bring it on!
DD Soldier 1: Get off me!
[One of the soldiers takes out a knife. Ahab disarms him at an incredible speed. Then the second soldier takes out the knife. Ahab grabs his hand.]
DD Soldier 2: Boss!
Ahab: We don't draw weapons on comrades. Look around you. This is your family.
[Ahab stuck a knife in a soldier's hand in his shoulder. Ocelot comes.]
Ocelot: Show is over! Get out of here!
[Ocelot wants to take the knife out of Ahab.]
Ahab: Be gentle.
Ocelot: Of course. These are bad for you, you know.
Ahab: Morale has fallen.
Ocelot: They just need a mission. Orders to follow. If you see someone stuck in the Waiting Room, you give 'em a job to do. You two! You just earned yourselves a week in the brig with deck-cleaning duty by day.
Ahab: No. Wait. You've got some blood to pay me back for first. Your CQC is sloppy - Come see me later for a lesson you won't forget.
[He wipes the knife on his pants and gives it to the soldier.]
Ocelot: Well - morale taken care of.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, the Intel Team has come back with its report following its investigation into PF logistics. Cipher has to be involved with this distribution network, somehow… One thing in particular caught my eye. A convoy that, regularly crosses the savannah. On paper, it's just mined resources going to the government… but the security's much too heavy. At the very least, it's worth checking out.
[“TRAITORS’ CARAVAN” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, about those Walker Gears deployed by the CFA… It appears that it's not just the CFA, PFs all along the Angola-Zaire border are also getting equipped with them. The bipedal technology was developed by the Soviets… but Cipher's the one supplying it to the PFs. The question is why? What's in it for them? The answer may lie in the "compensation" being traded to Cipher by the PFs. Many outfits operating in Africa get locally-mined resources as spoils of war. Diamonds, nuggets of gold, and rare metals. According to the Intel Team, there's a PF convoy that regularly transports the goods. Escorted by armored vehicles, no less. Pretty heavy security for crossing the Angolan savannah. I can't imagine Cipher would be so interested in minerals alone. Those convoys have to be transporting something else. Something that holds the key to Cipher's plans. Boss, I want you to extract the truck, cargo and all, from the PF convoy. Let's find out what Cipher's real goals are.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, your objective is to steal an entire truck from a PF Convoy. We don't have a fix on the truck we want. But the Intel Team has spotted the unit that's been tasked with escorting it. They're stationed at the guard post to the north of Nova Braga Airport, on the savannah. The rendezvous with our target will be any time now. Start by heading to that guard post. Then follow the escort unit, they should lead you right to the target truck. Boss, extract them from the mission area. You can check the target details on your iDroid.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Ocelot: Uh-oh. The enemy's on combat alert. Now that they know we're chasing them, the target'll make an end run to its destination. Hurry up and find that truck.
Kazuhira Miller: That soldier… he isn't with CFA. What could be so important that it would require two major PFs to guard it?
[Soon Ahab finds the target.]
Kazuhira Miller: Hm? That truck is the target. Extract it out of the mission area. You can also drive it out of the hot zone yourself.
[Soldiers jumping out of the truck, looking like zombies covered in mud.]
Kazuhira Miller: The Skulls! If these bastards are pulling guard duty…. That proves the cargo IS headed to Cipher!
[Ahab is eliminating all three Skulls.]
Kazuhira Miller: You defeated the Skulls! I can't believe you took those things out… Now you just have to extract the target. You've completed your objective. Now get out of the hot zone.
[Status screen appears.]
Ocelot: Boss, we searched the truck you recovered. There were two primary types of cargo. First, drums of malachite, a copper ore. That took up most of the truck bed. But malachite isn't valuable enough to warrant an escort. The real cargo was likely the second item, a shielding container. The contents? Yellowcake. That's right. The raw material for a nuclear weapon. That might point to the "weapon to surpass Metal Gear", Emmerich told us about, but who can say… Thing is, there isn't a lot of it. Not enough to make a nuclear warhead. Give us some time. We'll look into it, try to figure out why they had this under such close guard.
Kazuhira Miller: Now rescue the other target. Head for Kiziba Camp. Boss, this is an emergency. We had two Intel Team agents undercover at the PF "Contract Forces of Africa." The CFA have captured them both. They don't have long to live. You've got to get them out of there ASAP. This means Cipher might be getting wind of our existence. We may need to move more cautiously from now on. I just hope this incident has nothing to do with them… I've added the details to your Mission List. Don't let 'em down, Boss.
[“RESCUE THE INTEL AGENTS” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, this is an emergency. We had two Intel Team agents undercover at the PF Contract Forces of Africa. The CFA have captured them both. They don't have long to live. Since our mission at the oilfield, we're no longer just business rivals to the CFA - we're enemies, and they want revenge. Our men will be killed the moment the interrogation's complete. And then it won't just be a matter of two dead soldiers. Their execution will be a catalyst, sparking resentment within Diamond Dogs against the CFA. Our men will push us to retaliate. Then things'll cease to be about business. We'll be starting a personal war. That's not what we set out to do. The two men are being held in Kiziba Camp. Hurry, Boss. They're counting on you. Don't let 'em down.
Kazuhira Miller: Two of our Intel Team members are being held captive by the PF in that area - the CFA. Your job is to rescue them. They don't have long to live. It appears that one of our two men has broken out of the encampment and is on the run. He contacted us to say he was surrounded. That's the last we heard from him. Your map is marked with a predicted field of movement 'based on where his transmissions cut off. The other man is still captive inside the encampment. Boss, rescue our men. Extract them both and get them back to Mother Base.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Guest Starring
Intel Team Members
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: Our staff member on the run last contacted us from that forest. The enemy PF already has troops spread out in a manhunt to find him. Keep your eyes open.
[Ahab finds a transmitter on the ground.]
Kazuhira Miller: The target’s transmitter… He must be dropped it trying to contact us again. Judging from its data log, not much time has passed since the transmitter was dropped. He should be close by. I'm updating the target's predicted field of movement.
[Ahab continues to crawl through the enemy’s base.]
Kazuhira Miller: Extract our man before their search team can find him. Check his location on your iDroid. You've reached the target's predicted field of movement. If he's gone to ground, he'll have hidden himself somewhere in that area. Find him.
[Ahab finds the first of his Intel Team.]
Prisoner: It won't happen again, Boss…
Kazuhira Miller: All right. That's the target. Quickly, extract him while you can.
Prisoner: Boss… our other man… is here, I never told them a thing. I have intel on them… I swallowed it.
Kazuhira Miller: Now rescue the other target. Head for Kiziba Camp.
Ocelot: Kiziba Camp - an enemy outpost. It's got good visibility, and not many places to hide. Use the landscape wherever possible.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, our man you extracted gave us all the intel he could. He got a lead on what's happening with the CFA. Check it on your iDroid.
[Ahab finds the second of his crew.]
Prisoner: Help, I need help… help.
Kazuhira Miller: That's him - that's the target. He's injured… looks half-starved, too. There's no way he can stand the shock of a Fulton extraction. Get him out by chopper.
Prisoner: They kept saying the disease was our fault. Just shouting it at me… over and over… Kept saying, "You think we're angry? The poor bastards from Masa Village will… will bleed you all dry for this."
[With the exhausted soldier on his shoulders, Ahab runs to the helicopter and carefully puts it inside.]
Kazuhira Miller: Confirmed extraction of both targets. Boss. On behalf of all the Diamond Dogs… thank you.
[Ahab gets in the helicopter himself and buckles up.]
Pequod: Departing.
Kazuhira Miller: All right, you're out of the hot zone. No enemy forces in pursuit. Mission complete. Great work.
[“BLOOD RUNS DEEP” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, one of the job offers we received concerns me. There's a PF commander who's been talking big about getting into the nuclear arms trade. This could be connected to that yellowcake. And there's another contract I'd like you to handle. It's a wet job, but we need to divert Cipher's attention. Check the Mission List for the details.
Kazuhira Miller: There are six targets. Our contract is to kill them all. And the client is the general they served under. He wants them dead to keep them from talking. Check the VI on your iDroid for more information.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
Rogue Coyote
Guest Starring
The Mbele Squad
Featured Mecha
Fire Support Vehicle "Stout IFV-FS"
Utility Helicopter "UTH-66 Blackfoot"
Kazuhira Miller: The six targets are at Bampeve Plantation and Kungenga Mine. Locate them, and then eliminate them.
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: That's Bampeve Plantation. The targets are mixed in with the soldiers in that base. Use the VI to identify them.
Kazuhira Miller: Is that the target?
Ahab: Talk.
Rogue Coyote Soldier: I didn't betray them… I sold myself… to protect them…
Ahab: Spit it out!
Rogue Coyote Soldier: The ones you're looking for… are here.
Ahab: Speak.
Rogue Coyote Soldier: Agh, that hurts… Haven't I told you enough?!
Kazuhira Miller: What are you planning on doing, Boss? Putting the target to sleep doesn't count as eliminating them. Neither does knocking them out. Extracting the target. Our contract was to kill the target, but I'll go with your decision. Five targets remaining. Head for the Kungenga Mine.
Kazuhira Miller: You've reached the mine. Five targets are being held captive at that outpost.
Kazuhira Miller: Bingo. You know what to do.
Kazuhira Miller: Their lives for a fistful of diamonds, huh? And what happens after that? They can't go home… They've only got two options, Heaven or Hell.
Ahab: No. There's another.
Kazuhira Miller: Outer Heaven…? Tape's rolling, Boss…
Ahab: How about it, Kaz? Looks like our client just got outbid….
Kazuhira Miller: We got the recording. Objective accomplished.
Ahab: (to the children) Let's go.
Kazuhira Miller: We'll bring 'em back to Mother Base. Now, for the RV… There's some high ground downriver. I’ll have the chopper set down there. Lead the kids to safety. Listen. The kids don't get hurt. No matter what, you bring ‘em back alive. Exit the cave and turn left, then pass through the swamp, and follow the river downstream.
Kazuhira Miller: Doesn't look like he can walk… You still gonna help him?
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, if even one of those kids die, the mission's a failure. Be careful.
Kazuhira Miller: You're those kids' only support out there. You need to give them orders. Lead them to the objective area. But they won't hear you if you're too far away from them. Keep that in mind.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, get down! That's an enemy gunship. Stay low and crawl along the ground. That should enable you to sneak past enemies.
Radio: Search complete, search complete! CP, this is Delta 9! We've finished our search of the area - couldn't find anyone.
Radio: This is CP - understood! Don't let your guard down - they could still be in the area.
Radio: Returning to post. Stay on the lookout.
Radio: CP, this is Zulu 1! A prisoner is missing. Looks like he escaped.
Radio: This is CP - understood! Commence a search, ASAP. Out!
Kazuhira Miller: Looks like they found out the kids escaped. The enemy's going to tighten security. They'll be coming after you. Watch your back. The chopper'll be arriving any minute. Hurry to the RV.
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod. Have arrives at LZ. Will stand by.
Kazuhira Miller: Target extracted. Put the target on the chopper. All right, target extracted. Target extracted. Anyone else? Good, that's the target extracted. Target extracted. Is that everyone?
Pequod: Gaining altitude.
Kazuhira Miller: All right, objective complete. Come on back to base. Just keep the target safe.
Pequod: Departing.
Kazuhira Miller: Mission complete - and how. They're gonna tell stories about this one, Boss.
Command Platform
Ahab: Come on!
Kazuhira Miller: Whatcha thinking, Boss?
Ahab: I’m thinking that he’s tougher than he looks. A little training, he'll make himself useful.
Kazuhira Miller: Never liked kids. Especially ones with guns…
Ahab: See? Kid's a natural.
Kazuhira Miller: No… He's no natural.
Kazuhira Miller: Far from it.
Kazuhira Miller: You probably noticed on the way in, we've expanded housing. They'll have their own quarters, separate from ours. Won't be counted as staff.
Ahab: So what, we're running a daycare, now?
Kazuhira Miller: They'll learn how to read and write, do basic jobs.
Ahab: A chance at a real life… Just not from behind a gun.
Kazuhira Miller: Being behind a gun's what we do, Boss. There's no room for angels in our heaven.
[“ON THE TRAIL” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: We have a new assignment - eliminate the commander of Rogue Coyote, one of the PFs operating in Africa. The target is simply “the Major" to his men. That's his rank from his army days. Instead of your typical boots-on-the-ground work, he's more of a job broker and a recruiter. And apparently, he also runs a little espionage operation on the side… Which could explain why he's picked up a long list of enemies. I don't like getting involved in a PF pissing match any more than you do. There's another reason we took this job. Recently this guy’s been talking about dealing in nuclear arms.
Episode 19: ON THE TRAIL
Kazuhira Miller: The mission objective is to eliminate the PF commander they call the “Major.” One of the Major's subordinates working undercover with the CFA is due to make contact with him. Check his current location on your iDroid. Follow him, and he should lead you right to the Major.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Rogue Coyote
Guest Starring
“The Major”
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: Your first job is to find the man you need to follow. Check your iDroid for his location and VI.
Kazuhira Miller: The target's man should be somewhere around there.
Kazuhira Miller: You've found him? Stay on him.
CFA Soldier 1: So… when did they draw up the border around here anyway?
CFA Soldier 2: Say what?
CFA Soldier 1: Last week, we went off-road and ended up on the wrong, side of the border - just like that.
Kazuhira Miller: We have no fix on the target, not even a predicted field of movement. All we have to go on is this meeting with his subordinate. Remember - this guy will call the meeting off if he thinks he's being tailed. You've got to do everything you can to stay out of sight.
Ahab: Talk.
Rogue Coyote Soldier: I'll tell you where the prisoners are. A lot of guys have gone missing during missions lately.
CFA Soldier 1: Yeah, I heard they're being grabbed using Fulton recovery devices.
CFA Soldier 2: Fulton recovery? I thought they stopped using that 'cause it was too dangerous. They must have a damn good pilot. But who's just snatching men like that?
CFA Soldier 1: How should I know? Whoever it is, losing guys like this is a real headache for the brass. Apparently they've got a countermeasure in the pipeline.
CFA Soldier 2: Huh…
CFA Soldier 1: Anyway, see you around.
CFA Soldier 2: Yeah.
Kazuhira Miller: If he sees you, they'll call off the meeting. Stay out of sight.
Kazuhira Miller: That's an enemy gunship. A single burst from its machine gun could cut a man in half. Tread carefully, Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: He's the one who was investigating the CFA on the Major's orders. If you follow him, he should lead you to the target.
Kazuhira Miller: That's the target. OK, subject is in. We'll get the rest out of him back at base.
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ!
Kazuhira Miller: All right, you're out of the hot zone. No enemy forces in pursuit. Mission complete.
Pequod: Departing.
Kazuhira Miller: Mission complete. Great work. The "Major" spilled his guts all right… His nuclear arms business was just a rumor he was paid to spread around. He doesn't even know who's paying him. All his instructions came through a cut-out. But hell, who else would be behind it but Cipher? And this nuclear arms trading is clearly connected to that yellowcake. He thought the same thing, which is why he tried to investigate ZRS himself… He said something else that caught my attention. That ZRS are trying to kill some old man. How did one old man get that kind of attention?
Kazuhira Miller: Boss… About those Walker Gears spreading all over Africa, Huey's got an idea for a counterweapon. Come on back to base.
"Room 101," Level 1, Warehouse 01, Command Platform
Huey: This.
Huey: It's a variable multi-legged tank, a spin-off of Metal Gear technology.
Ocelot: Big fan of "spin-offs," isn't he? I hear he borrowed from the Soviets in Costa Rica, too.
Huey: The design allows for a lot of freedom in setups. It's based around a central core unit… So you can quickly reconfigure the hardware to suit any sort of mission parameters…
Kazuhira Miller: What the good doctor's trying to say is that it's customizable.
Huey: Naturally it will raise the probability of success for standard missions, but it functions as an improved deterrent by increasing your pre-emptive strike capability against enemy elements. You just deploy it in a war zone and its superior firepower puts the brakes on enemy attacks. eventually the whole war machine grinds to a halt. A true… Battle Gear!
Ahab: (whispers to Miller) Kaz, I'm having déjà vu, here.
Kazuhira Miller: I don't like him any more than you, but we need this.
Ahab: You think it'll cut it in the field?
Kazuhira Miller: Turning radius is better than any tank's…. That's great for regional skirmishes. Tech like this is popping up all among the PFs. Best way to deal with them is to fight fire with fire.
Huey: I’ll await your instructions, then, Boss…
Kazuhira Miller: So, do we have your approval to commence development?
Ahab: Fine.
Ocelot: Consider yourself off the chopping block, Doctor.
Kazuhira Miller: Got a new mission for you, Boss. The “client” is one of the kids you rescued from that mine. According to the kids, people often disappear from the mine to a place called "Nzo ya Badiabulu" - the Devil's House… On top of that, SANR's involved with the place. Check your iDroid for the mission details.
Pequod: This is Pequod! On station at LZ!
Episode 20: VOICES
The target is Shabani. He was the leader of the boys being forced to work at the mine. He was separated from the others and taken away to Ngumba Industrial Zone. The locals call this place “Nzo ya Badiabulu” - the Devil's House. Boss. Find Shabani, and extract him safely. You can check the target's location on your iDroid.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
Rogue Coyote
Guest Starring
Skull Face
The Man on Fire
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Ocelot: An outpost in a sunken road… Munoko ya Nioka - "the Snake's Mouth." I get it. Looks like that's the only way to the objective area.
Ocelot: They've ever got a guard post there. Security sure is tight. I guess they don't want anyone poking around.
Kazuhira Miller: Mist… Supposedly the valley up ahead is covered in mist almost year round. The objective area is beyond there. The bridge has collapsed… Looks like you'll have to go down through the valley. There's a cliff blocking the way to the objective area. You'll have to take the path.
Ocelot: There's a lot of erosion in that tunnel. Could come down any minute. Watch your step.
Kazuhira Miller: You've reached the objective area. Now look for the target. I just hope he’s alive… No sign of any guards… It's never good when things are too quiet. Be careful.
Kazuhira Miller: The target is in that industrial zone. Find him. If he's being held captive, he's most likely indoors.
Kazuhira Miller: What is that…? Boss, is Shabani…?
Ahab: Shabani? Your boys sent me.
Skull Face: (on Afrikaans) I accept your disgrace, your sorrow, unto myself. Rest in peace.
Skull Face: You. Burn with the rest of them!
Kazuhira Miller: Get the fuck out of there!
Kazuhira Miller: What the hell is that?!
Ocelot: Run, Boss! It's him again!! You can't let him catch you, Boss. Get outta there!
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, I'll have the chopper touch down past the tunnel. Get over there, now!
Ocelot: Take cover, Boss! He's spotted you! He's coming!!
Kazuhira Miller: Damn it, the tunnel's blocked! Boss, I know it's risky, but I'm changing the LZ closer to your position. First stop him, then call in the chopper!
The water supply… He's spotted you! He's coming!!
Kazuhira Miller: I'll send the chopper. He'll shoot down the chopper if it lands, now. Stop him before it arrives.
Kazuhira Miller: Did that do it…?! Quick, now's the time to get on the chopper. Wait, you want to extract him?!
Ocelot: Good idea. I want to know what he really is. The hell… your bullets aren't hitting him!
Kazuhira Miller: Damn! What is this guy?!
Pequod: Gaining altitude.
Kazuhira Miller: Mission complete. Great work. Skull Face. So he was in Africa after all. Working behind the scenes, with even that "Man on Fire" at his beck and call… But what the hell was going on at "the Devil's House"? Earphones embedded in people's throats, tapes playing voices… And those lumps on their chests… It looked like the ones on the bodies at the oilfield. The Man on Fire burned everything to the ground… But we were recording audio the whole time you were there. We'll conduct a thorough analysis of it.
Command Platform
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, word has it that a Western arms dealer is going to be inspecting a CFA outpost. It appears he's involved with nuclear weapons development in the area. My hunch is that this guy is somehow connected to Cipher. I've got no proof, but we know Skull Face is working through PFs in the region. Anyway, it just so happens a job connected to this inspection has come in. Take a look at your iDroid.
Kazuhira Miller: Eliminate the high-ranking CFA official in charge of supplying weapons to UNITA. The target stays at Nova Braga Airport. Head to the airport first.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Guest Starring
THE CFA Executive
The Arms Dealer
Featured Mecha
Walker Gear
Attack Helicopter "HP-48 Krokodil"
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, we have an emergency. Mother Base is under attack. The enemy has overrun one of the platforms, and they're holding some of our staff hostage. If we don't do something, they'll try to take off with our men. That would mean losing some of our finest manpower. Boss, take back that platform! This is a race against time. For all of us… get on this mission right away, Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: Infiltrate the platform under enemy control, and eliminate their commander. The moment they lose their chain of command, we'll move in and suppress the rest. The enemy have taken some of our staff hostage, and are threatening to kill them if they're attacked. You can't rely on support from us this time. Anything we do might be seen as an attack. Boss… forgive me. Can't believe I let an enemy force in right under my nose. But one thing's for sure… they're gonna pay for it. Make certain of that, Boss.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Guest Starring
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Radio: All fireteams, this is CP! Focus all your fire on that enemy chopper!
Ahab: Talk.
Soldier: The boss… is here…
Voice 1: Rise and shine, sweetheart.
Voice 2: Somebody…
Kazuhira Miller: Target is no longer a threat. Boss, you just saved Diamond Dogs from a major crisis. Leave the rest to us.
Ocelot: (via loudspeaker) Attention hostile force. We have eliminated your commander. Escape is impossible. Lay down your weapons immediately. Surrender now, and you will not be fired upon.
Kazuhira Miller: Mission complete… Boss. Boss, listen a moment. I want to bolster our security to guard against enemy attacks. What I have in mind is to create a "Security Team" that can defend each of the platforms. Can I go ahead with that? So from now on, give some thought to building up the Security Team as well. One other thing. To divert some of the risk posed by our enemies, I'd like to construct a Forward Operating Base. The more bases we have, the more staff we can house and the more materials we can secure.
Episode 21: THE WAR ECONOMY (Part 2)
Kazuhira Miller: Eliminate the high-ranking CFA official in charge of supplying weapons to UNITA. The target stays at Nova Braga Airport. Head to the airport first.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Guest Starring
THE CFA Executive
The Arms Dealer
Featured Mecha
Walker Gear
Attack Helicopter "HP-48 Krokodil"
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: Great, you made it. I've sent the information to your map screen. That's the targets predicted location. Check all around the target and plan carefully before moving in.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss. We’ve just received word that the arms dealer due to inspect Nova Braga Airport is on the way. Once his chopper has arrived, he'll be touring the facilities along with the target. Let him bring the target out into your line of fire.
Ocelot: Boss, get down! The enemy sniper. Stay low and crawl along the ground. That should enable you to sneak past enemies.
Kazuhira Miller: The chopper'll be arriving any minute. Watch out. There's a chopper landing. It must be carrying the arms dealer. Keep your eyes on him. Our intel suggests the target will leave the country with the arms dealer after the inspection. Take him out before that happens. Is that him…? Take a good look at their faces so we can ID the targets. That must be the arms dealer. His next move will be to meet the target.
Ocelot: Looks like the arms dealer's chopper is gonna patrol for the security forces. Be sure you don't get spotted from above.
Kazuhira Miller: That looks like the target.
Arms Dealer: (in Afrikaans) A visit from the president. It's an honor, sir. We owe all our success in Central Africa to SANR. That Mfinda Oilfield incident really was a shame.
Inspector: (in Afrikaans) Shame is right. Now a bunch of mercenary dogs've gotten wind of us. Phantoms of a dead age.
Arms Dealer: (in Afrikaans) Sir, I've been hearing that man at the oilfield was Big Boss. The legendary mercenary. I was never told we'd have to face someone like him. Our contract only specified protecting the facility from the local villagers and militias. Protection against PFs backed up with modern tech is a different deal altogether.
Inspector: (in Afrikaans) I've heard it all already. For now, we have an inspection to do. Show me around.
Arms Dealer: (in Afrikaans) Understood. Let's start with the south hangar. Step this way.
Kazuhira Miller: He said something about SANR. It was SANR behind the Mfinda Oilfield incident…. How do you want to handle him, Boss?
Ahab: Hands up! Spit it out!
Inspector: (in Afrikaans) Don't kill me… please… I can tell you anything. I don't run the company… I just collect my paycheck and do what I'm told.
Ahab: Don't move! Speak.
Arms Dealer: (in Afrikaans) What the hell…?! Are you with those enemies of SANR…?
Ahab: Spit it out!
Arms Dealer: (in Afrikaans) I don't know anything… I don't shove my nose in a client's business. So this is what I get for living off civil war…
Radio: CP, this is Zulu 6! Destroyed enemy balloon. Survivor is OK!
Radio: This is CP - understood! Stay alert - don't let 'em get the drop on you.
Kazuhira Miller: Good, you've completed the objective. Now get outta there.
Kazuhira Miller: Mission complete - and how. They're gonna tell stories about this one, Boss. Boss, about that target you extracted… he says he wants to work for us. Having talked to him, he doesn't seem that bad a guy. Apparently the arms dealer's people demanded they prolong the conflict, and he couldn't go against the management. That doesn't excuse everything he did, but his skills will make him a useful asset. Let's put him to good use. I've tossed that arms dealer in the brig. The way he tells it, he worked in logistics with the South African Army, but he was headhunted by SANR. Whoever gave him his orders would only have been a pawn of Skull Face anyway… but apparently he hasn't been in contact for some time. He doesn't know much about SANR… not even what its president looks like. Just another cog in the machine.
Ocelot: We've begun development on that new “Battle Gear” weapon that Emmerich was talking about. If you want to see how development's going, come take a look for yourself.
Battle Gear Hangar, R&D Platform
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, I know you're just coming off this mission, but there are reports of child soldiers taking over Masa village after the CFA got wiped out there. They've been raiding the surrounding villages, so the people have requested we eliminate them. Check your Mission List for the details.
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Kazuhira Miller: Capture the White Mamba, the child soldiers' commander, and bring him back to Mother Base. First off, head for Bwala ya Masa.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
Child Soldiers
Guest Starring
Eli the “White Mamba”
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: Your target, the White Mamba, showed up in this village out of the blue, and took command of the child soldiers. The surrounding villages have been victims of their raids and brutality ever since. But if you extract their commander, those kids 'll have no choice but to stand down. Should wrap up the whole situation. They're still kids. You can’t kill any one of them, including the commander. If things get rough, neutralize them by knocking them out, or by tranquilizing them. If you're gonna use CQC on those kids, limit it to throws or punches. If only we had a Fulton device built for kids…
Prisoner: Help… Help!
Kazuhira Miller: OK, subject is in.
Ahab: So you're the so-called 'White Mamba'. Something tells me that's not the name your parents gave you.
White Mamba: Come get it!
White Mamba: Impossible…! Not yet, Snake! It's not over yet! You're dead! Bastard…! Come get it!
Ahab: Looks like school's out.
Ahab: You lose, "commander."
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ!
Kazuhira Miller: Amazing. Mission complete. That right there is why you're the best, Boss. The one and only.
Command Platform
Ahab: Welcome to Outer Heaven.
Ahab: We have rules around here. Never draw a weapon on a fellow soldier. You got that?
Ahab: Anyone here can use a knife or a gun. What you're going to learn is how to use your head. When you get that under your belt, then you're free to leave.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss. We've received some new job offers. The details are on your iDroid.
Pequod: Gaining altitude.
Kazuhira Miller: Rescue the two prisoners being held in a guard post to the southwest of Ngumba Industrial Zone. The targets are civilians - one male, one female. Apparently they're specialists sent out there to investigate infectious diseases. They were frequent visitors to that "Devil's House" at Nzo ya Badiabulu. If you recover them, we'll finally be able to get first hand accounts of what's been going on in that place.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
Rogue Coyote
Guest Starring
The American Technician
The Technician’s Assistant
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Ocelot: Boss. An enemy squad is on its way to the guard post. Watch yourself.
You need to help her. Target extraction confirmed. Now extract the remaining target.
Somebody… help me… Help me!
Doctor: You've come to rescue me…? I was asked to show that man around here. Dangerous work. I hated every second. I wish I'd said no, but I was the only one on the team who spoke English. So we went to that factory… Bodies don't scare me. I'm used to seeing them, but… What could that be? Bullous pemphigoid… dermadromes… Dermadromes? But what's the cause? Who would do such a thing…? Hey… Are you researching it as well? Better quit while you can. I've been here five years, but I've never seen anything like that. That coward ran off without me.
Kazuhira Miller: Amazing. Boss. Getting both prisoners out in that situation. Great work. Now exfiltrate. Amazing. Mission complete. That right there is why you're the best, Boss. The one and only. Boss, we've placed the two targets in quarantine. They don't show signs of anything, but we'll monitor them just the same. If they had access to the Devil's House, I doubt they were sent there by some health organization. Cipher used them, and would've eliminated them eventually. But we'll protect them here. They've agreed to that. After all, we helped them out of the country as promised. The mission's complete… But Boss, they've been behind the curtains at Ngumba. They examined the patients there nearly every day. They told us the patients were being made to listen to voices on tape. But the male target added something interesting. He said he doesn't know what was on the tapes because there was no English version. Of all the voices that were “shoved down” those people's throats… English wasn't one of them.
Ocelot: Boss, staying on the battlefield that long will have a negative impact on your health. Why not head back to Mother Base for a shower once in a while?
Command Platform
Soldier 1: The Boss is back.
Soldier 2: Let's go refuel and load up on artillery. We're good to go, chief.
Soldier 1: What's the matter?
Ahab: Stop this! Now!
A soldier with broken teeth: (screams) What the fuck, you… freak!
Ahab: Gimme a hand!
Ocelot: Hold her still!
Ocelot: (to soldiers) Dismissed. (to Ahab) Payback for how they treated her?
Ahab: Doesn't explain the others. She had every chance to kill them. Tighten security on her cell. This happens a second time… There won't be a third.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, about Eli… I’d heard that one product of the “Les Enfants Terribles” project went missing in Africa. The age would be about right. Now I'm not saying I think it's Eli… but I want to run a genetic test all the same. Don't worry. I'll have it done without him noticing. The test may take some time, but I'll tell you as soon as we have the results.
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ!
Gaining altitude.
Kazuhira Miller: Your mission objectives are to extract the child soldiers commander, and their captive - the general's No. 2. This child soldier platoon decided to break away from the Mbele militants. They took the No. 2 captive and have occupied an abandoned village. Start by checking that location on your map. Boss… the child soldiers will treat you as an enemy, but they're just kids. See that they don't get hurt.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
Child Soldiers
Guest Starring
Militants’ No.2
Leader of the Child Soldiers
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Ocelot: Reconnaissance is best conducted from high vantage points. I've marked a good spot on your map. Take a look at your iDroid.
Kazuhira Miller: There he is - the commander. Extract him.
Kazuhira Miller: OK, that's the general's brother - his No. 2. Get him out of there, Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: That's the target prisoner. He's injured… looks half-starved, too. There's no way he can stand the shock of a Fulton extraction. Get him out by chopper. Another group of child soldiers? No… must be a squad they had out on patrol. Security will be tighter now. Watch yourself. Boss, another child soldier has entered the village. Must have been out on patrol. Looks like they had more than one patrol out. Security will be tighter now. Watch yourself.
Kazuhira Miller: All right, now you just need to extract the general's No. 2. You've completed your objective. Now get out of the hot zone.
Pequod: Gaining altitude. Departing.
Kazuhira Miller: Nice work. Keep it up. Mission complete - and how. They're gonna tell stories about this one, Boss. Boss, about how we report this one to the client… I'll tell them we took heavy resistance from the renegade platoon, and the hostage was killed in the firefight. Also, their leader wouldn't let himself be taken alive. I doubt the client will pay us for this one, but we got a big enough reward from the general's No. 2 instead. And as for the No. 2, he's saying he wants to join Diamond Dogs. I guess he knows what that means for him… He said, "If I'm working for you, I can be No. 2 or No. 200 for all I care."
Ocelot: Boss, we have an emergency. Many of our staff are falling ill. At first it seemed like a common cold, but before we knew it, blisters started popping up on their chests, and… Damn it…
I’ll fill you in at the ACC. Just get in the chopper.
Ocelot: Look closely. Those are the symptoms of the infection on Mother Base. The blisters on the body were full of tiny worms - parasite larvae, most likely.
Kazuhira Miller: But we couldn't find any adults. It doesn't seem to mature in the body… like a sparganum. We don't know the route of infection, or what causes symptoms to develop.
Ocelot: Boss… do you remember seeing these symptoms before?
Kazuhira Miller: The bodies floating around in the oil facility… The bedridden test subjects at the Devil's House… This epidemic looks just like what we've seen on our hunt for Cipher. So this is the weapon of mass destruction Cipher was working on in Africa…?
Ocelot: Boss, the situation is urgent. We need to quarantine the infected and contain the pathogen. Priority now is to prevent more casualties.
Kazuhira Miller: But the problem is, how do we tell who's infected? During the incubation period, we have no way of knowing who's clean. You'll have to try and guess who's infected before they go symptomatic, and quarantine them.
Ocelot: That'd be easy if we just knew the route or vector of the infection… From now on, if you even suspect a staff member's infected, use your iDroid to order them into quarantine. Given the situation, the men won't submit to quarantine just because I or the Medical Team tell them to. But they will listen to you. Of course, it's just a temporary measure until we find a permanent solution. But, at least, they’d be in solitary isolation so they won't infect each other, and would get the mental care they need. If we do nothing, we'll only lose more people. We have no choice. Boss, open your iDroid. I'll explain how to quarantine staff members suspected of infection. Go to the MOTHER BASE menu and select STAFF MANAGEMENT. First, take a look at the Quarantine Facility we’ve set up. We'll isolate anyone who's already symptomatic. But we have to expect that there are multiple staff who are infected, but asymptomatic. So how we identify them? At present, we have no way to tell them apart. But there has to be something for us to go on. If you notice anything, REASSIGN staff you suspect are infected to the Quarantine Facility. We'll monitor them and then contact you if there's a change in their condition. Correctly quarantining these asymptomatic infected will reduce the number of new infections. You should continue with your missions as usual. If Cipher is behind this, going after them should help us determine the root cause of this epidemic. Also, until we identify the pathogen, we can't fire or dispatch any staff. We cannot let this thing spread. Boss… get to the bottom of this, fast. We're counting on you.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, a new job's come in. It's a hit - on the human trafficker who sent Shabani and the others to Nzo ya Badiabulu, where you ran into Skull Face. The thing is, this guy might know something about the disease that's going around Mother Base. The symptoms are similar to the ones we saw at that factory. Start by checking the mission details on your iDroid.
Episode 26: HUNTING DOWN
Kazuhira Miller: Boss. The target is a PF logistics officer who works as a human trafficker on the side. The client wants him dead. He's currently on the run somewhere on the savannah, with bodyguards. Unfortunately, we don't know what route they're taking. All we have to go on is a coded transmission sent by the PF at the Ditadi Abandoned Village. It appears to be a work-up of the target's security plans, but to decipher it we'll need an intel file with the encryption key. This key should be at the comms facility at the Ditadi Abandoned Village. Check your iDroid to see what the target looks like, as well as the location of the village. Find the route, find the man.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Rogue Coyote
Guest Starring
The Trafficker
The Mbele Prisoner
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: You made it to the Ditadi Abandoned Village. That's where the enemy PF's coded transmission came from. There's got to be a transmitter there somewhere. It could have the intel file containing the encryption key. Look for an antenna.
Kazuhira Miller: A prisoner. He might have some information. If you extract him, we'll see what he knows.
Kazuhira Miller: Picked up an intel file, huh? According to this information, the target is headed for Kiziba Camp. We also have his movement route. I've updated your map. Use the target's route to locate him. Eliminating him will be much harder if he makes it to the Kiziba Camp. Take him down on the savannah.
Prisoner: Somebody help me… Help me!
Kazuhira Miller: Boss. That prisoner you extracted was a civilian abducted by the target. He says the trafficker is trying to make contact with a human rights NGO. He hopes that by handing over his list of buyers, they'll guarantee his safety. But I don't get it. Why an NGO? Why run to someone else for help?
Ocelot: I've marked a vantage point on your map. It'll give you a good view of the target's route. I'm sure you'll find a use for that.
Kazuhira Miller: That's the target. Eliminate him, however you see fit.
Kazuhira Miller: Target extracted. We'll let the client know he's been "dealt with." Exfiltrate out of the hot zone, by chopper or on land.
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ Gaining altitude. Departing.
Kazuhira Miller: Mission complete - and how. They're gonna tell stories about this one, Boss. Our trafficker was very talkative, "Guinea pigs…" That's what became of his kidnap victims. Says he got a good look at that "factory" at Nzo ya Badiabulu when he dropped off some fresh guinea pigs for them. Along with our man without a face. His instincts told him to run like the rat he is. Said it wasn't worth the money. Figured he could be next. That's why he went to the NGO for help. He thought that in exchange for his buyers list, they could set him up with a new identity someplace far away. He had an idea who he was up against, and he didn't want to take any chances. But like us Dogs, he knew when he smelled trouble. And something else - he said, "The 'specimens' come from deep in the forest…" We don't know what he meant by 'specimens" just yet. But those guinea pigs' symptoms match what we've seen on the infected at Mother Base. Deep in the forest… maybe there's the clue we need to beat this infection. Boss… The truth could be right around the corner.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, we've finally heard from one of our missing Intel Team members. He says he has a solid lead on the epidemic at Mother Base. Take a look at the mission details ASAP.
Episode 27: ROOT CAUSE
Kazuhira Miller: A member of the Intel Unit has gotten a lead on the epidemic that's crippling Mother Base. The problem is, our man has been captured by the PF in his operation area. He's being held at the guard post on the western end of the mine. Boss, we need you to get him out, ASAP. Right now, he's our only link to the root cause of the epidemic.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
Rogue Coyote
Guest Starring
The Intel Team Member
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: Check the VI on your iDroid - that's where the target is, being held.
Kazuhira Miller: The target! He got out on his own? Boss, cover his escape, then extract him once the coast is clear.
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ!
Intel Member: I know… where they got their pathogen… Code… Talker… They have the "mansion" surrounded…. The "old man…" will die… If you find him, you gotta- (cough)
Kazuhira Miller: Target extraction confirmed. All right, get in! Time to go! That's it - you've made it out of the hot zone. No sign of the enemy. Mission complete, Boss. Mission complete… and the target's safe. Time to figure out what the hell is behind this epidemic. Boss, the Intel Team member you extracted is gonna be OK. All thanks to your quick actions. He keeps muttering the same things over and over. About "the pathogen." And the "old man" who knows how to treat it… "Code Talker." He even told us where he is. This is our only lead, Boss. Let's go meet this Code Talker.
Ocelot: The NGO that asked us to rescue wild animals isn't ready to take them in yet. So, we had no choice but to build an Animal Conservation Platform. The NGO said they'll cover all expenses, including the day-to-day housing and feeding costs. If you're interested, take a chopper over and have a look.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you need to make contact with Code Talker, the “old man” who knows what the pathogen is. We have to stop this disease that's spreading across Mother Base. Select the mission on your iDroid.
Ocelot: We're definitely seeing a reduction in the number of full-blown infections. Did you figure out what's causing this, Boss? Did it have something to do with staff abilities…?
Episode 28: CODE TALKER
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, make contact with the old man known as Code Talker. According to the Intel Team member you extracted, he knows what the epidemic is… and how to treat it. You'll find him in a mansion deep in the valley beyond the forest. He's a high-value target who's probably involved with Cipher's research. This information came at a heavy price. And you can bet security on-site is gonna be tight. Watch yourself out there, alright?Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
Zero Risk Security
Guest Starring
Old Diné "Code Talker"
The "SKULLS" Parasite Unit
Kazuhira Miller: Make contact with the target - Code Talker, and if the treatment requires it, extract him to Mother Base.
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Ocelot: No sign of the enemy. Judging from security in the area, I'd expect to see a patrol by now… Mist…? I have a bad feeling about this.
Kazuhira Miller: Is that…? Boss! It's the Skulls! Damn it, so Cipher is behind this!
Ocelot: Sniper! Where are they?! You see that? The sniper vanished into thin air… Just like Quiet. If you can't mark them, there's no way to tell where they'll strike from next. Stay on your guard.
Kazuhira Miller: Not good. Don't let your buddy die, Snake. I'm pulling them outta there!
Kazuhira Miller: Don't tell me… you took them all out?! That's incredible, Boss. Our men can rest in peace now.
Kazuhira Miller: You're right at the mansion. The target's close. Be sure to think this through.
Ocelot: They're with the PF Zero Risk Security. Looks like they're already on guard… Why don’t you try interrogating them? They might know the target's exact location.
Ahab: Talk.
Soldier 1: I told you all I know. Lemme go!
Ahab: Hands up! Speak.
Soldier 2: The old man is h-here…
Kazuhira Miller: We know where to find the target. Do whatever it takes to bring Code Talker back.
Old Man: I've been waiting, tl’iish. (Snake) Or should I say bidee’ hólóní? (Horned Demon)
Kazuhira Miller: That's him. That's Code Talker.
Ahab: Look familiar? It's infecting my men. How do we cu--
Code Talker: Silence, or death.
Ahab: What're you--
Code Talker: They could be in here. Stay quiet. Your life depends on it. Sit. A parasite has infected your band. Those are its larvae. They enter the throat and attach themselves to the vocal cords. They mimic the host's membranes flawlessly. No one can tell the difference. Upon reaching maturity, they mate.
Code Talker: Sustained exposure to a particular sound triggers copulation. The resulting larvae then feast on the host's lungs… killing it. The "particular sound" is words. They attack only those who speak a certain language. Not just one. I cannot say which language your parasites are attuned to. But silence is the best way to keep them from laying their children. This contains an herb that they dislike.
Code Talker: Good. That should deafen them for a while. You have bought yourself some time. Speak.
Ahab: Is there a cure?
Code Talker: Once symptoms manifest, larvae have already infested the alveoli. At which point… nothing can be done. There is a way to halt the onset, which would prevent infection.
Ahab: I need your help.
Code Talker: He stole the ones I sealed away, forced me to do his terrible work.
Ahab: Skull Face…
Code Talker: Even a country like America sways in his wake. I could not defy him. The fate of the Diné (Community) lies in his hands. However… Perhaps the ni'ii'shi'a (Fate) led you here. If my “children” have upset the hozho (Balance/Beauty) of the world, it falls to me to set it right.
Kazuhira Miller: You've secured the target. But he's too old to risk a Fulton extraction. Put Code Talker in the chopper, and return to base.
Code Talker: He claims they are the dream of every ruler since the dawn of time. Teach them your enemy's words, then unleash them on his lands. Destroying only those who speak his tongue.
He calls them his “ethnic cleansers.”
Kazuhira Miller: "Ethnic cleansers…" That's what Skull Face is after? Then Nzo ya Badiabulu was… Boss! He's going to wipe every language besides English off the face of the earth!!
Code Talker: Ironic, isn't it? They gave us language, and now they take it away. It is thanks to them that man first learned to speak. But now, the hands of their clock turned back, they've been warped by the hands of man.
They know you took out the Skulls. No sense rushing things now. Wait and see what their next move is.
Code Talker: Victims of the experiments. They were implanted without my knowledge. Even had I known, there is nothing I could have done.
Kazuhira Miller: Are the MIA Intel Team members buried there too? Bastards…
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod. Have arrived at LZ. Will stand by.
Pequod: Gaining altitude.
Kazuhira Miller: Mission complete. Great work. Boss, we found the bodies of the two missing Intel Team members in Lufwa Valley. We knew we wouldn't get them back alive, but still… it's a damn shame. Don't let their sacrifice go to waste, Boss. We need to stop the epidemic at Mother Base. That old man… Code Talker… he's the only hope we've got.
Ahab: Tell me how to fight it.
Code Talker: I hid the answer in a microbe this one carries. It turns the male parasites into females… preventing reproduction. One parasite infecting another. However… it doesn't affect only the parasite. It alters the host as well. Your infection will be contained, but you and your men will also be rendered infertile. That is the price you must pay to regain your speech.
Ahab: That freakshow back there… They are the work of your “children,” too?
Code Talker: A different strain from the vocal cord parasite, known as "the one that covers." It acts as the host's skin, providing strength in exchange for nourishment. But I did not know those men were infected. They were forced to serve him. Then steal my research. Have you seen one of their vehicles?
Kazuhira Miller: The yellowcake…
Ahab: Captured a convoy they were escorting. Cargo's some kind of mineral.
Code Talker: What became of it? The metallic archaea…?
Pequod: Clouds ahead!
Code Talker: It's them?!
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, are you OK?! So the vocal cord parasites that have infected Mother Base… They're “ethnic cleansers” designed to silence those who don't fit into Skull Face's world view. We can't allow him to have such power. Go over the mission details and get going ASAP.
[]Pequod: Clouds ahead!
Code Talker: It's them?!
Kazuhira Miller: (voice distorted) Snake. Snake, do you hear me? Are you OK?
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Dr. “Huey” Emmerich
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Guest Starring
Old Diné "Code Talker"
The "SKULLS" Parasite Unit
Kazuhira Miller: It looks like you're surrounded by mist. The support chopper can't get close to your position right now.
Code Talker: Hurry! They are coming.
Code Talker: We are their quarry…
Kazuhira Miller: The Skulls…! So that mist is their work. We won't be able to send in another chopper for now. Boss, you need to eliminate the Skulls. We cannot lose Code Talker.
Nice going, Boss. That mist is clearing.
Ocelot: Great work, Boss. I'm coming in on another chopper. Get Code Talker to the LZ and wait there.
This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod. Have arrived at LZ. Will stand by.
Ocelot: Get in, Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: All right, mission complete, Boss. Maybe you'll actually break a sweat next time, huh?
Code Talker: Skull Face is no longer in Africa. The nuclear test was a success. Now they turn their knives on me.
Kazuhira Miller: Satellites didn't read any test. Neither did seismometers.
Code Talker: The detonation test took place five years ago, in the southern Indian Ocean. This final test was the opposite… To prevent detonation.
Kazuhira Miller: You mean…
Code Talker: Skull Face plans to sell nuclear weapons that he retains control of.
Ocelot: That's not like hawking small arms to militias…
Code Talker: Indeed. He plans to avoid detection by exporting minerals - containing tiny amounts of uranium - in the form of metallic archaea. Once on-site, the metallic archaea enrich the uranium and weaponize it. Loaded onto all-terrain bipedal machines, they ensure any country, armed group - even the smallest terrorist cell - can become a nuclear power.
Ahab: Bipedal… So that's why they needed Huey.
Kazuhira Miller: A nuke business to replace the arms business, and Skull Face owns the market.
Code Talker: "The very atmosphere of nukes anywhere and everywhere." …Deterrence on all sides.
Ocelot: So that’s why he ran a non-detonation test.
Code Talker: Yes. Another metallic archaea instantly overrides the criticality generator. A fail-safe only he controls. Any such weapon can be deactivated whenever he chooses, regardless of who owns it, or their intent to use it.
Ahab: Nukes… controlled by a man, not a country.
Ocelot: If they proliferate, conventional nukes lose all value - political, military, and economic. The two superpowers become powerless.
Ocelot: The R&D and Medical Teams have come up with a proposal for a newsuit that applies Code Talker's research - the Parasite Suit. Apparently it can recreate some of the Skulls unusual abilities.
But in order to use those abilities, it needs parasites. If you want to wear this suit, you're going to need to get a hold of parasites by extracting Skulls.
Mather Base, Seychelles Waters
Quarantine Platform
Kazuhira Miller: (in Ahab’s head) We need to stop the epidemic at Mother Base.
Ocelot: (in Ahab’s head) About the pathogen spreading through Mother Base. What's your opinion?
Code Talker: (offscreen) Textbook symptoms of vocal cord parasite infestation. And judging from this casualty list, it is the Kikongo strain. Meaning, a breed of parasite that triggers symptoms upon detecting pronunciation specific to Kikongo.
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) So how do we keep them from becoming symptomatic?
Code Talker: (offscreen) Use this. A type of Wolbachia introduced to a sample of the parasite. A parasitic bacteria that colonizes the parasites, turning male to female and preventing copulation. You must cultivate more.
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) Thanks to Code Talker, we've managed to put a stop to any new vocal cord parasite infections. We couldn't save those already symptomatic, but everyone who survived has been released from the Quarantine Platform. Skull Face will pay for this.
"Room 101", Level 1, Warehouse 01, Command Platform
Huey: Again with the truth serum?
Ocelot: What are those legs made of? Titanium? All the way to the femur…
Huey: Metallic archaea!
Ocelot: Sahelanthropus. Where is it?
Huey: What…?
Kazuhira Miller: We have to know before his plan is complete. Sahelanthropus is the final piece.
Huey: What are you talking about?
Kazuhira Miller: If the Soviets break out a mobile, controllable nuclear weapon… East-West relations will be right back at the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Ocelot: The Cold War returns to life, as countries without nuclear arsenals line up for what Skull Face is selling. Nuclear weapons proliferate overnight… And - on the brink of annihilation - the world maintains its balance.
Kazuhira Miller: But we know this is all just a shield. A ruse.
Ocelot: The cleansing parasites are what matter most. A WMD to eclipse even nukes, and the only one that can still be used. Skull Face is the world's greatest threat…. And Zero's. The pieces are in place. All that remains is to unveil Sahelanthropus in Afghanistan.
Huey: (mumbling) They can't activate it without me…
Huey: OKB Zero - Sahelanthropus - is beyond the Soviet base camp! In a lab built by the Soviet Philosophers. That's what you're looking for. But I have no idea how he's controlling it. It wasn't designed to accommodate a human pilot.
Huey: No! No! Wait!
Command Platform
Kazuhira Miller: We got word from Afghanistan. Everyone at the Soviet base camp's dead. No sign of fighting. Parasites. Skull Face's men then headed north. The target is OKB Zero. That's where he'll activate Sahelanthropus. Unless we stop him, he'll go down in history a conquering victor. We can't let that happen. Wipe him out… Don't leave any trace of his existence.
Ahab: I'm gonna need backup on this one.
Kazuhira Miller: You'll rendezvous on-site.
Ocelot: Boss, about Eli… No matter how many times we talk to him, he just won't listen. He sees everything in terms of victory or defeat, and still won't accept that you beat him. We're going to have to put him in his place… again. If you don't mind, come back to Mother Base and go another round with him.
Eli the White Mamba: Come get it! You're dead!
Has that brat finally accepted that he lost? Hopefully now he'll be a bit more… obedient.
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Command Platform
African Child: (in Afrikaans) Hey, you know my Papa, when he was working in the mines…
Eli: (in Afrikaans) You love your Papa so much?
(in Afrikaans) Ah-Eli, I'm sorry, I didn't mean -
Eli: (in Afrikaans) What did you call me? What… did you call me?
DD Soldier: Etepe, Eli, what's the matter? Fighting'll get you nowhere, Eli.
DD Soldier: Cut it out, kid! That ain't a toy! Eli.
Eli: Don't call me that!
Eli: I'm not a kid! You hear me?!
Ocelot: Enough.
Ocelot: On the battlefield, they used one another's nom de guerre (war name). But here, we insist they use their real names. That hasn't sat too well with Eli… or should I say "Nyoka ya Mpembe?" (Wriggling snake). He thinks his boys are letting us grown-ups walk all over 'em.
Paz: Oh, Snake! What is it, Snake?
Paz: Who took this? Strangelove? Maybe when she rubbed that sunscreen on me. Uhhh… I'm trying not to remember it. But you know, despite her quirks, Dr. Strangelove is a good person. I wish she'd come and say hello… I'm sorry, Snake, my head hurts. Could you… let me rest…?
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Episode 30: SKULL FACE
Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Dr. “Huey” Emmerich
Enemy Combatants
Cipher’s “XOF” Strike Force
Guest Starring
Skull Face
The Man on Fire
Tretij Rebenok
Featured Mecha
Walker Gear
Attack Helicopter "HP-48 Krokodil"
Kazuhira Miller: The research facility Emmerich was talking about is north of the Soviet base. That's where Skull Face is keeping Sahelanthropus before setting it loose in Afghanistan. There's a good chance he's got nukes, too.
Ocelot: Boss, we need to figure out what Skull Face is up to. If you make contact with him. get him to talk. The ethnic cleansing parasites… Sahelanthropus… Find out what his plans are.
Kazuhira Miller: All we know is that Skullface's plans are on the verge of fruition. We need to stop him, while we still can.
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: The Soviet soldiers in that area are all dead. Apparently XOF unleashed the Russian parasite strain. To isolate the facility, they first spread reports of a chemical weapon leak. The infection won't spread into the surrounding regions. But still… To think they'd just exterminate the men who worked with them all this time… Skull Face must be making his final play.
Kazuhira Miller: Eli snuck into the cargo on board the chopper. His idea of an escape attempt? Who can say? We'll think of how to deal with him later.
Huey: Snake, do you read me? I know more than anyone about OKB Zero and Sahelanthropus. Boss, I've made up my mind. I want to be of use to you… not HIM. Let me work to pay for what I've done. I’ll prove it… That I've always been your ally.
Kazuhira Miller: XOF has occupied the facility. Skull Face must be close.
Kazuhira Miller: Good work. Two more gates to go.
Ocelot: Still all quiet at the silo. No sign of Skull Face or his goliath.
Huey: Surely they can't already have…? No, never mind.
Kazuhira Miller: XOF has occupied the facility. Skull Face must be close.
All right. You're through the second gate. Only one gate left. From here on in, you're in the enemy's headquarters.
Huey: Something's wrong… But it HAS to be here…
Kazuhira Miller: They've stopped coming after you… His ride has arrived. Don't let Skull Face get away. Stop him at the heliport. Boss, can you see the heliport? Skull Face is right there Make contact with him and make him talk. We have to stop him before his plan is set in motion. Sahelanthropus is somewhere inside there… First of all, make contact with Skull Face. Don't kill him yet. We need him to talk first.
Skull Face: You, too, have known loss. And that loss torments you still.
Skull Face: You hope hatred… Might someday replace the pain. But it never goes away. It makes a man hideous, inside and out. Wouldn't you agree? We both are demons. Our humanity won't return. You. Me. We've no place to run, nowhere to hide. And that is why I'll show you my demon. Follow me, Big Boss.
Kazuhira Miller: Just go along with him for now. We're ready to fight if it comes to that. That's our leverage against him - our deterrent. He doesn't want a war on his hands.
Skull Face: Whatever the Navajo told you… it’s just one possible solution derived by Cipher. My will is different. I've known you since your time at Langley. I've long been the other side of your coin. 1964. Soviet territory. FOX's first mission. Any mess you made, I was there to clean up. You completed your task - and admirably. The “information” you returned was far more than enough to fill our pockets. With it, our futures became - more or less - set in stone. And then the major came to me with an idea. "Washington doesn't know how to spend money," he said. "I'd like to… redirect it." His goal was an organization dedicated solely - to supporting America. Cipher. You know the rest. To him, it was mourning - the loss of his friend. Or rather, an act of revenge. On the world, but America most of all. America is a country of liberty. A meeting of immigrants. Instead of simply assimilating, its citizens live alongside others. Their roots are varied. Diverse. America's never been made up of just one people. But he tried to forge a single consciousness, For it, and from it. The idea that every citizen would use free will to unite behind their country… Unilateralism like that can't be entrusted to any one individual. So the major sought a system that used information, words, to control the “subconscious.”
Skull Face: To unite America and the entire world. The major thought this was his friend's will. But I think he never understood what she wanted. Before he ever walked, or cried - even before he was born - his mother tongue was English. He doesn't know the pain of losing his own language. Not yet. He cannot understand her will. I was born in a small village. I was still a child when we were raided by soldiers. Foreign soldiers. Torn from my elders, I was made to speak their language. With each new post, my masters changed, along with the words they made me speak. Words are… peculiar. With each change, I changed too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and wrong… War changed me - and not only my visage. Words can kill. I was invaded by words, burrowing and breeding inside me. A philosopher once said, "It is no nation we inhabit, but a language." "Make no mistake; our native tongue is our true fatherland." My fatherland - my truth was stolen from me. And so was my past. All that's left is the future. And mine is revenge. On those who'd leech off the words of their fellow man. This is what I learned from the major. And then it hit me. It was he who should feel my wrath. He and the code he chose as basis for control. Language codes, information codes - beamed all around us - genetic codes spanning history. By controlling the codes, Cipher… Zero intends to unify the world. Codes implanted into our heads, sucking our minds dry as it spreads from one host to the next. A parasite upon this Earth. That is what Zero is. As one born into this world, he's afflicted. I hold him responsible for killing my freedom. Killing all traces of my past… Killing any promise of a future…. We are all but dead men forced to walk upon this earth. A world reduced to Zero. Cipher plans to use its codes to control the world. They think they can. And the "mother tongue" of all those codes is English. The Word became flesh. The final parasite. It knows English. An English strain of the vocal parasite. I will exterminate the English language. With this, I'll rid the world of infestation. All men will breathe free again - reclaim their past, present, and future. This is no ethnic cleanser. It is a "liberator," to free the world from Zero. Let the world be. Sans lingua franca, the world will be torn asunder. And then it shall be free. People will suffer, of course - a phantom pain. The world will need a new common tongue. A language of nukes. My Metal Gears shall be the thread by which all countries are bound together, in equality. No words will be needed. Every man will be forced to recognize his neighbor. People will swallow their pain. They will link lost hands. And the world will become one. This war is peace.
[They've been riding in silence for a while. Donna Burke's Sins of the Father song is playing.]
Skull Face: When the world witnesses Sahelanthropus, the hands of the doomsday clock will roll on, regardless of Zero. Sahelanthropus will take the first giant step into a brave new world. It is the bell with which a world - trodden upon by words - declares its independence.
Skull Face: We are here.
Skull Face: Remember the Alamo.
Radio: This is Queequeg, on station to provide cover. Get us a line of fire…
Radio: Roger that.
Skull Face: We're not the only demons in this world. Like you, vengeance is all he has. It's man's thirst for revenge that drives the times. Just as you live because of me. He lives because of you. Show him.
Skull Face: Wait…!
Skull Face: Wait… Who is doing this? Such a lust for revenge… Whooooooo?!
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Dr. “Huey” Emmerich
Old Diné "Code Talker"
Guest Starring
Skull Face
The Man on Fire
Tretij Rebenok
Eli the “White Mamba”
Featured Mecha
Pequod: Got a spike on the RWR… Strange PRF.
Kazuhira Miller: What's wrong?
Pequod: Control lost… Can't maintain RPM. We're settling!
Pequod: Recovered control. Ascending.
Kazuhira Miller: Snake, there's something wrong with Eli.
Skull Face: Wait…!
Skull Face: Wait… Who is doing this? Such a lust for revenge… Who?!
Radio: PRF anomaly. Queequeg is outbound, departing the AO for now.
Commander: All units move in!
Skull Face: Cipher will rewrite the records… And I will vanish from human memory. The thirst for revenge that I have planted will infest the system. No one can stop it now. Sahelanthropus will unleash that thirst unto the future. Major… I'm burning up!
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, get out of there!
Kazuhira Miller: If the world finds out about Sahelanthropus, Skull Face will have won - his plans will become reality. He won't even need to use nukes. That thing's mere existence would be enough to enslave humanity to the fear of nuclear armageddon. It would tear the world apart. Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: Its after you… You need to stop it, Boss. Destroy Sahelanthropus!
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, stop Sahelanthropus! Destroy that thing! I’ll rally Diamond Dogs and provide backup.
Kazuhira Miller: In hot. Watch out, Boss. Supply drop! Hurry! Great job. In hot. Use this! It's coming after ours. Take it out! Flawless work. You never cease to amaze, Boss. Good work. Nearly there, Boss. You're pretty good. Nice work. Supply drop! Hurry!
Kazuhira Miller: Snake!
Ahab: Let's see Skull Face.
Ahab: There were three. Where's the other?
Very close… to you.
Skull Face: Finish me… Kill me…
Kazuhira Miller: Do it yourself. (to Ahab) Mission complete, Boss.
Skull Face: Kill me… Kill me…! You… You do it…!
Huey: I-- I did it…! Revenge!
R&D Platform
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) Anyone can give up his fight by laying down arms. But the feeling of holding a gun we'll never forget. Like our lost limbs, the sensation lingers.
Huey: Oh! Here she comes! Here she comes!
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) We hold our rifles in missing hands. We stand tall on missing legs. We stride forward on the bones of our fallen. Then, and only then, are we alive. This "pain" is ours, and no one else's. A secret weapon we wield, out of sight. We will be stronger than ever. For our peace. "Sahelanthropus will unleash that thirst unto the future." Those were his last words.
Ahab: Kaz…
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) Pretentious, to the end. Still… It doesn't feel like this is over. …And I'll never be whole again.
There are an estimated 7,100 languages spoken in the world, but only six are designated as official languages of the United Nations.
One of these is English, and although it is the dominant lingua franca of modern times, less than 5% of the world's population are native speakers.
—Based on data in The World Factbook 2013-14. Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency, 2013.
[Fake Ending]
[Fake Scene After Credits]
[Fake Credits]
Ahab: (offscreen) I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I won't see you end as ashes.
Ahab: You're all diamonds.
Ocelot: This man acted as accomplice to the attack on Mother Base.
Kazuhira Miller: Why are you here? Revenge against the Boss…?
Eli: I'm not like you!
Code Talker: I think it is time you knew.
Ahab: I’ll go. Alone.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, what are you--
Ahab: We can't afford to lose anyone else.
Kazuhira Miller: What if she's a spy?
Ocelot: What if I'm a spy? Or you?
Kazuhira Miller: What should we do, Boss? Just give the order…
Ahab: You are right, he is not one of us…
Ahab: Paz…
Paz: Snake…?
[]Kazuhira Miller: At-ten-tion! Diamond Dogs! Even with Skull Face dead, our brothers are unavenged. And the phantom pain he brought us lives on. Cipher is still out there. We know they've planted spies - parasites - among us. Watch the man to your left, to your right. Assume nothing. Report everything. It's the only way to protect ourselves. From here on out…
Kazuhira Miller: You will be my eyes. The deadliest enemy's right here - in our midst. And they will get no mercy.
Kazuhira Miller: Even with Skull Face dead, our pain is still right with us. We need… we need more strength. We need more men. Diamond Dogs needs to be bigger. Missions have come in, too. We still have a long road ahead of us.
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you can now give the order to develop or dispose of nuclear weapons from your iDroid. With a nuclear deterrent, even if you're discovered while infiltrating a rival PF's FOB, most PFs won't dare retaliate. But you of all people know how dangerous it can be to have nuclear weapons. So, will you add nukes to our arsenal as a deterrent? Or will you take them away from other PFs and dispose of them to help build a world that's free of nuclear weapons? I'll leave that decision up to you.
Episode 32: TO KNOW TOO MUCH
Kazuhira Miller: Find and extract the missing CIA agent. The target was laying low with the friendly Mujahideen during the vocal cord parasites incident, but may have headed back to OKB Zero after the Soviets recaptured it. Check the target's VI on your iDroid.Starring
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Dr. “Huey” Emmerich
Old Diné "Code Talker"
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Guest Starring
The CIA Agent
The XOF Agent
[“TO KNOW TOO MUCH” mission briefing.]
Kazuhira Miller: The agent that the CIA had working for them inside OKB Zero has gone missing. We've been given the job of finding and extracting him. The target learned of XOF's plans to use the vocal cord, parasites, and had hidden himself with the CIA's Mujahideen m allies. But following Skull Face's death, the Soviets retook OKB Zero and all contact with the target was lost. He may have tried to go back to OKB Zero, but even Langley isn't sure what's going on. After all, they've never even learned of Skull Face's plan. That's probably what they want to get out of the man once he's extracted. But we can't allow Langley to learn of the existence of the vocal cord parasites. That's why I want you to bring the target out, Boss. Once we have him, we can report him dead and keep him on base. All contact with Langley is being conducted through a cut-out. Our reputation should remain intact. All you have to do is get the job done - just like always.
Prisoner: Lemme so home… Lemme go home…
Kazuhira Miller: Is that him…? Take a good look at their faces so we can ID the targets.
Prisoner: Help me!
Kazuhira Miller: That's the target. Looks like we've found him.
Prisoner: (to Ahab?) You know… you're all right.
Prisoner: Wa-hoo!
Kazuhira Miller: Target extracted. Exfiltrate the hot zone, Boss. That's it - you've made it out of the hot zone. No sign of the enemy. Mission complete, Boss. Boss, the target filled us in on what's been going on. He betrayed the Soviets, passing information to Langley, but got scared after learning XOF used the vocal cord, parasites. Then came feelings of guilt that his leaks sent comrades to their deaths, and fear that America might deploy such a weapon itself… But in reality, XOF and Langley don't have a collaborative relationship, and Skull Face was not working for America. Still, I can't blame the man for being afraid. After laying low with the Mujahideen, he tried to cut his ties with the U.S. and return to the Soviet military. But along the way, someone came after him and he was forced back into hiding. Could have been remnants of XOF looking to silence him. And you know the rest. He doesn’t seem to know much about the parasites, but nevertheless, it'd be too dangerous to hand him over to Langley or the Soviets. We'll keep him here as originally planned.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss… Come on back to base.
Command Platform
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, there's been an accident in the boys' quarters. A pile of steel pipes gave way and crushed one of the kids. The boy named Ralph… They tell me he died instantly. I'm sorry, Boss. It's my fault. I should have been keeping an eye on them… I'll let you know if we learn something.
Pequod: Gaining altitude.
Ocelot: Emmerich's finished development on that Battle Gear of his. Get back to Mother Base.
Battle Gear Hangar, R&D Platform
Ocelot: The Battle Gear is an armored weapon developed to take on hostile bipedal weapon systems. But unlike the Soviet-funded Walker Gear, the Battle Gear still hasn't been properly field tested. I'd like to assign a combat unit to take it on dispatch missions, so that we can evaluate its capabilities and reliability. Assuming you've got no objections, give the order to dispatch the unit from your iDroid.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, we need evidence to prove our suspicions about Emmerich. Head to the Central Base Camp in Afghanistan and recover that AI Pod. It's time we puffed Diamond Dogs of that traitorous parasite once and for all.
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
SIDE OPS Extract The AI Pod
[]Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
AI Pod: Life's end… Isn't it beautiful? It's almost tragic. The world must be made whole again. The Philosophers must be reunited. Just as I once created the Cobras.
Kazuhira Miller: AI pod launch confirmed. We'll pick it up. I wonder what kind of secrets are buried in it…. I'll let you know if we learn something.
Ocelot: Got a report from the Intel Team. Remember how the Man on Fire was crushed by Sahelanthropus? Well, the Soviets recovered his body. Could he really be dead? Boss, head for Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost, and secure the Man on Fire's body. If Skull Face was right, and a thirst for revenge can tum a man into a demon and keep the dead alive… Then this "Man on Fire" who's been coming after us ever since you woke up… Well, that just might be what's left of our old friend Volgin.
SIDE OPS: Secure The Remains Of The Man On Fire
[]Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Quarantine Platform
Ocelot: I barely recognize you, colonel. Skull Face used your thirst for revenge against Big Boss, did he?
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, I've updated the Mission List. We've received some new job offers. The details are on your iDroid.
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Ahab: It's raining.
Paz: Oh, Snake! What is it, Snake ?
Paz: Oh, it's Nuke! He's so cute. I haven't seen him around lately. Where'd he get to? He is the official mascot of Mother Base, so he should show my his face a little more. Want to know a secret? I saw Miller feeding Nuke when no One was looking. Meow, meow. Come here, come here kitty-kitty! Come here! Nuke? Nuke…? I'm sorry, Snake, my head hurts. Could you… let me rest…?
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
NOTE: Episode 33 and 34 are just more difficult versions of Episode 4 and 9.Kazuhira Miller: Boss, Code Talker's research has been stolen. The research materials have been packed into two containers and hidden in the jungle southwest of the mansion. Enemy extraction choppers will be there any minute. You have to find and retrieve those containers before they arrive. That area's being guarded by Zero Risk Security. And their client is XOF. If the choppers make off with the containers, that research will end up in Cipher's hands. That cannot be allowed to happen. One other thing, Boss. We need a cargo-capable Fulton extraction device to recover the containers. Use your iDroid to order its development and have it dropped in.
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Old Diné "Code Talker"
Enemy Combatants
Zero Risk Security
Guest Starring
Lufwa Valley Commander
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, looks like they're stepping up security around the targets. Watch yourself.
Kazuhira Miller: Guards… they must know where the containers are. If you can just squeeze it out of them…. Your targets are two containers. Locate and extract them both.
Ahab: Talk.
Zero Risk Soldier: A research materials container… is here…
Kazuhira Miller: I've updated the info on your iDroid. Take a look. The PF soldiers have no idea what's in those containers. Strictly a need-to-know basis.
Kazuhira Miller: Our early warning radar still hasn't picked up the enemy choppers. But the only a matter of tine before they arrive
Kazuhira Miller: Target extraction confirmed. That leaves one target to go. Take care of the next one. Boss, our early warning radar just picked up the enemy choppers. We'll keep you informed of their ETA. Hurry up and extract the target.
Ocelot: You can't go firing on the XOF choppers. If we attack XOF now, it'll be a declaration of war against Cipher itself. That time will come, but it's not now.
Kazuhira Miller: All right. Target extraction confirmed. We've avoided the worst possible outcome. Exfiltrate the area. Go ahead and call the chopper. You can also exfiltrate the mission area by land.
Pequod: This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude. Departing.
Kazuhira Miller: All right, you're out of the hot zone. No enemy forces in pursuit. Amazing. Mission complete. Boss, we got Code Talker's research materials back in one piece. The Medical Team has them under lock and key in the Quarantine Facility. The materials should help their research into the vocal cord parasites. Cipher won't be getting their hands on them now.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, about that AI pod you retrieved from Emmerich's research facility… Guess what we found inside. A corpse - human. The pod maintained a low internal temperature the whole time, and very little outside air got in. That would've slowed down decomposition. Still, the remains were mostly skeletal. Estimated time of death is between six months and a year ago. We put the screws to Huey about it. Listen to the tape. Turns out it was the body of someone we knew very well.
Ocelot: You ready to talk?
Kazuhira Miller: Anything?
Ocelot: Still living up to her name.
Kazuhira Miller: (to Quiet) How about you drop the act?
Kazuhira Miller: Who infected you with the parasite?
Ocelot: We can't let her talk! Put it back!
Kazuhira Miller: All I want's a name. That won't trigger anything. (to Quiet) Tell me! Tell me! Your lungs have been barbecued. There're traces of rubbing alcohol on your alveoli.
Kazuhira Miller: This was found adhered to your lungs - intact. A petal White Star-of-Bethlehem. The hospital… Skull Face sent you to Cyprus to kill Snake. You were burned inside and out. That should have been the end of it. But… All things considered. You look pretty damn healthy to me. We have Skull Face to thank for that, right?
Code Talker: I was the only one capable of applying them to parasite therapy - until he stole them from me.
Kazuhira Miller: (to Quiet) Why are you here? Did Skull Face send you? Or did you have your own score to settle with the Boss?
Kazuhira Miller: Refreshing? Salt water.
Code Talker: No! She'll die!
Kazuhira Miller: His life isn't yours to take.
Ocelot: Enough. That's Enough.
Ocelot: If she wanted to kill the Boss, he'd already be dead. Same goes for us. She's had plenty of chances. She can't talk, and she's not here to kill anyone. You're wasting your time. It doesn't matter why she's here, she works for you now (points to Ahab). She’s in love with the legend.
Kazuhira Miller: What makes you so sure?
Ocelot: I was the same way once.
Kazuhira Miller: What if she's a spy?
Ocelot: What if I'm a spy? Or you? We could go on all day.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss.
Ahab: Let her go. She won't speak, so she can't spread the infection.
Code Talker: (to Quiet in Navajo) Do you understand me? Do you… understand me?
Quiet: (in Navajo) Yes.
Code Talker: (in Navajo) The parasite - that was the bilagáana?
Quiet: (in Navajo) Yes. He told me to use it here.
Code Talker: (in Navajo) The language ?
Quiet: (in Navajo) English. But… I have not spoken it. And I never will. Never will. Never.
Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Code Talker: (in Navajo) The number one leg joint is loose. Hmph. Borscht again today. Secret meetings between the containers, in broad daylight? The ocelot’s aim is off today.
Ahab: Hey…
Code Talker: Eyes on Kazuhira. A message from the parasites.
Paz: Oh, Snake! What is it, Snake?
Paz: Oh, somebody took this while we were fishing. That day, I figured out that it doesn't really matter if you catch a fish or not. Just waiting for a fish together can be the most fun of all! Oh yeah, Chico got all worked up and almost fell into the sea. When they do some more fishing, tell me, OK? Nnnngh…? My head.. it hurts…
Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! One station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Ocelot: No. DD! Stop!! Snake?! Well, that would explain it.
Ahab: Sorry. Guess I've been away a while, huh?
Ocelot: Shouldn't be such a stranger. Sets a bad example for the men. And he gets pretty lonely, too. Come on DD!
Paz: Oh. Snake. What is it, Snake?
Paz: Gallo pinto! Amanda and I taught Cécile how to make it. She picked it up so fast. I was really surprised. I guess Parisiennes have cooking in the blood. Are Cécile and Amanda doing OK? I wonder why they haven't visited. I'm sorry. Snake, my head hurts. Could you… let me rest…?
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
NOTE: Episode 36 and 37 are just more difficult versions of Episode 15 and 16.Ocelot: Boss, retrieve the film canister our informant hid in Spugmay keep before he died. It contains vital information on Skull Face's plan. For now, our only clue is the garbled photograph the informant tried to send us before the end. We're working on analyzing the data, but there's no time to wait. A KGB Spetsnaz squad is after the target as well. go to Spugmay keep, and use the VI to lead you to where the film canister is hidden. It is paramount you retrieve the target before the enemy does.
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: You've completed your objective. Now get out of the hot zone. All right, you're out of the hot zone. No enemy forces in pursuit. Mission complete. Boss, I have a quick report for you here. We've discovered a radiation leak in the Laboratory on the Quarantine Platform. It's coming from testing equipment we installed the other day. Members of the Medical Team have been conducting research there, but we'll evacuate them all from the Research Block to the Containment Block next to it. Emmerich? There's no need to worry - no radioactive material has leaked, so the contamination won't spread. We just need to seal off the testing equipment. I've dispatched the Security Team to get the researchers out. I'll keep you updated.
Ahab: Paz?
Paz: Snake…?
Ocelot: She's been acting different lately. Before, she'd respond to conversation - so long as it didn't conflict with her… timeline. But now, nothing gets a reaction from her.
Ahab: What happened?
Ocelot: No idea. Well, Miller did go and tell her that Skull Face is dead. If anyone should want revenge against him, it would be her, but… It's not like an "angel of peace" to cheer for somebody's death, now is it? Take a look at this, too.
Ocelot: See it? Right there.
Ahab: Her wound is open?
Ocelot: Yeah. It was all closed up, but then it went back to this.
Ahab: Why?
Ocelot: The medic has no idea how it happened. He figures it must have been self-inflicted.
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod. Have arrived at LZ. Will stand by. Gaining altitude.
Paz: Oh, Snake! What is it, Snake?
Paz: One of the group birthday parties… They are something to mus look forward to every month. Miller was so funny at this one. When is the party this month? Last month's was… hmm? I cannot remember… And then I… no, that is not right… But… I am an angel of peace… I-I'm a student… I'm sorry, Snake, my head hurts. Could you… let me rest…?
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Paz: Oh, Snake. What is it, Snake?
Paz: The Costa Rican sea… it's so beautiful… Costa Rica… means… "rich coast." Please… please… set them out of my country… Them? Huh? Who was I thinking of…? It was… Umm… And then I… no, that is not right… But… I am an angel of peace… I-I'm a student… I'm so tired… I will just lie here a while…
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
NOTE: Episode 39 and 40 are just more difficult versions of Episode 5 and 11.Kazuhira Miller: The CFA are assembling an armored column to the north of Nova Braga Airport. Your job is to wipe them out. Listen to the tape for the contract details. Just be aware that the columns Commander served with 5 Commando and later made a name for himself in South Africa's 32 Battalion. He's a hardened veteran, so don't take him lightly. Boss, I have a report from the Intel Team.
The targets are now on the move. I've sent their predicted route to your iDroid. Check your map.
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa
Guest Starring
Armored Column Commander
Featured Mecha
Fire Support Vehicle "Stout IFV-FS"
Battle Tank "M84A Magloader"
Utility Helicopter "UTH-66 Blackfoot"
Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, we have new targets! Check your iDroid for the details!
Kazuhira Miller: Nice work, Boss! The targets are almost history!
Kazuhira Miller: Just one target left.
Kazuhira Miller: Good, you've completed the objective. Now get outta there. All right, you're out of the hot zone. No enemy forces in pursuit. Mission complete. Boss, as we suspected, the mastermind behind the kids escape was Eli. It's hard to believe, but apparently he'd been plotting an armed uprising against us. He could be hiding something else too. Ocelot's going to press him for answers. Get back here as quick as you can!
"Room 101," Level 1, Warehouse 01, Command Platform
Eli: (from the next room) Where is he? (coughs)
Ocelot: (from the next room) I told you, your father's not here.
Eli: (from the next room) They're back.
Ocelot: (from the next room) Yes, they're back. But don't get any bright ideas. Your quarters are under full surveillance, your weapon privileges suspended. No more uprisings for you. Did you really think it would be that easy, "Commander?" You'll get your boys back, see the Boss, too.
Ocelot: But first, I need to know what you sent them to do.
Eli: They wanted to leave.
Ocelot: To their homelands?
Eli: They wanted to go home. That's all.
Ocelot: So, they were just homesick then?
Eli: Not quite… Militia warlords, PFs, the armies that murdered their families. Cousins, brothers, parents… They all had someone they wanted to kill.
Eli: (laughs) I told them, "last chance to face the world with no regrets."
Kazuhira Miller: Last chance…?
Eli: You'd better be ready if you're dragged back here. Ready to face the world as enemies. (laughs)
Ahab: No!
Eli: I'm not like you!
Eli: Goodbye, father. I don't need you anymore.
Kazuhira Miller: Was Ralph really an accident? Or did Eli just rig it - to stir up the boys? Either way, he had to have been planning for this all along. Bidding farewell to the world.
Ocelot: Boss… We're looking for the kids and Sahelanthropus, but there's still no sign of them. We don't know if the chopper pilot is alive either. What have we gone and put in the hands of those kids? We don't know how bad this is until we find them. Also, regarding our “concerns” about Eli… I've finished looking into whether or not he's a product of THAT project. I have an answer. I put it on tape. Give it a listen.
[Ahab doesn't hesitate and insert the tape into his player. The record labeled The White Mamba 3 – Eli’s DNA Test.]
Ocelot: (on tape) Boss, we’ve got the results on Eli’s genetic tests and finally put this worry behind us.
Kazuhira Miller: (on tape) We used the PCR technique and conducted DNA, fingerprinting of the copied DNA sequences. Neither is mainstream science yet, but the concepts and procedures are sound. Both tests say there is 0% chance that the two of you are blood relatives. Meaning, the results are negative. He's not your son, nor is he your clone. He's just another person.
Ocelot: (on tape) It was 12 years ago that Zero made plans to clone you. Eli's age and appearance certainly are a good fit. I admit the first time I saw him I did a double take, but it looks like we were worried for nothing. Eli isn't your clone. Though you might still have one somewhere out there.
Kazuhira Miller: (on tape) But if Eli isn't the Boss's clone, why does he seem so obsessed with him? Not to mention having one hell of an attitude for his age.
Ocelot: (on tape) I don't know - learning the truth about himself, cursing the fact he's a clone, bearing a grudge against selfish adults, and coming to hate who he was cloned from - Big Boss. If that were really the case, I could understand it. I might even feel a bit sorry for him. But no clone could have a totally different DNA fingerprint. And the tests left no room for error. You yourself were there when we
Kazuhira Miller: (on tape) Come to think of it… when we went to OKB Zero, he’d snuck onto a chopper and, was there.
Ocelot: (on tape) Yeah.
Kazuhira Miller: (on tape) He’s acting strange even then… And a little bit before that time…
Ocelot: (on tape) That was exactly when we began these tests.
Kazuhira Miller: (on tape) Maybe he’s suspected something when we drew the sample, not knowing that we’re doing to him, and becoming mistrustful of us.
Ocelot: (on tape) Hard to say. Eli had an attitude problems from day one.
Kazuhira Miller: (on tape) So that is he then?
Ocelot: (on tape) Well, he’s not gonna tell us that himself. We’ll need to get him to open up more first.
Paz: Whah-! Snake?
Paz: Th-thank you… You were always so kind to me, Snake… Come back again, OK, Snake?
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Kazuhira Miller: About Eli hijacking Sahelanthropus… we know how he got it moving. It was Emmerich. He used the kids in the staff living quarters to carry out his repairs. We got the details on tape. You're gonna want to hear this.
Paz: Oh, Snake! What is it, Snake?
Paz: Chico… I wonder what he thinks of me. I have not seen him lately. Maybe he is angry… There is something I am hiding from Chico. Or… I thought there was… And then I… no, that is not right…. But… I am an angel of peace… I-I'm a student… Nnnngh…?
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, we have an emergency. There's been another outbreak of the vocal cord parasites 'on the base. Several men are dead. It started in the Laboratory on the Quarantine Platform, where that radiation leak occurred. I’d only just deployed the security Team… I've sent in a rescue team to help, but they haven't returned. Boss, I need you on this. Come back to Mother Base ASAP.
Command Platform
Kazuhira Miller: Here we go again… There's been another outbreak in the Laboratory - the Quarantine Platform. We sent a team to investigate and recover the survivors, but they haven't returned. Nothing on the radio, either. We've got a backup team ready to go. Just give the order…
Ahab: I'll go. Alone.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, what are you-- There's no need for that.
Ahab: We can't afford to lose anyone else.
Kazuhira Miller: We have no idea what's going on in there!
Ahab: Exactly. Anyone still lives at their breaking point. Last thing we need is another unit storming in. No telling how they'd react.
Kazuhira Miller: Fine. First off, check how much the infection has spread. Rescue comes next - after we know the situation. When you're ready to move. Just use the iDroid.
Kazuhira Miller: We have no idea why the parasite has showed up again… I thought we took care of it. We need more information. Find out what's going on, Boss. Select the mission on your iDroid.
Paz: Oh, Snake! What is it, Snake?
Paz: Futbol… I joined in. And there's Huey refereeing… He said, "We’ve forsaken our countries, and become one with the earth…" It is good being here together with everyone. You know? It was… umm… And then I… no, that is not right…! But… I am an angel of peace… I-I'm a student… Nnnngh… My head… it hurts…
NOTE: Episode 42 are just more difficult versions of Episode 29.Kazuhira Miller: Boss, let's go over the situation again. We've got another parasite outbreak in the Laboratory on the Quarantine Platform.
DD Soldier 1: What is this?!
DD Soldier 2: No idea.
DD Soldier 1: Damn it!
DD Soldier 1: What the…?! Shit!
DD Soldier 1: Stay back! Stay back!! Watch out!
Kazuhira Miller: We've sealed all the exits to keep it from spreading. No one's getting out. One of the researchers inside managed to isolate the parasite behind the outbreak. He faxed over his findings; Code Talker's analyzing them now.
Code Talker: Why this new outbreak, despite our inoculation? This is still unclear. Introducing the Wolbachia to the infected prevented symptoms during the last epidemic… The parasites lodge in the victims throat, forming a mating pair, but the Wolbachia turns the male to female. Two females can neither copulate nor lay egg's.
Kazuhira Miller: That's why the rescue team went in with more Wolbachia. But the outbreak still isn't under control.
Code Talker: They should not be capable of laying eggs… Yet we have a new outbreak, and the Wolbachia have no effect… I pray this is not some new strain. If it is…
Kazuhira Miller: …Then someone may have brought it here. If there's a spy running around…
Code Talker: For now, we must focus on discerning the outbreak mechanism. The cases show another alarming new development. It is now even more difficult to tell who is infected. The eggs propagate out of sight - no external symptoms. One who appears healthy, may be dying on the inside.
Kazuhira Miller: What the hell happened in there…? Boss. I still can't raise the rescue team I sent in. We'd know how to proceed if we just knew how to ID the symptoms. Finding that out is part of your job in there. Head for the quarantine tent.
Kazuhira Miller: Hang on, Snake. We've just had a transmission from inside. Here's the audio…
DD Soldier: It all makes sense now. I… I win.
Ahab: Where's it coming from?
Kazuhira Miller: Unknown. It cut off before we could get a fix. "It all makes sense." Think he means the parasite? No way to know, but right now that's all we've got. Hopefully he can tell us something. We’ll… have to close the tent behind you, Boss. Don't think the infection's airborne, but…
Punished "Venom" Snake
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Dr. “Huey” Emmerich
Old Diné "Code Talker"
Guest Starring
Diamond Dog Soldiers
Kazuhira Miller: Find the source of that transmission, Boss. Find our man.
Ahab: (in gas mask) You never know.
Kazuhira Miller: What is it?
Ahab: Something sweet. I can smell it even through the mask.
Kazuhira Miller: The rescue team reported that, too. Said it smelled like ripe fruit.
Code Talker: We cannot allow the infection to spread. If anyone shows symptoms, you 'must put them out of their misery.
Ahab: (in gas mask) That includes me.
Kazuhira Miller: Guess the parasites killed him. Don't touch him. He's covered in blood.
DD Soldier: Stay back! Stay back!!
Kazuhira Miller: Was that more of the message? We'll try to clean it up.
DD Soldier: H-Help me… Help me Boss… Help me… Help me.…
Kazuhira Miller: Another transmission.
Code Talker: I have analyzed part of the data that was faxed out. It appears even those who barely spoke became symptomatic. This must be some kind of mutation.
DD Soldier: Help me, Boss. I don't wanna die.
Researcher: Boss…
Ahab: What the hell happened?!
Researcher: At least… you're okay.
Kazuhira Miller: What's going on?
Researcher: I'm no snail.
Ahab: Damn it!
Kazuhira Miller: So he sent the transmission. Seems like he had a way of ID'ing who's symptomatic. But what was he trying to say…?
Code Talker: Snail… yes, of course. It all makes sense now. Do not let ANYONE showing symptoms get outside. As infection progresses, it triggers an overwhelming urge to get out in the open. That's the parasite controlling them. Once outside, the birds will feed on the infected bodies, spreading the parasite on land.
Code Talker: The whole world will be infested!
Ahab: No!
Kazuhira Miller: Light 'em up!
Kazuhira Miller: You have to shoot, Boss! We can't let them outside! Damn it! We can't allow any contagious individuals to leave! Shoot, Snake! Snake! Are you just gonna let the contagion spread?! Shoot Snake! If you don't, we'll have to torch the place! That's it… That’s good. Do you still have those goggles? If you see a glow in someone's throat, that means they are infected. And all you can do… is give them a quick death.
Kazuhira Miller: He's infected. Kill him, Boss. We can't save him now.
DD Soldier: Why me… Why me…?
Kazuhira Miller: I'm sorry…
DD Soldier: Please… Help…!
Huey: Snake, you just… killed your own…!
Kazuhira Miller: Emmerich? What the hell? Nobody asked for your opinion!
Huey: You expect me to just stand by and watch this?
DD Soldier: Help… Help me… Help… Help me…
DD Soldier: Boss, you came. Wait… Boss!
Huey: You're insane. Snake! He was one of your men!
DD Soldier: Help. They'll kill me…!
DD Soldier: Kill me, Boss! Kill meee!! Thank you…
Huey: You yourself said we're a family. Or was it all lies?!
DD Soldier: Boss! Thank you…
DD Soldier 1: Let go of me! I'm going outside!
DD Soldier 2: No! We're dead anyway!
DD Soldier 2: Boss?! Boss! Hey, let's let the Boss decide. We live and die by your order, Boss.
Huey: Shooting your own men… That's not the Big Boss I knew!
Kazuhira Miller: Hang on, Boss. Is he wearing a mask? He might not be infected. Examine him with those goggles.
Kazuhira Miller: Carry the rescue team member to the exit. He's the only one not infected.
DD Soldier: Thank you… Boss.
Ahab: Got a survivor. Unlock the door.
DD Soldier: Wait. I… I don't think I made it after all.
Kazuhira Miller: What?! You just checked him. Could it have progressed this quickly? Boss, take another look at him with the goggles.
Code Talker: He is infected…
Kazuhira Miller: I don't believe it…
DD Soldier: Maybe it got in through my wounds. They're waiting now. All of them. Do it.
Kazuhira Miller: I'm sorry, Boss…!
Kazuhira Miller: There's nothing we could have done for them. We're all grateful, Boss.
Huey: It's your fault! They're dead because of you!
Kazuhira Miller: What?!
Ahab: He's right. I killed them, with my own hands.
Huey: They were on your side. I'm on your side! And you turned them all to ashes.
Kazuhira Miller: They wanted you to shoot. It was that, or be burned alive. C'mon. Let's get this over with.
Ahab: Wait!
Ahab: I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. Plant your roots in me.
Ahab: I won't see you end as ashes. You're all diamonds.
Kazuhira Miller: We're not burying them at sea? What, then?
Ahab: We'll make diamonds from their ashes. Take them into battle with us.
Kazuhira Miller: A shining light to our brothers-in-arms. Even in death…
Ahab: We are Diamond Dogs.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss… I don't know how you do it. (losing words) All I could do was obsess over revenge… doubting my comrades along the way. But even after all we accomplished, the phantom pain never let up. If anything, it just got worse. But you understood that from the start, didn't you? From the moment you opened your eyes in that hospital. You knew it wouldn't go away… Yet, you've been fighting the pain and confronting your phantoms the whole time… Knowing full well that the battle would never end… not till the day you die. I respect that now… more than ever. It's an honor and a privilege, Big Boss.
Paz: Whah-! Snake ?
Paz: Th-thank you… You were always so kind to me, Snake… Come back again, OK, Snake?
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod! On station at LZ! Gaining altitude.
SIDE OPS: Intel Agent Extraction
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, one of our staff has been captured by the enemy. He was on the staff at Mother Base nine years back. Get our man out of there. Boss. To say he's a critical VIP would be a massive understatement.[]
Hideo Kojima: Snake… What took you so long?
Ahab: We'll talk. But not here.
Pequod: Roger. This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ. This is Pequod. There's an obstruction at the LZ preventing me from landing Request immediate removal.
Kazuhira Miller: OK, subject is in.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, you there? We have a problem. The staff have found out everything that Emmerich's been up to. They're right on the edge. I need you to intervene before things get out of control. Get back to Mother Base ASAP.
"Room 101", Level 1, Warehouse 01, Command Platform
Ocelot: Nine years ago, this man acted as accomplice to the attack on Mother Base. He then provided support to Skull Face. Conspiring with Eli, he repaired Sahelanthropus in secret.
His “research materials” caused the leak at the quarantine facility. Which in turn caused the Wolbachia mutation, letting the parasites off their chains. We lost a lot of good men. He also stands accused of murdering one of his own family, hiding the body.
Huey: I haven't killed anyone. The rest is all wrong, too. The inspection was supposed to help everyone! I sacrificed myself for my companions just as much as any of you… Why won't you believe me?!
Kazuhira Miller: The prosecution calls a witness.
Kazuhira Miller: Strangelove's gravestone. Haunted by her phantom.
Huey: It's just a machine…
AI Pod: Open this thing! Huey! Damn it Huey! Open it now! Please… Let me out… Kill me…
Kazuhira Miller: It recorded it all.
Kazuhira Miller: Everything… Everything you did living together.
Huey: How could a machine…?
Kazuhira Miller: You forced your own son into the cockpit of a Metal Gear. A test subject.
Huey: Hal…
Kazuhira Miller: His mother had to hide him away… And for that you locked her in that coffin.
Huey: She… She did it herself! It was suicide! …And even if I did, what right do you have?
Kazuhira Miller: There's more. We have you to tell us everything you've done - everything you've thought - all this time. Nine years ago you agreed to the inspection in return for Cipher's guarantee that you'd be spared.
Huey: I thought it was real!
Kazuhira Miller: We've reviewed into everything else that's happened since you arrived here.
Huey: Please…
Kazuhira Miller: Guilty. All counts.
DD Soldiers: Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!
Kazuhira Miller: We exist outside the law. What should we do, Boss? Just give the order… We'll handle the rest.
Ahab: Prepare a life raft. Big enough for one. Food and water, too.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss…?
Ahab: He's leaving.
Kazuhira Miller: You… He's responsible for… for all of this. Think of all the men… He didn't lose a damned thing. This is the enemy, and he's here - on his knees…!
Ahab: Kaz. You are right he is not one of us…. But we are not responsible to judge an enemy. He leaves Mother Base and that'll be the end of it.
Huey: Get back! Don't touch me! I'm innocent! You're the murderers! Snake, you should be in this boat! There’d have been no inspection if it weren't for your precious nuke! I risked my life trying to save you all! How can you do this?! Am I the only sane one here! I… My… It's not my fault.
Ocelot: Look… You can't discard your phantoms forever, Doctor.
Kazuhira Miller: Son of a bitch'll make it, you know. I can see it now. In no time he'll be telling tales about the black-hearted Diamond Dogs. The shining white knight. Blabbering on about our injustice, hiding behind his fool's idea of morality… And all the other fools will stand around, nodding with every word he says.
Ocelot: No. One day he'll see through the lies he's built up. Realize what kind of man he really is. What goes around comes around. You can't run from yourself forever.
Ocelot: Boss, maybe you've realized by now, but… There's no other way to say it. Quiet's gone. She pulled her camo stunt and stowed away on a departing chopper. After pinpointing which she took, we figured out her destination. After pinpointing which she took, we figured out her
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, I told you this would happen. I wish I could say "Good riddance." But Quiet knows too much about us. We can't just leave her out there! Remember what you told me when she first got here? "One of these days we're gonna have to kill her." "When the time comes, I'll pull the trigger." …I'd say that time has come.
Hospital Mena de Barranquilla, Colombia
Surgeon: Don't you die on me, damn it!
Big Boss
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Punished "Venom" Snake
Enemy Combatants
Cipher’s “XOF” Strike Force
Featured Mecha
Fire Support Vehicle "Stout IFV-FS"
Utility Helicopter "UTH-66 Blackfoot"
Surgeon 2: B.P.’s dropping! Intubate! Now!
Surgeon 3: Cardiac arrest! He's in V-Fib! Clear!
Surgeon 1: No response! Hit him again!
Surgeon 2: Clear!
Kazuhira Miller: How's he doing?!
Surgeon 2: Well, he's stabilized, but it took too long… he's in a coma.
Kazuhira Miller: What about him?!
Surgeon 2: He… He took some shrapnel - to the head…
—Friedrich Nietzsche
NOTE: Episode 44 are just more difficult versions of Episode 13. Episode 45… is missing.[Iconic The Man Who Sold The World by David Bowie is playing on the background.]
Nurse: (in Greek) Look at me! Doctor! Doctor!!
Nurse: V has come to.
Doctor: (in foreign language) Can you hear me? (in English) Can you hear me? Are you having difficulty speaking? Can you move your head? Just nod if you can hear me. Are you having difficulty speaking? Can you move your head? Just nod if you can hear me. Look up, please. Very good. Please try to relax. There is plenty of time. I need to tell you something. Please listen, and try not to panic. You've been in a coma for… quite some time. Yes yes. I know. You'd like to know how long… I'm afraid it's been nine years. Damn it! (in Greek) Nurse! (in English) Nurse! Calm down! Calm down! Try not to panic! Help me! Try not to panic. Now then… You'll be alright. There now. Just rest.
Nurse: How do you feel?
Doctor: It's been one week since you came to. Now, let's try setting you out of that bed. Nurse. Don’t worry. You've lost some strength, but we've been maintaining your muscle mass through massages, CPM therapy, and EMS. Now, I need to explain something to you, but you mustn't be alarmed. Nine years ago, you were injured - in an explosion. Upon examination, we discovered 100 and 8 foreign bodies embedded within you. In addition to shrapnel, we also found fragments of human bone, and human teeth. Most of it was removed, but… some of the fragments still remain… They are located near your heart, and in your skull. Look at this… The fragments are lodged deep within your cerebral cortex. We couldn't give you an MRI - the metal, you see. But even if we were to extract it, you would most likely suffer a brain hemorrhage. Mental and physical impairment are… unavoidable, however your current status is not life threatening. One more thing. This X-ray is of your upper body. You'd better look now. Best to understand your situation sooner than later. I know it's difficult, but please look down. It's best to see with your own eyes. Be brave.
[The patient looks first at his healthy right hand, and then sees the stump of his left hand. He is shocked.]
Doctor: (in Greek) Nurse, quickly! (in English) Try to calm down. Calm down. Please calm down. It's going to be ok. Better, yes, yes? Calm down. Yes. Better… yes…
Nurse: (in Greek) He's in no condition for plastic surgery.
Doctor: (in Greek) Someone surely already knows he's awake. He's in great danger - we must act now! Prep for surgery! This is ridiculous….!
Doctor: It's true, there are those who wish you would have never woken up. You should be dead. But you're not. The wheels are in motion. Your enemies are everywhere. We must alter your appearance immediately. Otherwise, I fear you won't leave this place alive. It's a wide open world out there, so there's something we need to take care of first. This is you - as you've lived until this day.
Doctor: I'm going to change your appearance - we've no other choice.
Doctor: Very good. Now, let's remove these bandages. Your face has healed nicely. To tell you the truth, these bandages were more for your protection - to hide you from those who want you dead. As of today, your name is Ahab. Forget everything. Your name, your past.
[A nurse standing nearby is strangled by a woman in military uniform. The doctor, not paying attention to it, shows Ahab several photos. He’s picking up pictures of Big Boss, Miller and Pequod. Ahab pushes the second photo away and sees that the fourth person in the photo is himself. The doctor offers Ahab a mirror and Ahab sees the Big Boss in the reflection.]
Doctor: Everything feels alright?
[The mirror in the doctor's hands starts shaking. In a moment, we see that the throat of the doctor has been tightened by slipknot. He pulls a gun out of his pocket, but it's too late. He slowly dies. A woman in military uniform walks away from a limpen body and speaks on the radio.]
Quiet: Not yet. The patient in the next bed saw my face… Of course. Consider it done.
[Quiet takes out the knife and goes towards Ahab, but when she sees the gun on the floor, she picks it up and takes aim. A second before the shot, another patient attacks her. They have a short fight, after which the patient starts throwing at her everything that comes to hand. One of these things is a bottle of alcohol. Tired of this pampering, Quiet throws a knife into the patient, then chokes Ahab. The screen fades and in the background, we hear the sound of a lighter. When the image is restored, Quiet is already embracing the flames. She desperately fights for her life, but another bottle of alcohol is thrown at her. Going crazy with pain, she throws herself out of the window. Ahab examines his new arm prosthesis. The patient offers him to run.]
Patient: Okay, Ahab, time to go.
Ahab: What happened to the woman?
Patient: The woman? I- we - gave her a light. She took the short way down.
Ahab: Who are you…?
Patient: Who am I? You're talking to yourself. Been watching over you for nine years, and call me Ishmael.
Ahab: What the hell is going on?!
Ishmael: Well, good news: You're in the land of the living. Bad news? Whole world wants you dead. On your feet, soldier - the whole place is coming down!
[Apparently Ahab can not get up.]
Ishmael: Need a little pick-me-up? Here…
[Ishmael injects something to Ahab.]
Ishmael: Nothing like a little digoxin to get you back in the game. C'mon.
March 11th, 1984 02:03
Ishmael: Follow me. Drug's not working? We're getting out of here. Move it! Let's take the stairs. This way.
[Ishmael brings Ahab out of the ward.]
Ishmael: This isn't gonna work… We better take the elevator. What the hell is that? Something's coming!
[Next to the elevator, the heroes notice the strange looking boy with long sleeves. The boy starts to fly slowly. In the corridor in which the heroes stood, an explosion occurs and everything around absorbs by flame. The burning man is slowly stepping on the heroes. At the last moment, Ishmael succeeds in turning on the fire alarm and extinguishing the flame. The burning man disappears.]
Ishmael: Calm down, you can do this.
[Ahab somehow managed to get up.]
Ishmael: The drug's kicked in? Good, let's hurry.
[They approach the window behind which a helicopter flies by.]
Ishmael: Hold up. Let's fix this.
[He puts Ahab's broken arm back on.]
Ishmael: Next time do it yourself. It's always good to try and mend your injuries while hiding from the enemy. Over there!
[The helicopter hover near the window and several soldiers get out from it. After a few moments, a smoke grenade rolls over to the heroes and they notice the glare of the under-barrel flashlights. It's time to leave.]
Ismael: Let's go. This way. Hurry!
[They crawling through the wards. Next to them we see one of the surviving patients. He crawls towards the soldiers.]
Injured patient: Help me, please!
[The soldier strikes him with a knife. Ishmael swiftly drags Ahab out of sight. Sitting under the bed, they see how the wounded patient is being killed. A soldier who murdered patient leaves.]
Ishmael: Let's move.
[Ishmael crawls away, and in the meantime, another patient grabs Ahab by the leg.]
Injured patient: Help me! I don't wanna die…!
[After a moment, the soldier returns and shoots him, then drags away by the foot and finish off. Ahab crawls out into the corridor. There we see a nurse carrying a wounded soldier and happily greeting the helicopter hovering outside the window.]
Nurse: Oh, thank God! Here! Over here!
[Her and the soldier whom she carried was shot from the helicopter.]
Ishmael: Time to walk. Press the Stance Button to stand up.
[Cross button: Crouch]
Ishmael: Don't get caught in those searchlights.
[Tip: Approach an obstacle such as a wall head-on to hug the obstacle and conceal yourself. This is called being in cover. Like hiding in grass or in the shadows, being in cover makes it more difficult for the enemy to spot you. While in cover, you can use left stick to move along the obstacle, or press the left stick toward the edge of the obstacle to pick out from it and see what is ahead. You can also press right stick to zoom the camera in and mark enemies from behind cover.]
Ishmael: Here they come. Hurry!
[L3 button: Dash]
[Ahab sees the soldiers shoot the next patient and runs to the door opened by Ishmael. When he is inside, Ishmael locks the door and block it up with closet. Almost immediately the soldiers begin to break it.]
Ishmael: Move! Go! This way. Come on. Shit! It's ugly down there. Turn back. This way!
[Ishmael leads Ahab to the corridor blocked by the patients and nurses. They go inside.]
Patient: What's going on?
Nurse: Everything will be alright.
[Ahab is pushed through the crowd. Suddenly the soldiers start shooting the crowd from both sides. Ishmael in a split second manages to drag Ahab to one of the nearby wards.]
Ishmael: Get down!
[The soldiers are leaving. Ishmael follows them and overhears their conversation.]
XOF Soldier #1: Anything…?
XOF Soldier #2: Negative.
XOF Soldier #1: He came in here. Keep looking!
[Ishmael returns to Ahab.]
Ishmael: We're sitting ducks. Blend in with the bodies. Get down on your stomach and crawl.
[Cross button (hold): Prone]
Ishmael: If you move, we're done for. Play dead. Freeze!
[The soldiers begin to examine the bodies. Having reached Ahab, they understand that he is alive. Suddenly, a burning man appears and soldiers begin to shoot at him.]
Soldier: Grenade! Take this!
[Burning man absorbs any attacks and kills soldiers. Soon a helicopter arrives and opening a disorderly fire with a large caliber on a burning man, after which it prepares to fire rockets.]
Ishmael: Damn it! Incoming! Move!
[The attack does not deal a burning man any damage. He undermines the helicopter. Heroes are trying to escape. In despair, Ishmael fires at a burning man from a small-caliber pistol with a silencer. Noticing the fire crane on the ceiling, Ishmael shoots at it. Burning man is extinguished. Ahab sits down on the floor because of a strong pain in his leg.]
Ishmael: Hold on. We'd better stop and treat that injury.
[Tip: If you sustain a serious injury, you will be able to perform certain actions such as climbing over obstacles for getting on your horse. If you sustain a serious injury to your torso, you will not be able to recover fully without first aid. If you sustain serious injury to your arm, you will not be able to ready a weapon, and in the case of your leg, you will not be able to sprint. In these instances quickly get behind cover and press the Action Button (TRIANGLE) to perform first aid.]
Ishmael: We'll have to take the stairs down.
[The heroes descend the stairs and enter the side corridor where they kill a soldier and take his pistol. Ishmael gives this pistol to Ahab.]
Ishmael: Know how to shoot a gun? Hold down the Aim Button to aim, then press the Attack Button to fire. Destroy it.
[Ahab shoots at a fire extinguisher. When they go on and stumble upon soldiers.]
Ishmael: Hold on. I'll take the right. You take the left.
[Ahab kills the soldiers.]
Ishmael: You are pretty good. Calm down, you can do this. Hurry up and get the program. Nice work. Let's go.
[Heroes go into the hall, packed with soldiers.]
Ishmael: I'll run interference.
[Ishmael throws a silencer and creates a distracting maneuver. Ahab makes his way through the soldiers and approaches the main entrance to the hospital. Ishmael is already on the street. Suddenly the Burning Man appears and soldiers switch to him. Ahab was going to get out of the hospital, but then the wall is ramming the armored vehicle, and from the formed passage there is a new group of soldiers. They meet a flying boy in a gas mask. He uses Telekinesis to chop the soldiers into bloody mess using the helicopter blades. After that, a soldier in tank shoots in the Burning Man, which again does not inflict any damage on him. Ahab tries to leave the hospital one more time, but he is thrown away by the exploding tank. After Ahab comes to his senses he sees the Burning Man walking towards him. He takes up the submachine guns and starts shooting at him, but after a few moments the Burning Man is hit by the ambulance, driven by Ishmael.]
Ishmael: Get in!
[Ahab gets into the car and fastens. The Burning Man follows them and become the Burning Rider. A helicopter appears and shoots the car. Ishmael is dying. Ahab takes control of the car, but it turns out bad and he falls into a ravine. When he comes to his senses, he discovers that Ishmael is not in the car.]
Outskirts of Xylotymbou
March 11th, 1984 02:32
Ocelot: This way, Boss. Hurry.
Western Ormideia
March 11th, 05:59
Ocelot: Use that bike. It's tuned up and ready to go. I'll handle the rest. Here.
Ocelot: That's your name as of today. You best change your face, too. This one - he'll take your place. From here on, he's "Snake." He believes it too.
Big Boss: My very own phantom, huh…
Ocelot: Boss, the whole world wants your head. Don't worry. He can handle it. Move now, quickly.
Big Boss: Aren't you forgetting something?
Big Boss: We'll meet again.
Ocelot: Right.
Code Talker helps create the U.S. military code talkers' cipher book.
Virtuous Mission.
Operation Snake Eater.
Death of The Boss.
The comatose Volgin is transported to a research facility on the outskirts of Moscow.
Code Talker begins his research of The End's remains.
The Congo Crisis is brought to a close.
China conducts its first hydrogen bomb test.
EVA disappears, last seen in Hanoi.
The U.S. Department of Defense successfully sends its first message using ARPANET.
The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) enters into force.
Major Zero disbands FOX.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo changes its name to Zaire.
The "Les Enfants Terribles" project begins.
Clones of Big Boss are born: Eli (Liquid Snake) and David (Solid Snake).
Big Boss parts ways with Zero.
Code Talker discovers a strain of archaea that metabolizes uranium.
India conducts an atomic bomb test.
Peace Walker Incident.
The U.S. and the Soviet Union agree on a general framework for the second round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II).
Mother Base is destroyed.
Zero hides Big Boss in a hospital on Cyprus and leaves him in Ocelot's care.
Skull Face is reassigned to Africa.
The vocal cord parasites are resurrected through reverse evolution.
The Ho Chi Minh Campaign leads to the Fall of Saigon and Vietnam's reunification.
The Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft dock in orbit.
The "Les Enfants Terribles" project is abandoned.
Eli is taken to Great Britain.
Zero suffers brain damage due to Skull Face's parasite attack.
An underground nuclear test site is discovered beneath the Kalahari Desert.
Bowing to international pressure, the South African government abandons the site.
Zero visits Big Boss, then disappears completely, never to be seen in public again.
The Iranian Revolution leads to the Iran Hostage Crisis.
Eli escapes his handlers in Africa and disappears.
President Somoza defects following the FSLN uprising, and the Nicaraguan Revolution comes to fruition.
Vela satellite observes double flash in South African waters (Indian Ocean).
The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, bringing an end to détente.
The Iran-Iraq War breaks out.
Fearing the ripple effects of the Iranian Revolution, Western nations and the
Soviet Union support Iraq.
Emmerich's first child is born with Strangelove. He is named Hal.
Operation Opera: Israeli bombers strike nuclear reactor under construction in Iraq.
A suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon.
The U.S. military invades Grenada.
Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov dies.
Snake awakens.
Civilian airliner carrying "The Third Boy" crashes in the mountains of Ukraine.
Quiet suffers full-body burns at the hospital on Cyprus, and undergoes parasite therapy to survive.
Skull Face dies.
Medic: No time for anesthetic. We have to open her now.
Big Boss: Noooo!!
Venom Snake: Boss!
Big Boss: (on tape) Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do? I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you, I've left my mark. You have, too - you've written your own history. You're your own man. I'm Big Boss, and you are, too… No… He's the two of us. Together. Where we are, today? We built it. This story - this "legend" - it's ours. We can change the world - and with it, the future. I am you, and you are me. Carry that with you, wherever you go. Thank you… my friend. From here on out, you're Big Boss.
The Olympic Games are held in Los Angeles.
The games are boycotted by Eastern Bloc countries as retaliation for the Western boycott of the Moscow Olympics.
Eli establishes his "Kingdom of the Flies" in Africa.
Gorbachev takes office in the Soviet Union.
East-West relations enter a second détente, and the post-Cold War period begins.
The Soviet Union makes a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Afghanistan plunges into civil war.
Fall of the Berlin Wall; East and West Germany are reunified.
The Gulf War begins.
Liquid (Eli) and Solid (David) are sent to the battlefield.
The Soviet Union dissolves.
South Africa acknowledges possession of nuclear weapons and simultaneously pledges to abolish its arsenal.
Formation of the Taliban.
The Taliban begins to gain influence in Afghanistan.
While commanding special forces unit FOXHOUND from a position in the U.S. military, Big Boss establishes the fortified military nation "Outer Heaven" in South Africa.
The Outer Heaven Uprising occurs, but it is quashed by Solid Snake, who kills Big Boss's phantom.
The First Congo War breaks out.
As a result, President Mobutu is ousted from power in Zaire.
The following year, Zaire officially becomes the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Second Congo War breaks out due to causes such as ethnic hostility and resource conflicts.
Zanzibar Land Disturbance.
Solid Snake kills Big Boss, but the Patriots revive him and conceal his comatose body.
Coordinated terrorist attacks are carried out against America.
Coalition forces invade Afghanistan.
Camp X-Ray, a black site for housing "enemy combatants," is established at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay.
The Angolan Civil War draws to a close.
The Iraq War begins.
The Second Congo War draws to a close.
Shadow Moses Incident.
Deaths of Master "Kazuhira" Miller, Donald Anderson (Sigint), and Dr. Clark (Para-Medic).
Solid Snake and Hal Emmerich establish Philanthropy, an anti-Metal Gear NGO.
Manhattan Tanker Incident.
The President of the United States publicly pledges to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.
Big Shell Incident.
The U.S. begins introducing nanomachines (the SOP system) to its military and affiliated PMCs.
Hungary revises its citizenship laws.
The new terms allow even those who have never resided in the country to become naturalized, provided they are a descendant of a Hungarian citizen and have knowledge of the Hungarian language.
Guns of the Patriots Incident
"The Patriots" AI system is destroyed
Deaths of Ocelot and EVA
Big Boss kills Zero
Big Boss dies
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) What was it all for…? If the Boss has some plan, what is it?
Ocelot: (offscreen) The real Big Boss is working separately from us, to create his new nation.
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) New nation…?
Ocelot: (offscreen) A military nation above and apart from all - the true "Outer Heaven." Something created to maintain world balance. Independent of the struggles for supremacy, for personal profit, the cycles of revenge between countries. It'll be an army all right, but more. Big Boss is building a nation. But… until it's complete, we support the other Big Boss. The phantom carries on his legend… his meme. That, is Big Boss's plan.
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) So that's the way it is. …Nine years ago, I thought everything had been taken from me. But now, I really have lost it all. The Boss, and the future we were building together.
Ocelot: (offscreen) One day, the age of Big Boss's sons will arrive. They'll likely want to settle the score with him. We have to shape that age. We'll each have roles to play. Building the foundation for a revolution led by both Big Bosses - the true one, and the phantom.
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) No… Big Boss can go to hell. I’ll make the phantom and his sons stronger, to send him there. For that… I'll keep playing my role.
Ocelot: (offscreen) Huh. You know… Sooner or later there will be only one Boss. There's only room for one Boss. His sons are fated to face each other someday too. If the day ever comes that you go back to Cipher, I'll aid the other son. And then you and I will be enemies, too. One of us will have to kill the other.
Kazuhira Miller: (offscreen) Fine by me. I'll be ready for the new age. Until then, we'd better get used to coexisting.
SIDE OPS: Secure Quiet
[]Pequod: Be careful down there, Boss!
Ocelot: Quiet should be around there somewhere.
Ocelot: Quiet isn't there? Could she have been moved somewhere? You see any intel files lying around?
Episode 45: A QUIET EXIT
Ocelot: Boss, we've gone over the prisoner transport log you found. Quiet was grabbed by the Soviets and moved to Lamar Khaate Palace. She's being held at Lamar Khaate Palace. Make your way there. They lost a lot of men to her. Can't blame them for wanting payback, but why did she just let herself get captured?Code Talker: I think it is time you knew. Quiet was carrying vocal cord parasites. The English strain, to be precise.
Kazuhira Miller: The third English pair…
Code Talker: Skull Face was using her as a vector. An ace in the hole if his assassination plan failed.
Kazuhira Miller: I knew it…
Code Talker: But, Quiet chose not to speak. She told me the situation in Navajo, the only language to which the parasites do not react. If you found out, she could not remain among you. And yet she refused the Wolbachia treatment. Why? Because part of her still wanted revenge. Against you.
Kazuhira Miller: Revenge against the Boss…?
Code Talker: In order to stay here, she took a vow. Of eternal silence. But then, that sudden mutation showed this was not enough. As long as the parasites were inside her, she couldn't predict what might happen.
Ocelot: And that's why she took off! Sacrificing herself, to make sure the English strain died with her…
Kazuhira Miller: Maybe. Or maybe she only wants to infect the world. Whatever her plan, we can't let her go free. The vocal cord parasites are the last of Skull Face's legacy. It's up to us to erase it. Boss, the targets are Quiet, and the English strain she's carrying. Your objective is to extract her, but if worst comes to worst, she may have to be eliminated. Both her, and the parasites.
Ocelot: We don't know for sure what Quiet's up to. But we need to secure her ASAP. She's being held at Lamar Khaate Palace. Make your way there.
Ahab: Let's finish this.
Ocelot: You're surrounded. There's no escape! You and Quiet'll have to take 'em out!
Ocelot: Quiet's able to flight. She's back to her old self.
Ocelot: Reinforcements… There they come! Enemy to your left. Boss, reinforcements are approaching. Get ready while you have the time! If you have mines, Boss, now's the time to plant 'em. Try to predict the enemy's route. Enemy dead ahead. Don't let 'em get close. There's more coming… Enemy to your right.
Ocelot: The enemy's almost finished. You can do this, Boss. Quiet's using herself as a decoy… To draw the enemy away from you. Boss, if you're going to protect Quiet, you'll need to attract the enemy to you.
Ocelot: That's an enemy gunship. Airborne enemy approaching! Look out! No sign of reinforcements. Almost done.
iDroid: Bo… do y…
Ahab: We're gonna have company. No water… No sun. Don't you dry up on me.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss! Do you copy? Boss, do you know where the landing zone is? Head for the LZ. Another mechanized unit is approaching your area. Watch out. Don't let them find you. Boss!
Soviet Soldier: (to his comrade in Russian) Ey, ne tormozi! (Hey, keep up.)
Pequod: This is Pequod. Do you read me? This is Pequod. Ahab, what is your position? We can't stick around any longer. Talk to me. Boss!
Quiet: (in Navajo) The Boss is here. Hurry.
Pequod: Ahab, I can't copy your transmission. Repeat.
Quiet: (in Navajo) Hurry. The Boss is dying!
Pequod: Again, I cannot copy. Can you repeat in English?
Pequod: This is Pequod. Ahab. Ahab, do you copy? Do you understand English? Hey, do you copy? We can't stick around any longer. We have zero visibility. We're gonna have to pull back. Cutting transmissions…
Quiet: (in ENGLISH) The Boss is with me.
Pequod: Ahab? Wait, who is this? Identify yourself…
Quiet: (in ENGLISH) There is no time. Hurry!
Pequod: Where are you? What is your location?
Quiet: (in ENGLISH) No, you're moving away from us. Circle back to your 8 o'clock.
Pequod: Copy that, guide me to your location.
Quiet: (in ENGLISH) Proceed to your 10 o'clock.
Pequod: Understood.
Quiet: (in ENGLISH) Come back toward your 1 o'clock.
Pequod: Copy, 1 o'clock
Quiet: (in ENGLISH) Shift slightly to your left. Now proceed straight. 1.5 miles. Slight right a little more. Yes, there you so. One more mile. Strong winds approaching, quick, adjust to your right! Left… A little left… Yes. Now hold your position and proceed straight! Half a mile to go. Pequod, I can see you. I have a visual.
Pequod: There you are Ahab! Visual confirmed!
Quiet: (in ENGLISH) Pequod, hurry! This way!
Pequod: You're…? I didn't know you can be so talkative, Quiet.
Quiet: (in ENGLISH) The Boss is here. Hurry Pequod, please.
Pequod: Boss! Boss! I gave you an antivenom…
Ahab: Where's Quiet?
Pequod: I… We've got to go.
Pequod: Let's go boys.
Quiet: (on tape) I did not choose to be Quiet. I wanted to express my feelings to you. If only we shared a common tongue. Vengeance was what drove me to them…. The only language left to me, revenge. But the words we shared… No, that was no language at all. That's why… I chose the language of gratitude instead, and go back to silence.
Quiet: (on tape) I am Quiet… I am… the absence of words.
Kazuhira Miller: You have the results of Quiet's scans?
Code Talker: Yes. As I suspected, her entire body underwent parasite therapy. The parasites compensated for her burned epidermis, and provide her blood with oxygen through cutaneous respiration instead of pulmonary respiration. In addition, they replaced the digestive organs she lost, and she receives carbohydrates through photosynthesis.
Kazuhira Miller: Was Skull Face responsible?
Code Talker: There is no other possibility.
Kazuhira Miller: Skull Face ordered Quiet to assassinate Snake, only she got set on fire instead when he woke up in that hospital. But then Skull Face revived Quiet through his parasite therapy. At the same time, infecting her with the English strain. That way, even if the assassination failed again, she could still kill all of us just by coming here.
Code Talker: That was the third English mating pair - correction, the first and only English pair to be carried by a person.
Kazuhira Miller: So, either because she wanted to get even with Snake, or because she was working for Skull Face, Quiet approached Snake again.
Code Talker: Though in the end, for whatever reason, she did not complete her objective. Some change of heart perhaps? We won't hear it from her.
[The scene starts on a black screen.]
Kazuhira Miller: The last nuke’s been decommissioned. It’s over, Boss. I thought this day will never come.
[When the image finally shows up, we see that Miller giving a speech in front of a formation of Diamond Dog soldiers.]
Kazuhira Miller: But, while we can rejoice, we must never relax. The last nuke was deactivated: that is a fact. But the knowledge that built it is still out there. How long the world remains nuke free is up to us. Will this moment persist? Or will human ambition cast us into the flames once more?
[One of the saved children laying flowers at the monument to the fallen, though it is not clear how he got back again to the Mother Base, because he left with Eli. ]
Kazuhira Miller: Our duty is to pass on what we've learned to the next generation. The memories, the experiences… The sins. Only when our children show the wisdom not to forge new spears… Only then will we be truly triumphant.
[The next scene start also on the black screen.]
Big Boss: Humanity, every one of us, has chosen the path of nuclear disarmament. Out of ethics, or desire? Government policy? Military strategy? Whatever the reason, it's our path, too. And each step forward makes it more solid.
Mother Base, Seychelles Waters
Medical Platform
Decommissioned Nuclear Weapons: 1
[Ahab and Miller leave the building to look at the ocean.]
Kazuhira Miller: The patients have stabilized, but there's no telling how many'll make it. The warhead we seized ruptured during transport. Recovering the leaked material exposed each of them to several hundred rads. Environmental contamination was kept to a minimum, thanks to their efforts. Heroes, every one of them. We've finished dismantling the warhead. The nuclear material has been vitrified and sealed away. It'll take at least 30 years of cold storage before it's safe… And even then we can't just dump it in the sea, bury it in the desert.
Kazuhira Miller: Boss, about Eli and his boys.Ahab: You know where they went?
Kazuhira Miller: We're still working on it, but the chopper pilot they had fly them out of here is back.
Ahab: And?
Kazuhira Miller: He said once Sahelanthropus and the chopper got out to sea, they split up and headed in different directions. The chopper headed straight for Africa. They made it about 50 miles inland before running out of fuel. The kids used vines and duct tape to tie the pilot to his seat before they disappeared. He was almost dead from dehydration when the medics found him. They left him alive on purpose.
Ahab: Yeah. They're calling us out. They want to settle this.
Kazuhira Miller: The Intel Team are using the direction Sahelanthropus headed and the direction the kids took off in to narrow down the search area. And with HEC helping out, it won't be long before we know where Eli is. There's just one thing that bothers me.
Ahab: What's that?
Kazuhira Miller: Apparently there are already men going around nearby villages asking for witnesses of the “giant in the sky.”
Ahab: Damn it, already?
Kazuhira Miller: It's clearly business as usual for Cipher even with Skull Face gone. They must've been dying to get Sahelanthropus back ever since Afghanistan. And if they beat us to it, they'll be getting more than that - Eli's carrying the English strain of the vocal cord parasite. We tracked down Eli and his “men.” They've spread the parasite across the island. It won't affect you if your voice hasn't broken, so they're safe, for now. Eli's driven all the adults off the island. Recess is officially in session. His own version of "Lord of the Flies." Only instead of a pig's head, Sahelanthropus. And it's swarming with something worse than flies. They've presented one demand in exchange for the nuke. Big Boss's body. Those kids've got a lot to learn.
Kazuhira Miller: Okay, Boss. The objective is to recover Sahelanthropus and the children - Eli included. Once you're in the air, we'll hit the island with napalm. Can't let those things spread. It gets worse. Here's the tape from when Eli took off.
Eli: (coughs) "Where is he?"
Ocelot: “I told you, your father's not here.”
Eli: “They're back.”
Kazuhira Miller: His voice is starting to change. Meaning he's almost a man. So if he's carrying the English-language strain… Wed if he starts showing symptoms, it's over.
Eli: I knew you'd be through here.
Ahab: You're not a kid anymore. You call your own shots. But at this rate you'll be dead before you have a chance.
Eli: I'm free to die however I wish. Yes… Free.
Ocelot: (undubbed) "Are you going fight the whole world?"
Eli: (undubbed) "And what's wrong with that? …Fighting the whole world."
Eli: You don't get the last word, Father. I'll break the curse of my heritage! And to do that… First I will kill you!
Battle ensues between the manned version of Sahelanthropus piloted by Eli, and the combined forces of the Diamond Dogs. Thanks to Snake's efforts in battle, Eli is finally defeated.
Due to Snake's head injury, the blast triggers a seizure, affecting his vision. He is sporadically unable to differentiate between red and white.
The player has limited control during this sequence. Player must use 1st person view to shoot the XOF soldiers. However, due to Snake's (and the player's) color blindness, Eli's red suit appears white.
Ahab: No…
Snake himself ends up shooting Eli.
Ahab: NOOOOOO!!!!
Medic: Gimme some room.
He'll be all right. The vest took the bullet.
Ahab: Get him on the chopper. We'll patch him up at base.
DD Soldier: Boss! He's showing symptoms!
Eli: I was created by Cipher. And I was the flaw. My fate was written in my genes. I'm the loser. You. All because of you. I'm not me. I'm just a copy of you. I will surpass my father… Destroy my father… Destroy… you.
Eli: I'll kill all of Cipher. I'll destroy your precious world.
Radio: Code red! Code red! We need to go fast.-How is it going over there?
Ocelot: There’s nothing you can do for him now.
Medic: Island's completely contaminated. Orders are to use napalm to sanitize…
Ocelot: Sanitize every square inch. Prepare to drop. We're pulling out! Move!
DD Soldier: Code red! Code red!
Eli: Live… Live!
Ahab: You're one hell of a soldier.
Eli: I will kill you.
Ahab: That's right. Don't blame yourself. Blame me.
Eli: (offscreen) Not yet. It's not over yet.
[Next scene. Ocelot flies over Mother Base with a sniper rifle in his hand. Miller speaking offscreen.]
Kazuhira Miller: Nuclear disarmament… Boss, we can't let this achievement go to waste. And that means we'll have to get stronger.
Mother Base, Seychelles Waters
R&D Platform
Non-combat Vehicles: 12
Armored Vehicles: 32
Kazuhira Miller: No nuclear program will go unseen. Someone manages to build another nuke, we'll be there to shut 'em down. Gotta love the irony.
Total Nuclear Weapons: 6358 (lowering to 0)
In the 1980s, there were more than 60,000 nuclear warheads in the world at all times. The total destructive power amounted to 1 million times that of the Hiroshima A-bomb.
In January 1993, START 2 was signed and the United States and Russia agreed to reduce the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads to 3,000 to 3,500 in each nation by December 31, 2000.
However, as of 1998, there still exist 26,000 nuclear warheads in the world.
Today, the Cold War has disappeared but thousands of those weapons have not.
In a strange turn of history, the threat of global nuclear war has gone down, but the risk of a nuclear attack has gone up.
More nations have acquired these weapons. Testing has continued. Black market trade in nuclear secrets and nuclear materials abound. The technology to build a bomb has spread. Terrorists are determined to buy, build or steal one.
Our efforts to contain these dangers are centered on a global non-proliferation regime, but as more people and nations break the rules, we could reach the point where the center cannot hold.
—Excerpt from the 44th U.S. President Barack Obama's remarks in Prague, Czech Republic (2009)
As of 2015, there still exist over 16,000 nuclear warheads in the world.
Venom Snake: I haven't forgotten what you told me, Boss. We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger. I have to drive out this demon inside me - build a better future. That's what I – (chuckle) what we – (not subtitled) will live as our legacy… Another mission, right, Boss?
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